School Improvement Plan Ridge Wood Elementary … · School Improvement Plan Ridge Wood Elementary...

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School Improvement Plan

Ridge Wood Elementary School

Northville Public Schools

Ms. Beth Solensky 49775 6 Mile Rd

Northville, MI 48168-9671

Document Generated On May 7, 2018


Introduction 1

Improvement Plan Assurance

Introduction 3 Improvement Plan Assurance 4

17-18 Ridge Wood School Improvement Plan

Overview 6 Goals Summary 7

Goal 1: All students will show improvement in Mathematics. 8

Goal 2: All Ridge Wood students will demonstrate growth in literacy skills. 10

Goal 3: All students will show improvement in Writing. 14

Goal 4: All students will show an improvement in Science. 16

Goal 5: All Ridge Wood Students will collaborate to achieve 100% of the goals outlined and established by the

Lighthouse Team with all staff by June 30, 2018 as measured by successful completion of goals. 17

Activity Summary by Funding Source 19


The SIP is a planning tool designed to address student achievement and system needs identified through the school's

comprehensive needs assessment (CNA). Additionally, the SIP provides a method for schools to address the school

improvement planning requirements of Public Act 25 of the Revised School Code and the Elementary and Secondary

Education Act (ESEA) as applicable.

School Improvement PlanRidge Wood Elementary School

SY 2017-2018 Page 1© 2018 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

Improvement Plan Assurance

School Improvement PlanRidge Wood Elementary School

SY 2017-2018 Page 2© 2018 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

Introduction During the 2016-2017 school year, schools will have two options for Goals and Plans. 1. Update Goals and Plans, if necessary, based on

analysis of data and Program Evaluation; 2. Complete and upload the Abbreviated Goals and Plans template into ASSIST, based on analysis

of data and Program Evaluation.

School Improvement PlanRidge Wood Elementary School

SY 2017-2018 Page 3© 2018 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

Improvement Plan Assurance

Label Assurance Response Comment Attachment1. Which option was chosen for Goals and Plans? Goals and

Plans inASSIST

See Goals and Plans in ASSIST

School Improvement PlanRidge Wood Elementary School

SY 2017-2018 Page 4© 2018 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

17-18 Ridge Wood School Improvement Plan

School Improvement PlanRidge Wood Elementary School

SY 2017-2018 Page 5© 2018 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.


Plan Name

17-18 Ridge Wood School Improvement Plan

Plan Description

School Improvement PlanRidge Wood Elementary School

SY 2017-2018 Page 6© 2018 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

Goals Summary

The following is a summary of the goals encompassed in this plan. The details for each goal are available in the next section.

# Goal Name Goal Details Goal Type Total Funding1 All students will show improvement in Mathematics. Objectives:2


Academic $1000

2 All Ridge Wood students will demonstrate growth inliteracy skills.


Academic $3400

3 All students will show improvement in Writing. Objectives:2Strategies:3Activities:3

Academic $500

4 All students will show an improvement in Science. Objectives:1Strategies:2Activities:4

Academic $2000

5 All Ridge Wood Students will collaborate to achieve100% of the goals outlined and established by theLighthouse Team with all staff by June 30, 2018 asmeasured by successful completion of goals.


Organizational $0

School Improvement PlanRidge Wood Elementary School

SY 2017-2018 Page 7© 2018 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

Goal 1: All students will show improvement in Mathematics.

(shared) Strategy 1: Instructional Practices - Staff will provide best practice teaching strategies in the area of math. Category: Mathematics Tier: Tier 1

Strategy 2: Professional Learning Communities - Staff will engage with their collegial teams to make data driven decisions regarding math instruction. Category: Learning Support Systems

Measurable Objective 1:60% of Kindergarten, First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth grade Black or African-American, Asian, Bottom 25%, Bottom 30%, White, Economically Disadvantaged,Free/Reduced Lunch, Gifted and Talented, Hispanic or Latino, Improvement from 10th to 12th Grade, Improvement from 8th to 10th Grade, Students with Disabilities,English Learners, Two or More Races, American Indian or Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander and Top 75% students will demonstrate aproficiency by reaching targeted growth in Mathematics by 06/30/2018 as measured by NWEA Math Assessment.

Activity - Mathematics Vocabulary.Word Walls ActivityType

Tier Phase Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


Teachers will directly teach specific math vocabulary DirectInstruction,Professional Learning

Tier 1 Implement 09/06/2016 06/30/2018 $0 No FundingRequired


Activity - Learning Targets ActivityType

Tier Phase Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


Teachers will provide specific learning targets for their mathlessons.


Tier 1 Monitor 09/06/2016 06/30/2018 $0 Title II PartA


Activity - Formative Assessment ActivityType

Tier Phase Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


Teachers will use formative assessment to drive instructionduring their math lessons.


Tier 1 Monitor 09/06/2016 06/30/2018 $0 No FundingRequired


Activity - Math Workshop ActivityType

Tier Phase Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


Teachers will use the math workshop approach to meetstudents needs


Tier 1 Implement 09/06/2016 06/30/2018 $0 No FundingRequired


School Improvement PlanRidge Wood Elementary School

SY 2017-2018 Page 8© 2018 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

Research Cited: Reeves; Marzano; Buffum, Mattos, Weber 2009; DuFour, DuFour, Eaker Tier: Tier 1

(shared) Strategy 3: Intervention/Enrichment - Staff will evaluate and analyze common grade level assessment data to identify individuals requiring interventions or enrichment. Category: Learning Support Systems Research Cited: Reeves; Marzano; Buffum, Mattos, Weber 2009; DuFour, DuFour, Eaker Tier: Tier 2

(shared) Strategy 1: Instructional Practices - Staff will provide best practice teaching strategies in the area of math. Category: Mathematics Tier: Tier 1

Activity - Collegial teams ActivityType

Tier Phase Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


Teachers will work collaboratively to make decisions forstudents daily math instruction focused on individual greatestareas of needs, based on common assessment data.


Tier 1 Implement 09/06/2016 06/30/2018 $1000 Other,GeneralFund


Activity - Professional Development ActivityType

Tier Phase Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


Staff will engage in learning opportunities involving the use ofMath workshop and how to integrate math vocabulary

Professional Learning

Tier 1 Implement 09/06/2016 06/30/2018 $0 Title ISchoolImprovement (ISI)


Activity - Intensive Small Group Instruction ActivityType

Tier Phase Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


Students will participate in intensive small group instruction withintervention specialists at a ratio of no more thatn 3:1, meetinga minimum of 4 times per week to work on identified targetareas.


09/06/2016 06/30/2018 $0 No FundingRequired


Measurable Objective 2:50% of Students with Disabilities students will demonstrate a proficiency by reaching targeted growth for each of the next 2 years in Mathematics by 06/30/2018 asmeasured by NWEA Math Assessment.

School Improvement PlanRidge Wood Elementary School

SY 2017-2018 Page 9© 2018 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

(shared) Strategy 2: Intervention/Enrichment - Staff will evaluate and analyze common grade level assessment data to identify individuals requiring interventions or enrichment. Category: Learning Support Systems Research Cited: Reeves; Marzano; Buffum, Mattos, Weber 2009; DuFour, DuFour, Eaker Tier: Tier 2

Goal 2: All Ridge Wood students will demonstrate growth in literacy skills.

Activity - Mathematics Vocabulary.Word Walls ActivityType

Tier Phase Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


Teachers will directly teach specific math vocabulary DirectInstruction,Professional Learning

Tier 1 Implement 09/06/2016 06/30/2018 $0 No FundingRequired


Activity - Learning Targets ActivityType

Tier Phase Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


Teachers will provide specific learning targets for their mathlessons.


Tier 1 Monitor 09/06/2016 06/30/2018 $0 Title II PartA


Activity - Formative Assessment ActivityType

Tier Phase Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


Teachers will use formative assessment to drive instructionduring their math lessons.


Tier 1 Monitor 09/06/2016 06/30/2018 $0 No FundingRequired


Activity - Math Workshop ActivityType

Tier Phase Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


Teachers will use the math workshop approach to meetstudents needs


Tier 1 Implement 09/06/2016 06/30/2018 $0 No FundingRequired


Activity - Intensive Small Group Instruction ActivityType

Tier Phase Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


Students will participate in intensive small group instruction withintervention specialists at a ratio of no more thatn 3:1, meetinga minimum of 4 times per week to work on identified targetareas.


09/06/2016 06/30/2018 $0 No FundingRequired


School Improvement PlanRidge Wood Elementary School

SY 2017-2018 Page 10© 2018 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

(shared) Strategy 1: Classroom Strategies - Students will take ownership of their learning to develop, test and refine their thinking. Category: English/Language Arts Research Cited: Dr. Steven R. Covey, The Leader in Me Tier: Tier 1

Measurable Objective 1:60% of Pre-K, Kindergarten, First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth grade Black or African-American, Asian, Bottom 30%, White, Economically Disadvantaged, Giftedand Talented, Hispanic or Latino, Students with Disabilities, English Learners, Two or More Races, American Indian or Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian or OtherPacific Islander students will demonstrate a proficiency by reaching targeted growth by in Reading by 06/30/2018 as measured by NWEA Reading Assessment.

Activity - Student Goal Setting ActivityType

Tier Phase Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


Implement TLiM goal setting routines, through the use ofleadership notebooks.


Tier 1 Implement 09/06/2016 06/30/2018 $200 Title ISchoolImprovement (ISI)

All Staff

Activity - Reader's Workshop ActivityType

Tier Phase Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


Teachers will continue to develop or fine tune their skills in theuse of Reader's Workshop, focusing on mini-lessons, sharedreading, interactive read alouds, and guided reading groups.


Tier 1 Monitor 09/06/2016 06/30/2018 $0 GeneralFund

All teachingstaff

Activity - Learning Targets ActivityType

Tier Phase Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


Teachers will continue to utilize specific learning targets withclear criteria for success.


Tier 1 Monitor 09/06/2016 06/30/2018 $0 No FundingRequired

All teachingstaff

Activity - Formative Assessment ActivityType

Tier Phase Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


Teachers will continue to develop their skills in using formativeassessment to guide their instruction. In addition, they willmaintain records to reflect the data that is collected from theseassessments.


Tier 1 Implement 09/06/2016 06/30/2018 $0 Other classroomteachers,interventionspecialists

School Improvement PlanRidge Wood Elementary School

SY 2017-2018 Page 11© 2018 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

Strategy 2: Professional Learning Communities - Staff will collaborate with colleagues to meet the wide variety of student needs within their classroom and grade level. Category: Learning Support Systems Research Cited: Reeves; Marzano; Buffum, Mattos, Weber 2009; DuFour, DuFour, Eaker Tier: Tier 1

(shared) Strategy 3: Intervention/Enrichment - Staff will evaluate and analyze common grade level assessment data to identify individuals requiring intervention or enrichment. Category: Learning Support Systems Research Cited: Reeves; Marzano; Buffum, Mattos, Weber 2009; DuFour, DuFour, Eaker Tier: Tier 1

Activity - Grade Level Collegial ActivityType

Tier Phase Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


Teachers will work with their grade level peers to review data,and develop action plans for addressing student needs.

Professional Learning,TeacherCollaboration

Tier 1 Implement 09/06/2016 06/30/2018 $1000 Other ClassroomteachersandInterventionists

Activity - ET/Professiona Development ActivityType

Tier Phase Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


Teacher's will engage in multiple professional developmentactivities to grow their professional practice in the area ofliteracy.

Professional Learning,CurriculumDevelopment, TeacherCollaboration

Tier 1 09/06/2016 06/30/2018 $2000 Title ISchoolImprovement (ISI)


Activity - Small Group Instruction ActivityType

Tier Phase Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


Students will participate in small group instruction withinterventions specialists at a ratio appropriate to the student'stiered need of support.


Tier 2 Monitor 09/06/2016 06/30/2018 $200 Other certifiedstaff,paraprofessionals

Measurable Objective 2:55% of Students with Disabilities and English Learners students will demonstrate a proficiency by reaching projected growth in Reading by 06/30/2018 as measuredby NWEA Reading Assessment.

School Improvement PlanRidge Wood Elementary School

SY 2017-2018 Page 12© 2018 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

(shared) Strategy 1: Classroom Strategies - Students will take ownership of their learning to develop, test and refine their thinking. Category: English/Language Arts Research Cited: Dr. Steven R. Covey, The Leader in Me Tier: Tier 1

(shared) Strategy 2: Intervention/Enrichment - Staff will evaluate and analyze common grade level assessment data to identify individuals requiring intervention or enrichment. Category: Learning Support Systems Research Cited: Reeves; Marzano; Buffum, Mattos, Weber 2009; DuFour, DuFour, Eaker Tier: Tier 1

Activity - Student Goal Setting ActivityType

Tier Phase Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


Implement TLiM goal setting routines, through the use ofleadership notebooks.


Tier 1 Implement 09/06/2016 06/30/2018 $200 Title ISchoolImprovement (ISI)

All Staff

Activity - Reader's Workshop ActivityType

Tier Phase Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


Teachers will continue to develop or fine tune their skills in theuse of Reader's Workshop, focusing on mini-lessons, sharedreading, interactive read alouds, and guided reading groups.


Tier 1 Monitor 09/06/2016 06/30/2018 $0 GeneralFund

All teachingstaff

Activity - Learning Targets ActivityType

Tier Phase Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


Teachers will continue to utilize specific learning targets withclear criteria for success.


Tier 1 Monitor 09/06/2016 06/30/2018 $0 No FundingRequired

All teachingstaff

Activity - Formative Assessment ActivityType

Tier Phase Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


Teachers will continue to develop their skills in using formativeassessment to guide their instruction. In addition, they willmaintain records to reflect the data that is collected from theseassessments.


Tier 1 Implement 09/06/2016 06/30/2018 $0 Other classroomteachers,interventionspecialists

School Improvement PlanRidge Wood Elementary School

SY 2017-2018 Page 13© 2018 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

Goal 3: All students will show improvement in Writing.

Strategy 1: RtI Tier 1 - Staff will evaluate and analyze common grade level assessment data to identify individuals requiring interventions at tier 1. Category: Research Cited: Reeves; Marzano; Buffum,Mattos,Weber 2009 Tier:

(shared) Strategy 2: RtI Tier 2 - Staff will evaluate and analyze common grade level assessment data to identify individuals requiring interventions at tier 2. Category: Research Cited: Reeves; Marzano; Buffum, Mattos, Weber 2009; DuFour, DuFour, Eaker Tier:

Activity - Small Group Instruction ActivityType

Tier Phase Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


Students will participate in small group instruction withinterventions specialists at a ratio appropriate to the student'stiered need of support.


Tier 2 Monitor 09/06/2016 06/30/2018 $200 Other certifiedstaff,paraprofessionals

Measurable Objective 1:85% of Kindergarten, First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth grade Black or African-American, Asian, Bottom 25%, Bottom 30%, White, Economically Disadvantaged,Free/Reduced Lunch, Gifted and Talented, Hispanic or Latino, Improvement from 10th to 12th Grade, Improvement from 8th to 10th Grade, Students with Disabilities,English Learners, Two or More Races, American Indian or Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander and Top 75% students will demonstrate aproficiency in writing in English Language Arts by 06/30/2018 as measured by local/building assessments.

Activity - Classroom Instruction ActivityType

Tier Phase Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


Students will participate in daily writing instruction focused onindividual greatest areas of need, based on commonassessment data

Other 09/06/2016 06/30/2018 $500 Other All Certifiedstaff

Activity - Small Group Instruction ActivityType

Tier Phase Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


School Improvement PlanRidge Wood Elementary School

SY 2017-2018 Page 14© 2018 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

(shared) Strategy 3: RtI Tier 3 - Staff will evaluate and analyze common grade level assessments data to identify individuals requiring interventions at tier 3. Category: Research Cited: Reeves; Marzano; Buffum, Mattos, Weber, 2009; DuFour, DuFour, Eaker Tier:

(shared) Strategy 1: RtI Tier 2 - Staff will evaluate and analyze common grade level assessment data to identify individuals requiring interventions at tier 2. Category: Research Cited: Reeves; Marzano; Buffum, Mattos, Weber 2009; DuFour, DuFour, Eaker Tier:

(shared) Strategy 2: RtI Tier 3 - Staff will evaluate and analyze common grade level assessments data to identify individuals requiring interventions at tier 3. Category: Research Cited: Reeves; Marzano; Buffum, Mattos, Weber, 2009; DuFour, DuFour, Eaker

Students will participate in small group instruction, using bestpractice, designed around identified target areas at a minimumof 3 times per week.

Other 09/06/2016 06/30/2018 $0 Other ClassroomteachersandInterventionists

Activity - Intensive Small Group Instruction ActivityType

Tier Phase Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


Students will participate in intensive small group instruction withintervention specialists at a ratio of no more than 3:1, meeting aminimum of 4 times per week to work on identified target areas.

Other 09/30/2016 06/30/2018 $0 No FundingRequired


Measurable Objective 2:50% of Students with Disabilities students will demonstrate a proficiency in writing for each of the next 2 years in English Language Arts by 06/30/2018 as measuredby local/building assessments.

Activity - Small Group Instruction ActivityType

Tier Phase Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


Students will participate in small group instruction, using bestpractice, designed around identified target areas at a minimumof 3 times per week.

Other 09/06/2016 06/30/2018 $0 Other ClassroomteachersandInterventionists

School Improvement PlanRidge Wood Elementary School

SY 2017-2018 Page 15© 2018 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.


Goal 4: All students will show an improvement in Science.

Strategy 1: Best Practices - All teaching staff will study best practices in science and implement activities that exemplify best practices. Category: Research Cited: DuFour, DuFour, Eaker; Marzano Tier:

Activity - Intensive Small Group Instruction ActivityType

Tier Phase Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


Students will participate in intensive small group instruction withintervention specialists at a ratio of no more than 3:1, meeting aminimum of 4 times per week to work on identified target areas.

Other 09/30/2016 06/30/2018 $0 No FundingRequired


Measurable Objective 1:100% of Pre-K, Kindergarten, First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth grade Black or African-American, Asian, Bottom 30%, White, Economically Disadvantaged, Giftedand Talented, Hispanic or Latino, Students with Disabilities, English Learners, Two or More Races, American Indian or Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian or OtherPacific Islander students will demonstrate a proficiency by growing 5 RIT points in the life science strand mean score in Science by 06/30/2018 as measured byNWEA Science Assessment.

Activity - Knowledge of CCSS ActivityType

Tier Phase Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


Staff will become familiar with science expectations; staff willselect trade non-fiction books to support the science standards.

Professional Learning

09/06/2016 06/30/2018 $1000 Other CertifiedStaff

Activity - Professional Learning ActivityType

Tier Phase Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


Staff will attend appropriate professional developmentworkshop to assist with learning new science standards.

Professional Learning

09/06/2016 06/30/2018 $1000 Other Certifiedstaff

Activity - FOSS Science Program ActivityType

Tier Phase Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


Teachers will engage in collaboration as they use our newscience program, and will continue to utilize interactive sciencenotebooks and the Mystery Science resource.


Tier 1 Implement 09/06/2016 06/30/2018 $0 Other Classroomteacher

School Improvement PlanRidge Wood Elementary School

SY 2017-2018 Page 16© 2018 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

Strategy 2: Enrichment - Staff will research and implement enrichment opportunities to increase background knowledge through real life applications and experiences. Category: Tier:

Goal 5: All Ridge Wood Students will collaborate to achieve 100% of the goals outlined and

established by the Lighthouse Team with all staff by June 30, 2018 as measured by successful

completion of goals.

Strategy 1: Leadership Events - The Ridge Wood school community will take part in multiple leadership events. (Leadership Days, Parent Nights) Category: School Culture Research Cited: The Leader in Me, Covey. Tier: Tier 1

Activity - Science Olympiad ActivityType

Tier Phase Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


Students will be encouraged to paraticipate in ScienceOlympiad.


09/06/2016 06/30/2018 $0 Other Certifiedstaff inpartnershipwith PTAandcommunitymembers.

Measurable Objective 1:collaborate to to learn and live the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Kids/People. by 06/30/2018 as measured by successfully achieving the goals (WIGs) by meeting thecriteria that was set..

Activity - All School Assemblies ActivityType

Tier Phase Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


Students will lead all school assemblies focused on The Leaderin Me


Tier 1 Monitor 09/06/2016 06/30/2018 $0 No FundingRequired

students,all staff

School Improvement PlanRidge Wood Elementary School

SY 2017-2018 Page 17© 2018 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

Activity - Family Workshops ActivityType

Tier Phase Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


Students and staff will provide opportunities for our families tocontinue their learning of the Leader In Me.


Tier 1 Monitor 09/06/2016 06/30/2018 $0 No FundingRequired

all staff,students

Activity - Leadership Opportunities ActivityType

Tier Phase Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


Students will engage in multiple building wide leadershipopportunities throughout the school year.

Other Tier 1 Monitor 09/06/2016 06/30/2018 $0 No FundingRequired

all staff

School Improvement PlanRidge Wood Elementary School

SY 2017-2018 Page 18© 2018 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

Activity Summary by Funding Source

Below is a breakdown of your activities by funding source

Title II Part A

Title I School Improvement (ISI)


Activity Name Activity Description ActivityType

Tier Phase Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned


Learning Targets Teachers will provide specific learning targets fortheir math lessons.


Tier 1 Monitor 09/06/2016 06/30/2018 $0 certifiedteachers

Activity Name Activity Description ActivityType

Tier Phase Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned



Teacher's will engage in multiple professionaldevelopment activities to grow their professionalpractice in the area of literacy.

Professional Learning,CurriculumDevelopment, TeacherCollaboration

Tier 1 09/06/2016 06/30/2018 $2000 Certifiedstaff,principal

Student Goal Setting Implement TLiM goal setting routines, through theuse of leadership notebooks.


Tier 1 Implement 09/06/2016 06/30/2018 $200 All Staff


Staff will engage in learning opportunities involvingthe use of Math workshop and how to integratemath vocabulary

Professional Learning

Tier 1 Implement 09/06/2016 06/30/2018 $0 certifiedstaff

Activity Name Activity Description ActivityType

Tier Phase Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned


School Improvement PlanRidge Wood Elementary School

SY 2017-2018 Page 19© 2018 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

General Fund

Science Olympiad Students will be encouraged to paraticipate inScience Olympiad.


09/06/2016 06/30/2018 $0 Certifiedstaff inpartnershipwith PTAandcommunitymembers.

FOSS Science Program Teachers will engage in collaboration as they useour new science program, and will continue toutilize interactive science notebooks and theMystery Science resource.


Tier 1 Implement 09/06/2016 06/30/2018 $0 Classroomteacher

Small Group Instruction Students will participate in small group instructionwith interventions specialists at a ratio appropriateto the student's tiered need of support.


Tier 2 Monitor 09/06/2016 06/30/2018 $200 certifiedstaff,paraprofessionals

Small Group Instruction Students will participate in small group instruction,using best practice, designed around identifiedtarget areas at a minimum of 3 times per week.

Other 09/06/2016 06/30/2018 $0 ClassroomteachersandInterventionists

Grade Level Collegial Teachers will work with their grade level peers toreview data, and develop action plans foraddressing student needs.

Professional Learning,TeacherCollaboration

Tier 1 Implement 09/06/2016 06/30/2018 $1000 ClassroomteachersandInterventionists

Knowledge of CCSS Staff will become familiar with scienceexpectations; staff will select trade non-fictionbooks to support the science standards.

Professional Learning

09/06/2016 06/30/2018 $1000 CertifiedStaff

Professional Learning Staff will attend appropriate professionaldevelopment workshop to assist with learning newscience standards.

Professional Learning

09/06/2016 06/30/2018 $1000 Certifiedstaff

Formative Assessment Teachers will continue to develop their skills inusing formative assessment to guide theirinstruction. In addition, they will maintain recordsto reflect the data that is collected from theseassessments.


Tier 1 Implement 09/06/2016 06/30/2018 $0 classroomteachers,interventionspecialists

Classroom Instruction Students will participate in daily writing instructionfocused on individual greatest areas of need,based on common assessment data

Other 09/06/2016 06/30/2018 $500 All Certifiedstaff

Collegial teams Teachers will work collaboratively to makedecisions for students daily math instructionfocused on individual greatest areas of needs,based on common assessment data.


Tier 1 Implement 09/06/2016 06/30/2018 $500 certifiedteachers

School Improvement PlanRidge Wood Elementary School

SY 2017-2018 Page 20© 2018 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

No Funding Required

Activity Name Activity Description ActivityType

Tier Phase Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned


Collegial teams Teachers will work collaboratively to makedecisions for students daily math instructionfocused on individual greatest areas of needs,based on common assessment data.


Tier 1 Implement 09/06/2016 06/30/2018 $500 certifiedteachers

Reader's Workshop Teachers will continue to develop or fine tune theirskills in the use of Reader's Workshop, focusingon mini-lessons, shared reading, interactive readalouds, and guided reading groups.


Tier 1 Monitor 09/06/2016 06/30/2018 $0 All teachingstaff

Activity Name Activity Description ActivityType

Tier Phase Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned


Family Workshops Students and staff will provide opportunities forour families to continue their learning of theLeader In Me.


Tier 1 Monitor 09/06/2016 06/30/2018 $0 all staff,students

Intensive Small GroupInstruction

Students will participate in intensive small groupinstruction with intervention specialists at a ratio ofno more thatn 3:1, meeting a minimum of 4 timesper week to work on identified target areas.


09/06/2016 06/30/2018 $0 Interventionspecialists


Students will engage in multiple building wideleadership opportunities throughout the schoolyear.

Other Tier 1 Monitor 09/06/2016 06/30/2018 $0 all staff

Learning Targets Teachers will continue to utilize specific learningtargets with clear criteria for success.


Tier 1 Monitor 09/06/2016 06/30/2018 $0 All teachingstaff

All School Assemblies Students will lead all school assemblies focusedon The Leader in Me


Tier 1 Monitor 09/06/2016 06/30/2018 $0 students,all staff

MathematicsVocabulary.Word Walls

Teachers will directly teach specific mathvocabulary

DirectInstruction,Professional Learning

Tier 1 Implement 09/06/2016 06/30/2018 $0 teachingstaff

Intensive Small GroupInstruction

Students will participate in intensive small groupinstruction with intervention specialists at a ratio ofno more than 3:1, meeting a minimum of 4 timesper week to work on identified target areas.

Other 09/30/2016 06/30/2018 $0 Interventionspecialists

Math Workshop Teachers will use the math workshop approach tomeet students needs


Tier 1 Implement 09/06/2016 06/30/2018 $0 classroomteachers

Formative Assessment Teachers will use formative assessment to driveinstruction during their math lessons.


Tier 1 Monitor 09/06/2016 06/30/2018 $0 certifiedstaff

School Improvement PlanRidge Wood Elementary School

SY 2017-2018 Page 21© 2018 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.