Scalable and safe synthetic organic electroreduction inspired by … · RESEARCH ARTICLE...

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Scalable and safe synthetic organicelectroreduction inspired byLi-ion battery chemistryByron K. Peters1*, Kevin X. Rodriguez1*, Solomon H. Reisberg1, Sebastian B. Beil1,David P. Hickey2, Yu Kawamata1, Michael Collins3, Jeremy Starr3, Longrui Chen4,Sagar Udyavara5, Kevin Klunder2, Timothy J. Gorey2, Scott L. Anderson2,Matthew Neurock5†, Shelley D. Minteer2†, Phil S. Baran1†

Reductive electrosynthesis has faced long-standing challenges in applications to complexorganic substrates at scale. Here, we show how decades of research in lithium-ion batterymaterials, electrolytes, and additives can serve as an inspiration for achieving practicallyscalable reductive electrosynthetic conditions for the Birch reduction. Specifically, wedemonstrate that using a sacrificial anode material (magnesium or aluminum), combinedwith a cheap, nontoxic, and water-soluble proton source (dimethylurea), and an overchargeprotectant inspired by battery technology [tris(pyrrolidino)phosphoramide] can allow formultigram-scale synthesis of pharmaceutically relevant building blocks.We show howthese conditions have a very high level of functional-group tolerance relative to classicalelectrochemical and chemical dissolving-metal reductions. Finally, we demonstrate thatthe same electrochemical conditions can be applied to other dissolving metal–typereductive transformations, including McMurry couplings, reductive ketone deoxygenations,and epoxide openings.

The use of alkali metals as reagents forstrongly reductive chemistry has been lim-ited in the modern era owing to safetyconsiderations and immense difficulty inindustrial scale-up. The Birch reduction, a

flagship example, is one of the first reactionstaught in undergraduate organic chemistry lec-tures (1) for the rapid access it affords to sp3

complexity from simple feedstock arenes (2–5).Yet typical procedures call for the hazardous con-densation of ammonia or other volatile aminesas solvent, combined with pyrophoric metals atcryogenic temperatures. Milder alternatives havebeen reported that rely on finely dispersed silica-impregnated Na (SiGNa-S1) and Na/K (6–8) orvarious mineral oil dispersions combined withsuper-stoichiometric amounts of an expensiveand toxic crown ether additive (9, 10). However,these reagents either fail to access the same re-activity space as, for example, Li/NH3, or stillrequire extreme caution in reaction setup on ac-

count of the alkali metal. Perhaps the most com-pelling modern Birch application stems fromPfizer’s kilogram-scale synthesis of the anti-Parkinson’s drug candidate sumanirole (2) (Fig.1A) (11). The tandem aziridine opening and de-benzylation of the direct precursor 1 is a note-worthy achievement in process chemistry andengineering; it required the use of custom equip-ment to administer lithium metal, as well asenough ammonia to fill three Boeing 747 airlinersin the gas phase. At the end of the reaction,which was conducted at cryogenic temperature(–35°C), 2300 liters of H2 were liberated—anunderstandably intimidating occurrence.In this context, electrochemical reduction is an

appealing alternative. Indeed, several groupshave explored the idea of electrochemical surro-gates for alkali metal reductions (Fig. 1, B and C)(12–14), with a key report by Kashimura andco-workers demonstrating proof of concept forelectrochemically driven Birch reactivity (15).Nonetheless, electrochemical reductions havebeen hindered by a myriad of unwanted sidereactions that typically overpower the desired re-activity, including competing proton reduction,electrode passivation from excessive electrolysisof solvent, and diminished yields caused by ad-ventitious O2. Perhaps most telling is the factthat to synthesize 2 on process scale, Pfizer usedchemical Birch reduction rather than any then-known electrochemical alternatives. For Pfizer, akilogram-scale chemical Birch reduction wasmore practical to scale than any electrochem-

ical method, despite the enormous engineeringchallenges associated with the former. Corrobo-rating these limitations, our attempts to reduce1 using a variety of the known electrochemicalconditions were completely fruitless (see supple-mentary materials).Concurrent with these initial forays into elec-

trochemical reduction, the quest to achieve acyclable, safe, and high–energy density lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery has faced similar challenges,culminating in a better understanding of the rolethat additives, solvent, and electrolyte play in theformation of a solid electrolyte interphase (SEI)(16, 17). Importantly, the SEI prevents buildupof an excessive passivating layer at the electrodewhile enabling a more active and stable elec-trode interface under extreme potentials (Fig. 1D)(18, 19). Application of these concepts to Li-ionbattery technology is largely responsible for theirwidespread use in virtually all modern electron-ics, including smartphones, laptops, and electricvehicles. Inspired by this transformative technol-ogy, we sought to optimize electro-organic syn-thesis using the approaches originally developedfor Li-ion batteries (20). Here, we show that suchstrongly reducing conditions can be accessed in asimple and safe way, at ambient temperaturewithout rigorous exclusion of air or moisture,and can be applied to the most popular reactionclasses in this arena, such as Birch, debenzyla-tion, epoxide/aziridine opening, and McMurrycouplings.Electrochemistry represents a convenient way

to precisely select redox potentials for use inorganic synthesis. Anodic, or oxidative, processesconstitute the vast majority of commonly em-ployed electrochemical transformations and runthe gamut of C–Hoxidation (21), decarboxylation(22), oxidative couplings (23, 24), and olefinfunctionalizations (25, 26). In contrast, cathodicreductions (27–29) have been used considerablyless in modern preparative synthesis. This lowerutility is likely due to three factors: First, manyreductive methods are limited to divided cells,which can seem daunting enough to frighten offprospective users, in addition to the engineer-ing challenges they pose in setting up high-throughput screenings and scale-up contexts.(Note that divided cells are vitally important topreparative electrosynthesis, as they often allevi-ate redox incompatibilities and mismatches in-curred in undivided cells, but with their complexconstruction, adoption from the broader syn-thetic community has been limited.) Second,most electroreductivemethods rely on amercurypool cathode, a technique with extreme healthand safety repercussions. Finally, although thereare examples of other reductive electrosynthesesin the literature that demonstrate good chemo-selectivity under such reductive conditions (30),achieving chemoselectivity for electrochemicalBirch reduction in the presence of other electro-phores has remained an unmet challenge. Indeed,on approach of strongly reductive conditions (in-cluding those required to access Li0), most com-mon electrolytes disintegrate (31, 32). Thus,although accessing this extreme reactivity using


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1Department of Chemistry, Scripps Research, La Jolla, CA92037, USA. 2Department of Chemistry, University of Utah,Salt Lake City, UT 84112, USA. 3Discovery Sciences, MedicineDesign, Pfizer Global Research and Development, Groton, CT06340, USA. 4Asymchem Life Science (Tianjin), TianjinEconomic-Technological Development Zone, Tianjin 300457,China. 5Department of Chemical Engineering andMaterials Science, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis,MN 55455, USA.*These authors contributed equally to this work.†Corresponding author. Email: (P.S.B.); (S.D.M.); (M.N.)

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cathodic reduction is not a new idea, accessing itin a way that is both practical and scalable is agoal that has not been achieved. Birch himselfreported the first electrochemically mediatedarene reduction of toluene (with NaOEt/NH3)(33). Additional reports following up on thatpioneering study have appeared, including thekey report by Kashimura and co-workers (videsupra and Fig. 1C). However, all of these reportsexhibit narrow scope—Kashimura’s method islimited to hydrocarbons—and they require pro-cedures (e.g., continuous sonication) that are no

more scalable than a purely chemical Birch re-duction (12, 13, 15, 34–47).

Li-ion battery interphase design appliedto electroreduction

Accordingly, the current study began with anextensive evaluation of this prior art, of whichselect efforts are summarized in entries 1 to 4 ofFig. 1E (see supplementary materials for a com-plete listing) (12, 13, 15, 36, 42, 43, 48). To helpprobe the functional-group tolerance of theseprevious works, we opted for phenyl ethanol (3)

as a model substrate. The conditions reportedby Kashimura and colleagues (15) were chosenas a basis from which to launch more exten-sive optimization (entry 4); however, the limita-tions of that state-of-the-art method were clearlydemonstrated by the fact that the alcohol moietyof 3 completely shut down reactivity underKashimura’s conditions. To optimize, LiClO4 wasfirst replaced with LiBr because of the bromidesalt’s higher stability, affordability, and similarrange of solubility; however, only trace productwas detected (entry 5). An accumulation of an

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Fig. 1. Background and reaction development. (A) Dissolving metalreduction on scale is not sustainable. Me, methyl; Ph, phenyl;tAmyl, tert-amyl; STP, standard temperature and pressure. (B) Voltagerange challenges for reductive electrochemistry. (C) Electrochemical

Birch precedence. Et, ethyl. (D) Applying Li-ion battery technology tosynthetic electrochemistry. (E) Optimization of a simple electrochemicalalternative to Birch reduction. TBAOH, tetrabutylammonium hydroxide;tBu, tert-butyl; GSW, galvanized steel wire.


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apparently metallic substance at the cathodereacted violently with MeOH and water duringcleaning, thus providing an initial clue for fur-ther study. We reasoned that this material wasLi metal that had reductively plated out owingto the poor solubility of Li0 in tetrahydrofuran(THF). Indeed, similar events were observed inthe early days of Li-ion battery exploration as aresult of battery overcharging (49). To combatthis problem, several additives similar to thoseknown for dampening the effects of overcharg-ing in Li-ion batteries (including glyme, diox-ane, and phosphoramides; see supplementarymaterials for complete list) were evaluated, withtris(pyrrolidino)phosphoramide (TPPA), a non-carcinogenic surrogate for hexamethylphosphor-amide (HMPA) (50), emerging as optimal (entry6). Although the desired product was observed in50% yield, it was accompanied by undesired iso-mers and over-reduced species in ~30% yield.Unsurprisingly, varying the proton source hada profound effect on the distribution of thesecompounds. After an extensive screen (see sup-plementary materials), we determined that 1,3-dimethylurea (DMU) was the most selective forthe desired product (entry 7). As expected, re-duced temperature afforded greater selectivity(entry 8). Consistent with Kashimura’s findings(15), it was found that switching from an Al to aMg anode and increasing the current density onthe cathode (by decreasing its surface area) ren-dered the reactionmore selective and efficient atroom temperature (entry 9). It is postulated thatthe anode is sacrificially oxidized, and it is pos-sible that the identity of the resultant oxidizedmetal salts is relevant to the observed reactivity(vide infra).

Mechanistic investigationElectroanalytical and computationalstudy of reaction kinetics

With an optimized set of conditions in hand,the mechanism of transformation was exploredin a variety of contexts. Intuitively, one may as-sume that the cathode simply generates Li0 spe-cies (whether homogeneous, heterogeneous, orelectroplated) that are responsible for the ob-served reactivity, which in turn implies thatelectrolysis could be decoupled from the actualsubstrate reduction. To test this hypothesis, adegassed reaction solution—with the substrateand DMU omitted—was electrolyzed as normal,under an inert atmosphere at −78°C, to puta-tively accumulate electrochemically generatedLi0 species (51). After electrolysis was completed(1.5 hours, 5 F/mol), the substrate was added andthe reaction was stirred, with samples drawnat 30-min intervals (Fig. 2A). There was a smalldecrease in the substrate concentration over time,but no desired product or well-defined side prod-ucts could be detected during this time. Similartrends held true for an analogous experimentrun at room temperature (see supplementarymaterials). The apparent disconnect betweenputative Li0 generation and lack of Birch reac-tivity strongly suggested that a typical Li0 spe-cies is not the active reductant in our reaction

manifold. We hypothesized that, instead, arenesubstrate was getting reduced directly on theelectrode surface. To probe this hypothesis, weperformed a variety of computational and elec-troanalytical experiments.First, ab initio calculations (see supplementary

materials for detailedmethods)were undertaken(Fig. 2B) to compare the kinetics of the solution-phase reduction of 3 via Li0 species (red path,top) to the kinetics of the direct reduction of 3at the electrode surface at −2.25 V versus normalhydrogen electrode (NHE) (blue path, bottom).The reduction of 3 via the Li-mediated path ispredicted to proceed initially via electron trans-fer from the lithiummetal (Li0) to 3, forming theanion radical 3a and generating the lithiumcation (Li+); 3a is then protonated in the so-lution phase via DMU to form the radical inter-mediate (3b). This first protonation step, asshown in Fig. 2B, is the highest energy statealong the path with an activation barrier of52 kJ/mol. On the other hand, the electrode-mediated pathway began with the adsorptionof 3 to the cathode, followed by an electron trans-fer event from the cathode, to generate ad-sorbed radical anion (3aads). Both adsorptionand the heterogeneous electron transfer werecalculated to be barrierless. Facile protonationof 3aads resulted in the formation of the ad-sorbed radical 3bads, which could undergo asecond barrierless electrode-to-substrate elec-tron transfer to produce the adsorbed anion(3cads). Finally, the rate-determining protona-tion gave the adsorbed diene 4ads with a cal-culated barrier of 41 kJ/mol. Facile desorptionwas calculated to give the solution-phase product(4). Comparing the two pathways, these compu-tations clearly support superior kinetic facility ofan on-electrode reductivemechanism rather thanone mediated by Li0.To further investigate reaction kinetics, the

reactionwasmonitored [via gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis of quenchedaliquots] under standard electrochemical condi-tions at 5-min intervals (Fig. 2C, left). Essentiallyno induction period was observed, and no com-petitive processes were detected based on theabsence of side products. Furthermore, analysissuggests zero-order kinetics in substrate: Con-sumption of phenyl ethanol 3 and formation ofproduct were both well fitted by linear regres-sion [coefficient of determination (R2) = 0.99 and0.98, respectively]. The slight deviation fromlinearity observed is likely due to the smalldataset collected. We also studied the reactionrate’s dependence on current (Fig. 2C, right). Aclear positive correlation between current andrate was observed; we attempted to determinethe rate order via Jordi-Burés plot (52). Althougha first-order plot was the closest fit to the data(Fig. 2C, right inset), the fit was not perfect, sug-gesting that the rate’s dependence on current isquite complex. Nonetheless, the rate order isclearly positive. Taken together, these data areconsistent with a kinetic picture inwhich electronflow from the cathode, rather than any chemicaltransformation, is rate-limiting.

Although voltammetric studies on the electro-chemical reduction of arenes have been per-formed by others, the focus of these studies wason polyaromatics as electron shuttles, mediators,or catalysts rather than as substrates, and theytherefore did not elucidate the details of proto-nation and second electron transfer events (53).We thus set out to study the microscopic elec-trochemical steps using a combination of vol-tammetric techniques (Fig. 3). We initially hopedto use 3 as a model. Unfortunately, under verysimilar conditions to our preparative reduction,lithium alkoxides are electrochemically genera-ted at potentials higher (less negative) than thatof 3, thereby obfuscating critical details of theelectron transfer steps. Under the general as-sumption that a given mechanism (or set ofmechanisms) is common to all substrates, ourfocus shifted to naphthalene (5) as a modelsubstrate for voltammetric analysis under ouroptimized reaction conditions. Square wave vol-tammetry (SWV) of 5 (Fig. 3A) indicated twodistinguishable electrochemical reduction stepsthat are resolved at high frequencies [i.e., someelectron transfer, electron transfer (EE) process].This result is consistent with a mechanism in-volving direct reduction of 5 at the electrode. Itshould be noted that this two-electron transfercould occur either consecutively, before two sub-sequent protonation steps [electron transfer,electron transfer, chemical protonation, chem-ical protonation (EECC) mechanism], or with achemical step separating them [electron transfer,chemical protonation, electron transfer, chem-ical protonation (ECEC) mechanism]. To differ-entiate between these possibilities, we used cyclicvoltammetry (CV) (see supplementarymaterials),the results of which revealed that varying theCV potential window had an influence on thereversibility of the scan. This is inconsistent withan EE mechanism and demonstrates that thesetwo processes are separated by a chemical step(protonation), prompting us to invoke an ECECmechanism (refer to supplementary materialsfor in-depth discussion). Although elements of thedata are also consistent with an electrochemicaldisproportionation (DISP)–type mechanism, thezero-order kinetics in substrate (vide supra) isnot. Thus, an ECEC-type mechanism seemsmostlikely.These CV experiments also demonstrated

that without LiBr, the scans showed good re-versibility, highlighting the crucial role of Li+

in guiding the reaction toward the product.Combining this insight with DMU’s superiorityas a proton donor (see supplementary materialsfor other proton sources screened), we probedthe possible interaction between Li+ and DMUvia attenuated total reflectance (ATR) (Fig. 3B).We observed a complete shift in the C=O stretch-ing frequency of DMU from 1620 to 1660 cm−1 inthe absence and presence of LiBr, respectively,which provides strong evidence for a Li+/DMUcomplexation.All of these results are consistent with amech-

anism involving sequential electrode-mediatedsingle-electron reduction, protonation, additional

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Fig. 2. Experimental and computational analysis of the electroreductionof phenyl ethanol (3). (A) Kinetic profile for the relative concentrationof arene (3) in a control experiment involving pre-electrolysis ofLiBr solution and Li0/solvated electron detection experiment withnaphthaldehyde. iPr, iso-propyl. (B) Reaction coordinate diagram fromDFT computations of reaction intermediates for the reduction of 3 usingeither solution-phase Li0 mediation as an electron source (red, top) ora heterogeneous zinc electrode at −2.25 V versus NHE as an electronsource (blue, bottom). TSET1, transition state for electron transfer 1; TSPT1,

transition state for proton transfer 1; TSPT2, transition state for protontransfer 2; TSads, transition state for adsorption; NB, no barrier; RDS,rate-determining step; “ads” superscripts refer to adsorbed species.(C) (Left) Plot of yield of 4 generated per time under the standardreaction conditions, indicating zero-order kinetics with respect to boththe formation of 4 and consumption of 3. Final yield of 4 is 70%. (Right)Plot of yield of 4 generated per time under varying current. (Inset)Jordi-Burés analysis of current rate dependence, showing currentdependence that approximates first-order kinetics.


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electrode-mediated reduction, and a final pro-tonation (Fig. 3C). The ability of Li+ to form arelatively strong coordinative complex to DMUmay be critical to colocalize DMU and the radicalanion of 5 (Fig. 3D, top). To support this hypo-thesis for the role of Li+ in the reactionmanifold,we conducted control experiments with NaBrand KBr in place of LiBr. Although no reactionwas observed, the inherent insolubility of thesesalts substantially altered the resistivity of thesolution, thus thwarting direct comparisons tothe LiBr system. Nonetheless, more soluble sur-rogates of these non-lithium cations, such as NaI,did not afford any product.Regardless of the nuanced role of Li+ in the

reaction, these studies conclusively show thatLi0 does not play a role as a direct solution-phase

arene reductant. Furthermore, on treating a pre-electrolyzed LiBr solution (at −78°C) with amorereductively labile aldehyde, we did not observeany of the reduced alcohol or pinacol products(see Fig. 2A and supplementarymaterials). Thesedata rule out the mechanistic possibility of sol-vated electrons as the active reductant. Prelimi-nary investigations into the rate laws of thereaction show a complicated kinetic picturewhere multiple pathways may be operative;more detailed studies on the mechanism andkinetics of this reaction manifold are ongoingin our laboratories.

Electrode surface interrogation

The addition of TPPA to the 5/DMU/LiBr so-lution does not result in the increased electron

transfer rates that would be expected of electro-chemical mediation through Li+/0. This suggeststhat the role of TPPA may not be intrinsicallytied to the mechanistic cycle but instead may beinvolved in ancillary electrochemical processes(Fig. 3C). Structurally similar molecules (such asHMPA) have been employed in Li-ion batteriesto aid in dissolving Li2O layers formed at the elec-trode interface (54). With this in mind, the spe-ciation at the electrode surface was investigatedusing x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS).In general, a major problem with electro-

organic synthesis under extreme reductive po-tentials is the formation of thick passivationlayers on the electrode surface that inhibit prod-uct formation and lead to extensive side prod-ucts. Evidence of this passivation in our system

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Fig. 3. Electrochemical data used to determine the role of various reaction components. (A) Comparative SWVs of 1 mM naphthalene (5) at 10 Hz(blue) and 100 Hz (red). (B) ATR–infrared (IR) spectrum of DMU with and without LiBr (blue and red, respectively). (C) Scheme of the proposedmechanism of electrochemical Birch reduction. (D) Proposed intermediate preceding the protonation.


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was demonstrated in the absence of TPPA, asshown in the supplementary materials. Althoughoptimized conditions still evidenced a thin filmon the electrode surface (see supplementarymaterials), this film ceased to grow within min-utes and appeared to stabilize along the work-ing electrode. XPS analysis revealed Mg, P, N,and large amounts of lithium deposited on theelectrode surface, as well as increased levels ofoxygen and carbon; detailed analysis of thespectra is provided in the supplementary mate-rials. The observed Li, O, and C are likely aresult of THF decomposition to form Li alkox-

ide (55). Surprisingly, zinc was still observed inthe postreaction film, providing evidence thatthe underlying electrode material is still acces-sible to the bulk solution. The film may alsobe involved in both forming a stable SEI andproviding an active electrode surface for the re-action. Although the exact mechanisms of filmgrowth and suppression are not yet known, it isclear that all system components are incorpo-rated into the film and may cooperatively main-tain electrode activity.Finally, given our use of a sacrificial anode

and its putative generation of magnesium salts

during the reaction, we also probed the possiblerole of anode-derived magnesium salts in thereaction mechanism. We found that addition ofstoichiometric and super-stoichiometric amountsof MgBr2•Et2O under our electrochemical pro-tocol not only gave the desired diene 4 in adiminished yield (30% versus 74%) but also gavean overall lower consumption of 3 (see supple-mentary materials). In addition, we observedthat, in the absence of stirring, diminished yieldscould be correlated with decreased distancesbetween the cathode and anode, suggestingthat diffusion of metal salts from the anode is

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Fig. 4. Scope of the electrochemical Birch reaction, encompassing arenes and heterocycles, and comparison to other modern Birch alternatives.NR, no reaction.


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deleterious to the reaction. Although we can-not fully rule out that these metallic ions aremechanistically relevant, given the deleteriousnature of Mg salts to the overall reaction, wehypothesize that any exogenous salts genera-ted under the electrochemical conditions aremost likely not mechanistically critical.

Applications to complex substrates

As shown in Fig. 4, the electroreduction exhib-ited a broad scope across a range of differentarenes. Under optimized conditions, every arylgroup within a given polyarene was efficientlyreduced (6 and 7)—an achievement not accom-plished by ammonia-free variants (e.g., SiGNa)(8), other dispersions (10), or more weakly reduc-

tive conditions (56). Simple arenes proved facile(8 and 9), as did aryl ethers, including those withboth meta and para substituents (10 and 11).Silyl ethers performed well (12 and 13), despitetheir conspicuous absence from other ammonia-free alternatives. The utility of these modularintermediates is evident from the large body ofliterature in which they appear (57). Consistentwith reactivity of the classical Birch, alcohol andketone-containing arenes (4, 14, and 15) werereduced in good yields (accompanied by the anti-cipated ketone reduction). Carbamate (16), amide(17), carboxylic acid (18, 19, 21, and 22), andsilane (23) functionalities were also preserved inthe reduction of the aryl group. Even a stericallyguarded substrate, 1,3,5-tri-tert-butylbenzene, could

be reduced efficiently (20). Benzoic acids werefurnished in moderate yields (18 and 19); to ourknowledge, this substrate class has historicallybeen restricted to standard Birch conditions. Theoperational simplicity of this chemistry is dis-played in the Birch reduction of substrate 3;when no precautions were taken to exclude airor moisture, the reaction resulted in a similarconversion (68%).Heterocyclic arenes, which are rarely sub-

jected to Birch reductions, proved viable sub-strates. Indazole (24), indole (25, 26, and 27),carbazole (28), acridine (29 and 30), and quin-oline (31) moieties could be reduced on the car-bocyclic ring in preference to the heterocycle, areactivity only possible under a few classic Birch

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Fig. 5. Scope of other reductive electro-organic transformations. (A) Scope of the electrochemical reduction in a variety of other reactions.R1, alkyl or aryl; X, halide or pseudohalide; LG, leaving group; Boc, butoxycarbonyl; DBB, di-tert-butylbiphenyl. (B) Modular scale-up of Birchreduction in flow. OTBS, tert-butyldimethylsiloxy.


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conditions. SiGNa-S1 failed in all the examplestested (Fig. 4), and Na-dispersion/15-crown-5(Na-disp./15-c-5) mixture gave only partial con-version with prolonged reaction times on somesubstrates.The mildness of the reaction conditions was

demonstrated via application to more complexnatural products. Thus, chemo- and regio-selective reduction gave access to the 1,4-dienylderivatives of dextromethorphan (32), dehydroa-bietic acid (33), and estrone methyl ether (34).Overall, this methodology was competitive to thechemical Birch using lithium metal (see supple-mentary materials for the referenced literaturecomparisons).More broadly, the chemistry of dissolving

metals has been applied to a wide range of re-ductive transformations, including ring openingand closing (58), protecting group removal, andtransition metal–mediated reactions, amongothers. However, because of the poor solubilityof alkali metals in reductively inert solvents (e.g.,THF), these reactions have required either theuse of ammonia as a cosolvent or the aid ofpolyaromatic hydrocarbons to act as electronshuttles (59). In contrast, generation of reductivepotential can be precisely controlled in electro-chemical systems; as a result, the limitationsassociated with bulk Li metal are eliminated.Encouraged by this realization, we began to ex-plore the utility of our electroreduction protocolfor non-Birch reductive transformations (Fig.5A). Ether debenzylation proceeded smoothly(35→36) without competitive reduction of themore electron-rich arene (in accord with Birchguidelines). Similarly, reductive deoxygenationwas accomplished on fluorenone (37→38). Re-ductive cyclization (39→40), similar to an ap-proach demonstrated by Wolckenhauer andRychnovsky (60), was successfully achieved. Ringopening of an epoxide (41→42) was facile, aswas furan ring opening (43→44). Remarkably,McMurry couplings (45→46) could also be ac-complished at room temperature. Returning tothe sumanirole example outlined in Fig. 1, thesame transformation was readily achieved atroom temperature in 2 hours (1→2, 67% yield).It is worth noting that the most practical Birchalternatives available (SiGNa-S1 and Na-disp./15-c-5) failed to deliver any product, as did allattempts to use previously reported electrochem-ical methods (see supplementary materials).Finally, the scalability of the protocol was

demonstrated in both batch and flow on 12 (thedirect precursor to a key Pfizer intermediate),without any loss in efficiency. The modular flowsetup (Fig. 5B) is simple and allows an increasein scale by several orders of magnitude in a safeand sustainable fashion. Indeed, the very sametransformation could be achieved in flow on 100-gscale, without major changes to the protocol,special anhydrous precautions, or loss in yield.Reductive electrochemical synthesis has been

an approach discussed in the literature for nearlya century. Despite its obvious conceptual appeal,adoption of preparative methods in this subfieldhas been extremely limited because of issues re-

lated to pragmatism and chemoselectivity. In-spired by Li-ion battery technology, we havedeveloped a general set of electrochemical reduc-tive conditions and demonstrated its practicality,safety, scalability, and chemoselectivity. Webelieve that inspiration from the fast-evolvingresearch areas of battery technologies and elec-troactive materials will have an important im-pact in synthetic organic electrochemistry, inways such as the discovery of new oxidative andreductive mediators, milder access to harsh re-ducing agents, and generation of low-valent cat-alytic systems based on transition metals.


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We thank W. Qiao for assistance in setting up scale-up reactions.We also thank D. Blackmond for assistance in interpreting thekinetics data. Funding: Financial support for this work wasprovided by NSF (CCI Phase 1 grant 1740656) to M.N., S.D.M.,and P.S.B. Financial support was also provided by Pfizer andAsymchem. B.K.P. and K.X.R. acknowledge the SwedishResearch Council (Vetenskapsrådet, VR 2017-00362) andNational Institutes of Health (PA-18-586), respectively, forfunding their postdoc fellowships. Y.K. acknowledges theHewitt Foundation for a postdoctoral fellowship. S.H.R.acknowledges an NSF GRFP (#2017237151) and a Donaldand Delia Baxter Fellowship. Author contributions: B.K.P.and P.S.B. conceived of the project. B.K.P., K.X.R., S.H.R.,S.B.B., D.P.H., Y.K., M.C., J.S., S.U., K.K., T.J.G., S.L.A., M.N.,S.D.M., and P.S.B. designed the experiments. B.K.P., K.X.R.,S.H.R., S.B.B., D.P.H., L.C., S.U., and K.K. ran the experiments.B.K.P., K.X.R., S.H.R., S.B.B., D.P.H., Y.K., M.C., J.S., S.U.,K.K., T.J.G., S.L.A., M.N., S.D.M., and P.S.B. analyzed the data.B.K.P., K.X.R., S.H.R., D.P.H., S.U., M.N., S.D.M., and P.S.B.wrote the manuscript. Competing interests: P.S.B. serveson a scientific advisory panel for Asymchem. Data andmaterials availability: Detailed experimental and analyticalprocedures and full spectral data are available in thesupplementary materials.

SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS and MethodsSupplementary TextFigs. S1 to S83Tables S1 to S7NMR SpectraReferences (61–112)

28 September 2018; accepted 23 January 201910.1126/science.aav5606

Peters et al., Science 363, 838–845 (2019) 22 February 2019 8 of 8


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