SAVING BAREC A public presentation in assisting a community’s effort to preserve and conserve...

Post on 29-Dec-2015

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A public presentation in assisting a community’s effort to preserve and conserve it’s

heritage land in


What is BAREC, and Why should it be preserved?

Bay Area Research and Extension Center.

This 17 acre tract of land has belonged to The State of California since the 1960’s and was used for both

Horticultural and Agricultural research. It is one of the last remaining such properties in a place once known as

“The Valley of Heart’s Delight”.

90 N. Winchester Blvd.

Santa Clara, California

Open space in a concrete jungle

What is “The Valley of Heart’s Delight?

Long before the age of high tech computers and silicon micro chips, this valley was recognized worldwide for it’s unique soil. It was, and still is regarded by many to be the best agricultural soil on Earth. Because of the soils’ uniquely rich content along with the valleys’ Mediterranean climate; this area quickly gained respect for growing some of the finest horticultural and agricultural products in the world.

Since the 1800’s this property has always been used by the community and for the community.Originally part of a 40 acre parcel formerly

housing part of the Stevens Creek School, and belonged to the City of San Jose.

In 1886 Dr. Antrim Osborne started the Home for the Feeble Minded called “Osborne Hall”. The patients were later transferred to Sonoma State Hospital.

In 1921 The Holderman family operated a home for widows and daughters of veterans of the Civil War then referred to as Holderman’s Sanitarium, the facility was closed in 1962. The last remaining orphan was Eva Simpkins who moved to another home and later died in 1966, institutionalized her entire life.

Since the 1920s…..

The University of California has conducted research on the property.The primary research efforts focused on improving crop production methods, irrigation systems, nutrition and variety characteristics of crops, as well as crop disease control. Extensive studies on local crops such as garlic and chili peppers have tremendously benefited the Valley’s farming community.

Various research projects such as turf management, Oak root development, and especially composting research….

Other extremely beneficial research by

BAREC…Extensive research in soil management and studies of drought sod, and composting have been used by urban planning and developers throughout the nation, especially here on the west coast where water conservation is an extremely important element .

As recent as the late 1990’s studies on turf management greatly improved the care and maintenance of lawns both private and public uses in Urban Developments.

Michele Young of San Jose’s Environmental Services Department offers the following information regarding the importance of community information regarding San Jose’s partnership with BAREC research.

BAREC”S contribution to San Jose’s Greenwaste Program.San Jose formed a partnership with BAREC in 1998 to do composting

research. Although a greenwaste program is not unique,, the size of San Jose’s program is. It is one of the largest collection programs in the nation, which requires a significant market for the resulting compost.

The biggest benefit to the BAREC site was it’s centralized location. Not having this centralized site available was a great loss to the valley as the outreach is as critical (if not more critical) to the community than the research itself.

Although there is a tremendous amount of research and great demonstration being done , the results do not reach the intended audiences. Utilizing centrally located sites such as BAREC, provides a venue for research carried out locally as well as throughout the state.

One of the most important projects was with StrawberriesExtensive studies at BAREC

on the characteristics of this fruit and it’s relationship to the local soil has immensely proven beneficial to the central coast.

The California Strawberry production is one of the most successful agricultural ventures in the World.

California accounts for 61% of US fruit sales as well as 40% of US vegetable sales.

Other notable research projects include……

Oak Root Fungus (Armillaria)

Field Corn

Walnut Blight (Aphids)

Cyclamen mite

Brown rot on apricots

Mealy aphids effecting plum production

What about the historical Weather Station of 1928?

Originally created to collect rainfall pattern data used to assist the farming communities in San Mateo, Northern and Central Santa Clara County.

In the 1980’s The Department of Water Resources initiated CIMIS (California Environmental Information System) a satellite weather system that collected data which proved invaluable to to farms, commercial landscapes, public open spaces.

“CIMIS helps agricultural growers, turf managers, managers of parks, golf courses and other landscapes to develop water budgets to determine when to irrigate and how much water to apply”.

The need for water conservation in California cannot be under stated!

BAREC was also the home for Santa Clara County’s “Master Gardeners”.

Educate Children, Teach healthy eating habits.

Promote chemical free gardening

Teach Gardening as well as Composting programs

Emphasize the importance of water conservation

Knowledge is invaluable to home gardeners

So, What the *#$&@* happened in January of 2003?

Enter the BAD GUYS!

The University of California states that “over the past decade, use of the site has decreased as technology in agricultural operations has improved.”

As a result, UC has decommissioned the agricultural research station and returned the property to the State of California.

The State Legislature subsequently designated the property as surplus land stating that “no other State agency needed the property”, as a result the State of California’s Department of General Services made the property available for sale, lease, or exchange to local governmental agencies and private developers.

One Developer’s proposal for “in-fill” housing…

Other Alternatives which directly benefit the community…

Visitor’s Center in a Museum of The Valley of Hearts Delight, to include BAREC research history, an Interpretive Center sponsored by the Master Gardeners.

Urban Gardening Research Center which can educate the public as well as the private sector in the application and importance of Sustainability.

Horticulture Therapy and Alternative Medicine Center which offers educational programs in conjunction with the various local institutions of rehabilitation.

Job Training and Mentoring Programs in all aspects of urban horticulture and agriculture.

HEY! What about internship programs to assist our local College programs in Horticulture and Park Management?

There are several colleges in the area that have

expressed interests in using this site for urban research.

Santa Clara University

University of California at Santa Cruz

As Carol Shennan, Director of the University of California Santa Cruz Center for Agroecolgy states…

“if this parcel of land has the agricultural zoning removed, it would be not only a tragic loss to the community’s heritage and it’s future, but will also close the door to any opportunities we may have in the future to pursue other research and education work in the Santa Clara Valley.”


Barec was the only Agricultural Extension Center on the Central Coast from

Mendocino to Orange County.

The community is currently working diligently to have this property placed on


National Historical Registry

The Bottom line….

The community MUST persuade the City Council to keep this property zoned agricultural.

City Council Meetings MUST remain open to the public, agendas MUST be available for public review and discussion.

Residents MUST hold their elected officials accountable for representing the majority opinion of their constituents.

Community MUST get involved in such issues to keep a watch-dog focus on such local political behavior in the future.

For more information…..

All information, photos, and historical data shown in this presentation can be found

publicly at:

A special thanks too….

John Dotter

Kathryn Mathewson

Michele Young