Schools and Community Relations

Post on 19-Nov-2014

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Schools and Community Relations

“It takes a village to raise a child.”

- African Proverb

A. Teachers, Parents and Community


Parents are the first teachers in the home. They are responsible for the development of values, attitudes and habits that will be needed as their children associate with classmates in school. Such inculcation are likewise beneficial when they work and play with neighbors and the community at large.


Teachers in the school continue to enrich the students’ experiences at home, thus strengthening the valuable, personal traits and characteristics initially developed. In the end, the contrived attention and efforts of both “custodians” are accorded acknowledgement and recognition by members of the community.


It includes the local government units, the non-government agencies, civic organizations and all the residents. They are highly motivated to participate in the school activities and projects that will likewise redound to the uplifting of the moral and quality of life in their own locality.

DifficultiesSolutionsValues DevelopedInterests


Ability to accomplish assignments Irregular attendance Study habits in school Negative attitudes Problem with self-discipline


A calm and friendly face-to-face exchange of observations could straighten some disturbing interactions ending with a promise of undertaking remediation in both quarters.

Positive attitudes of kindheartedness and patience are developed through modeling.


Regularity in attendance and doing daily assignments need strong motivation and encouragement from both sides.

Letters and praises to parents for outstanding performances build confidence and strengthen determination to continue the good work.


Interesting lessons never fail to motivate students to be present everyday for an enjoyable participation in them.

Extremes of behavior need detailed consideration of past experiences in school and at home.

Values Developed

Respect for elder and for the rights of others

Cooperation Willingness to share Deep sense of responsibility Persistence


Special interest Innate talents

B. SchoolandCommunity

Collaborative Relationships

The school officials actively participating in community projects.

The municipal/city officials are likewise ready to provide help.

Participation between school and community is important especially if there are some historical celebrations to be conducted in the same place.

Organized Associations

Parent-Teacher Organizations and Associations (formerly known as Parents Teachers and Community Associations)

School-Based Management

Public Safety, Beautification and Cleanliness

Values Exhibited

Nationalism Unity Respect for authority Self-discipline

Instructional Centers and Materials

Clean Rivers Town Library Factories, etc.