Post on 02-Jul-2018

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I. List of Events organised by SCAD –DOMS through Entrepreneurship

Development Cell and sponsored by AICTE (Up to March 2016)

1. Advertisement has published to disseminate the training information to

the public.

2. Six weeks Entrepreneurship Awareness Programme from 10/02/2016 to


EAP was held from 10th Feb 2016- 18th March 2016. This programme

is highly suitable for the people who would like to start their own


Course includes

1. Developing Entrepreneurial Traits

2. Various schemes announced by the Government for start-ups

3. Preparation of proposal to Government agencies for Starting business and

Claiming subsidies and Loans.

4. Interaction with entrepreneurs

5. Visit to the nearby units

6. Achievement motivation practices

7. Management and team building games and so on.

3. Skill Development Programme on Internet Marketing from 30/01/2016 to


As per the norms 30 candidates have enrolled for this programme and this

programme aims to provide opportunity to the budding entrepreneurs to explore

the opportunities available in internet marketing. This programme includes

interaction with entrepreneurs who are in the particular field and field visit.

4. Skill Development Programme on Embedded C from 6/02/2016 to


Skill Development Programme on Embedded C was held in SCAD CET through

Entrepreneurship Development Cell from 6/02/2016 to 3/03/2016. Thirty

participants from the background of engineering graduates were benefitted out of

this programme.

5. Skill Development Programme on AutoCAD from 05/03/2016 to


Entrepreneurship Development Cell of SCAD CET has Organised Four weeks Skill

Development Programme on AutoCAD (64 hours training on 2D drawings) in

Association with CADD Training solutions, Tirunelveli. Centre Head Mr.Justus

Gnanasekaran has explained the importance and scope for AutoCAD to start own

venture and followed by various technical sessions and industrial visits have

organised to get the practical exposure.

6. Expert Talk on Successful Entrepreneur at SCAD EDC

Expert Talk by Mr.Chidambaranathan, Managing Director of Vasantha

Advanced Systems, Coimbatore has shared his journey as Technopreneur on 27th

January 2016.

7. Expert Talk on Digital Marketing

Expert Talk on Digital Marketing was Organised on 29/02/2016 by the

Entrepreneurship Development Cell and session taken by MR.P.Balasubramaniyam,

CEO of LocSea software Development private limited ,Chennai along with a

Instructor from MSME DI Chennai.

He explained the opportunities available in

1. Digital Marketing

2. Marketing Consultancy Services

3. Creative Advertisements

4. Adwords

5. Search Engine Optimization

6. Google Analytics.

He provided immediate opportunity to the participants to become a online

instructor , content developer and Adword creators in his own concern as a social


8. Expert Talk on Creative Thinking on 25/02/2016

Expert Talk on Creative thinking organised by Entrepreneurship development

cell of SCAD College of Engineering & Technology on 25th February 2016 in

Mechanical Seminar Hall. Presidential address was given by Dr.R.K.Suresh, Principal

SCAD College of Engineering & Technology. English club was inaugurated by the

delegates from UK and Australia and launched by the department of science and

humanities. Mrs. Kaye Swanton, Consultant from Australia, Mrs. Chris Kell, Student

Counsellor from UK and Mrs.Jenny Colls, Psychotherapist Director from UK was

the resource person for this programme. They explained the six thinking habits

and conducting brainstorming session to the students. In this programme around

165 participated from various locations.

9. Expert Talk on Business Thinking on 17/02/2016

International Workshop on Business Thinking organised by the

Entrepreneurship Development Cell on 17th February 2016 between 10:00 AM to

12:30 PM to MBA Students and the session handled by Mr.Andrew and Mrs.Kaye,

Management Consultants from Australia.

10. Expert Talk on Export opportunities on 22/03/2016

Mr.S.Jaisekar, Managing Director of Microbial Treaters in Tuticorin has

presented the export and import opportunities for budding entrepreneurs on 22nd

March 2016.

11. Expert Talk on Qualities of Entrepreneurs

Mr.Sanjay Gunasingh, Director of Bell Pins Private Limited ,Tirunelveli has

delivered talk on qualities of successful entrepreneurs and shared his own

experience as entrepreneur.

12. Expert Talk on Successful Entrepreneurs on 31/03/2016

AICTE sponsored Expert talk on successful entrepreneurs by Mr.Sundaresan,

President NELSTIA and Mr.Pradhap, Managing Partner of Hero Motocorp in

Tirunelveli on 31st March 2016

II. Awareness Programme on Business Incubators organised by SCAD –DOMS

through Entrepreneurship Development Cell and sponsored by MSME (Micro,

Small and Medium Enterprises) DI on 12/02/2016

13. Incubation Awareness among Engineering Institutions

One day Awareness Programme on Business Incubators sponsored by MSME

DI and organised by Entrepreneurship Development Cell on 12th February 2016.

This programme aims to explore the opportunities available to the engineering

institutions to start incubation facilities and support facilities to the start-ups.

We received registration from around 18 engineering institutions from Tirunelveli,

Tuticorin and Kanyakumari Districts. This programme was resourced

by Mr.Satheesh kumar, Deputy Director (Elex), MSME DI, Chennai, Mr.L.Kuttiraja,

Assistant Director, MSME DI, Tirunelveli, Mr.Mansur, Programme Coordinator,

MSME DI, Tirunelveli, Mr.Jayshankar, Assistant Director, MSME DI, Tuticorin,

Mrs.Jenifer, Assistant Director(Chemicals), MSME DI, Tuticorin

III. List of Programs organised by SCAD –DOMS through Entrepreneurship

Development Cell and sponsored by DST-NSTEDB

14. Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp from 21/03/2016 to 23/03/2016

Organised DST-NSTEDB sponsored Three days Entrepreneurship Awareness

Camp from 21-23, March, 2016. we received resource persons from MSME, Indian

Bank, CED-TN, EGC and interaction with successful entrepreneurs.

15. Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp from 21/04/2016 to 23/04/2016

Department of Management studies Organized DST-NSTEDB sponsored Three

days Sixth Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp from 21-23, April, 2016.

IV. List of Programs organised by SCAD –DOMS

16. International Seminar on Sustainable Urban Development on 20/02/2016

International Seminar on Sustainable Urban Development held on 20th

February 2016 and this seminar organised by Department of Management Studies.

Technical session was handled by Dr.Nicholas Falk, Founder Director, URBED

(Urban and Economic Development), London. Around 200 students from MBA,

CIVIL and Mechanical participated in this seminar.

17. Budget Talk 2016

Budget Talk 2016 was organised by SCAD DOMS. Agenda followed during the

Budget Talk on 1st March 2016 between 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm.

1. Highlights of the Budget presented by Mr.Baladevaguru Gurunathan,

2. Backlogs of the budget discussed by Mr.Paul SudaharSuganya,

3. Debate organised between the students.

4. session concluded by myself.

18. Placement offers

Offer letter issued by the Principal to the students who have placed through

campus interview in Reliance Communication.

19. Food Festive 2016

On 20th February 2016, Food Festival organised by MBA department.

47 dishes were prepared by the students and received 137 participants from the

institution for enjoying the festival and encouraging the students. The main

objective of this festival is to create the interest among the students to start

their own venture and to manage the enterprises. Investment for this activity by

the students is zero.

1.They took order from the members of faculty along with the amount collected

2. Required commodities purchased by the students

3. Other material for cooking procured by the students

4. Fund management done by the students

5. Decorative items in the venue done by the students

Finally they arrived with the decent profit.

this activity has to create the risk taking capacity among the students community.

20. GET SMART 2016

Organised Fourth Regional Level Management Meet- GET Smart 16 on 15th

April 2016. Management meet was inaugurated by Mr.Kapil, Manager of pantaloons.

we received participants from arts and science colleges and they explored their

skills. students won laurels and awards for their performance.

21. Data Analysis for Business Research ( DABUR)

One Day Open Market Observation and Survey (ODOMOS) at Pothys and

Reliance super market for my final year students.

Organised Two days workshop on "Data Analysis for BUsiness Research

(DABUR) and National Research Colloquium on 18th and 19th Feb. besides that

resource person for three sessions- viz.,

- Theory Driven Approach

- Activity Based Learning

- Practical Knowledge Training.

Research colloquium chaired by Dr.Sankar ganesh Professor of DOMS, Sri vidhya

Engg College. In total of 65 MBA students, Research scholars and Academicians

participated and presented their research findings.

22. One Day Open Market Observation and Survey (ODOMOS)

One day open market observation and survey has organized to the students

to get the practical experience. Students went to Pothys and Reliance Digitals.