Scientific Evidence Supporting Near-Death · PDF fileArticle: "Autoscopic Evidence: Dr....

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Article: "People Have NDEs While Brain Dead" - www.near-death.comArticle: "NDEs: Brain Physiology or Transcendental Consciousness? Or Both?" - by Kevin Williams andGerald Woerlee - www.near-death.comArticle: "Further Analysis of the Veridical Element of Pam Reynolds' NDE" - by Ian Lawton -www.ianlawton.comArticle: Greyson, B. (2000). Near-Death Experiences. Varieties of Anomalous Experience: Examining theScientific Evidence - Sabom, M. (1998). Light and Death: One Doctor's Fascinating Account of Near-Death Experiences.-

Article: "People See Verified Events While Out-Of-Body" - www.near-death.comBook: "Near-Death Studies: An Overview," by Kenneth Ring, Chapter 1, pg 10, published in "The Near-Death Experience, Problems, Prospects, Perspectives," Eds. Bruce Greyson, M.D., Charles P. Flynn,Ph.D., Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, Springfield, III. (1984). - "Survival of Bodily Death" by Bruce Greyson - www.near-death.comNews: "Brushes With Death: Scientists Validate Near-Death Experiences" ABC News

Article: "People Born Blind Can See During an NDE" Dr. Kenneth Ring's NDE Research of the Blind -www.near-death.comBook: Ring, K., & Cooper, S. (1999) Mindsight: Near-Death and Out-of-Body Experiences in the Blind. PaloAlto: William James Centre for the Study of Consciousness.

Book: Morse, M. with Paul Perry, Parting Visions: Uses and Meanings of Pre-Death, Psychic, and SpiritualExperiences. - Myers, F. Human Personality and Its Survival After Death, Longmans, Green and Co. 1917. Zammit, V., A Lawyer Presents the Case for the Afterlife, Chapter 14: Irrefutable proof -- CrossCorrespondences -

a. Dr. Moody's research findings are confirmed.

b. NDEs happen to people of all races, genders, ages, education, marital status, and socialclass.

c. Religious orientation is not a factor.d. People are convinced of the reality of their NDE experience.e. Drugs do not appear to be a factor.f. NDEs are not hallucinations.g. NDEs often involve unparalleled feelings.h. People lose their fear of death and appreciate life more after having an NDE.i. People's lives are transformed after having an NDE.

Article: Dr. Kenneth Ring's NDE Research - www.near-death.comArticle: The NDE and Science: Kevin Williams' Research Conclusions - www.near-death.comWebsite: The Official Site of Dr. Kenneth Ring -

Article: "Loss of Consciousness and Near-Death Experiences" by James E. Whinnery - www.nidsci.orgArticle: "The Trigger of Gravity: Dr. James Whinnery's NDE Research" -

a. Paranormal knowledge that is later verifiedb. The similarity of deathbed events in different culturesc. Differences between religious expectations and visionary experiences

d. Third-party observations of visionary figures, indicating that they were not merelysubjective hallucinations (Becker, 1984).

Article: "The NDE and Science: Kevin Williams' Research Conclusions" - www.near-death.comBook: "Paranormal Experience and Survival of Death" by Carl B. Becker.

News: "Evidence of Life After Death," BBC NewsArticle: "University of Southampton Research" - "Study Suggests Life After Death: Brains of Dead Heart Attack Patients Still Function" - www.near-death.comNews: "Scientists Validate Near-Death Experiences" -

Article: "Autoscopic Evidence: Dr. Charles Tart's Out-of-Body Experience Research" - www.near-death.comArticle: "Psychophysiological Study of Out-of-the-Body Experiences in a Selected Subject" -www.paradigm-sys.comNews: "Mind Over Body: Neurologist Finds Way to Trigger Out-of-Body Experiences" - www.near-death.comNews: "The Seat of Soaring Consciousness: Brain Region Linked to Out-of-Body Experience" - www.near-death.comArticle: "The NDE and Out-of-Body: Kevin Williams' Research Conclusions" -

Article: van Lommel, van Wees, Meyers, Elfferich (2001). NDE in Survivors of Cardiac Arrest: AProspective Study in the Netherlands. LancetArticle: "About the Continuity of Our Consciousness" by Pim van Lommel - www.iands.orgArticle: "Science and Spirituality: A Challenge for the 21st Century" by Peter Fenwick -

Article: "Study Into Near-Death Experiences Supports Theory of a Sixth Sense" - www.near-death.comArticle: "Soul-Searching Doctors Find Life After Death" -

Video: Harpur, T. (1998) "Life After Death: Reincarnation / The Testimony of Science" (video), WellspringMedia. - Wikipedia article on ""Transpersonal Psychology". - www.wikipedia.orgWebsite: Association for Transpersonal Psychology -

a. "I realized that, as the stream was expanding, my own consciousness was alsoexpanding to take in everything in the Universe!" (Mellen-Thomas Benedict)

b. "My mind felt like a sponge, growing and expanding in size with each addition ... I couldfeel my mind expanding and absorbing and each new piece of information somehowseemed to belong." (Virginia Rivers)

c. "In your life review you'll be the universe." (Thomas Sawyer)d. "This white light began to infiltrate my consciousness. It came into me..It seemed I went

out into it. I expanded into it as it came into my field off consciousness." (Jayne Smith)e. "My presence fills the room. And now I feel my presence in every room in the hospital.

Even the tiniest space in the hospital is filled with this presence that is me. I sense myselfbeyond the hospital, above the city, even encompassing Earth. I am melting into theuniverse. I am everywhere at once." (Josiane Antonette)

f. "I felt myself expanding and expanding until I thought, "I'm going to burst!" The moment Ithought, "I'm going to burst!", I suddenly found myself alone, back where this being hadmet me, and he had gone." (Margaret Tweddelll)

g. Susan had an out-of-body experience where she left her body and grew very big, as bigas a planet at first, and then she filled the solar system and finally she became as largeas the universe. (Susan Blackmore)

Book: "Where God Lives: The Science of the Paranormal and How Our Brains are Linked to the Universe"by Melvin Morse, Paul Perry - "The NDE and Science: Kevin Williams' Research Conclusions -

Book: Jansen Karl. Ketamine: Dreams and Realities. (2001) Multidisciplinary Association for PsychedelicStudies (MAPS). - Kevin Williams' Research Conclusions: "The NDE and Science" -

Article: Dr. Melvin Morse's NDE Expert Page - www.near-death.comArticle: "Are NDEs Hallucinations?" - www.near-death.comArticle: Schroeter-Kunhardt M. A Review of Near-Death Experiences. J Soc Sci Exp 1993;7:219-39.

News: "Doctors Create Out-of-Body Sensations," BBC News - www.near-death.comNews: "Electrodes Trigger Out-of-Body Experience," Nature News Service - www.near-death.comArticle: Triggers of Near-Death Experiences: How NDEs Can Be Induced" -

Book: Moody, R.A., and Perry, P. (1993). Reunions: Visionary Encounters with Departed Loved Ones. NewYork, NY: Villard. - Victor Zammit's A Lawyer Presents the Case for the Afterlife -

Article: Lynnclaire Dennis Near-Death Experience - www.near-death.comArticle: The Science of Life Discovered From Lynnclaire Dennis' Near-Death Experience - www.near-death.comWebsites: Lynnclaire Dennis' The Mereon Legacy CIC website and blog - www.mereon.orgPress Release: Elsevier Publishes a Scientific Textbook About a New Mathematical Discovery Found in aNear-Death Experience - www.prlog.comTextbook: The Mereon Matrix: Unity Perspective & Paradox by Lynnclaire Dennis, et al -

Article: "Scientific Discoveries Are Brought Back" - www.near-death.comArticle: Kevin Williams' Research Conclusions: "The NDE and Science" -

Article: Mellen-Thomas Benedict's Near-Death Experience - www.near-death.comArticle: A Conversation With Mellen-Thomas Benedict by Guy Spiro - www.lightworks.comArticle: Kevin Williams's Research Conclusions: "The NDE and Science" -

Article: "The Father of Analytical Psychology: Carl Jung's Near-Death Experience" -

Article: "God at the Speed of Light: T. Lee Baumann's NDE and Physics Research"--www.near-death.comArticle: "How the New Physics is Validating NDE Concepts" by C.D. Rollins - www.near-death.comArticle: Kevin Williams' Research Conclusions: "The NDE and Science" -

Article: "Language, Energy & Consciousness: Can Energy Talk Enlighten Us About the Mind?" by Christiande Quincey - www.deepspirit.comArticle: A Critique of Susan Blackmore's Dying Brain Hypothesis" by Greg Stone - www.near-death.comArticle: "Energy Monism: A Solution to the Mind-Problem that Connects Science and Spirituality" by Dr.Mark B. Woodhouse -

Article: NDEs Have Been Reported Since Ancient Times: Plato's Testimony of a Soldier Named Er and HisNDE - www.near-death.comArticle: Christian NDEs and Reincarnation: Testimonials of Those Who Have Seen Jesus - www.near-death.comArticle: The Tibetan Book of the Dead -

Article: "Near-Death and UFO Encounters as Shamanic Initiations Some Conceptual and EvolutionaryImplications" by Dr. Kenneth Ring - www.near-death.comArticle: Kevin Williams' Research Conclusions: "The NDE and Science" -

Article: Some People Have Been Dead For Several Days - www.near-death.comArticle: "The Resurrection Men" ParamedicUK News -

Article: Kevin Williams' Research Conclusions: "The NDE and the Future" - www.near-death.comArticle: Some People Correctly Foresee the Future: Dannion Brinkley's NDE - www.near-death.comArticle: Edgar Cayce on the Future -

Article: Group Near-Death Experiences: People Sharing the Same NDE -

Article: People Who Have NDEs are Convinced -

29. People having NDEs are convinced they saw an afterlife.

In 1977, Dr. Kenneth Ring was a brilliant young professor of psychology at the University ofConnecticut who read Dr. Raymond Moody's book, Life After Life, and was inspired by it.However, he felt that a more scientifically structured study would strengthen Moody'sfindings. He sought out 102 near-death survivors for his research. He concluded:

"Regardless of their prior attitudes - whether skeptical or deeply religious - and regardlessof the many variations in religious beliefs and degrees of skepticism from tolerant disbeliefto outspoken atheism - most of these people were convinced that they had been in the

presence of some supreme and loving power and had a glimpse of a life yet to come." (Dr. Kenneth Ring)

For the multitude of near-death experiencers who know they have left their bodies and received a glimpse oflife after death, there is no amount of clinical explanation that will ever convince them otherwise.Sources:

Article: Children Have NDEs Similar To Adults: P.M.H. Atwater's NDE Research of Children - www.near-death.comArticle: Childhood Near-Death Experiences: P.M.H. Atwater's Research -

News: "Is There Life After Death?" U.S. News & World Report, Koerner and Rich (1997) --www.usnews.comNews: "Near Death Experiences Change Lives," Barnes-Jewish Hospital -http:/ "Coping With Life After Near-Death Experience," New York Times-- "People Are Dramatically Changed By NDEs: P.M.H. Atwater's NDE Research"-

Article: "NDEs Have Been Reported Since Ancient Times: Plato's Testimony of a Soldier Named Er andHis NDE" -

Article: "A Critique of Susan Blackmore's Dying Brain Hypothesis" by Greg Stone - www.near-death.comNews: "Science Can't Yet Explain Near-Death Experiences" Reuters News - www.near-death.comNews: "No Medical Explanation For Near-Death Experiences" New Scientist News -

Article: "The NDE and Science": Kevin Williams' Research Conclusions - www.near-death.comBook: Kellehear, Allan. (1996). Experiences Near Death: Beyond Medicine and Religion. Oxford UniversityPress, USA. -

Article: Bush, Nancy Evans. International Association for Near-Death Studies Before the Millennium -www.iands.orgArticle: "The NDE and Science: Kevin Williams' Research Conclusions -

Article: "The NDE and Science: Kevin Williams' Research Conclusions -

Article: "The NDE and Reincarnation: The True Resurrection" - www.near-death.comArticle: "The NDE and Reincarnation: Kevin Williams' Research Conclusions" -

Article: "Can Reincarnation Be Proven? How Researchers Have Investigated Claims of Past Lives." -www.near-death.comArticle: "Birthmarks and Birth Defects Corresponding to Wounds on Deceased Persons," by Dr. IanStevenson - www.childpastlives.orgArticle: Library of Articles and Cases on Reincarnation -

Book: Victor Zammit's A Lawyer Presents the Case for the Afterlife -

a. The regression frequently leads to a cure of a physical illness..b. In some cases the person regressed begins to speak an unlearned foreign language.c. In some cases the person being regressed remembers details of astonishing accuracy

which when checked out are verified by the top historians.d. The emotional intensity of the experience is such that it convinces many formerly

skeptical psychiatrists who are used to dealing with fantasy and imagined regressions.e. In some cases the alleged cause of death in an immediate past life is reflected by a

birthmark in the present life..

Website: The Newton Institute for Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy - www.spiritualregression.orgArticle: Michael Newton and the Journey of Souls - www.near-death.comBook: Victor Zammit's A Lawyer Presents the Case for the Afterlife -

News: "Scientist Claims Proof Of Afterlife"- www.near-death.comNews: "UA Researchers Look Beyond the Grave"- www.near-death.comArticle: Accuracy and Replicability of After-Death Communication (HBO experiment) Journal of the Societyfor Psychical Research, 2001, Vol. 65.1, Num. 862, pages 1-25-

News: "Seeking Meaning Beyond Can People Send Signals After They Die? Psychologist Claims ScienceHas the Answer" ABC NewsNews: "Study Shows Psychic Mediums Really Can Read Your Deep Secrets" - www.near-death.comArticle: "The Ghosts of Flight 401": John G. Fuller's Paranormal Research - www.near-death.comArticle: After-Death Communications: Bill and Judy Guggenheim's Research -

Article: "Dreams and the Near-Death Experience: A Connection to the Afterlife" - www.near-death.comNews: "Precognitive Dreams" -

Article: Remote Viewing - www.wikipedia.orgNews: "The Race for "Inner Space," Washington Post - www.near-death.comNews: "The United States is Still Involved in ESP-ionage," Deseret News - www.near-death.comArticle: Evidence of the Afterlife: Remote Viewing -

News: "Prayer Really Works" Pressbox NewsNews: "Prayer Works as a Cure" BBC NewsNews: "Healing Power of Prayer Revealed" BBC News

Article: "Scole: A Response to the Critics" by Montague Keen and Arthur Ellison, from The Scole - Report:Proceedings of the Society for Psychic Research Vol 58 Part 220 November 1999.Article: The Scole Experiments Prove the Afterlife -

Book: Breakthrough: An Amazing Experiment in Electronic Communication With the Dead - by KonstantRaudive - Konstantin Raudive and His ITC EVP Breakthrough - www.itcvoices.orgWebsite: Association TransCommunication - www.atransc.orgWebsite: World Instrumental Transcommunication - www.worlditc.orgTV Show: Ghost Adventures Home page -

Article: NDE Analysis of Atheists - www.near-death.comArticle: Infidel Death-Beds - www.infidels.orgArticle: Did Atheist Philosopher See God When He 'Died'? - variousenthusiasms.wordpress.comArticle: "What I Saw When I Was Dead" by A. J. Ayers - www.commonsenseatheism.comArticle: "Atheist Discovers 'The Science of God" -

Article: "What You Need To Know About ... Psychometry" - paranormal.about.comBook: A World In A Grain Of Sand: The Clairvoyance Of Stefan Ossowiecki by M. Barrington, IanStevenson, Z. Weaver - A World in a Grain of Sand: The Clairvoyance of Stefan Ossowiecki - by Carlos S. AlvaradoArticle: The Ontario Canada Psychometry Experiment - A project that gave residents in Ontario, Canadathe opportunity to participate in a psychometry study.

Article: "Characteristics of Near-Death Experiences Memories as Compared to Real and Imagined EventsMemories" - www.plosone.orgArticle: "The Memories of Near-Death Experiences (NDE): More Real Than Reality?" -www.alphagalileo.orgArticle: Owens, J. E., Cook, E. W., & Stevenson, I. (1990). Features of 'near-death experience' in relation towhether or not patients were near death. Lancet, 336(8), 1175-1177 - Greyson, B. "Near-death experiences" in Cardeña, E., Lynn, S. J., & Krippner, S. (Eds.) (2000).Varieties of Anomalous Experience: Examining the Scientific Evidence. Washington, DC: AmericanPsychological Association. - Coma Science Group - University of Liege's Cognitive Psychology Research -

Scientific Evidence Supporting Near-Death Experiences and theAfterlife

By Kevin WilliamsDr. Kenneth Ring published a scientific paper in the Journal of Near-Death Studies(Summer, 1993) about people who had a near-death experience (NDE) of a type thatprovides verified evidence supporting the existence of an afterlife. Such peoplesuddenly find themselves outside of their bodies and observing detailed eventshappening far away - sometimes hundreds and thousands of miles away - which werelater verified by third-parties to have actually occurred. This phenomenon is called"veridical perception" and it is currently unexplainable by modern medical sciencebecause such observations are highly suggestive of a reality where consciousness cansurvive apart from the physical body and perhaps even death. Should conclusiveevidence of veridical perception be found, it would be the greatest scientific discovery of

all time. Currently, a large scientific study - called the The AWARE Study - is currently underway cross Europeand America to determine if veridical perception is a scientific fact. A second study - called The ImmortalityProject - was awarded $2.4 million by the John Templeton Foundation to fund such projects as: (1) The natureof human consciousness and mental processes during cardiac arrest and their relationship with brainresuscitation; (2) The psychological factors that dispose humans to perceive immortality and the possibleexistence of a link between morality and immortality; (3) The role that NDE testimonies play in shaping andreinforcing the potency of afterlife beliefs in IANDS and the NDE movement; (4) An examination of the life-review component of NDEs; (5) Research into the genetic structure of freshwater hydra which makes themeffectively immortal, and its implications for human medicine; (6) Using immersive virtual reality to investigatehow direct experiences of mortality, the possibility of post-death continued existence of the persona, and howthe independence between the persona and the physical body might influence the beliefs, attitudes, characterand behavior of people; (7) The afterlife beliefs in children and adults and their possible relationship betweenmind-body dualism; (8) The influence of culture on afterlife beliefs in mainland China compared with Chineseimmigrants in the U.S.; (9) Determining whether the belief in the mutability of self reduces the fear of death andbelief in the afterlife in Christian, Hindu and Buddhist cultures; (10) Why some people embrace the pursuit ofindefinite lifespan extension while other people reject it, and how the prospect of being able to live indefinitelychanges people’s investments in aspects of their religious and secular beliefs. Part of this grant will go to theUniversity of Virginia headed by Dr. Bruce Greyson who will participate in a research study where doctors willattempt to monitor NDEs as they occur in the hospital, using computers near the ceiling to project randomimages in places where people tend to go into cardiac arrest. The images will be visible only at the ceiling,looking down. Because there already exists a substantial amount of anecdotal evidence supporting veridicalperception, it may only be a matter of time before hard, scientific evidence of an afterlife is found. In this articleyou will discover even more astonishing evidence supporting the afterlife theory.

Table of Contents1. People have NDEs while they are brain dead.2. Out-of-body perception during NDEs have been verified.3. People born blind can see during an NDE.4. NDEs demonstrate the return of consciousness from death.5. Raymond Moody's NDE study has been replicated.6. Experimental evidence shows NDEs are real experiences.7. NDEs can be considered to be an objective experience.8. NDEs have been validated in scientific studies.9. Out-of-body experiences have been validated in scientific studies.10.Autoscopy during NDEs have been validated in scientific studies.11.A transcendental "sixth sense" of the human mind exists.12.NDEs support the "holonomic" theory of consciousness.13.Expansion of mind in NDEs supports consciousness theories.14.The brain's connection to a higher power has been validated.15.NDEs can be replicated using drugs satisfying the scientific method.16.NDEs are different from hallucinations.17.The replication of NDEs satisfies the scientific method.18.Apparitions of the dead have been induced under scientific controls.19.People having NDEs have brought back scientific discoveries.20.NDEs have advanced the field of medical science.21.NDEs have advanced the field of psychology.22.NDEs correspond with the "quirky" principles found in physics.23.The transcendent nature of minds in NDEs corresponds with physics.24.NDEs have advanced the fields of philosophy and religion.25.NDEs have the nature of an archetypal initiatory journey.26.People have been clinically dead for several days.27.NDEs have produced visions of the future which later became true.28.Groups of dying people can share the same NDE.29.People having NDEs are convinced they saw an afterlife.30.Childhood NDEs are remarkably similar to adult NDEs.31.NDEs change people unlike hallucinations and dreams.32.NDEs cannot be explained by brain chemistry alone.33.NDEs have been occurring for thousands of years.34.The skeptical "dying brain" theory of NDEs has major flaws.35.Skeptical arguments against NDEs are not valid.36.The burden of proof has shifted to skeptics of an afterlife.37.Other anomalous phenomena supports an afterlife.38.NDEs support the reality of reincarnation.39.Scientific evidence of reincarnation supports an afterlife.40.Xenoglossy supports reincarnation and an afterlife.41.Past-life regression supports reincarnation and an afterlife.42.Contact with "the dead" have occurred under scientific controls.43.Many people have experienced after-death communications.44.Dream research supports NDEs and an afterlife.45.Deathbed visions support NDEs and an afterlife.46.Remote viewing supports NDEs and an afterlife.47.Studies show prayer to be effective under scientific controls.48.The Scole Experiments supports NDEs and an afterlife.49.Electronic voice phenomena supports NDEs and an afterlife.50.Atheists believe in an afterlife after having an NDE.51.Psychometry supports NDEs and an afterlife.52.Memories of NDEs are more real than normal memories.

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1. People have NDEs while they are brain dead.

Cardiologist Michael Sabom described a near-death experience that occurred while itsexperiencer - a woman who was having an unusual surgical procedure for the safeexcision and repair of a large basilar artery aneurysm - met all of the accepted criteriafor brain death. The unusual medical procedure involved the induction of hypothermiccardiac arrest, in order to insure that the aneurysm at the base of the brain would notrupture during the operation. The patient's body temperature was lowered to 60degrees Fahrenheit, her heartbeat and breathing ceased, her brain waves flattened,and the blood was completely drained from her head. Her electroencephalogram was

totally flat... Read moreSources:

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2. Out-of-body perception during NDEs have been verified.

Dr. Bruce Greyson documented perhaps one of the most compelling examples of aperson who had an NDE and observed events while outside of his body which were laterverified by others. The only way that these events could have been observed by theexperiencer was if in fact he was outside of his body. Al Sullivan was a 55 year old truckdriver who was undergoing triple by-pass surgery when he had a powerful NDE thatincluded an encounter with his deceased mother and brother-in-law, who told Al to go backto his to tell one of his neighbors that their son with lymphoma will be OK. Furthermore,during the NDE, Al accurately noticed that the surgeon operating on him was flapping his

arms in an unusual fashion, with his hands in his armpits. When he came back to his body after the surgerywas over, the surgeon was startled that Al could describe his own arm flapping, which was his idiosyncraticmethod of keeping his hands sterile... Read moreSources:

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3. People born blind can see during an NDE.

Dr. Kenneth Ring and Sharon Cooper completed a two-year study into the NDEs of theblind. They published their findings in a book entitled "Mindsight" in which they documentedthe solid evidence of 31 cases in which blind people report visually accurate informationobtained during an NDE. Perhaps the best example in his study is that of a forty-five yearold blind woman by the name of Vicki Umipeg. Vicki was born blind, her optic nerve havingbeen completely destroyed at birth because of an excess of oxygen she received in theincubator. Yet, she appears to have been able to see during her NDE. Her story is aparticularly clear instance of how NDEs of the congenitally blind can unfold in precisely the

same way as do those of sighted persons... Read moreSources:

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4. NDEs demonstrate the return of consciousness from death.

An anecdotal example of evidence that a person's consciousness leaves and returns totheir body during an NDE comes from the research of Dr. Melvin Morse. Olga Gearhardtwas a 63 year old woman who underwent a heart transplant because of a severe virusthat attacked her heart tissue. Her entire family awaited at the hospital during the surgery,except for her son-in-law, who stayed home. The transplant was a success, but atexactly 2:15 am, her new heart stopped beating. It took the frantic transplant team threemore hours to revive her. Her family was only told in the morning that her operation wasa success, without other details. When they called her son-in-law with the good news, hehad his own news to tell. He had already learned about the successful surgery. At exactly

2:15 am, while he was sleeping, he awoke to see his Olga, his mother-in-law, at the foot of his bed. She toldhim not to worry, that she was going to be alright. She asked him to tell her daughter (his wife). He wrote downthe message, and the time of day and then fell asleep. Later on at the hospital, Olga regained consciousness.Her first words were "did you get the message?" She was able to confirm that she left her body during hernear-death experience and was able to travel to her son-in-law to communicate to him the message. Thisanecdotal evidence demonstrates that the near-death experience is a return to consciousness at the point ofdeath, when the brain is dying. Dr. Melvin Morse thoroughly researched Olga's testimony and every detail hadobjective verification including the scribbled note by the son-in-law.Sources:

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5. Raymond Moody's NDE study has been replicated.

In 1975, Dr. Raymond Moody published a book entitled "Life After Life" which described hisfindings from his study on near-death experiences. Moody's book became a bestseller andfocused public attention on the NDE like never before. Moody recorded and compared theexperiences of 150 persons who died, or almost died, and then recovered. Moody outlinednine elements that generally occur during NDEs: (1) hearing strange sounds, (2) feelings ofpeace, (3) feelings of painlessness, (4) out-of-body experiences, (5) experiencing a tunnel,(6) rising rapidly into the heavens, (7) seeing beings of light, (8) experiencing a life review,(9) a reluctance to return to the body. Dr. Ken Ring's replicated this NDE study by Dr.Raymond Moody. Ring's research conclusions include:


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6. Experimental evidence shows NDEs are real experiences.

Science demands verifiable evidence which can be reproduced again and again underexperimental situations. Dr. Jim Whinnery, of the National Warfare Institute, thought hewas simply studying the effects of G forces on fighter pilots. He had no idea he wouldrevolutionize the field of consciousness studies by providing experimental proof that NDEsare real. The pilots were placed in huge centrifuges and spun at tremendous speeds. Afterthey lost consciousness, after they went into seizures, after they lost all muscle tone,when the blood stopped flowing in their brains, only then would they suddenly have a returnto conscious awareness. They had "dreamlets" as Dr. Whinnery calls them. Thesedreamlets are similar to near-death experiences and they often involved a sense of

separation from the physical body. A typical dreamlet involved a pilot leaving his physical body and traveling toa sandy beach, where he looked directly up at the sun. The pilots would remark that death is very pleasant.Sources:

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7. NDEs can be considered to be an objective experience.

Carl Becker, Ph.D. received his Ph.D. from the University of Hawaii in 1981. He hasresearched NDEs in Japanese hospitals and literature for 30 years. Dr. Becker haspublished numerous books on bioethics, death and dying, and NDEs in both Japan and theUnited States. Currently, Dr. Becker is a Professor of Bioethics and Comparative Religionat Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan. Carl Becker examined four ways in which NDEs may beconsidered objective


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8. NDEs have been validated in scientific studies.

On Oct. 23, 2000, The BBC reported: "Evidence of Life After Death" about a study in the UKconducted by Dr. Sam Parnia and others at the University of Southampton which providedscientific evidence suggesting the survival of consciousness after clinical and brain death.Then on June 29, 2001, ABC News reported: "Study Suggests Life After Death: Brains of DeadHeart Attack Patients Still Function" concerning the same study. These findings support otherNDE evidence suggestive of life after death.


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9. Out-of-body experiences have been validated in scientific studies.

In 1968, a paper by Dr. Charles Tart was published entitled "Psychophysiological Study of Out ofthe Body Experiences in a Selected Subject" concerning a woman who successfully read a 5-digit number while having had an out-of-body experience. This is verifiable evidence of out-of-body perception and supports veridical perception in NDEs. Read more...


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10. Autoscopy during NDEs have been validated in scientific studies.

Pim van Lommel led a study concerning the NDEs of research subjects who had cardiacarrest. The findings of the study suggests that research subjects can experienceconsciousness, with self-identity, cognitive function and memories, including the possibility ofperception outside their body (autoscopy), during a flat EEG. Those research subjects who hadNDEs report that their NDE was a bonafide preview of the afterlife.


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11. A transcendental "sixth sense" of the human mind exists.

On September 11, 2003, new research by the Institute of Psychiatry caused British scientiststo announce that there is convincing evidence that people are capable of paranormal feats,such as premonitions, telepathy, and out-of-body experiences. The British Association for theAdvancement of Science was told an increasing number of experiments support the theory ofa human "sixth sense" - an ability which may have its roots in our past, when the ability tosense the presence of a predator was a matter of life or death. The view that people are

capable of paranormal feats, such as premonitions, telepathy, and out-of-body experiences, is supported bynew research by the Institute of Psychiatry, which suggests the human mind may exist outside the body like aninvisible magnetic field. The research is being led by Dr. Peter Fenwick, a neuro-psychiatrist at LondonUniversity, who has just completed a survey of heart patients claiming to have had "near-death experiences"after their hearts had stopped beating.Sources:

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12. NDEs support the "holonomic" theory of consciousness.

One particular theory of consciousness which is supported by NDE research involves theconcept of consciousness expansion after death. Stanislav Grof, a leading consciousnessresearcher, explained this theory in the documentary entitled "Life After Death" by TomHarpur: "My first idea was that it [consciousness] has to be hard-wired in the brain. I spentquite a bit of time trying to figure out how something like that is possible. Today, I came tothe conclusion that it is not coming from the brain. In that sense, it supports what AldousHuxley believed after he had some powerful psychedelic experiences and was trying to linkthem to the brain. He came to the conclusion that maybe the brain acts as a kind of

reducing valve that actually protects us from too much cosmic input ... I don't think you can locate the sourceof consciousness. I am quite sure it is not in the brain – not inside of the skull ... It actually, according to myexperience, would lie beyond time and space, so it is not localizable. You actually come to the source ofconsciousness when you dissolve any categories that imply separation, individuality, time, space and so on.You just experience it as a presence."Sources:

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13. The expansion of mind in NDEs have happened to many people

The following NDE descriptions of consciousness expansion supports the theory ofconsciousness described above by Stanislav Grof. It theorizes that the brain acts as areducing valve of cosmic input to produce consciousness. At death, this reducing-valvefunction ceases and consciousness is then free to expand. The following NDEssupport this:

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14. The brain's connection to a higher power has been validated.

Dr. Melvin Morse was an Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the University ofWashington. He has studied near-death experiences in children for over 15 years and isthe author of several outstanding books on the subject.a. Memories can exist outside of the brain (Holonomic Brain Theory).b. Scientific evidence exists supporting reincarnation (Dr. Ian Stevenson's research).c. Anecdotal evidence supports the theory that people exist after death in some form of

energy (NDE of Pam Reynolds).d. People can exhibit supernatural powers (Joseph McMoneagle and Remote Viewing).e. Right temporal lobe activity verifies the reality of the brain's connection to a higher

power (Melvin Morse)f. The mind/brain can be induced to have paranormal experiences (Trigger of Brain

Stimulation).g. Consciousness research is able to support the reality of an unseen power (Dr. Gary

Schwartz HBO Study and Dr. Dean Radin and the Global Consciousness Project).Sources:

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15. NDEs can be replicated using drugs satisfying the scientific method.

Dr. Karl Jansen is a Member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists and is the world'sleading expert on ketamine. He has studied ketamine at every level. While earning hisdoctorate in clinical pharmacology at the University of Oxford, he photographed thereceptors to which ketamine binds in the human brain. He has published papers on hisdiscovery of the similarities between ketamine's psychoactive effects and the near-deathexperience during his study of medicine in New Zealand. Because there exists a biologicalbasis for NDEs and a method to replicate NDEs, this satisfies the scientific criteria forbeing a real, scientific phenomenon. Dr. Karl Jansen's ketamine research findings include:a. NDEs and ketamine produce identical visions. - NDEs and ketamine both induce real visions of a real

c. Ketamine affects the right temporal lobe, the hippocampus and associated structures inthe brain (the "God" spot).

d. NDEs are an important phenomenon that can safely be reproduced by ketamine.


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16. NDEs are different from hallucinations.

NDEs are not a denial of reality, as is often seen in drug or oxygen deprivation inducedhallucinations. There are not the distortions of time, place, body image anddisorientations seen in drug induced experiences. They instead typically involve theperception of another reality superimposed over this one. For example, one young boytold Dr. Melvin Morse that the "god took me in his hands and kept me safe" while medicswere frantically trying to revived his body after a near drowning. He said and understoodeverything that happened to him, but simply perceived something we usually don'tperceive at other times in our lives. German psychiatrist Michael Schroeter-Kunhardt in

his extensive review of all published near death research states there is no reason to believe that NDEs are theresult of psychiatric pathology or brain dysfunction.Sources:

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17. The replication of NDEs satisfies the scientific method.

In 2002, Neurologist Professor Olaf Blanke and colleagues at Geneva University Hospitalin Switzerland were using electrodes to stimulate the brain of a female patient sufferingfrom Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. They found that stimulating one spot - the "God spot" - theangular gyrus in the right cortex - repeatedly caused out-of-body experiences. Thedoctors did not set out to achieve this out-of-body effect - they were simply treating thewomen for epilepsy. Apparently the increased electrical activity in the brain resulting fromseizure activity (abnormal electrical activity in the brain), makes sufferers moresusceptible to having near-death experiences. The doctors believe the angular gyrus

plays an important role in matching up visual information and the brain's touch and balance representation ofthe body. When the two become dissociated, an out-body-experience may result. Writing in the journal Nature,the Swiss team said out-of-body experiences tended to be short-lived, and to disappear when a personattempts to inspect parts of their body (autoscopy). Professor Blanke told BBC News Online that "OBEs havebeen reported in neurological patients with epilepsy, migraine and after cerebral strokes, but they also appearin healthy subjects. Awareness of a biological basis of OBEs might allow some patients who suffer frequentlyfrom OBEs to talk about them more openly. In addition, physicians might take the phenomenon more seriouslyand carry out necessary investigations such as an EEG, MRI, and neurological examinations."Sources:

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18. Apparitions of the dead have been induced under scientific controls.

Dr. Raymond Moody, who became famous for his pioneering studies of NDEs, has beenworking on ways of inducing facilitated apparitions in a controlled setting. He took as hismodel classic works from ancient Greece which suggested that when people wished tocontact a deceased loved one they consulted with an 'oracle' at a psychomanteum. Apsychomanteum is a specially built laboratory using mirrors to help facilitate the psychicprocess. Part of the actual psychic process includes the sending of telepathicmessages, sending vibrations - to the selected recipient in the afterlife. Moody hasreconstructed the process with astonishing results - 85% of his clients who go through a

full day of preparation do make contact with a deceased loved one - but not necessarily the one that they areseeking to meet. In most cases this occurs in his specially build psychomanteum but in 25% of cases ithappens later in their own homes - the client wakes up and sees the apparition at the foot of the bed (Moody1993:97). According to Dianne Arcangel, an associate of Dr. Moody, in some cases when contact is made withintelligences from the afterlife information is transmitted to reveal something that the person seeking contactdoes not know (1997). Moody gives full instructions on how to create your own psychomanteum in his bookReunions: Visionary Encounters with Departed Loved Ones and on his Psychomanteum page.Sources:

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19. People having NDEs have brought back scientific discoveries.

Perhaps the best example of a person having an NDE andbringing back a scientific discovery from it is the NDE ofLynnclaire Dennis ( Lynnclaire had an NDEwhere saw a complex geometric structure: a knot of Light sherecognized to be "the energy of all matter," "life itself," "light", aswell as "time and space." During her life review, a being of lighttold her she would be "a catalyst for change" and "for love" in thefuture. She refers to this knot of light as "The Pattern." With no

knowledge of mathematics or geometry, Lynnclaire provided a detailed description of this new dynamicstructure which caught the attention of renowned University of Illinois Chicago knot theorist, Dr. Louis H.Kauffman, who identified it as a previously unknown version of the Trefoil knot: it is geospherical and polarized.The matrix generated by The Pattern was given the scientific name "the Mereon Matrix." Top scientists aroundthe world became attracted to it when its Prime Frequency derived by the mathematics - a "rational" goldenratio - generated the entire Matrix within the natural medium of water using a CymaScope. It is no stretch of theimagination to say this new mathematical discovery is the very science of life and living. The Mereon Matrix'ssequential process generates a coherent link to living and non-living systems whether they are physical,mathematical, philosophical, or social. The importance of this discovery - the elusive "Pattern of patterns" - isunderscored by the fact that a 600+ page academic textbook was published about the Mereon Matrix in 2013by Elsevier, the world's leading provider of science and health information. This textbook entitled "The MereonMatrix: Unity, Perspective and Paradox" is the culmination of Lynnclaire being a catalyst for change and love asrevealed in her NDE. The Mereon Matrix to currently helping humanity solve some of its most critical problemsby offering a new way of systems modelling applicable across a multitude of sciences. It provides the worldwith an algorithm representing the unification of knowledge and gives a scientific framework charting theemergent growth process of systems. Astrobiologist Neville Nick Woolf used the Mereon Matrix to map theformation of matter starting with the Big Bang. The Mereon Matrix defines, and sequentially and dynamicallyunites, the fundamental forms we know to be the building blocks of matter: the Platonic and Kepler solids. Inreference to physics, the Mereon Matrix is a 120/180 polyhedron with triangular faces - a geometric structurewhich may be the "mother" of all physical matter because it "breathes" and "births" new systems. At the centerof the Mereon Matrix is a core structure that is a pattern match for theories about the structure of the nucleus ofan atom. The Mereon Matrix is a dynamic process currently being used as a template for a Universal SystemsModel. Modelling human clinical molecular genetics is the first example of this application. The Mereon Matrix iscurrently being explored in multiple scientific domains including alternative energy technologies, medicalinformatics and healing modalities.Sources:

Another example of a scientific discovery from an NDE is documented in Tom Harpur'sdocumentary, Life After Death. Harpur interviews a doctor whose name is Dr. YvonneKason who was almost killed in a plane crash into a lake which resulted in an NDE. Aftershe recovered, she began to have strange visions in her mind that she couldn't explain.One of these visions concerned a friend of hers. When Dr. Kason thought of her friend,she would see a vision in her mind of a "brain covered with pus." Dr. Kason knew that thiswas an excellent symbolic vision referring to the deadly disease meningitis. The problem

was that her friend was perfectly healthy at the time, exhibited absolutely no signs of meningitis, and there wasno reason to suspect she had it. Dr. Kason begged her friend to get tested for meningitis anyway. After anamount of reluctance, her friend got tested. Surprisingly, the test was positive for meningitis. As a result of Dr.Kason's NDE, her friend was able to get treated for meningitis at its early stage before it had time to becomedeadly. Dr. Kason continues to have such visions. She now realizes that, as a result of her NDE, that is nowpsychic. Her story affirms that useful things are indeed brought back from NDEs. There are many otherexamples of the NDE providing scientific discoveries such as the next item below.Sources:

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20. NDEs have advanced the field of medical science.

Another example of bringing back scientific discoveries resulting from an NDE comes fromMellen-Thomas Benedict. After his NDE, Mellen-Thomas Benedict brought back a great dealof scientific information concerning biophotonics, cellular communication, quantum biology,and DNA research. Mellen-Thomas Benedict currently holds eight U.S. patents and isalways working on more. In an interview with Guy Spiro of, Mellen-Thomas discusses this phenomenon:

"One of the things I did that got me a lot of attention was working with the University of Texas. Iwas brought in with Dr. Ken Ring and not told what it was going to be or any details whatsoeverand I didn’t know anything until we entered the room. By the way, this was videotaped andrecorded. At that time, I could do almost a self hypnosis and get to the light.

"So, the University of Texas sat me down and they said, 'Today, we are going to be working onsomething call CNT.' That was all the information that they gave me, that it was a medicalproblem, and then I did my technique. In those days, the only tools that I brought with me were abig pad of paper and large Crayola crayons. I could sit there, go to the light and still speak to youand draw pictures while seeing.

"With this experiment, I went to the light and asked 'What information can we bring back?' Ialmost immediately started drawing and I drew something that to me looked like two horseshoes. A big horse shoe facing down on the bottom and a smaller horse shoe facing up on top. Isaid, 'The answer is in this upper horse shoe and it’s these three segments.' I numbered themexactly and I said, 'That’s where the problem is and the real problem is in this third piecing whichis this thing.' I was pointing out a gene, but I didn’t know any of that. And then I drew picture and Isaid, 'There are two heads on it and one head is normal and the one that isn’t right is overridingthe head that is. If we can figure out a way to cleave that head off, I think we can cure this.'

"It turns out that I was exactly right. I helped decode a genetic disease and the information wasvery accurate. Everybody thanked me and I went away. Then about three months later, I startedgetting letters and calls saying, 'My God, you hit it right on the head! This is astounding. There isno way you could have had this information in advance.' I did a fair number of projects like thatand a fair number of think tanks, all of which you have to sign nondisclosures and promise tonever talk about. I worked in a lot of think tanks with some very impressive world class scientistsover the next ten years until I retired from all that in 1995." (Mellen-Thomas Benedict)


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21. NDEs have advanced the field of psychology.

In a hospital in Switzerland in 1944, the world-renowned psychiatrist Carl G. Jung, had aheart attack and then a near-death experience. His vivid encounter with the light, plus theintensely meaningful insights led Jung to conclude that his experience came fromsomething real and eternal. Jung's experience is unique in that he saw the Earth from avantage point of about a thousand miles above it. His incredibly accurate view of the Earthfrom outer space was described about two decades before astronauts in space firstdescribed it. Subsequently, as he reflected on life after death, Jung recalled the meditatingHindu from his near-death experience and read it as a parable of the archetypal Higher Self,

the God-image within. Carl Jung, who founded analytical psychology, centered on the archetypes of thecollective unconscious. During his near-death experiences, he met the avatar of the physician who wastreating him and was still living on Earth.Sources:

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22. NDEs correspond with the "quirky" principles found in physics.

Principles of quantum physics supports NDE concepts include the properties of (a) light, (b) amulti-dimensional reality, (c) zero point field, (d) quantum interconnectivity, (e) quantumconsciousness, (f ) quantum synchronicity, (g) space and time interconnectivity, (h) timetravel, (i ) teleportation, (j ) non-locality, (k) singularities and the concept of (l ) subjectivity.


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23. The transcendent nature of minds in NDEs corresponds with physics.

New developments in quantum physics shows that we cannot know phenomena apartfrom the observer. Arlice Davenport challenges the hallucination theory of NDEs asoutmoded because the field theories of physics now suggest new paradigm optionsavailable to explain NDEs. Mark Woodhouse argues that the traditionalmaterialism/dualism battle over NDEs may be solved by Einstein. Since matter is nowseen as a form of energy, an energy body alternative to the material body could explain theNDE. This is supported by Melvin Morse who describes how NDEs are able to realign thecharges in the electromagnetic field of the human body so that somehow the brain's wiring

is renewed. He reports on patients who have NDEs and who recover from such diseases as pneumonia,cardiac arrest, and cancer (1992, 153-54). Perhaps the brain is like a kind of receiver (such as a television,radio, or cell phone). What is received (i.e., signals, music, voice) is not produced by the receiver, but existsseparately as electromagnetic waves that are processed by the receiver to make them visible or audible to thesenses.Sources:

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24. NDEs have advanced the fields of philosophy and religion.

The famed Greek philosopher, Plato, described in his legendary work entitled Republic, theNDE account of a soldier named Er. Plato integrated at least three elements of this NDEinto his philosophy: (a) The departure of the soul from the cave of shadows to see the lightof truth, (b) The flight of the soul to a vision of pure celestial being, (c) Its subsequentrecollection of the vision of light, which is the very purpose of philosophy. The man responsible for making Christianity a world religion, the Apostle Paul, described

his own NDE as follows: "I know a person in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up the third heaven.Whether it was in the body or out of the body I do not know - God knows. And I know that this person - whetherin the body or apart from the body I do not know, but God knows - was caught up to paradise. He heardinexpressible things, things that people are not permitted to tell. (2 Corinthians 12:2-4). In this letter, Paul basedhis authority as an Apostle on this NDE. Some or all of his revelations of Jesus certainly came from this NDE.The inspiration of much of the New Testament can be attributed in some way to Paul's NDE.

The Tibetan Book of the Dead, whose actual title is "The Great Liberation upon Hearing in the IntermediateState" or "Bardo Thodol", has striking parallels with the NDEs of people who have died, experiencedthemselves floating out of their bodies, having what appears to be real afterlife events, and then being revived.It is traditionally believed to be the work of the legendary Padma Sambhava in the 8th century A.D. The bookacts as a guide for the dead during the state that intervenes death and the next rebirth. He is considered to beone of the first persons to bring Buddhism to Tibet. The Bardo Thodol is a guide that is read aloud to the deadwhile they are in the state between death and reincarnation in order for them to recognize the nature of theirmind and attain liberation from the cycle of rebirth. The Bardo Thodol teaches that once awareness is freedfrom the body, it creates its own reality as one would experience in a dream. This dream occurs in variousphases (bardos) in ways both wonderful and terrifying. Overwhelming peaceful and wrathful visions and deitiesappear. Since the deceased's awareness is in confusion of no longer being connected to a physical body, itneeds help and guidance in order that enlightenment and liberation occurs. The Bardo Thodol teaches how wecan attain Nirvana by recognizing the heavenly realms instead of entering into the lower realms where thecycle of birth and rebirth continue.Sources:

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25. NDEs have the nature of an archetypal initiatory journey.

Dr. Ken Ring believes NDEs can be viewed psychologically as archetypal initiatory journeysinvolving a death of one's old ego and a rebirth of a new self. An adequate interpretation mustincorporate the spiritual realm of kundalini experiences, the imaginal realm, and the mind atlarge. As Ring envisions in an essay in this book, this paradigm can deconstruct ourtraditional Western worldview. It may lead to a dramatic next step in the evolution of a moreecological and more compassionate consciousness.


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26. People have been clinically dead for several days.

Rev. George Rodonaia underwent one of the most extended cases of a near-deathexperience ever recorded. Pronounced dead immediately after he was hit by a car in 1976,he was left for three days in the morgue. He did not "return to life" until a doctor began tomake an incision in his abdomen as part of an autopsy procedure. Prior to his NDE heworked as a neuropathologist. He was also an avowed atheist. Yet after the experience, hedevoted himself exclusively to the study of spirituality, taking a second doctorate in thepsychology of religion. He then became an ordained priest in the Eastern Orthodox

Church. He served as a pastor at St. Paul United Methodist Church in Baytown, Texas. Rodonaia held an M.D.and a Ph.D. in neuropathology, and a Ph.D. in the psychology of religion. He delivered a keynote address to theUnited Nations on the "Emerging Global Spirituality." Before emigrating to the United States from the SovietUnion in 1989, he worked as a research psychiatrist at the University of Moscow.

In June 2005, scientists at the University of Pittsburgh announced that they succeeded in reviving dogs afterthree hours of clinical death. The procedure involved draining all the blood from the dogs' bodies and filled themwith an ice-cold salt solution. These dogs were scientifically dead, as their breathing and heartbeat werestopped and they registered no brain activity. But three hours later, their blood was replaced and they werebrought back to life with an electric shock with no brain damage. A spokesman said the technique could betried on humans within a year.Sources:

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27. NDEs have produced visions of the future which later became true.

Many people were given visions of the future during their near-death experience. Generally,these visions foretell a future of catastrophic natural disasters and social upheaval followedby a new era of peace and have actually already come to pass. Some of them did nothappen as foretold. Many of these apocalyptic visions are to happen within the next fewdecades. Examples of events which have been foretold by the NDE visions of the future byEdgar Cayce include World War I & II, the 1929 Stock Market Crash, the fall of the SovietUnion and communism, the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Desert Storm waragainst Iraq in 1990, and the 9/11 terrorist attack.


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28. Groups of dying people can share the same NDE.

A rare type of NDE called the "group near-death experience" is a phenomenon where awhole group of people have an NDE at the same time and location. They see each otheroutside of their bodies and have a shared or similar experience. In 1996, NDE researcherArvin Gibson interviewed a fire-fighter named Jake who had a most unusual NDE whileworking with other fire-fighters in a forest. What makes it unique is that it happened at thesame time as several co-workers were also having an NDE. During their NDEs, theyactually met each other and saw each other above their lifeless bodies. All survived andthey verified with each other afterwards that the experience actually happened. Jake's near-

death experience was so interesting that Gibson's local chapter of IANDS invited him to tell his story at one oftheir meetings. Another example of a group NDE is described in the IANDS publication Vital Signs (Volume XIX,No. 3, 2000) and is described in a greater way in Dr. Stephen Hoyer and May Eulitt's book entitled "Fireweaver:The Story of a Life, a Near-Death, and Beyond."Sources:

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30. Childhood NDEs are remarkably similar to adult NDEs.

The NDE researcher P.M.H. Atwater has pointed out the fascinating anomaly that anamazing number of people important to the evolution of humankind may well have hadsuch an episode during their childhood. She discusses this at length in both of her books,Future Memory and Children of the New Millennium. Some of the notable child NDEs shecame across were Abraham Lincoln, Mozart, Albert Einstein, Queen Elizabeth I, Edwardde Vere/the 17th Earl of Oxford (who most likely is the real Shakespeare), WinstonChurchill, Black Elk, Walter Russell, plus several others.


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31. NDEs change people unlike hallucinations and dreams.

No matter what the nature of the NDE, it alters lives. Alcoholics find themselves unable toimbibe. Hardened criminals opt for a life of helping others. Atheists embrace the existenceof a deity, while dogmatic members of a particular religion report "feeling welcome in anychurch or temple or mosque." Nancy Evans Bush, president emeritus of the International Association for Near-DeathStudies, says the experience is revelatory. "Most near-death survivors say they don't thinkthere is a God," she says. "They know." In 1975, when Raymond Moody published Life

After Life, a book that coined the term "near-death experience" (NDE) to describe this hard-to-definephenomenon. Moody interviewed 150 near-death patients who reported vivid experiences (flashing back tochildhood, coming face to face with Christ). He found that those who had undergone NDEs became morealtruistic, less materialistic, and more loving.

Bruce Greyson and Ian Stevenson have been instrumental in gathering evidence indicating that religiousbackgrounds do not affect who is most likely to have an NDE. They have mapped out the conversion-likeeffects of NDEs that can sometimes lead to hardship. "They can see the good in all people," Greyson says ofpeople who have experienced the phenomenon. "They act fairly naive, and they often allow themselves to beopened up to con men who abuse their trust." They have gathered reports of high divorce rates and problemsin the workplace following NDEs. "The values you get from an NDE are not the ones you need to function ineveryday life," says Greyson. Having stared eternity in the face, he observes, those who return often lose theirtaste for ego-boosting achievement. Not even the diehard skeptics doubt the powerful personal effects ofNDEs. "This is a profound emotional experience," explains Nuland. "People are convinced that they've seenheaven."Sources:

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32. NDEs cannot be explained by brain chemistry alone.

Dr. Jeffrey Long is a physician practicing the specialty of radiation oncology in Houma,Louisiana. Dr. Long served on the Board of Directors of IANDS, and is actively involved inNDE research. In his book, "Evidence of the Afterlife: The Science of Near-DeathExperiences," Dr. Long documents a study he conducted - the largest scientific study ofNDEs ever. It is based on his research of over 1,300 NDEs shared with Usinghis treasure trove of data, Dr. Long explains how NDEs cannot be explained by brainchemistry alone, how medical evidence fails to explain them away and why there is onlyone plausible explanation - that people have survived death and traveled to another

dimension. Dr. Long makes his case using nine lines of evidence and they are: (1) Crystal-ClearConsciousness. The level of conscious alertness during NDEs is usually greater than that experienced ineveryday life - even though NDEs generally occur when a person is unconscious or clinically dead. This highlevel of consciousness while physically unconscious is medically unexplained. Additionally, the elements inNDEs generally follow the same consistent and logical order in all age groups and around the world, whichrefutes the possibility that NDEs have any relation to dreams or hallucinations. (2) Realistic Out-of-BodyExperiences (OBEs): OBEs are one of the most common elements of NDEs. Events witnessed and heardby NDErs while in an out-of-body state are almost always realistic. When the NDEr or others later seek toverify what was witnessed or heard during the NDE, their OBE observations are almost always confirmed ascompletely accurate. Even if the OBE observations include events occurring far away from the physical body,and far from any possible sensory awareness of the NDEr, the OBE observations are still almost alwaysconfirmed as completely accurate. This fact alone rules out the possibility that NDEs are related to any knownbrain functioning or sensory awareness. This also refutes the possibility that NDEs are unrealistic fragments ofmemory from the brain. (3) Heightened Senses. Not only are heightened senses reported by most who haveNDEs, normal or supernormal vision has occurred in those with significantly impaired vision, and even legalblindness. Several people who have been totally blind since birth have reported highly visual NDEs. This ismedically unexplainable. (4) Consciousness During Anesthesia. Many NDEs occur while the NDEr is undergeneral anesthesia - at a time when any conscious experience should be impossible. While some skepticsclaim these NDEs may be the result of too little anesthesia, this ignores the fact that some NDEs result fromanesthesia overdose. Additionally, descriptions of a NDEs differ greatly from those people who experiences"anesthetic awareness." The content of NDEs occurring under general anesthesia is essentiallyindistinguishable from NDEs that do not occur under general anesthesia. This is more strong evidence thatNDEs occur independent from the functioning of the material brain. (5) Perfect Playback. Life reviews inNDEs include real events which previously occurred in the lives of the NDEr - even if the events were forgottenor happened before they were old enough to remember. (6) Family Reunions. During an NDE, theexperiencer may encounter people who are virtually always deceased and are usually relatives of the NDEr.Sometimes they include relatives who died before the NDEr was even born. If NDEs are merely the product ofmemory fragments, they would almost certainly include far more living people, including those with whom theyhad more recently interacted. (7) Children’s Experiences. The NDEs of children, including very youngchildren who are too young to have developed concepts of death, religion, or NDEs, are essentially identical tothose of older children and adults. This refutes the possibility that the content of NDEs is produced bypreexisting beliefs or cultural conditioning. (8) Worldwide Consistency. NDEs appear remarkably consistentaround the world, and across many different religions and cultures. NDEs from non-Western countries areincredibly similar to those occurring in people in Western countries. (9) Aftereffects. It is common for peopleto experience major life changes after having NDEs. These aftereffects are often powerful, lasting, life-enhancing, and the changes generally follow a consistent pattern. NDErs themselves are practically universalin their belief that their experience of the afterlife was real.Sources:Article: "Common Elements Are Found in NDEs: P.M.H. Atwater's NDE Research" - www.near-death.comBook: "Evidence of the Afterlife: The Science of Near-Death Experiences" by Dr. Jeffrey Long and PaulPerryReturn to Top

33. NDEs have been occurring for thousands of years.

Reports of near-death experiences are not a new phenomenon. A great number of themhave been recorded over a period of thousands of years. The ancient religious texts suchas The Tibetan Book of the Dead, the Christian Bible, and the Koran describe experiencesof life after death which remarkably resembles modern NDEs. The oldest surviving explicitreport of an NDE in Western literature comes from the famed Greek philosopher, Plato,who describes an event in his tenth book of his legendary book entitled Republic. Platodiscusses the story of Er, a soldier who awoke on his funeral pyre and described his

journey into the afterlife. But this story is not just a random anecdote for Plato. He integrated at least threeelements of the NDE into his philosophy: the departure of the soul from the cave of shadows to see the light oftruth, the flight of the soul to a vision of pure celestial being and its subsequent recollection of the vision of light,which is the very purpose of philosophy.Sources:

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34. The skeptical "dying brain" theory of NDEs has major flaws.

Two competing hypotheses are advanced in a book by skeptic Susan Blackmore entitledDying to Live and they are (1) The Afterlife Hypothesis and (2) Susan Blackmore's TheDying Brain Hypothesis. The Afterlife Hypothesis states spirit survives body death. TheNDE is the result of spirit separating from the body. The Dying Brain Hypothesis states theNDE is an artifact of brain chemistry. According to the dying brain hypothesis, there is nospirit which survives body death. Skeptics who claim the author of Dying to Live is nonbiased are proven wrong; skeptics who claim she provides scientific proof are shown, byher own words, to be in error.

Because NDEs have many common core elements, this suggests that they are spiritual voyages outside ofthe body. Also, if the dying brain creates NDE illusions, what is the purpose for doing it? If our brains are only ahigh-tech computer-like lump of tissue which produces our mind and personality, why does it bother to createillusions at the time of death? If everything, including the mind and personality, are about to disintegrate, whywould the brain produce a last wonderful Grand Finale vision? Even if NDE elements can be reduced to only aseries of brain reactions, this does not negate the idea that NDEs are more than a brain thing.Sources:

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35. Skeptical arguments against NDEs are not valid.

Sociologist Dr. Allan Kellehear states that some scientific theories are often presented asthe most logical, factual, objective, credible, and progressive possibilities, as opposed tothe allegedly subjective, superstitious, abnormal, or dysfunctional views of mystics. Therhetorical opinions of some NDE theories are presented as if they were scientific(Kellehear, 1996, 120). Many skeptical arguments against the survival theory are actuallyarguments from pseudo-skeptics who often think they have no burden of proof. Sucharguments often based on scientism with assumptions that survival is impossible even

though survival has not been ruled out. Faulty conclusions are often made such as, "Because NDEs have abrain chemical connection then survival is impossible." Pseudo-skeptical arguments are sometimes made thatdo not consider the entire body of circumstantial evidence supporting the possibility of survival or do notconsider the possibility of new paradigms. Such pseudo-skeptical claims are often made without any scientificevidence.Sources:

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36. The burden of proof has shifted to skeptics of an afterlife.

All neurological theories concluding NDEs to be only a brain anomaly, must show how thecore elements of the NDE occur subjectively because of specific neurological eventstriggered by the approach of death. These core elements include: the out-of-body state,paranormal knowledge, the tunnel, the golden light, the voice or presence, the appearanceof deceased relatives, and beautiful vistas. Perhaps the final word should go to NancyEvans Bush, a NDEr with the International Association for Near-Death Studies, who said:

"There is no human experience of any description that can't simply be reduced to a biological process, but thatin no way offsets the meaning those experiences have for us - whether it's falling in love, or grieving, or havinga baby."Sources:

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37. Other anomalous phenomena supports an afterlife.

Anomalous phenomena supporting the survival theory includes: out-of-body experiencessuch as researched by Jerry Gross, (1) deathbed visions, (2) quantum physics, (3) dreamresearch, (4) after-death communications research, (5) reincarnation research, (6) hypnosis,(7) synchronicity, (8) remote viewing, and (9) consciousness research.


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38. NDEs support the reality of reincarnation.

Amber Wells was a student at the University of Connecticut and wrote a research paperbased on her study of the near-death experience for her senior honors thesis under thedirection of Dr. Ken Ring. Her paper was published in the Journal of Near-Death Studies inthe fall of 1993. In her study, 70 percent of the group of near-death experiencersdemonstrated belief in reincarnation. Claims have been documented by other researchersof direct knowledge of reincarnation which became available during the near-deathexperience itself. An example of this type out-of-body research of knowledge can be seen in

a letter written to Dr. Ken Ring by John Robinson: "It is a matter of personal knowledge from what the beingwith whom I spoke during my near-death experience told me about my older son, that he had had 14incarnations in female physical bodies previous to the life he has just had."Sources:

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39. Scientific evidence of reincarnation supports an afterlife.

On June 11, 1992, at Princeton University, Dr. Ian Stevenson presented a paper entitled:"Birthmarks and Birth Defects Corresponding to Wounds on Deceased Persons"providing scientific evidence suggestive of reincarnation which was published in theJournal of Scientific Exploration. These findings support reincarnation in NDE researchfindings as well. Reincarnation has been called by some to be the greatest unknownscientific discovery today. In the last chapter of Dr. Ian Stevenson's book entitled TwentyCases Suggestive of Reincarnation (1967), he provides rigorous scientific reasoning toshow how reincarnation is the only viable explanation that fits the facts of his study. He

considers every possible alternative explanation for his twenty cases of young children who werespontaneously able to describe a previous lifetime as soon as they learned to talk. He was able to rule out eachalternative explanation using one or more aspects of these cases. Later research has even bolstered his casein favor of the existence of reincarnation. His study is also completely reproducible which means that anybodywho doubts the validity of this study is perfectly welcome to repeat it for themselves. I believe it is only a shortmatter of time before his discovery of the existence of reincarnation is finally realized by the scientificcommunity and the world to be accepted as one of the greatest scientific discoveries of all time.Sources:

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40. Xenoglossy supports reincarnation and an afterlife.

One of the most amazing psychic phenomena, which religionists, skeptics and atheistshave continuously and deliberately ignored is xenoglossy - the ability to speak or write aforeign language a person never learned. After all other explanations have beeninvestigated - such as fraud, genetic memory, telepathy and cryptomnesia (theremembering of a foreign language learned earlier), xenoglossy is taken as evidence ofeither memories of a language learned in a past life or of communication with a discarnateentity— a spirit person. There are many cases on record of adults and children speakingand writing languages which they have never learned. Sometimes this happens

spontaneously but more often it occurs while the person is under hypnosis or in an altered state ofconsciousness. In some cases it is only a few words remembered but in other cases the person becomestotally fluent and able to converse with native speakers sometimes in obscure dialects which have not been inuse for centuries. There are literally thousands of xenoglossic cases, many hundreds of which have beendocumented. They involve modern and ancient languages from all over the world. Psychic investigators, suchthe highly credible Dr. Ian Stevenson, used scientific method to illustrate xenoglossy and claim that there areonly two possible explanations — either spirit contact or past life memory both of which are evidence for theafterlife.Sources:

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41. Past-life regression supports reincarnation and an afterlife.

Past life regression such as that practiced by Dr. Michael Newton, simply involves placinga person under hypnosis and asking them to go back through their childhood to a timebefore they were born. In many cases the person begins talking about his or her life orlives before the present lifetime, about their previous death and about the time betweenlives including the planning of the present lifetime. The main reason why at least some ofthese claims must be considered as evidence are:


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42. Contact with "the dead" have occurred under scientific controls.

On Oct. 4, 1999, the University of Arizona announced a study conducted by Dr. GarySchwartz: "UA Researchers Look Beyond the Grave" concerning scientific evidencesupporting a theory of the existence of a Universal Living Memory. This was achieved bytesting highly qualified psychic mediums to see if they could contact the dead. The successof this study is important in that it supports NDE research in providing a scientific foundationtoward investigating the survival of consciousness after death.


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43. Many people have experienced after-death communications.

An after-death communication (ADC) is a spiritual experience thatoccurs when a person is contacted directly and spontaneously by afamily member or friend who has died. During their seven years ofresearch, Bill and Judy Guggenheim at www.after-death.comcollected more than 3,300 firsthand reports from people who believethey have been contacted by a deceased loved one. Their book, HelloFrom Heaven, documents many such experiences.


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44. Dream research supports NDEs and an afterlife.

One of the strangest cases in the history of dream research is described in thedocumentary, The Secret World of Dreams. It describes the amazing story of a womannamed Claire Sylvia. She was a professional dancer with several modern dancecompanies. As the years passed, Claire's health began to deteriorate. Claire Sylvia had toundergo a heart and lung transplant. Soon after the transplant, she began having strangeand incredibly vivid dreams about a young man she didn't recognize. Eventually, Clairerealized that the young man in her dreams was the eighteen-year-old organ donor whoseheart and lungs resided in her chest. Through her continuing dream contacts with her donor,she learned a lot about him including his name. She then decided to do the research to find

out if this "heavenly" information was correct.

Yale University Pediatric Cancer specialist Dr. Diane Komp reported that many dying children have NDEswhich often occurred during dreams. One boy, for example, told Dr. Komp that Jesus had visited him in a bigyellow school bus and told him he would die soon. The boy died as he predicted.

According to the celebrated psychiatrist and dream analyst, Marie Louise Von Franz, and based on heranalysis of over 10,000 dreams of the dying, the meaning being communicated is that the light of the individual,one of the common metaphors for life that we've heard so often, goes out at death but is miraculously renewedon the other side. In other words, the spirit seems to live on. This dream then illustrates perfectly a profoundinsight of the great psychoanalyst and mentor of Dr. Von Franz, Carl Jung, MD, who has said: "Theunconscious psyche believes in a life after death." According to Jung, dream symbols which exist in the verydepths of the soul behave as if the psychic life of the individual will continue. In Dr. Von Franz' words: "Thesesymbols depict the end of bodily life and the explicit continuation of psychic life after death. In other words, ourlast dreams prepare us for death."Sources:

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45. Deathbed visions support NDEs and an afterlife.

Dr. Carla Wills-Brandon has researched, in depth, the universal phenomenon of theDeathbed Vision (DBV) and has included her findings in her book, One Last Hug Before IGo. Complete with her own personal encounters, and those of numerous other DBVexperiencers, this revolutionary work explores DBVs throughout history, from ancientEgypt to modern-day America. Through the visions and experiences common to all dyingpeople, one can learn more about the spiritual journey that begins with death. According torecent studies, only about 10% of people are conscious shortly before their death. Of thisgroup, 50% to 67% have DBVs.

Sources:Article: "Deathbed Visions": Dr. Carla Wills-Brandon's Research - www.near-death.comArticle: "Parting Visions," by David Sunfellow - www.near-death.comBook: "A Lawyer Presents the Case for the Afterlife" by Victor Zammit -

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46. Remote viewing supports NDEs and an afterlife

On April 23, 1984, the Washington Post reported: "The Race for Inner Space" about theCIA's remote viewing program. On August 12, 1985, the Deseret News reported: "TheUnited States is Still Involved in ESP-ionage." Other media attention followed. One theoryabout how remote viewing works is that gifted or trained people can tap into a "UniversalMind." NDE research also suggests the reality of a Universal or Collective Consciousness.

Some of the any credible remote reviewers, such as Joseph McMoneagle, received theirremote viewing powers from a near-death experience.


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47. Studies show prayer to be effective under scientific controls.

On Oct. 25, 1999, BBC News reported: "Healing Power of Prayer Revealed" about a studyat a university hospital in Kansas City, U.S. about scientific evidence of healing through thepower of prayer. Then on June 5, 2000, BBC News reported: "Prayer Works as a Cure"about a different study conducted at the University of Maryland providing more evidence ofhealing through prayer. These findings support NDE research findings whichdemonstrates the reality of a transcendent consciousness. Dr. Larry Dossey has doneextensive research on the efficacy of prayer and has written several excellent books on thesubject.


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48. The Scole Experiments supports NDEs and an afterlife.

Victor Zammit is a lawyer who has collected a large body of evidence supporting thereality of an afterlife. Zammit has an excellent article concerning what many regard as thegreatest afterlife experiment in the world. The evidence collected over a period of morethan four years and with more than 500 sittings by the Scole Experiments and theafterlife team is absolute, definitive and irrefutable. Scole is a village in Norfolk, England.Using it as a base, mediums Robin and Sandra Foy and Alan and Diana Bennett andother experimenters produced brilliant evidence of the afterlife in England, the U.S.Ireland and in Spain. Their results are being repeated by other groups around the worldand will convince even the toughest open-minded skeptic. The group began with two

mediums delivering messages from a non-physical group. Many of these messages contained personalinformation that nobody else could know about. Soon the messages came in the form of voices which could beheard by all in the room. Then came the actual materialization of people and objects from the non-physicalside.Sources:

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49. Electronic voice phenomena supports NDEs and an afterlife.

For more than 50 years, experimenters all over the world have been tape recording"paranormal voices" - voices which cannot be heard when a tape recorder is playing butwhich can be heard when the tape is played back. Many of these messages have beenreported to be from loved ones who have passed on. Such messages would include theexperimenter's name and also answers to the experimenter's questions. It is aphenomenon known as "EVP" or "electronic voice phenomenon" and there are thousandsof researchers around the world researching this fascinating psychic phenomenon. Thisphenomenon is particularly relevant to evidence supporting the survival hypothesis

because it follows strict scientific procedures and have been duplicated under laboratory conditions by variousof researchers in many different countries. Friedrich Jürgenson (pictured above) is considered to be the "The father of EVP" because he was the first tocapture EVP successfully on a recording device. One particular recording changed his life forever. Afterplaying back on of his recordings, he was shocked to hear his mother’s voice say “Friedel can you hear me.It’s mammy.” Friedrich's mother had long ago passed away and the endearment he heard was usedexclusively by her. Jürgenson was now convinced these unusual audio transmissions were voices from theafterlife. In 1964, Jürgenson published a book on his EVP research entitled "The Voices From Space."

After reading Friedrich Jürgenson's book, Dr. Konstantins Raudive (1909–1974, pictured on the right), a Latvianpsychologist who was a student of Carl Jung, meet with Jürgenson and conducted EVP experiments with him.As a result, in 1965, Raudive began to conduct his own EVP research and with the help of various electronicsexperts, Raudive recorded over 100,000 audiotapes, most of which were conducted using strict laboratoryconditions. Raudive would confirm the accuracy of his recordings by inviting listeners to hear and interpretthem. Over 400 people were involved in his EVP research and all heard the voices. This culminated in his 1968book entitled "Breakthrough: An Amazing Experiment in Electronic Communication with the Dead." Raudice'sresearch into EVP gave experimenters various methods for recording EVP’s including the EVP classificationscale that is used by researchers today. The popular paranormal TV series called "Ghost Adventures" featuresan overwhelmingly number of convincing EVP recordings as they occur.Sources:

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50. Atheists believe in an afterlife after having NDEs.

Atheists have deathbed experiences and near-death experiences just like everyone elsedoes. The philosophy of Positivism, founded by the famous atheist named A. J. Ayer, is thephilosophy that anything not verifiable by the senses is nonsense. Because NDEs markthe end of the senses, Positivists believe the survival of the senses after death isnonsense. But this philosophy has been challenged by its founder A. J. Ayer himself. Laterin life, Ayer had an NDE where he saw a red light. Ayer's NDE made him a changed man:"My recent experiences, have slightly weakened my conviction that my genuine death ...will be the end of me, though I continue to hope that it will be." (Ayer, 1988 a,b) (Read more

about it from an article in the National Post and an article by Gerry Lougrhan: Can there be life after life? Askthe atheist! (by Gerry Lougrhan, Letter From London, March 18, 2001.)

A non-NDE example comes from Antony Flew, a champion of atheist beliefs for more than 50 years. In a newsarticle titled "Atheist Discovers 'The Science of God'": "One of Britain's most prominent atheists has decidedthat God might exist after all. Professor Antony Flew now believes there is scientific evidence supporting thetheory of some sort of intelligence behind the creation the universe. Professor Flew, 81, a professor emeritusof philosophy at the University of Reading, said that this was the only explanation for the origin of life ... "I'mthinking of a God very different from the God of the Christian and far and away from the God of Islam, becauseboth are depicted as omnipotent Oriental despots - cosmic Saddam Husseins," he said in his new video, "HasScience Discovered God?"Sources:

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51. Psychometry supports NDEs and an afterlife.

According to, "psychometry" is a psychic ability in which the user is able torelate details about the past condition of an object or area, usually by being in closecontact with it. The user could allegedly, for example, give police precise details about amurder or other violent crime if they were at the crime scene or were holding the weaponused.'s Paranormal Phenomena website lists information about several of themost convincing psychometrists.

Stefan Ossowiecki, a Russian-born psychic, is one of the most famous psychometrists.Ossowiecki claimed to be able to see people's auras and to move objects through psychokinesis. His psychicgifts enabled this chemical engineer to locate lost objects and missing people, and he assisted in severalcriminal investigations. In 1935, he participated in a test of his psychometric powers - a test devised by awealthy Hungarian named Dionizy Jonky that involved a sealed package. Jonky stipulated that this test was tobe conducted eight years after his death. (Jonky and Ossowiecki did not know each other.) First, 14photographs of men were placed in front of Ossowiecki, one of which was of Jonky. Ossowiecki picked out thecorrect photo. Next, Ossowiecki accurately described many details of Jonky's life and correctly identified theman who held the package for the past eight years. Finally, Ossowiecki was presented with the sealedpackage Jonky had prepared before his death. Ossowiecki touched the package and concentrated. "Volcanicminerals," he said. "There is something here that pulls me to other worlds, to another planet." Oddly, he alsosensed sugar. Inside the package was a meteorite encased in a candy wrapper.

In later experiments, Ossowiecki performed remarkable psychometric feats with archeological objects - a kindof psychic archeology. These tests were conducted by Stanislaw Poniatowski, a professor of enthology at theUniversity of Warsaw who could verify the accuracy of what Ossowiecki "saw." While holding a 10,000-year-old piece of flint, Ossowiecki was able to describe in amazing detail the lives of the prehistoric people whomade it. In other tests he provided similar descriptions of people who lived as long ago as 300,000 years.Some of the information he provided was not even known by experts at the time, but confirmed by discoveriesyears later!

Ossowiecki described his visions as being like a motion picture that he could watch, pause, rewind and fast-forward - like a videotape or DVD.Sources:

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52. Memories of Near-Death Experiences are More Real Than Normal Memories.

Researchers at the Coma Science Group, directed by Steven Laureys, and theUniversity of Liege's Cognitive Psychology Research, headed by Professor SergeBredart and Hedwige Dehon, have demonstrated that the physiological mechanismstriggered during NDEs lead to a more vivid perception not only of imagined events in thehistory of an individual but also of real events which have taken place in their lives.These surprising results - obtained using an original method which now requires furtherinvestigation - were published in PLOS ONE. The researchers looked into thememories of NDEs with the hypothesis that if the memories of NDEs were pureproducts of the imagination, their phenomenological characteristics (e.g., sensorial, selfreferential, emotional, etc. details) should be closer to those of imagined memories.Conversely, if the NDE are experienced in a way similar to that of reality, their

characteristics would be closer to the memories of real events. Their results were surprising. From theperspective being studied, not only were the NDEs not similar to the memories of imagined events, but thephenomenological characteristics inherent to the memories of real events (e.g. memories of sensorial details)are even more numerous in the memories of NDE than in the memories of real events.Sources:

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"In the light of the near-death experience, death is nothing morethan the illusion of separateness and finality, and those who canbelieve in this vision of death, like near-death experiencersthemselves, lose all fear of it, for how can you fear that whichdoes not exist?" - Dr. Kenneth Ring

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Books onNDE & Afterlife


The Mereon Matrix:Unity, Perspective and

Paradox(Hardcover edition)

Also available in: Kindle editionAlso available in: Ebook (PDF)

by Lynnclaire Dennis, JytteMcNair, and Louis Kauffman

The Mereon Matrix is a 600+ pageacademic textbook about a new

mathematical discovery found in theNDE of Lynnclaire Dennis. This

unique geometrical "Pattern" she sawin the Light led her begin an

investigation to understand what sheknew was an important scientific

discovery given to her to helphumanity solve some of its most

critical problems. The importance ofthis discovery is revealed by the fact

that this book was published byElsevier, the world's leading providerof science and health information.

The Physics ofConsciousness: The QuantumMind and the Meaning of Life

by Dr. Evan Harris WalkerThe author outlines the basis for thenew physics - one that recognizesconsciousness as a fundamental partof reality and opens the door toparanormal phenomena and God as"Quantum Mind."

God at the Speed of Light:The Melding of Science and

Spiritualityby Dr. T. Lee Baumann

Could it be that light and God are onein the same? Physician Lee

Baumann makes a case for exactlythat. From many sources, Dr.Baumann has synthesized a

compelling picture of what may be thetrue nature of our universe at all levels

- physical, mental, and spiritual.

The Holographic Universeby Michael Talbot

Beginning with physicist David Bohmand neurophysiologist Karl Pribram,

both of whom independently arrived atholographic theories explaining the

nature of the universe, Talbot explainsin clear terms this theory and applies

it to both science and and theparanormal.

The Spiritual Universe: OnePhysicist's Vision of Spirit,

Soul, Matter, and Selfby Dr. Fred Alan Wolf

Dr. Wolf proves the spiritual andscientific basis for the existence ofthe soul by using insights into the

world of quantum physics.

The Self-Aware Universeby Dr. Amit Goswami, Maggie

Goswami, Richard ReedThe scientific case for a self-aware

universe. Consciousness, not matter,is the ground of all existence.

Consciousness created the physicalworld. There is no objective reality

independent of consciousness. Theso-called mind-body schism is


The Non-Local Universe: TheNew Physics and Matters of

the Mindby Dr. Robert Nadeau, Menas

KafatosClassical physics rules out "spookyaction at a distance" (i.e., a billiardball cannot move unless somethingcontacts it.). But the new physicspermits "non-local" action (i.e., do

certain things to a photon and anotherphoton can be affected at faster thanlight speed). Hence, all of physicalreality is a single quantum system

and reality.

The Holotropic Mind: TheThree Levels of Human

Consciousness and HowThey Shape Our Lives

by Dr. Stanislav Grof, Hal ZinaBennett

Observations of "non-ordinary" statesof consciousness support the theory

that the mind is essentially"holotropic" (i.e., like a hologram

wherein the whole can bereconstructed from a tiny part). Thus,

our infinite transpersonalconsciousness can transcend notonly the time-space continuum but

even visit other dimensions andparallel universes.

From Science to God: APhysicist's Journey into theMystery of Consciousness

by Dr. Peter RussellRussell, well known for his work on

the physiology of meditation,describes his personal struggle to

bring science and spirit together. Bydescribing the more mysterious

discoveries of contemporary physicsas a source of spiritual inspiration,

the scientific study of consciousnesscan yield an insight into

consciousness that religions call"God".

The Conscious Mind: InSearch of a Fundamental

Theoryby Dr. David J. Chalmers

What is consciousness? How dophysical processes in the brain giverise to the self-aware mind and to

feelings as profoundly varied as loveor hate, aesthetic pleasure or spiritual

yearning? Now, in The ConsciousMind, philosopher David J. Chalmers

offers a cogent analysis of this heateddebate as he unveils a major newtheory of consciousness, one thatrejects the prevailing reductionisttrend of science, while offering

provocative insights into therelationship between mind and brain.

Mindsight: Near-Death andOut-of-Body Experiences in

the Blindby Dr. Kenneth Ring

This book investigates theastonishing claim that blind persons,including those blind from birth, canactually "see" during near-death orout-of-body episodes. The authorspresent their findings in scrupulous

detail, investigating case histories ofblind persons who have actually

reported visual experiences underthese conditions.

Irreducible Mind: Toward aPsychology for the 21st

Centuryby Drs. Edward Kelly, Emily Kelly,

Bruce Greyson, et alCurrent mainstream opinion in

psychology, neuroscience, andphilosophy of mind holds that all

aspects of human mind andconsciousness are generated byphysical processes occurring inbrains. Views of this sort have

dominated recent scholarlypublication. The present volume,

however, demonstrates empiricallythat this reductive materialism is not

only incomplete but false. Theauthors systematically marshal

evidence for a variety of psychologicalphenomena that are extremely

difficult, and in some cases clearlyimpossible, to account for in

conventional physicalist terms.

Science and the AkashicField: An Integral Theory of

Everythingby Dr. Ervin Laszlo

In Science and the Akashic Field,philosopher and scientist Ervin Laszloconveys the essential element of thisinformation field in language that is

accessible and clear. From the worldof science he confirms our deepest

intuitions of the oneness of creation inthe Integral Theory of Everything. Wediscover that, as philosopher WilliamJames stated, "We are like islands inthe sea, separate on the surface but

connected in the deep."

Lessons from the Light: WhatWe Can Learn from the Near-

death Experienceby Dr. Kenneth Ring and Evelyn

Elsaesser ValarinoWhile providing many accounts of

NDEs from men, women, and childrenof all ages and backgrounds, Lessonsfrom the Light is much more than just

an inspiring collection of NDEs. InLessons near-death expert KennethRing extracts the pure gold of the

NDE and with a beautiful balance ofsound research and human insightreveals the practical wisdom held

within these experiences.

Biocentrism: How Life andConsciousness are the Keys

to Understanding the TrueNature of the Universe

by Dr. Robert Lanza and BobBerman

Biocentrism takes the reader on aseemingly improbable but ultimatelyinescapable journey through a foreign

universe - our own - from theviewpoints of an acclaimed biologistand a leading astronomer. Switchingperspective from physics to biology

unlocks the cages in which Westernscience has unwittingly managed to

confine itself. Biocentrism will shatterthe reader’s ideas of life - time and

space, and even death. At the sametime it will release us from the dullworldview of life being merely the

activity of an admixture of carbon anda few other elements; it suggests the

exhilarating possibility that life isfundamentally immortal.

The 4 Percent Universe: DarkMatter, Dark Energy, and theRace to Discover the Rest of

Realityby Dr. Richard Panek

In recent years, a handful ofscientists has been racing to explaina disturbing aspect of our universe:only 4 percent of it consists of the

matter that makes up you, me, andevery star and planet. The rest is

completely unknown. Richard Panektells the dramatic story of how

scientists reached this cosmos-shattering conclusion. In vivid detail,

he narrates the quest to find the“dark” matter and an even more

bizarre substance called dark energythat make up 96 percent of the


Quantum Physics, NDEs,Eternal Consciousness,

Religion, and the Human Soulby Dr. William Joseph Bray

Written by a physicist inneuroscience research who has

experienced multiple NDEs, this bookdescribes how and why reality, this

universe, is interdependent withconsciousness in order to exist,

where the idea came from, and why.

Science and the Near-DeathExperience: How

Consciousness SurvivesDeath

by Chris CarterThe author is an Oxford scholar who

uses evidence from scientific studies,quantum mechanics, and

consciousness research, to revealhow consciousness does not dependon the brain. Examines ancient andmodern NDEs providing evidence ofthe survival of consciousness after

death while debunking thematerialistic arguments raised by


Experiences Near Death:Beyond Medicine and

Religionby Dr. Allan Kellehear

Kellehear presents a revolutionarynew approach to the field of near-death studies, one that examines

these episodes as they relate to thespecific cultures from which they

arise, helping us to understand whatthese visions are as a cultural and

psychological response and why theyoccur. Kellehear compares NDEs

from all over the world - India, China,Guam, America, Australia, and New

Zealand - revealing not only thesimilarities among them, but also thepertinent differences that can tell us

much about the way people fromdifferent cultures view their world.

Light and Death: OneDoctor's Fascinating Accountof Near-Death Experiences

by Dr. Michael SabomBegun in 1994, The Atlanta Study isthe first comprehensive investigation

of its kind into NDEs. The studypresents life-and-death dramas

played out in operating rooms andhospital beds - and simultaneous

events unseen by medical personnelbut reported with astonishing clarity

and conviction by nearly 50individuals who returned from death'sdoor. Now the founder of The AtlantaStudy, Dr. Michael Sabom reveals

their impact on the people who haveexperienced them.

The Handbook of Near-DeathExperiences: Thirty Years of

Investigationby Drs. Jan Holden, BruceGreyson, Debbie James

Experts from around the world sharethe history and current state of NDE

knowledge. They explorecontroversies in the field, offer storiesfrom their research, and express their

hopes for the future of investigationinto this fascinating phenomenon.

Glimpses of Eternity: AnInvestigation Into Shared

Death Experiencesby Dr. Raymond Moody

Dr. Moody shares eyewitnessaccounts of those who have sharedthe experiences of the dying: the

"empathic death experiences"occurring when those gathered at thebedsides of the dying have their own

visions of the afterlife.

Evidence of the Afterlife: TheScience of Near-Death

Experiencesby Dr. Jeffrey Long and Paul

PerryNDE expert Dr. Jeffrey Long presentsthe strongest arguments yet for theunderlying truth of those who have

died and returned to share their tales.

Consciousness Beyond Life:The Science of the Near-

Death Experiencesby Dr. Pim van Lommel

The author of the famous Dutch NDEstudy offers even more ground-

breaking research into whether or notour consciousness survives the death

of our body.

Erasing Death: The ScienceThat Is Rewriting the

Boundaries Between Life andDeath

by Dr. Sam Parnia and JoshYoung

The author of the AWARE Studypresents cutting-edge research from

the front lines of critical care andresuscitation medicine on what

happens to human consciousnessduring and after death.

Proof of Heaven: ANeurosurgeon's Journey into

the Afterlifeby Dr. Eben Alexander

The author of the AWARE Studypresents cutting-edge research from

the front lines of critical care andresuscitation medicine on what

happens to human consciousnessduring and after death.

To Heaven and Back: ADoctor's ExtraordinaryAccount of Her Death,

Heaven, Angelsby Dr. Mary C. Neal

The author is an Orthopedic surgeonwho drowned and had an NDE which

gives details of heaven and hercommunication with angels.

Where God Lives: TheScience of the Paranormaland How Our Brains areLinked to the Universe

by Dr. Melvin Morse and PaulPerry

The author sheds light on the linksbetween science and mysticism,

revealing the area of the brain linkingus to the universe, and is filled withmoving case histories, applying therigor of science to the study of the

spiritual, thereby proving theexistence of life after death.

Making Sense of Near-DeathExperiences: A Handbook of

Cliniciansby Drs. Jan Holden, Anthony

Peake, et alThis essential handbook by leading

NDE experts provides everyone(especially health professionals) withthe knowledge needed to understandNDEs and those who have them byexamining children's NDEs, NDEs

from a religious perspective, the roleof light in NDEs, the assessment andmanagement of NDEs, and the future

of NDE research.

The Truth in the Light: AnInvestigation of 300 Near-

Death Experiencesby Drs. Peter Fenwick and

Elizabeth FenwickThe author is the UK's leading

neuropsychiatrist on the subject ofNDEs whose outstanding book

provides detailed descriptions andstatistics from a study involving the

NDEs of hundreds of people.

Love is the Link: A HospiceDoctor Shares Her

Experience of Near-Deathand Dying

by Dr. Pamela M. KircherA hospice physician who had an NDE

as a child shares the stories andlessons she has learned over the past

25 years of supporting people withNDEs, increasing knowledge of NDEsamong healthcare professionals, andbeing with people in their final days of


Farther Shores: ExploringHow Near-Death, Kundaliniand Mystical ExperiencesCan Transform Ordinary

Livesby Dr. Yvonne Kason

A dramatic NDE changed Dr. YvonneKason's live forever and prompted her

study of the mystical experiencesthat fall beyond the everyday. Dr.Kason explores a wide range of

spiritually transformative experiences- near-death experiences, mystical

experiences, spiritualenergy/kundalini episodes, psychic

awakenings and spontaneousinspired creativity - by sharing

fascinating real-life stories.

Fingerprints of God:Evidences from Near-DeathStudies, Scientific Research

on Dr. Arvin S. Gibson

Star dust! That is what our physicalbodies are made of. But the real us -

the spiritual beings temporarilyclothed in star dust - we are the stuffof eternity, organized by God. In thisfascinating book, Arvin Gibson takesus on a journey to find answers aboutthe mysteries of God's existence, and

of our existence too. That journeytakes us on three difference paths:near-death studies, the creation as

understood by scientists, andMormon theology. As the journeyexpands, we find that there are

interwoven patterns from each of thepaths pointing to an inescapableconclusion - that proofs of God's

existence are everywhere.

Near Death Experience: AHolographic Explanationby Dr. Oswald G. Harding

Dr. Harding's contribution to theliterature is original insofar as itintensively locates debate over

possibility of NDEs in the context ofthe theory known as "holographic

theory". His interpretation of empiricaldata is essentially sound and

plausible, and he has presented hismaterial in clear and effective manner.

This book is a must read for allscholars and persons interested inissues of body-mind problem, near

death experience, out of bodyexperience and holography.

The Conscious Universe: TheScientific Truth of Psychic

Phenomenaby Dean Radin

Radin explains the evidence for theveracity of psychic phenomena,uniting the theories of quantumphysics, the latest in high-techexperiments, the teachings of

mystics. With painstaking research,Radin dispels the misinformation and

superstition clouding theunderstanding of scientists

concerning psychokinesis, remoteviewing, and more. All have been

scientifically proven, and the proof isin this book. Influences of the massrealization that mind and matter caninfluence each other without having

physical contact.

What Happens When WeDie?: A Groundbreaking

Study into the Nature of Lifeand Death

by Dr. Sam ParniaDr. Parnia faces death every daythrough his work as a critical-care

doctor in a hospital emergency room.He became very interested in some of

his patients’ accounts of theexperiences that they had while

clinically dead. He started to collectthese stories and read all the latest

research on the subject, and then hedecided to conduct his ownexperiments. That work has

culminated in this extraordinary book,which picks up where RaymondMoody’s Life After Life left off.

Where God Lives: TheScience of the Paranormaland How Our Brains areLinked to the Universe

by Dr. Melvin Morse and PaulPerry

Is there proof that NDEs and otherspiritual experiences can cure

afflictions of the body, mind, andspirit? Are there simple ways to tapinto a "universal power source" that

spiritual masters call enlightenment?Is there scientific evidence of life after

death that is being overlooked byskeptics? Is there scientific proof of aspot in our brains that communicateswith God and the universe? Dr. Morse

applies the rigor of science to thestudy of the spiritual to prove onceand for all the existence of life after


Science and the AfterlifeExperience: Evidence for theImmortality of Consciousness

by Chris CarterOxford scholar Chris Carter examines125 years of scientific research into

reincarnation, apparitions, andcommunication with the dead

showing these phenomena are real.The author examines the scientific

methods used to confirm theseexperiences and explains how these

findings on the afterlife have beenignored and denied because they are

incompatible with the prevailingdoctrine of materialism. Carter’s

rigorous argument proves beyond anyreasonable doubt not only that

consciousness survives death andcontinues in the afterlife, but that it

precedes birth as well.

The Science of Life AfterDeath: New Research ShowsHuman Consciousness Lives

Onby Stephen Hawley Martin

Those with an interest in science willbe fascinated by the new discoveriesand theories postulated in this bookthat indicate the brain and body mayhave evolved to allow consciousnessto interface with physical reality, andthat our true home may exist outside

three-dimensional reality. Forexample, a theory by Cambridge

educated biochemist RupertSheldrake is covered that mayexplain how it is possible for

consciousness and memory to existoutside of the brain and without its


Spook: Science Tackles theAfterlife

by Mary RoachBest-selling author Mary Roach trainsher considerable wit and curiosity onthe human soul and what happenswhen we die? Does the light just go

out and that's that or will some part ofour personality persist? In an attemptto find out, Roach brings her tireless

curiosity to bear on an array ofcontemporary and historical soul-searchers: scientists, schemers,engineers, mediums, all trying to

prove (or disprove) that life goes onafter we die.

The Afterlife Experiments:Breakthrough Scientific

Evidence of Life After Deathby Dr. Gary E. Schwartz

Risking his academic reputation, Dr.Schwartz asked well-known mediums

to become part of a series ofexperiments to prove, or disprove, theexistence of an afterlife. Schwartz'srigorously monitored experiments

involve mediums attempted to contactdead friends and relatives of "sitters"

who were masked from view andnever spoke, depriving the mediumsof any cues. This book presents the

results of his study which awedsitters and researchers alike. Forced

by data to abandon skepticism,Schwartz presents this amazing

account of his groundbreaking work,compelling from first page to last.

Is There Life After Death?The Extraordinary Science ofWhat Happens When We Die

by Anthony PeakeDo you occasionally have that

strange feeling known as deja vu? Doyou sometimes feel that you know

what is going to happen next? Do youever have a strong feeling that actionsyou are about to take are the right (or

wrong) thing to do? All theseperceptions may be everyday clues toyour immortality. This book proposesa simply amazing theory - a theory

which states that personal death is ascientific impossibility. Using the

latest findings of neurology, quantumphysics, and consciousness studies,

the author suggests that we neverdie. After reading this book you willunderstand the reason for your life

and how you can make it better nexttime.

A Measure of Heaven: Near-Death Experience Data

Analysisby Vince Migliore

The author analyzed over 700 casesof NDE testimony and presents thequantitative measurements of this

phenomenon and their after-effects ofthose who came near death. The

author presents statistical analysis ofthese experiences including out-of-body perception, seeing a light, andmeeting unearthly beings. The after-effects include changes in feelings

about death, a renewed sense of lifepurpose, and psychic and healing

abilities. This book is filled with casenarratives to support his statistical


Science and PsychicPhenomena: The Fall of the

House of Skepticsby Chris Carter and Rupert

SheldrakeOxford scholar Chris Carter presents

factual arguments againstmaterialism’s vehement denial of

psychic phenomena. His researchexplores the scandalous history ofparapsychology since the scientificrevolution of the 17th century and

provides reproducible evidence fromscientific research that telepathy,clairvoyance, precognition, and

psychokinesis are real. Carter showshow skepticism of psychic

phenomena is based more on areligion of materialism than on hard


Life After Death: The Burdenof Proof

by Dr. Deepak ChopraDr. Chopra draws on cutting-edgescientific discoveries and the great

wisdom traditions to provide a map ofthe afterlife - a fascinating journey into

many levels of consciousness.Chopra presents answers to suchquestions as: who you meet in theafterlife and how your experiencethere reflect your present beliefs,

expectations, and level of awareness.In the here and now you can shapewhat happens after you die. Chopra

opens up immense new areas ofinsights where ultimately there is no

division between life and death - thereis only one continuous creative

project. Chopra invites us to becomeco-creators in this subtle realm by

understanding this oneness of realityand by shedding our irrational fearsand stepping into a numinous sense

of wonder and personal power.

Life After Death: TheEvidence

by Dinesh D'SouzaUnlike many books about the afterlife,

the author makes no appeal toreligious faith, divine revelation, or

sacred texts. Drawing on some of themost powerful theories and trends in

physics, evolutionary biology,science, philosophy, and psychology,

D'Souza shows why the atheistcritique of immortality is irrational anddraws the striking conclusion that it is

reasonable to believe in life afterdeath. He concludes by showing how

life after death can give depth andsignificance to this life, a path tohappiness, and reason for hope.

When the ImpossibleHappens: Adventures in Non-

Ordinary Realityby Dr. Stanislav Grof

Dr. Grof is a psychiatric researcherand co-founded transpersonal

psychology who presents firsthandaccounts of over 50 years of inquiry

into non-ordinary states ofconsciousness. From his first LSD

session which gave him a glimpse ofcosmic consciousness to his latest

work with Holotropic Breathwork, thisbook will amaze readers with vividexplorations of topics such as: thepossible existence of a non-local

universe, experiences of out-of-bodyprojection and accounts of

synchronicity. This book is anincredible opportunity to journeybeyond ordinary consciousness

guaranteed to shake the foundationsof what you assume to be real and

sure to offer a new vision of ourhuman potential, as we contemplate

when the impossible happens.

Near-Death Experiences:Exploring the Mind-Body

Connectionby Ornella Corazza

This groundbreaking book takes astrikingly original cross-cultural

approach to NDEs and incorporatesnew medical research combined withnew theories of mind and body withcontemporary research into how thebrain functions. The author analyzesdualist models of mind and body withthe main components of NDEs andexamines the use of ketamine to

reveal how characteristics of NDEscan be chemically induced withoutbeing close to death. By includingJapanese examples of NDEs and

their more sophisticated scientific andphilosophical thinking on the subject,this book is an eye-opener suggestiveof new ways of approaching the NDE.

Theory of Reality: Evidencefor Existence Beyond theBrain and Tools for Your

Journey (Kindle)by Dr. David O. Wiebers

As a society, we have the tendencyto see the universe and ourselves asa collection of separate objects rather

than a unified living process. Dr.Wiebers, a world leader in

neuroscience who has studied thebrain and consciousness from

numerous perspectives, arrives atmeaningful answers to questions

about the deeper nature of ourselves,our universe and reality. He does thisby finding the common denominators

of numerous fields, includingneuroscience, physics and

metaphysical science in a way thatcan bring change to your life, not onlyas individuals but also as a society.

Searching For Eternity: AScientist's Spiritual Journeyto Overcome Death Anxiety

by Dr. Don MorseDr. Morse, a scientist who believed inthe absolute finality of death, had an

NDE that led him on a quest touncover what science knows about

the realities of death. His quest,detailed in this book, led him throughthe entire realm of science and all of

the major religious traditionsregarding death. After sifting throughmodern physics, research on NDEs,

apparitional and out-of-bodyexperiences, and a vast body of

religious literature and theories offeredby a host of organizations andindividuals, Morse came to an

inescapable conclusion: some form ofafterlife must exist. This remarkablebook details what modern physics

tells us about the underlying nature ofthe universe and its creation, what

virtually every religious andphilosophical group tells us about lifeand death, and results from a host of

research findings.

Death and Personal Survival:The Evidence for Life After

Deathby Robert Almeder

In a style that is both philosophicallysophisticated and accessible to

general readers, the author introducesreaders to the vigorous debate in the

scientific community about thepossibility of personal survival after

death. He argues that belief in someform of personal survival is as

empirically justifiable as our belief inthe past existence of dinosaurs.Drawing on 21 of the best case

studies in reincarnation, apparitions ofthe dead, ostensible possession, out-

of-body experiences, and trancemediumships, this book offers a

comprehensive discussion of the bestempirical evidence in each of these

areas and refutes alternativeexplanations offered by skeptics.

Near Death Experiences:After-Death, Out-of-Body,Dreams, Hallucinations,

Neuroscience and Evolutionof Spirituality (Kindle)

by Drs. Bruce Greyson, Jean-Pierre Jourdan, R. Joseph et alChapter 1 deals with experiences ofafter-death, out-of-body, and astral

projection. Chapter 2 examines NDEsfrom the 5th dimensional spatio-

temporal perspective. In Chapter 3,NDE expert Bruce Greyson presents

the cosmological implications ofNDEs. In Chapter 4, Kevin Nelson

discusses the borderlands ofconsciousness and dreams which

spirituality arise from consciousnessin crisis. Chapter 5 deals with dreamsand hallucinations that lift the veil tomultiple spiritual realities. Chapter 6explores the evolution of Paleolithic

spiritual consciousness.