School for Health & Care Radicals ILN part two

Post on 18-Jul-2015

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#SCHR #ILN15 @HelenBevan @jackielynton

#SCHR #ILN15 @HelenBevan @jackielynton

#SCHR #ILN15 @HelenBevan @jackielynton


Part A

• A interactive teach-in on social movement framing methods, narrative and calls to action (60 mins)

Part B

• Make an artefact of your own change message/call to action (20 minutes)

• Share our learning (10 minutes)

#SCHR #ILN15 @HelenBevan @jackielynton

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The easiest way to thrive as an outlier to avoid being one

Seth Goodin

#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton

Leading change in a new era

Dominant approach Emerging direction

#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton

“When we talk of social change, we talk of movements, a word that suggest vast

groups of people walking together, leaving behind one way and travelling towards


Rebecca Solnit

#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton

#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton

Six characteristics of people or groups within effective social movements

1. They share a sense of PURPOSE: There is purposefulness about

collaborations, discussions, actions, decisions and a sense of forward momentum

2. They are UNITED: They have learned to manage their differences well enough

that they can unite to accomplish their purpose. Differences are openly debated, discussed, and resolved.

3. They share UNDERSTANDING: There is a widely shared understanding of what's going on, what the challenges are and why what is being done has to be done

4. People PARTICIPATE: Lots of people and organisations in the system are

active - not just in discussions and meetings, but getting the work done.

5. They take INITIATIVE: Rather than reacting to whatever happens in their

environment, they are proactive, and act upon their environment.

6. They ACT: People do the work they must do to

make the things happen that need to happen

Source: adapted from Wellstone Action

#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton

Calls to Action

#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton

Leadership is….

…the art of mobilising others to want to struggle for shared

aspirationsJim Kouzes

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#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton

Framing … is the process by which leaders construct, articulate and put across their message in a powerful and compelling way in order to win people to their cause and call them to action.

Snow D A and Benford R D (1992)

#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton

What’s the financial incentive?

Who is performance managing?

What’s theproject plan?

Source: @RobertVarnam

#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton

The reality

“What the leader cares about (and typically bases at least 80% of his or her message to others on) does

not tap into roughly 80% of the workforce’s primary motivators for putting extra energy into the change

programme”Scott Keller and Carolyn Aiken (2009)

The Inconvenient Truth about Change Management

Source of image:

#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton

1. People speak intellectually but engage emotionally

2. Facts are hard to remember and easy to challenge

3. If we only talk about our success people won’t believe us

4. People don’t want more communication; they want meaningful communication

Source: Peter Fuda

Four gaps betweenhow we

communicate change

how people engage with that communication

#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton#IQTGOLD#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton

“I have some Key



for you”


“I have a


Source: @RobertVarnam

#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton

If we want people to take action, we have to connect with their emotions through values




Source: Marshall Ganz

#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton

#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton#IQTGOLD#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton

But not all emotions are equal.........


anger apathy

solidarity isolation

you can make a difference


hope fear





Action motivators Action inhibitors

Source: Marshall Ganz

#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton

‘‘Leaders must wake people out of inertia. They must get people excited about something they’ve never seen before, something that does not yet


Rosa Beth Moss Kanter

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#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton

Effective framing: what do we need to do?

1. Tell a story

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#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton

#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton

Effective framing: what do we need to do?

1. Tell a story

2. Make it personal

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#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton

Effective framing: what do we need to do?

1. Tell a story

2. Make it personal

3. Be authentic

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#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton

Effective framing: what do we need to do?

1. Tell a story

2. Make it personal

3. Be authentic

4. Create a sense of “us” (and be clear who the “us” is)

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#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton

Effective framing: what do we need to do?

1. Tell a story

2. Make it personal

3. Be authentic

4. Create a sense of “us” (and be clear who the “us” is)

5. Build in a call for urgent action

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#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton#IQTGOLD#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton

Vivid details

Source: Marshall Ganz

#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton@jackielynton

Jackie Lynton

#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton

Me at 22 years old

#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielyntonImage from: @TheWorldStories

Change the world

#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton

• Creating a space for getting ready for change

• Invitation to thinking differently about change

• Share the collective wisdom of people in the room – 5 minutes of wisdom


#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat

Strong sense public service and community

#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton

#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat


1. I did not feel heard, supported

2. Let down by my profession

3. I was part of a hierarchical

system that didn’t protect vulnerable people

#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton#IQTGOLD#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton

#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton

Always fighting for change and speaking out

#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton

#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat

#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat

This picture was taken from the window of my hotel room in Scotland when I asked myself one of the most important questions

#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton

Knowing your purpose

#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton

It was about trying to move the mountain

it was about climbing it


#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton

30 years on

1. Staff didn’t feel heard –

‘checked out’

2. Compliance over


3. Staff not feeling

‘permission’ to make to

make changes

#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton

‘Can I really make the change?’

Will ‘the system’ really ALLOW me?

#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton

As a radical its not just about me,its about how I work with others

1. Cut on the dotted line2. Rotate 180 degrees

#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat

Creating change through connections and building relationships

#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton

Now I don’t!I bring my authentic self to work

I had to be someone else

to fit in

#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton

Reconnected with my values

#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat

Change starts with me

#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat

NHS Change Day - Making a difference

#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat

Chloe at 24

#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat

Quote from ChloeI was inspired by the caring,

creative and committed individuals I met in the NHS and realised I need to fulfil a sense of

purpose in using my skills and passion in helping others.

I want ……

#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton#NHSChangeDay #SHCRchat

Call to action

¨The more you share your story, you create hope, and the more you create hope, the more you can create change.¨

Jackie Lynton

Share your story

#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton

Talk to the person next to you

• Tell your story about why the change you are involved in now is so important to you

• Relate it to a personal experience

You have:

• 2 minutes to prepare your story

• 3 minutes each to tell your story

#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton

How do we create a sense of “us” to build momentum for


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#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton

Moving beyond us and them to us and us

Source of image:

#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton

The Network Secrets of Great Change AgentsJulie Battilana &Tiziana Casciaro

1. As a change agent, my centrality in the informal network is more important than my position in the formal hierarchy

2. If you want to create small scale change, work through a cohesive network

If you want to create big change, create

bridge networks between disconnected groups

#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton

strong ties (cohesive)v.

weak ties (disconnected)

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#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton

When we spread change through strong ties:

• we interact with “people like us”, with the same life experiences, beliefs and values

• Change is “peer to peer”; GP to GP, social worker to social worker, nurse to nurse, community leader to community leader

• Influence is spread through people who are strongly connected to each other, like and trust each other

#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton

When we spread change through strong ties:

• we interact with “people like us”, with the same life experiences, beliefs and values

• Change is “peer to peer”; GP to GP, social worker to social worker, nurse to nurse, community leader to community leader

• Influence is spread through people who are strongly connected to each other, like and trust each other

IT WORKS BECAUSE: people are far more likely to be influenced to adopt new behaviours or ways of working from those with whom they are most strongly tied

#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton

The pros and cons of strong ties

Pros Cons

#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton

When we seek to spread change through weak ties

• we build bridges between groups and individuals who were previously different and separate

• we create relationships based not on pre-existing similarities but on common purpose and commitments that people make to each other to take action

• We can mobilise all the resources in our organisation, system or community to help achieve our goals

#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton

Why we need to build weak ties AS WELL AS strong ties

• Weak ties are more likely to lead to change at scale because they enable us to access more people with fewer barriers

More on weak ties:

#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton

Why we need to build weak ties AS WELL AS strong ties

• Weak ties are more likely to lead to change at scale because they enable us to access more people with fewer barriers

• In situations of uncertainty, we have a tendency to revert to our strong tie relationships

yet the evidence tells us that weak ties are much more important than strong ties when it comes to searching out resources in times of scarcity

#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton

Why we need to build weak ties AS WELL AS strong ties

• Weak ties are more likely to lead to change at scale because they enable us to access more people with fewer barriers

• In situations of uncertainty, we have a tendency to revert to our strong tie relationships

yet the evidence tells us that weak ties are much more important than strong ties when it comes to searching out resources in times of scarcity

• The most breakthrough innovations and most radical change will come when we tap into our weak ties

#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton

Sources of weak ties

#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton

Three components of a great narrative

• Diagnostic – what is the problem that we are addressing? What is the extent of the problem? What is the specific source or sources?

• Prognostic – what could the future look like? What is our “plan of attack” and our strategy for carrying out the plan?

• Motivational – why is this urgent? What is our call for action that connects with the motivational and emotional drivers of our audience?

Source: Benford and SnowSource of image:

#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton

Four keys to collaboration

• Lean into your discomfort

• Listen as an ally

• State your intent

• Share your “street corner”Source: Judith Katz and Fred Miller

#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton67

“You don’t need an engine when you

have wind in your sails”

Paul Bate

#SCHR #Quality2015 @HelenBevan @BoelGare @jackielynton

Our task

Make an artefact of your own change message/call to action

• Utilise the principles we discussed earlier

• Utilise any of the materials on the goodie table

• Create your own or work with others

• Be prepared to share the outcomes in 30 minutes