School Strategic Plan Ballarat High School 01-7540 2015 - … · School Council President’s...

Post on 26-Jul-2018

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School Strategic Plan Ballarat High School

01-7540 2015 - 2018



Endorsement by School Principal


Name: Gary Palmer


Endorsement by School Council


Name: Graeme Howard


School Council President’s endorsement represents endorsement of School Strategic Plan by School Council

Endorsement by the delegate of the Secretary





School Profile Purpose

Ballarat High School is a learning community. We believe in all learners. Our learning framework guides our instructional practice and learning within our community. Personal growth, innovation and creativity are actively encouraged for all members of the school community. Our values ensure we build and maintain strong and positive relationships.

Through personalising learning we focus on teaching and learning strategies that will raise standards and outcomes for individuals. By personalising learning and developing individual learning goals we tailor education to ensure all students and staff achieve in a positive learning culture of high expectations and support.


Ballarat High School has a tradition of pursuing and recognising excellence under the motto of ‘Duty Always’. Our ethos is supported by our core values of Pride, Respect & Responsibility.

PRIDE is demonstrated by: • Representing our school community in a positive way at every opportunity. • Achievement to the best of our ability. • Celebrating and observing our traditions and achievements. • Our appearance and attitudes. RESPECT is demonstrated by our: • Speech, actions, and manners. • Appreciation of our environment (grounds, classrooms, resources, community). • Honesty, teamwork, and acceptance of others (opinions and rights). • Care, support, and safety of all members of our school community. • Positive communication and connected relationships. RESPONSIBILITY is demonstrated by our: • Personal learning and growth. • Organization, management, goal setting and achievement. • Modelling and encouragement of positive behaviours. • Forward thinking, innovation, creativity, and flexibility. • Informed decision making.


Environmental Context Ballarat High School has a tradition of pursuing and recognising excellence under the motto of ‘Duty Always’. Our ethos is supported by our core values of Pride, Respect & Responsibility. At Ballarat High School, Learning is Personal. We have a learning framework that guides our instructional practice and learning within our community. Our framework forms the basis of shared practice and reflection.

As we are a large school community we have developed a range of strategies and processes to support learners and that includes all members of the school community. Ballarat High School is a 7- 12 educational community with a strong focus on a team structures to support learners. In years 7 & 8 students are part of a team of 100 students consisting of two year 7 and two year 8 classes. Each team is led by a Team Leader and teachers who have larger blocks of time with the students. Included in this structure is learning advisory where the focus is on personal organisation, communication, and understanding how we learn. Students are offered a comprehensive curriculum that includes language, art, technology, performing arts and health and physical education.

In year 9 students are part of the year 9 ARCH program which is focused on building Active, Resilient, Connected and Happy students. The program has been extremely successful in engaging Year 9 students. The focus is on developing positive relationships and continual dialogue with students about how they learn to ensure that we understand learning strengths and challenges.

In focusing and positioning Year 9 students to be responsible and active in their own learning we provide them with opportunities to continue to develop personally and academically.

In the senior years (years 10, 11 and 12) students are offered a wide range of educational pathways and subjects. Students are encouraged to consider a range of options in choosing their pathway to achieve educational and post schooling goals. VCE, VET and VCAL are offered as options and the students receive individual guidance in their choice of subjects through the student’s learning advisor and the MIPs (Managed Individual Pathways) staff. The aim is to develop a pathway and program that best suits the individual’s needs and goals.

Ballarat High School is fortunate to have sister schools in Germany and Japan and exchanges of students take place each year. The School is a participating member of the Ballarat Associated Schools (independent) and Ballarat State Secondary School Association (BSSSA) which provides opportunities for students to participate in a wide range of after school sporting competitions. We have a strong tradition of rowing at Ballarat High School and we also offer a Specialist Sport program to enhance the studies and activities within the sporting fields. The School offers Music, both as a classroom and extra-curricular activity, and there are many opportunities for students to participate in a wide variety of ensembles and performance and in 2013 were identified as a school with a music specialisation by DEECD. Debating is encouraged through the year 7, 8 and 9 curriculum and the school has developed a strong debating program, participating in DAV debating and the local South Street competitions. The school also offers an annual school production which provides both dramatic and musical opportunities for students from all year levels in acting, musical and technical roles.

Ballarat High School staff work hard to develop positive and meaningful relationships with the students and their families to provide


connection to the school and support when necessary. In addition to the teaching staff, there is a Student Services team consisting of the Student Services Co-ordinator, Chaplain, Youth Counsellors, First Aid Assistant. This team is available to provide specialist support to students as necessary.

Parents are encouraged to become involved actively to support the school’s development and their child’s learning. They are encouraged to make regular contact with their child’s teachers and encouraged to participate in and attend events such as the annual Cabaret night and school sporting events such as boat race. The School Council, Curriculum Committee, Resources Committee, Chaplaincy, Boat Club and Music Support Group are all opportunities for parent participation and input into the School through volunteering their time and expertise.

Ballarat High School serves its local community with students drawn from the neighbourhood community. It offers a broad comprehensive education that provides students with personalised learning leading to successful post school pathways. We are proud of the opportunities we offer our community and see ourselves as playing a leading role in education in Ballarat.


Service Standards At Ballarat High School, we have provided for the wellbeing of students in a number of different ways. Our Learning Framework acknowledges individual differences and actively encourages all members of the school community to reach their potential. Students are more likely to succeed when they feel connected to school. School connection is the belief by students that adults in the school, care about their learning, as well as about them as individuals.

At Ballarat High School we have a shared Learning Framework which guides our learning within our community. The framework is reflective of our context and explicitly explores an understanding of how we learn and the conditions required for positive learning to occur. To support members of the school community, our Learning Framework has six components:


We seek to build the resilience and emotional intelligence of all students. Students who are resilient often have stronger connections to school, family and peers and are better equipped to deal with issues that may face them throughout life.

Positive classroom environments are critical in developing and maintaining the wellbeing of students. A positive environment is one in which students feel secure, have the skills and opportunities to participate and have their contributions valued and acknowledged. Classroom expectations and agreements are negotiated between the students and their teacher and are based on a culture of respect for all, and an active engagement in learning.

All members of the school community have the right to participate fully in an educational environment that is safe, supportive and inclusive. We build positive relationships with all members of the school community based on our core values. We believe that we need to work with our parents/carers and wider community as part of a coordinated team to maximise students’ learning potential. On occasions when behaviours or actions compromise a relationship within the school community, a restorative approach to repair the relationship is followed. This allows for those involved to deal with issues and move forward as productive, valued members of the school community.

The school has an Anti-Bullying Policy which outlines the steps in dealing with bullying based around restoring the relationships and building an understanding of what all parties involved are thinking and feeling. Student engagement and participation is actively encouraged at Ballarat High School. At Ballarat High School every student has a Learning Adviser. The role of the Learning Adviser is to ensure that students are supported in their learning goals and can achieve to their full potential. The Learning Adviser is the person who really gets to know, understand and assist the students in their learning. Being able to have a continual dialogue with students about how they learn ensures that we understand the learning strengths and challenges for each child.

The history and traditions of Ballarat High School are grounded in developing the leadership qualities of all students that attend the school. Ballarat High School’s priority is to develop leadership qualities and capabilities in all students. The school sees leadership and its underpinning attributes as being essential to successful personal outcomes both at school and in the broader community as a citizen and in employment. Ballarat High School provides students with a range of opportunities to develop their leadership skills including, specific leadership programs, camps and seminars that further build on the generic foundations developed in the classroom learning program. The school’s strong traditions and celebrations provide explicit opportunities for students to experience and participate in leadership through student leadership positions that extend from year 7 -12.


Strategic Direction

Goals Targets Key Improvement Strategies

Achievement Achievement refers to both the absolute levels of learning attainment and growth in student learning that schools strive to support.

While recognising that literacy and numeracy are essential foundations for students’ success, achievement outcomes encompass a broader view of learning, spanning the full range of curriculum domains, as well as students’ co-curricular achievements.

To improve individual student learning growth.

NAPLAN Relative Growth To reduce the percentage of students years 7 to 9 with low relative growth for reading, writing, and numeracy to below 20%. To increase the percentage of students years 7 to 9 with high relative growth for reading, writing, and numeracy to above 30%. VCE ATARs and Study Scores To increase the percentage of VCE study scores 40 and above to at least state mean.

To increase the mean study score for all subjects to be at least state mean.

To explicitly align teaching and learning practice to the Ballarat High School Learning Framework. Improved whole school approaches for teaching Literacy and Numeracy.


Engagement Engagement refers to the extent to which students feel connected to and engaged in their learning and with the broader school community.

Engagement spans students’ motivation to learn, as well as their active involvement in learning.

Engagement also refers to students engagement as they make critical transitions through school and beyond into further education and work.

To increase student engagement in their learning.

Attendance To reduce student absences (days per full time equivalent) for years 7 to 12 (school average) from 24 days to below 18 days. Connectedness to School To increase school connectedness to a minimum of 4.0 (on a 5 point scale) across years 7-12 (school average) on the students attitudes to school survey.

Transitions to further study and work

MIPS: 100% of students in years 10 to 12 tracked for a minimum of 6 months after exiting school.

Develop process and programs that support student’s connectedness to school and pathways through school and beyond.

Wellbeing Students’ health, safety and wellbeing are essential to learning and development. An inclusive, safe, orderly and stimulating environment for learning is critical

To foster a supportive and caring learning culture.

Student Relationships To increase classroom behaviour to a minimum of 3.5 (on a 5 point scale) across years 7-12 (school average) on the students

To further improve student wellbeing and safety by providing greater support to individuals and groups of students.


to achieving and sustaining students’ positive learning experiences.

attitudes to school survey. To increase student safety to a minimum of 4.5 (on a 5 point scale) across years 7-12 (school average) on the students attitudes to school survey.

Productivity Productivity refers to the effective allocation and use of resources, supported by evidence and adapted to the unique contexts of each school. Successful productivity outcomes exist when a school uses its resources – people, time, space, funding, facilities, community expertise, professional learning, class structures, timetables, individual learning plans and facilities – to the best possible effect and in the best possible combination to support improved student outcomes and achieve its goals and targets.

To improve all learning spaces.

Financial Resources To have no workforce bridging finance during the strategic plan period. Physical Resources Full consultation, implementation and acquittal of our capital works program.

To develop a five year planning strategy that supports the improvement of our learning spaces.


School Strategic Plan 2015- 2018: Indicative Planner

Key Improvement Strategies Actions Achievement Milestone


To explicitly align teaching and learning practice to the Ballarat High School Learning Framework. Improved whole school approaches for teaching Literacy and Numeracy.

Year 1 “Edumate” live and teacher, student, and parent capacity building with regard to student learning outcomes, assessment, and reporting Develop whole school 4 year Literacy & Numeracy plan. On demand testing regime (4 times per year) in place 7 -10 All individual, groups, cohort data in “Edumate” for all staff. Develop staff understanding of the range of and use of data Develop reporting and assessment practices linked to “Edumate” for staff, students, and parents. Review all VCE, VET, VCAL provision and develop improvement plan Differentiated learning is incorporated into pedagogical practices Continue to build staff capacity of quality feedback and peer observation Implement BYOD into years 7 & 8 Whole school pedagogical approach around framework

Staff, students, and parents becoming proficient in the use of ‘Edumate’. 4 year literacy & numeracy plan approved at School Council. All staff embedding word walls into classroom practices. All teachers using on demand testing results. All teachers’ analysis of data to inform practice, performance plans include data as evidence. Assessment data is regularly discussed at learning Area meetings in regards to how to improve student outcomes Assessment and reporting on “Edumate”, new report format implemented. Working party established, VCE, VET, VCAL improvement plan developed and approved at school council. Training with Carmel Richardson on utilising VCE data All curriculum documentation uploaded onto system. Develop a whole school learning plan that details shift to Second Iteration of National Curriculum All staff are participating in peer observation. All staff performance plans to include peer observation and feedback. PD targeted to staff to support the introduction of ipads at years 7 &8 Staff pedagogical handbook developed.


Embed Teacher Academy into school practices.

Learning area meetings are learning focused with staff sharing best practice. This is evidenced in the agenda and minutes of the meetings All staff participate in the professional learning and growth celebration day presenting their learning. All staff are utilising the P& D DEECD performance plan template with goals linked to strategic plan

Year 2 Implementation of whole school literacy & numeracy plan. Understanding of the range of and use of data, assessment (formative) & reporting practices embedding into teacher practices. Implementation of VCE, VET, VCAL improvement plan. Develop a culture which promotes personal and group cohort to excellence. Documentation of all curriculum embedding differentiation, assessment, and e learning. Teaching for understanding around learning framework, whole school pedagogical approach. Increase teacher knowledge and understanding of e

All teacher embedding literacy & numeracy strategy into classroom practices. All teachers’ analysis of data to inform practice, performance plans include data as evidence. Assessment data is regularly discussed at learning Area meetings in regards to how to improve student outcomes. All teacher embedding VCE, VET, VCAL improvement plan into classroom practices. Develop and document an agreed set of teaching and learning standards and expectations. Implement global grade on reports and all staff will have reportable assessment tasks. All staff are implementing differentiated learning strategies All curriculum documentation is developed in preparation for the transition to the second iteration Every student has a learning plan that begins at point of need Staff using Teaching & Learning handbook around framework with explicit use of Visible Thinking Strategies. Teachers demonstrate increased skill level their ability to use


learning supporting learning and confidence in incorporating into classroom practices. Continue to build staff capacity of quality feedback and peer observation Embed Teacher Academy into school practices.

a range of e learning catering for individual student learning. All staff performance plans to include peer observation and feedback Development of a teacher mentoring program in conjunction with federation University

Years 3 -4

Implementation of whole school literacy & numeracy plan. Understanding of the range of and use of data, assessment (formative) & reporting practices embedding into teacher practices. Implementation of VCE, VET, VCAL improvement plan. Staff classroom practices incorporating high expectations and efficacy. Documentation of all curriculum embedding differentiation, assessment, and e learning Teaching for understanding around learning framework, whole school pedagogical approach. Learning Areas develop pedagogical and curriculum plans to support teaching and learning in redeveloped spaces. Increase teacher knowledge and understanding of e learning supporting learning and confidence in incorporating into classroom practices.

All teacher embedding literacy & numeracy strategy into classroom practices. Student achievement improved due to implementation of assessment and reporting strategies and pre- and post-testing. Assessment data is regularly discussed at learning Area meetings in regards to how to improve student outcomes All teacher embedding VCE, VET, VCAL improvement plan into classroom practices. Implementation of a whole school agreed set of teaching and learning standards and expectations around our school teaching and learning framework. Review the effectiveness of the curriculum documentation and impact of differentiated learning strategies Staff pedagogical practices embedding all six domains of learning framework Teachers and students working in new spaces as per Asset management Plan (AMP) site development. All teachers are implementing e-learning strategies within the classroom


Continue to build staff capacity of quality feedback and peer observation Embed Teacher Academy into school practices.

All staff performance plans to include peer feedback and observation linked to visible thinking Development of a productive pedagogy process for teacher development

Year 4 Self-evaluation & external review of school progress against goals, improvement strategies, actions, and targets.

New 4 year strategic plan endorsed by School Council & DEECD



Increase student engagement in their learning.

Year 1 “Edumate” live and staff, student, and parent capacity building in student attendance, individual learning plans, and individual interventions. Review of Year 10 curriculum provision (including course counselling processes and procedures) and develop improvement plan. Review current transition policies and procedures into, through, and out of school with staff, student, and parent input. Review all VCE, VET, VCAL with regard to extra-curricular provision, exit procedures, learning advisors model and develop improvement plan

Staff, students, and parents becoming proficient in the use of ‘Edumate’. Engagement plan updated to embed “Edumate”

Y10 working party established, improvement plan developed and recommendations approved at school council. New transition procedures and programs in place for 6-7, 8-9, 9-10, and student – post secondary. Working party established, VCE, VET, VCAL improvement plan developed and approved at school council.

Year 2 Ongoing staff, student, and parent development in the use of “Edumate” Implementation of year 10 curriculum provision (including course counselling processes and procedures) improvement plan.

Implement transition review findings throughout the school Implementation of VCE, VET, VCAL improvement plan. Develop a culture which promotes personal and group cohort to excellence linking school values to learning, assessment and reporting.

Improved communication between staff, students, and parents. All teachers embedding the year 10 improvement plan into classroom practices. Transition procedures fully implemented across the school. All teacher embedding VCE, VET, VCAL improvement plan into classroom practices. Develop and document an agreed set of teaching and learning standards and expectations.

Years 3-4

Ongoing staff development in the use of “edumate All teacher embedding VCE, VET, VCAL, and year 10 improvement plans into classroom practices

Improved communication between staff, students , and parents All teacher embedding VCE, VET, VCAL, and year 10 improvement plans into classroom practices


School transitions procedures evaluated Staff classroom practices incorporating high expectations and efficacy around school values.

Transition policy and procedures updated to reflect review. Implementation of a whole school agreed set of teaching and learning standards and expectations around our school values.

Year 4 Self-evaluation & external review of school progress against goals, improvement strategies, actions, and targets.

New 4 year strategic plan endorsed by School Council & DEECD



To foster a supportive and caring learning culture.

Year 1 “Edumate” live and staff, student, and parent capacity building in individual student management & interventions and staff, student, and parent communication.

Continue with e-smart accreditation process building teacher, student, and parent capacity around being e-smart and cybersafe Review the physical environment to evaluate the way that spaces are used in relation to the safety and wellbeing of students Review the services and programs (including the chaplaincy program) offered by Student Wellbeing Team to target needs of student and groups more specifically. Build stronger links with outside support agencies. Develop and implement strategies to support those with mental health and wellbeing issues Professional development around anti-bullying strategies and mental health and wellbeing. Develop and implement strategies that allow students to have more input into the organisation and philosophy of the school.

Staff, students, and parents becoming proficient in the use of ‘Edumate’. Increased awareness of cyber safety appropriate behaviours by staff, students, and parents. Schools asset management plan (AMP) developed with consideration of safety and wellbeing. Student Services Subcommittee of School Council established. Established new links with outside agency support for students, both individual and programs. All staff undertaking professional development to build awareness of mental health & wellbeing of staff & students. Strengthened role of student leadership within the school.

Year 2 Ongoing staff, student, and parent development in the use of ‘Edumate’

Continue with e-smart accreditation process building teacher, student, and parent capacity around being e-smart and cybersafe

Continue with professional development around anti-bullying strategies and mental health and wellbeing. Implementation of Student Services team recommendations.

PD targeted to staff, students, and parents increasing use of ‘Edumate’ reducing student management issues and suspensions. Increased awareness of cyber safety appropriate behaviours by staff, students, and parents. Increased staff completion of PD and implementation in classrooms of strategies to support mental health and wellbeing. Student Services subcommittee report at every School


Council meeting. Years 3-4

Ongoing staff, student, and parent development in the use of ‘Edumate’ Continue with e-smart accreditation process building teacher, student, and parent capacity around being e-smart and cybersafe Continue professional development around anti-bullying strategies and mental health and wellbeing Continued monitoring and reviewing structures and processes to support student wellbeing.

PD targeted to staff, students, and parents resulting in earlier identification and intervention of students at risk. Achieve e-smart accreditation. Staff embedding mental health & wellbeing strategies developed from PD into classrooms and professional behaviours. Student Services subcommittee report at every School Council meeting.

Year 4 Self-evaluation & external review of school progress against goals, improvement strategies, actions, and targets.

New 4 year strategic plan endorsed by School Council & DEECD


Productivity Improve all learning spaces.

Year 1 All processes for AMP gateways to be completed As part of AMP planning processes begin investigating effective contemporary educational spaces design to support improvement in learning spaces. Develop a communication strategy to support clear and effective communication about the planning strategy and associated works. Develop a 5 year workforce profile & SRP plan

Asset Management Plan (AMP) completed. School Council endorsed. Regional and DEECD approval. Team developed to investigate contemporary learning space design with initial research integrated into preplanning for capital works. Communication strategy developed and implemented. 5 year workforce plan developed.

Year 2 Complete investigation of effective contemporary educational spaces design with findings fully integrated into the planning for capital works. Develop relationships with external partners to support achievement of improved learning spaces. Develop a detailed plan for deployment of capital works funds and utilisation of planned maintenance SRP funding to support improvement of all learning spaces across the 5 year period. Implement 5 year workforce profile & SRP plan.

Investigation completed with findings a key component of the capital works planning. Key relationships with external partners developed. Detailed plan in place, site development started. Workforce in place within budget.

Years 3-4

Implementation of detailed plan for deployment of capital works funds and utilisation of planned maintenance SRP funding to support improvement of all learning spaces across the 5 year period. Implement 5 year workforce profile & SRP plan

Site development continued. New learning spaces across school used by school community. Workforce in place within budget

Year 4 Self-evaluation & external review of school progress against goals, improvement strategies, actions, and targets

New 4 year strategic plan endorsed by School Council & DEECD