Science Without Borders Brochure

Post on 07-Apr-2016

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This is brochure shows the benefits of doing the SWB initiative at the Univeristy of Derby. It presents the success stories of past students and promotes the benefits of the courses provided.


Science without borders and the University of Derby

Working in partnership

Science without borders

Background Science Without Borders (SWB) is a Brazilian government scholarship programme

with the aim of sending 101,000 Brazilian students on undergraduate sandwich courses, PhD sandwich courses and full PhDs to study in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and creative industries at top universities around the world.

It is the fi rst large scale student mobility programme operated in the UK and supported at the highest levels of UK and Brazilian governments.

The aim is to build on this successful initiative to develop partnerships between our two governments, HE institutions and the private sector, and to support further collaboration between the two countries.

The most recent fi gures show that the total number of SWB students who will have studied in the UK since the scheme launched in 2012 has increased from 519 to over 8500, including PhDs and post-docs.

The UK is the second most popular destination (after the USA) of the 36 countries taking part. Over 85 UK universities regularly participate in the scheme.

“ � e aim is to build on this successful initiative, to develop partnerships between our two governments, HE institutions and the private sector, and to support further collaboration between our two countries.”


Intakes and numbers

The University of Derby (UoD) welcomed its first 2 SWB students in September 2012, which then quickly rose to 52 by the second intake in January 2013. Whilst programmes such as the BEng Manufacturing and Production Engineering have been a huge attraction to the university, the UoD has also been one of the few institutions to offer PSE courses for those students whose English is not at the required level.

Science without borders

207SWB students via 5 major intakes

64 of these have taken 3 or 6 month pre-sessional English (PSE)courses which subsequently feed onto a degree courses

The 6 month PSE programme almost tripled between June 2013 and June 2014,

from 5 to 14

The 3 month PSE programme saw a five-fold increase in uptake between June 2013 and June 2014

from 6 to 31


The students are from a number of prestigious universities across Brazil, with high numbers from:

Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro and Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte.

33 Courses

were offered from Colleges including Engineering and Technology, Life and Natural Sciences and Arts. Although there is little doubt that Engineering has been most popular, word of mouth has now boosted recruitment to a number of other programmes, such as Forensic Science, Geology, Civil Engineering and Architecture. For a comprehensive list of the courses we offer under the scheme, please refer to the table on page 12

90 external work opportunities were sourced at a range of regional companies for the students, as part of their 12-week summer placement activity. Through hands-on support from our SWB Placements Team, every student who has wanted to undertake a work placement in the UK has been given the opportunity to do so

“Coming to the UK and to Derby was a great thing and even a surprise for me, mainly because the awesome support from ISC (International Student Centre) and the SWB team. The University, itself, is a lot different from Brazil, but it is good to discover and try new experiences, the entire programme is about that. But the thing I am liking most here is the professional approach throughout the placements opportunity. It has been very cool working in a British company, to build a network here. The SWB team helped us a lot, since guiding us in how to make a perfect CV and Cover Letter for the companies and then encouraging us through out all the interviews (I did 5 of them, and I can say I learned a lot). The results are impressive: 57 people working for companies around Derby and nearby (if I am not wrong). I think this is the main reason for me to recommend UoD for the next appliers in Science Without Borders because, talking with my friends back in Brazil, the professional opportunities seems to be the main reason for applying to study abroad through the programme. This is by far the best experience I am having in a lot of time.”

(Guilherme Pegorer Frassan – BEng Manufacturing and Production Engineering)


Programme managementThe strong performance of the University of Derby within the scheme has been due to a number of factors. The city’s central location and formidable links with major industries, such as Rolls Royce, Toyota and Bombardier, and their respective SME supply chains and Derby’s engineering heritage and transport links to the rest of the UK have played a signifi cant part in the attraction of new students.

However, in order to deliver

a high quality academic, industrial work placement and personal experience tailored for this group of students the University took the decision early on to hire a dedicated

SWB Programme Manager.

The SWB Programme Manager leads a dedicated SWB team at the University to oversee every aspect of the students’ journey, from the point of enquiry to the point of return to Brazil and thereafter. Offering fi rst hand advice and front line support, the team communicates via a range of methods (phone, email, face-to-face, social media), making relevant and frequent contact. They operate

a widely-acknowledged open door policy, whereby students are free to call in at any time for support. This investment sees a focused level of support offered to students for the

entirety of their time here at the University, underpinned by a relationship built on trust, understanding, discipline and rapport.

Admissions, Arrivals, Accommodation and InductionThis includes all assessment of applications, offer processing, CAS letter generation and visa advice. Upon arrival in the UK, all students are offered a place on the free airport pick-up service. This consists of representatives from the team and current SWB students personally travelling to the major airports to collect new arrivals and delivering them to their Halls of Residence in Derby.

This not only helps with the feeling of uncertainty following such a long trip, but it also gives us the ideal opportunity to introduce ourselves to the students and help them settle in to their new surroundings.Once into their accommodation, the cohorts are provided with a full welcome and induction

schedule, aligned to feed in and integrate with the wider intake of university students.

Module choice, Enrolment and StudyIn an effort to offer the students as much choice as possible, with as much breadth and depth of subject as possible. The team contributes a signifi cant amount of time helping them in their selection of modules and fi nal study plan. Bespoke academic counselling sessions are just one of the ways in which we manage expectations on credit transfer, timetabling and outcomes. The Account Manager will sit with each individual student and an academic representative to talk through the variety of options available, and help offer expert advice on scheme requirements and university regulations.

Assessments and AwardsAt the University we aim to formally recognise the study each student undertakes during their time with us. Therefore, where eligible, all

Science without borders

and current SWB students personally travelling to the major airports to collect new arrivals and delivering them to their Halls of Residence in Derby.

This not only helps with the feeling of uncertainty following such a long trip, but it also

we manage expectations on credit transfer, timetabling and outcomes. The Account Manager will sit with each individual student and an academic representative to talk through the variety of options available, and help offer expert advice on scheme requirements and university

“ Derby’s engineering heritage and transport links to the rest of the UK have played a signifi cant part in the attraction of new students.”


SWB students will return to Brazil with a fully recognised UK University Diploma. The requirements for achieving this award can often be complex for students; therefore the Programme Management team is again on hand to be able to explain all the benefi ts in detail.

Placements and ProjectsAs part of their study in the UK, all students are expected undertake a 12-week unpaid work placement or university research project over the Summer.

For both Summer periods so far, all students who have wanted to engage in an external work placement have been given the opportunity to do so. Led by a Science without Borders Placements Co-ordinator, the team here takes a proactive approach to helping students fi nd work placements, engaging with local industry and all levels within companies to build relationships with potential employers. At peak times, staff will be in negotiation with over

100 employers, in an effort to source opportunities.

Students are asked to apply for the vacancies we generate as they would do in any normal job-application-scenario, and are then taken through a real interview processes. We also provide tailored CV / Interview workshops to help them develop their skills in these areas.

Global players such as Rolls Royce, JCB and Toyota work with us to offer bespoke tours of their premesis and lectures to the students. In addition the reception from local employers and regional SMEs has been excellent. The following are examples of companies whom have so far participated in the project;

Severn Trent Water Costain Pektron Brett Landscaping Cressall Resistors

For a full list of employers who have taken students so far, please see the table at the back.

At the end of the placement period, we host an Employer Event, which brings together all of the companies and students, to present the results that have been achieved and celebrate the collaboration. Several students have been invited to continue working for the employer on a part time basis, and so have already begun building those links back in Brazil.

In fact, one student taken on by the global engineering consultant Mott MacDonald, has made such an impact in the company, she has been interviewed for a future graduate role with them either at their base in Brazil or back in the UK after she has completed her study.

Feedback from participating businesses has been overwhelmingly positive, and goes to show the benefi ts of the project in helping to build links between local industry, the University and Brazil. Please see overleaf;



For both Summer periods so far, all students who have wanted to engage in an external work placement have been given the opportunity to do so. Led by a Science without Borders Placements Co-ordinator, the team here

with us to offer bespoke tours of their premesis and lectures to the students. In addition the reception from local employers and regional SMEs has been excellent. The following are examples of companies whom have so far participated in the project;

Severn Trent Water

back in Brazil.

In fact, one student taken on by the global engineering consultant Mott MacDonald, has made such an impact in the company, she has been interviewed for a future graduate role with them either at their base in Brazil or

In Summer 2013, a total of 33 students were found work placements.

In Summer 2014, a total of 57 students were found work placements.

Employer Feedback 2014Science without borders


“SWB provides an excellent opportunity for Lindhurst to forge links with the University and the Brazilian students. The reality for most SMEs is that you have limited resource and many of the strategic thinking projects you’d like to do have to take a back seat to the pressures of the day to day job.

This is our first year participating in the scheme; we were keen to establish links with a local University and the opportunity to work with talented students from another country. Also the desire to see things through a fresh perspective and get a new take on how things were being done.

Not only does SWB give you access to really bright students who with a little guidance can help you work on the “back seat” projects but having someone from a different cultural background brings a fresh and innovative perspective. Lastly it’s good for team moral to have such bright, enthusiastic young people to interact with.”

Martin Rigley – Lindhurst Engineering

“Due to the nature of the project we are working on the results are not yet finalised however we are absolutely delighted with the enthusiasm and energy displayed by the students. We are confident that a lot of the techniques and practical application of the skills they have developed during their time with Costain will prove invaluable when they finish their studies and return home.”

Steve Fozard – Costain

“Eduardo is very proactive and always appears keen to complete a task in good time. I also like his attitude, ‘no problem’ and ‘can do’, great guy to have around and a pleasure to work with.”

Chris Knight – Cressall

“We have been pleased with the work undertaken so far by our student placement, Julia has taken on board what has been given to her and followed the instructions and carried the work out to a good standard. The work that has been carried out is invaluable to us and the experience that you will gain working within the industry will help you with your future careers and studies.”

Dixie Fallows – Aldred’s the Bakers

“Heitor is hard working, intelligent and hands on at solving problems as we build the company offering specialist service and repair work to a diverse mix of historic to modern cars. Heitor has been instrumental in the repair of vehicles from a 1967 Ford Thunderbird’s to a 2008 Ford Focus.”

Sam Gilbert – Gilbert Bros

Research Projects 2014

Those students not wishing go on an external work placement have been supported in undertaking a research project based either here at the university or between the campus and a company. All students are assigned an academic supervisor over the summer, who is there to initially sit with them and negotiate a formidable project, before regularly monitoring their progress closely with the Placements Co-ordinator until completion of the task. So far, the team has seen some very interesting results, such as the one below;

Marina Kossmann Ferraz – Forensic Science


“We first became involved in the Science without Borders programme in summer 2013 following an invitation to participate form the University of Derby. We were so impressed with the quality of the candidates that we expanded our placement from two to four students. The four students were extremely well received by our workforce, proving to be excellent ambassadors for young people and Brazil. They produced excellent results with two students being employed, following the project completion on a part time basis until their return to Brazil.

Following the success of 2013 we have participated again in 2014. We are approx. 5 weeks in with every sign that this year’s students are of a similar high standard, producing quality work whilst increasing their own knowledge of UK manufacturing and logistics.We welcome the news that the project is to be extended and look forward to continuing our working relationship with The University of Derby.”

Dean Beresford – Brett Landscaping

“ Marina visited Royal Derby Hospital, as well as other units in the UK and Europe, specifically Cardiff Forensic Post-Mortem Unit, King’s College London and the Netherlands Forensic Institute. Also, as part of her investigations, she visited the Facial Reconstruction Unit at the University of Northumbria, as well as attending Forensic Medicine conferences.

Marina was very proactive in her project and research, following up her personal goal to become a Forensic Pathologist. Aspects of her work included the role of Clinical Photography in post-mortems with practical work, using Standard Representational Photography for recording of patients.”

Science without borders

It’s Carnival Time!

Rio de Janeiro’s Carnival spirit was felt as far afield as Derby University this year, with Samba performances, fancy dress and the ‘festa’ spirit drawing hundreds to the Academy bar. Students worked hard to sell tickets, decorate the venue and source Samba dancers for guests to enjoy whilst also competing with each other for the best outfit.

Festa Junina

These festivities which were introduced by the Portuguese during the colonial period are celebrated during the month of June nationwide both in Brazil and Portugal- and now Derby!

Students worked with the SWB Team to create as an authentic ‘Festa’ as possible- complete with traditional foods, dress and even a bonfire to set the scene for an evening full of entertainment.

Houses of Parliament Visit

The Palace of Westminster is the meeting place of the House of Commons and the House of Lords, the two houses of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. We were lucky enough to secure a visit for a number of SWB students this summer who enjoyed a tour of the Houses of Parliament followed by an afternoon in the London sunshine

Visit to see the Mayor

A number of our SWB students were lucky enough to meet with The Mayor of the City of Derby, Fareed Hussain.Whilst on the visit we learnt of the history of the city, Mr Hussain’s duties and enjoyed lunch before stepping inside the Mayor’s office.

Welfare, Trips and Social Events


All of the above has enabled us to make every aspect of the students’ academic and social experience as rich as possible. The Brazilian cohorts have added a real fl avour to the student population and truly integrated with the rest of the UK, EU and International population across campus without losing any of their identity.

The SWB Programme Manager and his team work closely with the International Unit at Universities UK to manage, guide and advise the students in line with the government sponsors in Brazil, whilst at the same time complying with the internal regulations of the University.

There have certainly been challenges to the success of the scheme. Popularity and extreme demand for specifi c courses have applied pressure on the University to fi nd ways of welcoming the students, without losing an emphasis on integration and module choice. Furthermore, the desire of the students to travel as part of their time in the UK and Europe remains as strong as ever. But the management of student expectations is at the core of the work being done at the University of Derby, and the dedicated commitment of the team is what drives the approach to the initiative.


Start of World Cup BBQ

Football is the most popular sport in Brazil, and well respected and loved by the locals. As Brazil are the only country or national team to qualify for every single World Cup competition since the inception of this tournament the SWB Derby University Team decided to mark the start of the games with a free BBQ for all Brazilian students.

Free Burgers and hot dogs were enjoyed, as well as the opportunity to take part in a Football sweepstake and Raffl e – prizes including Brazilian footballs, food and drink. At 7pm when the opening ceremony started a large screen played, with students able to watch their home country host the international event and continue to win their fi rst match against Croatia.

The SWB Team work alongside the International Student Centre at the university to ensure the pastoral care of all students for the duration of their time in the UK.

In addition, every effort is made to organise regular trips to local and national places of interest (at reduced prices, or even sometimes for free!), such as the Houses of Parliament in London, Sherwood Forest, Kedleston Hall, Liverpool and more.As this relationship with the cohorts has evolved, we now work together with the students in arranging several social events, which celebrate both the spirit of Brazil and the UK. See below and overleaf for some of the activities promoted across the university;

Having spoken with several students who have joined other universities in the UK, the UoD has definitely carved out a reputation for delivering a committed approach to its students, and really marked itself out from other participating HE institutions.

As soon as one of our students returns to Brazil, they are admitted to our University SWB Alumni Group. Via social

media, email and even staff visits, it is an essential aspect of our approach to retain the relationships with them after they complete their study here. This demonstrates the efforts being made in this project to forge links that will run far beyond the year of study any particular individual undertakes with us.

The following are the results of this, from a survey on the student perspective of SWB at the University of Derby;

Science without borders

Alumni / Word of mouth



Biology, Biomedical and Health Science

BSc (Hons) Biology (C100) BSc (Hons) Human Biology (C101) BSc (Hons) Forensic Science (F411) BSc (Hons) Forensic Science with Criminology (F410) BSc (Hons) Zoology (C300)

Computer Science and Information Technology

BSc (Hons) Information Technology (G502) BSc (Hons) Computer Science (I100) BSc (Hons) Networks and Security (I120) BSc (Hons) Computer Games Programming (G450) BSc (Hons) Computer Forensic Investigation (F490) BSc (Hons) Mathematics (G120)

Creative industries

BA (Hons) Media Production (P311) BA (Hons) Graphic Design (W211) BA (Hons) Illustration (W220) BA (Hons) Film and Video Production (W621) BA (Hons) Production Design (P313)

Earth and Environmental Sciences

BSc (Hons) Geology (F600) BSc (Hons) Geography (F800)

Engineering and Technology

BSc (Hons) Civil Engineering (H202) BEng (Hons) Civil and Infrastructure Engineering (H292) BEng (Hons) Manufacturing and Production Engineering

(H700) BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering (H300) BEng (Hons) Motorcycle Engineering (H335) BEng (Hons) Motorsport Engineering (H336) BEng (Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering (H600) BSc (Hons) Sound, Light and Live Event Technology (HJ39) BSc (Hons) Music Technology and Production (J930) BA (Hons) Popular Music with Music Technology (W340) BA (Hons) Architectural Venue Design (K110) BSc (Hons) Architectural Technology and Practice (K130) BSc (Hons) Construction Management and Property

Development (K253) BA (Hons) Product Design (W241) BSc (Hons) Product Design (W242)

Science without borders

What subjects do we off er?


CompanyPlacements 2014What subjects do

we offer?



AVL Powertrain UK

Aldreds the Bakers

Berni Raeside/Leren Connor

Bowles Associates

Brett Landscaping





Cressall Resistors


Gilbert Brothers



Johnson Matthey



MCE Engineering

Mott MacDonald





Portik Adorjan


Severn Trent Water

Stainless Steel Fasteners

Transmission and Distribution Innovations Limited

WDA Marketing

International DepartmentUniversity of DerbyDerby DE22 1GBT: +44(0) 1332 591698

Science without borders

“Great people, original thinking, inspiring individuals – changing lives”