School Community News - Tucker Rd Bentleigh Primary · PDF fileThe Year 5 Camp to Sovereign...

Post on 19-Mar-2018

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Tucker Road, Bentleigh Primary School - No: 4687 16 Tucker Road Bentleigh 3204 P.O. Box 1341 Moorabbin 3189 Phone: 9557 2044 Fax: 9557 2181 Web Site: http:/ Email:

School Community


Number: 11 Date: 29th June 2017

Welcome to Term 2- week 11 2017 Welcome to week 11, our last week of Term 2. It has been a very busy term for all of us. Teachers have been involved in the Victorian Curriculum F-10 which has been our main significant professional learning focus for this year. We have seen the progress of the children in music, learning instruments as the children have demonstrated at the Assembly performances. TRBPS children have shown great achievements in Sport and chess throughout the term. The Education ‘Open’ Evening which included time for parents to look around there child’s classrooms and then enjoy the ARTs Trail which focused on work completed in the specialists areas of PE (multipurpose gym), LOTE (Sol Centre), Visual Art (corridors and Art Room) and Music/Performing Arts (Hall). The Year 5 Camp to Sovereign Hill was another highlight this term, learning about the Gold Rush Era as part of Australian History. The Walkathon was another community event this term where teachers, ES staff, parents and children all walked together, whilst raising funds to support our school! Well done everyone on delivering a most fun, valuable and exciting term’s work!

Last day of Term Early Dismissal Friday June 30 - we finish at 2.30pm. Assembly begins at 2.15pm weather permitting. If assembly does not take place we will hold over the awards until Term 3. School will recommence on Monday 17th July. Canteen will be open on the first Tuesday of Term 3. Rainbow House Childcare will operate from 2.30pm on the last day of Term. Please ensure your child is booked in.

Parent Teacher Interviews Interviews for all students (Prep-6) will be held in week 2 of Term 3. Bookings will be done by parents through the Compass portal. More information will follow.

Compass System and Parent Portal

Compass System

We have released the Parent Portal and generally the feedback has been very positive.

A reminder to make sure you logon to the portal ASAP and change your password. We

are very excited that June reports will be accessed through the portal before the July

School Holidays. An exciting digital technological progress for TRBPS!

Lost Property Lost property can be found in the cupboards outside the staff toilets. Please take the time to check for any lost property prior to the end of term. We ask that you check your items of clothing that you have at home to make sure you have not mistakenly taken clothing belonging to someone else. If you have clothing that does not belong to you please return to the general office so that it can be returned to the owner. Several articles of named clothing have gone missing. Please NAME CLEARLY all clothing and lunch boxes. I hope you all have an excellent school holiday time and return refreshed ready for another term at school. Please remember to be careful on the roads and stay safe. Robyn Farnell Principal


Thursday 29th June School Disco Friday 30th June LAST DAY TERM 2 2.30pm Finish Sunday 2nd July Movie Day TERM 3

Wednesday 19th July 100 days of Prep Thursday 20th July Prep 2018 School Tour 9.30-10.30 Monday 24th July PFA Meeting Evening Tuesday 25th July School Council 6.30pm Friday 28th July CURRICULUM DAY (NO STUDENTS TO ATTEND SCHOOL) Tuesday 25th July School Council 6.30pm Friday 11th August Grade 6 Movie Night Saturday 19th August Trivia Night Tuesday 12th September School Concert

School Camp Dates for 2017

Year 4 Camp

Wed 16th Nov to Friday 18th Nov Maldon

Swimming Programs 2017 Program 1 Monday 31st July-Thursday 11th August (Years 5-6)

Program 2 28thAugust - 8th September (Years 3 & 4)

Program 3 13th September—22nd September (Prep Classes)

Program 4 23rd October - 2nd November (Years 1 & 2)

Canteen News


Orders are to be written clearly on a lunch bag in blue, black or red ink, any other marker is difficult to read. Please do not sticky tape lunch bags up. A reminder to enclose .10 cents for a bag if an envelope is used. *Please note ‘Fruit Tubes’ are now 0.60c Incorrect money could result in disappointed children.

Canteen Roster Tuesday 18th July Sasha Wein Thursday 20th July Lauren Geller Vanessa Turrisi Tuesday 25th July Help Needed Thursday 27th July Kate /Noelle Wengier Tuesday 1st August Carol Harrison Thursday 3rd August Anneshree Moodely Anna Leech Michelle Symes Tuesday 8th August Help Needed Thursday 10th August Kate/Noelle Wengier Vanessa Geller Tuesday 15th August Paula Howard Thursday 17th August Natalia Tripp Jian Tang

Term Dates - 2017


18th April To

30 June


17th July To

22nd September


9th October To

22nd December


Friday 28th July

Monday 6th November

Students nominated for the TRBPS Values Award for the 19th June 2017

Ricky Weston Harley Hurwitz Charlie Wilson Alisha Turner Oscar Arvanitakis Itay Porat Sam Orchard Ethan Cohen Felix Coleman-Goh Samuel Spratt Nicole Curry Alyssa Frenkel Logan Zhelikov Lachie Paterson Milly Curie Lucas Rizzo Foina Chopra Ashley Hotton Charlie Garcia Riley Weston Patrick Kethers Holly Connelly Danielle Manor Madeline Jones-Denholm



Books are available from the office

School Council Presidents Report Hello Families, we had a busy week at School Council last week with progress updates on the school gym project and installation of the Valerie St fencing as well as the great work completed at the recent working bee. We also discussed the Premier, the Hon Daniel Andrews’ visit the week before and commended the staff and students, particularly our school leaders, for organising a fantastic program for his visit with very short notice. On the day we had some valuable conversations with the Premier, and local member Mr Nick Staikos, about our schools future and opportunities for further development. After our meeting we all attended School Council governance training provided by the Department. Having several new members on the Council it was great to learn more about the role of School Councils. We learnt about our roles and responsibilities including the code of conduct, strategic planning, policy development and finance such as fundraising and monitoring the schools budget. It was also good to have a clear picture on school council functions and areas we are not responsible for such as curriculum and learning, student management and staff employment. Thank you to all the School Council members for enthusiastically participating in what was a long evening! I now have a dedicated email address so feel free to contact me at Enjoy the school holidays everyone! Gen Holiday Security Parents are encouraged to keep a close eye on the school grounds and buildings during the holiday period. Report any suspicious behavior to the police or Departmental security.

Caulfield Police 9534 9500

Department of Education (Emergency Management) 9589 6266 It is most important for the school community to be proactive in this regard.

Walkathon Thank you to all the families who have already paid for the Walkathon, we have so far raised $8023.00. Payments can be made via the QKR app (if you are registered).

Art Room Newspaper Donations The Art room would like to thank all of our Tucker Road families who have donated newspapers to the Art room over the last two terms. We have built up a steady and plentiful supply. We will happily accept any more newspaper donations but are not longer in urgent need. Thank you everyone who has donated for your support.

Yvette Barton and Deaane O'Brien (Visual Art Teachers)

Working Bee A big thank you to the following hard workers who help out at our last working bee Darius Culvenor, Cameron Hall, Catherine Hall, Brendan Walsh, David Jorgensen, Nicole Curry, Lois Curry, Tania Boustead, Janet Fletcher, Sisira Kumanra, Bronwyn Dunse, Zac Culvenor, Stacey Knight, Kel Segbedzi & Ka Lun Ng. It was a surprisingly good turn-out and we completed all the tasks that we planned.

REMINDER Family Movie Day


Sunday 2nd July


Dendy Palace Cinema Church Street Brighton

Please arrive 30mins before

This is a pre-purchased Ticket event and bookings are now



Students in Term 2 have learned about the festivals of Passover and Shavuot, the Ten Commandments and Israel. Presently they are learning the Hebrew alphabet, basic Hebrew words and about some Bible Heroes, including Ruth and King David. In Term 3 we will continue with King Solomon, the Temple, Hebrew and Jewish values, leading us up to the Jewish New Year festivals. All subjects are taught in a fun and interactive way, complemented with craft activities. It is never too late to join. Enrol online . For queries contact UJEB T: 9523 6844
