Scavi & Ray Prosecco...MoodBoard for the Target Audience Scavi & Ray Prosecco MoodBoard for the...

Post on 30-Aug-2020

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Scavi & Ray ProseccoResearch, ideas and development

Scavi & Ray ProseccoMoodBoard for the Target Audience

Scavi & Ray ProseccoMoodBoard for the Company

Scavi & Ray ProseccoFashion influenced bottle designs

Scavi & Ray ProductsAdverts, posters, designs and products

Scavi & Ray’s advertising sector have stayed with and used the same style and designs throughout of their whole campaign. Using the dark textured background works well against the sparkling bottles and glasses of prosecco.The style the campaign portrays is smart yet elegant. The colour black shows of the brand to be bold, powerful and rich, as well using the colour grey for the pattern which shows maturity and stability. The use of these colours are cleverly put together to help label the brand itself. The elegant factor of the brand is directed at the young fun, outgoing women their trying to design and aim their product towards.

Inital ResearchAdvertisements and posters

This line illustration with the solid image bottles collaged inside caught my attention because its something different, something simple yet still appealing to the eye. This is another style I could work in keeping it simple and just attracting all the attention to the solid image of the prosecco bottle.

These are just a few drink adverts and posters that I think the style of and think I could work in this way too. The white outline of the bottle then the colourful background works perfectly and is something I would like the do but with collaging fashion images as well as images that relate to the company ‘Scavi & Ray’ itself.

Inital ResearchFashion show week posters

Fashion plays a huge part in the prosecco range, It also presents the London Fashion Week every year. These styles of fashion adverts are perfect for what I would like to achvive. The ‘Dior’ ‘Louis Vuition’ and ‘Mc’ posters all follow the same flower collage with dark colouring. This is something I would like the try myself, the collage technique works perfectly. Where as the London Fashon Week poster also catches my eye with the use of negative white space.

Inital ResearchScavi & Ray background Research

Prosecco is an Italian sparkling wine from strictly defined areas north of Venice. Prosecco can’t come from any other country or area – Cava is from Spain and Champagne is from France. Prosecco is only produced in the regions of Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia in the hills north of Treviso.With an attractive pale straw colour and intense fruity aromas, prosecco is light, fresh and very refreshing. There are two main styles of prosecco which are differentiated by carbonation level: ‘frizzante’ is lightly sparkling and ‘spumante’is a fully sparkling product. The easy-to-drink taste of prosecco also provides the perfect base for refreshing cocktails such as Bellinis. The prosecco category has grown rapidly in recent years in the UK, with over 50% growth in 2013. Many drinkers now prefer the more refreshing, fruity flavour versus “heavier” champagne products. Prosecco has lightness of taste and personality; it is fun not pretentious, much more about sociability, style and enjoyment ratherthan tradition and formal occasions.

Inital ResearchScavi & Ray the brand Research

The brand was first created by Joe Scavi & Carlucci Ray from the white Glera grapes which areharvested from vines situated in the hills of the Veneto area. All Scavi & Ray Prosecco is developed and approved by Marcus Del Monego, the first person to hold the titles of Sommelier World Champion & Master of Wine. In his tasting notes, Marcus describes the Scavi & Ray prosecco as a fresh and delicate fruity aroma with a lively sparkle, golden colour and dry finish. The perfect serving temperature is between 8-10 degrees.

The Scavi & Ray range includes Prosecco, Rosato (rose) & Hugo (prosecco & elderflower cocktail) and is available in 750ml and 200ml piccolo bottles. The Scavi & Ray brand has a love of creativity, fashion and design. The brand is now the official partner of London Fashion Week & Weekend and has partnerships with Berlin & Amsterdam Fashion shows. Scavi & Ray is a successful international brand enjoyed in the finest hotels including the Armani in Dubai and premium clubs and bars in Berlin, New York and London including Mahiki, Whisky Mist and The Criterion.

Scavi & Ray Scavi & Ray Brief Requirements

We are looking for a Scavi & Ray above the line campaign which grabs the attentionof our target market, We would like you to create a campaign which raises awareness of Scavi & Ray, the UK’s first premium prosecco brand. The target market is females who enjoy life and have a good group of friends. Forthem, bubbles aren’t only for birthdays – a glass of prosecco is top of the wish list after a busy week. They love life, fashion and getting together with friends. You are free to consider any medium, or combination or media, that you feel will be the most effective. The requirements of thre brief are simple and easy to understand, following the guide lines provided Scavi & Ray prosecco are wanting a new campaign which shows customers and viewers that it is the first Uk’s premium prosecco brand. Creating a tagline is also a requirement of the brief, this is important because this will be something that hopefully will be remembered the most, throughout the campaign. Scavi & Ray work along side major fashion weeks inside major parts of the world, keeping in with this theme all work needs to link and show their envolment with fashion and major designers.

Inital Ideasthumbnails and scamps

Quick thumbnails and scamps are the first way I like to get any ideas down on piece of paper towards the brief. Scavi & Ray is a posh, up market brand which appeal to a selective target audience. To represent this in my ideas and new campaign style, I wanted to keep the work simple, minimal but yet still eye catching. First started off by drawing out a few poster designs ideas which all contained the same theme and style. Using the photos we’ve been given I would almost like to create a collage piece, bring together fashion, prosecco and there target audience style all into one design.

Neil Duerden Inspired Artist Research

‘Gloves Off ’ is a cleaning product that Neil Duerden produced poster designs for. The use of mix media such as water colours, photography and vector imagery in this piece work well together. The water colour background caught my

attention first this is because it gives more of an artistic feel to the piece. Water colour works in the sense that it’s faded and not as vibrent as normal paint work, this is clever to use because the cleaning product is for a tough cleaner. So this almost represents

Smirnoff is a well known product around the world. This design created by Duerden amazes me everytime I see it. He’s taken such a simple bottle design and displayed it in a new different way. Mixing together once again watercolour along side

vector imagery. The detail in this piece is strong, the shading and tones work well around the colour scheme being used. What attracts you to this design most is the fact there a water style splashing around the bottle, with apples mixed inside.

Neil Duerden is an experienced graphic designer and illustrator from the UK, who creates pieces that combine elements of mixed media, photography that are interlaced with complex vectors. Duerden’s art is from the hearts and this passion shows brightly through his work and use of technology and skills in different softwares. Duerden has interested me for many years, his work is inspirational to me and makes me want to push my designs future.

Neil DuerdenInspired Artist Research

Fashion is a major part of ‘Scavi & Ray’ designs, so this piece created by Duerden inspired me and thought this style could work perfectly in a prosecco design. The photograph of the model posing, in my head I imagend it to be a prosecco bottle, with the

design built around it. This could work well, using water colours for the background adding to the design. Using the dark swirls and small vector images adds more detail to the piece and also draws attention to the model. I believe I could recreate this design.

Once again Duerden has created another drink advertisment using the same style. I really like how he takes such a simple drink bottle in the centre of a page then, explodes the design either side with vector imagery and bright colours and lines. This is

something I would like to try and recreate using the prosecco bottle, I think this could work well because I can in corporate fashion and the life of the target audience all into one large collarge piece. The colour scheme would have to be eyecatching.

Inital Ideasthumbnails and scamps

Carrying on with quick ideas, I started to experiement more using typography along side paints and mixed media. One idea was to recreate the bottle entirely from words that describe the product. This could work well, because typography can play a great part in the campaign along side a strapline. Mix media is another route I would like to go down, collaging and bringing together different materials and images into one piece. This would link together not only the prosecco bottle but also fashion due to using different materials. Colour would also be a key part of any idea.

Inital Ideasthumbnails and scamps

Playing around in photoshop, experimenting with materials and styles. Using images I found online I started to work together line drawing of flowers along side water colour. I thought this design would work with fashion itself without being too over powering towards the prosecco bottle. If I was to experiement and develop this design idea any furture, I’d have to use my own images but also take into consideration the colours being used making sure they contrast together.

Once again playing around with a design I started to place water colour marks behind the bottle itself. I thought by doing this it could act as an background image to work over the top of, adding a bit more style and depth instead of a plain white background. Once again if I was to take this idea future I would certainly need to think about the colours, see what would work along side a green bottle and what wouldn’t. To improve this idea I think collaging together different material that link to fashion and the target audience would help give the idea more meaning.

Idea Generationthumbnails and scamps










For one of my ideas I wanted to create a three poster campaign representing London Fashion Week as well as Scavi & Ray prosecco. These quick designs show different placement for how I could show my design. After playing around I came to release that I wanted the whole bottle in the centre of the page so it draws the attention in first. Placing the company name at the top and any other information below the bottle this is so that the most important information is at the top of the page.

Fashion Designers Inspirational Quotes

Fashion designers all follow there own style and ideas, expressing themseleves through their designs. With the fashion industry having such a wide following, what designers says and create are quoted more than you think. Many of the quotes designers live by are what there customers try and live by as well, its important to them. With the brief that’s been set by Scavi & Ray, looking into fashion designers links in perfectly with what the campaign is asking for. Advertising London Fashion Week is the main part of brief so linking fashion designers into prosecco works well, and gives me a great idea for a campaign. Scavi & Ray already work along side one top designer each year to represent and sponsor the London Fashion Week. Keeping in with this theme, My idea was to take a well known quote from a well known designer and create a campaign represent the designer’s quote in the style of a prosecco bottle. This could work well and be used over a number of different designers to create a mixed campaign.

Idea Generationthumbnails and scamps

“A girl should be two things, classy and fabulous”-Coco Channel

Playing around with the colour of the bottle and adding different colours and patterns, to link in with the quote of the chosen designer.

As well as adding colour and pattern’s behind the bottle to help it stand out, I started to experiment with wrapping the bottle in different themes that link to the chosen designer and their famous inspirational quote. This is something that I think works well as it gives the design more of a direction and links all the element together.

“Clothes mean nothing, till somebody lives in them”-Marc Jacobs

Developmentimproving ideas and design

After chosing a quote from top designers ‘Coco Channel’ I started to play around with placement and colour for the poster design. ‘Coco Channel’ is a high class, brand designer and is well known for its classic style, So to present this quote and designer I decided to keep it with a classic black and white colour scheme. Using a distorted scattered print style, because of the colours it started to look boring, so playing with the placement of the boarder. After doing this I still thought it was a little boring so using the same brush I started to scatter the pattern behind the bottle to add at little more detail to the design. The next stage is to play with typography, to keep it in with the style of the design, as well as it being attractive and appealing to the eye.

Quotes and Developmentimproving ideas and designs

“A girl should be two things, classy and fabulous”-Coco Channel

“Clothes mean nothing, till somebody lives in them”-Marc Jacobs

“Luxury is in each detail”-Hubert De Givenchy

Marc Jacobs, Coco Channel and Hubert De Givenchy are three well known fashion designers and are the three people i’ve chosen to use their famous quotes to work along side my new campaign for ‘Scavi & Ray’ prosecco, London fashion week. Each quote is inspirational as well as links in with fashion. All three designs have a different style, which I’m going to bring and work into my designs.

Each designer follows their own style, and works with eligant high class fashion, So not only does the design need to fit in perfectly with the fashion style. But the typography needs to work with the whole piece and tie it altogeher.

Quotes and Developmentimproving ideas and designs

Working in illustrator playing around with different brushes technques and textures to create new patterns as well as drawing out flowers to add to my design. I decided to do this so that the work could all be over laped together.

Marc Jacobs as a designer is bright and colourful, and brings differernt styles together to make one. So to represent his style of design I’ve decide to draw out his ‘Daisy’ flowers and over lap them with a textured rough brush pattern using different colours in illustrator.

Individually each piece is boring but when combined together and layered over several times the piece of work starts to form and take to life. Turning down the opacity of each image works well as it allows the image underneath to creap through. This helps with the design so that it isn’t a solid block colour and that it gives room for everything to shine through.

Quotes and Developmentimproving ideas and designs

Givenchy is another one of the designers Im representing their style through my work. Givenchy is a combination of both Marc Jacobs and Coco Channel, as it is classic and modern but also lively and colourful. This is something I wanted to show within my design.

I came up with the idea of using triangles to mesh together in a mosaic style to represent Givenchy, as it is bright and colourful yet controlled and classic at the same time. Using each shape I then place them behind the bottle to then use the clipping mask tool to create my image into a bottle shape.

Once I had my design, I started to play around with the opacity and placed an orignal bottle behind so that when the opacity is changed you can still see the water marks and shape of the bottle coming through. The final touches was adding the label making sure that it fit in well with the desing.

Quotes and Developmentimproving ideas and designs

Placement was my next majour task for this project as it is important, to display the final work in a correct manor for the London Fashion Show campaign. I knew that I wanted the bottle to be in the centre of the page so that it is the first thing you see, and is the first thing you are drawn too. After that I wasn’t too sure on wheather I wanted a solid bored or the play around and have it more centred and let a white board take the edge. After deciding on the placement of the bottle and the boarder, I then moved onto to look where the text and information would be place, keeping in mind the importance of each selection of information.

SCAVI & RAYPROSECCO Scavi & Ray have always used there own typeface ‘Sackers

Gothic Medium’ so it would only be right for me to use it as well, whenever mentioning the company name or even company product. To start with I decided on only placing their logo on the campaign posters but then thought it was too small and it was the most important section of information so need to big and bold.

“Luxury is in each detail”Hubert De Givenchy

After experimenting with many different typefaces, I came to release that each poster should use all the same type for the quotes, so that they all stick to the same brand style. ‘Sanford’ is the font I decided to use out of all of them because its clear cut and down to the point, but looks intregging at the same time.

Quotes and Developmentimproving ideas and designs

Now that I had all three posters, bottle designs and quotes for my London Fashion Week poster campaign my last thing to do was decide on what style I was going to use. After printing all 6 designs out and comparing them against each other I’ve decided to use the white boarder as it almost makes the poster look like a window inside a window which draws in your attention to the centre, where you find the final design of the bottle of prosecco.

Final DesignsLondon Fashion Week Campaign

Emily DaviesGraphic Design