School is Never Out for the Professional Salesperson

Post on 14-Dec-2014

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“School is Never out for the pro.”

-J. Williamson

“A new home salesperson selling without a proven

process is like a pilot flying without a flight

plan”-Bob Schultz


“You’ll be amazed at how inspired and rejuvenated you feel when you step

out of your comfort zone”-Suzanne Russo

“To give real service, you must add something that

cannot be bought or measured with money; and

that is sincerity and integrity.”

-Donald Adams

“Before you insult someone, walk a mile in their shoes. Then when you call them

something, you’re a mile away and you have their shoes.”

-Dave Barry


Stand on principleKnow and live you values Communicate your values

to the customer.

“There is always free cheese in a


“Say what you mean. Say exactly what you mean. Say only what

you mean.”-Nido Qubein

“You can’t depend on your judgment when

your imagination is out of focus.”

-Mark Twain

“If you honestly care about your product,

your service and your customer, then show

it. Lean into it.”-Sam Walton

“Once you’ve formed a partnership with your

customer, you have just locked your competitors

out of the game.”-Larry Wilson

“Life’s under no obligation to give

us what we expect.”

-M. Mitchell

“Experts have their knowledge in

order.”-Nido Qubein

“We are being critiqued because the customer

either doesn’t buy what you are selling or they

don’t come back.”-Bob Schultz

“Never, never, never Quit.”

-W. Churchill

“Seek first to understand, then to be understood.”

-Dr. Stephen Covey

“It ain’t braggin’ if you can back it

up.”-Joe Namath

“If you can get them to own it, they will figure out a way

to justify buying it.”

-Tom Hopkins

“When all you have is a hammer, everything looks

like a nail.”-Unknown

“Processes take the pressure off of

people.”-Bob Schultz

“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is

success.”-Henry Ford

“Perception IS Reality.”

-Joe Alexander

“When customers leave us for greener pastures, they usually give price as the reason, when

in fact it’s simple neglect.”-J.R. Graham

“A picture is worth a thousand


“It is better to have the philosophy to out-think your competition

than to out-spend them.”

-Les Wolff

“What a wonderful miracle if only we could look through

each other’s eyes for an instant.”

-Henry David Thoreau

“There are no gold medals for the 95-

yard dash.”-Max DePree

“Follow your dreams, they

know the way.”-Kobi Yamada

“We have enough people who tell it like it is—now we could use a few who tell it

like it can be.”-Robert Orben

“The future belongs to those who see the

possibilities before they become obvious.”

-John Sculley

“Chase your passion, not your

pension.”-Denis Waitley

“We all have two choices: We can make

a living or we can design a life.”

-Jim Rohn

“Choice not circumstance,

determines your success.”

-Frank Vizzare

“Be Proactive don’t let anyone spoil your

dreams.”-M. Eubanks

“Life’s real tragedy is when we do not realize how close we were to

success when we gave up.”


“We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of

doing, while others judge is by what we have already

done.”-Bob Dolfay

“Life is short, Buy the shoes.”


“All around you are potential marketing

partners…If you will just stop and look.”

-Dennis Brandon

“It’s not what you do now and then, it’s what you do every time that counts.”

-Mary Augustine

“Don’t just touch the head, touch

the heart.”-Len Kallerson

“Serious people have few ideas. People with ideas

are never serious.”-Paul Valery

“It’s what we learn after we know it all

that counts.”-John Wooden

“We’re gonna get in two good hours of practice even if it takes six hours.”

-Lou Holtz

“If we lose our core values, we lose

ourselves.”-Henry McCoy

“Life is what we make it, always

has been, always will be.

-Grandma Moses

“Come on Down! The Price is

Right.”-Bob Barker

“You must be the change, you wish

to see in the world.”


“You do not lead by hitting people over the head—that’s

assault not leadership.”


“Dance as though no one is watching you, Love as though

you have never been hurt before, Sing as though no one can hear you, Live as though

heaven is on earth.”-Souza

“Imagination is more important

than Knowledge.”


“Lead, Follow or get out of my


“You DESERVE what you ACCEPT.”


“I guess we are adults, the question is when did that happen, and how do

we make it stop.”-M. Grey