Scleromalasi (perforans) ved RA. Sclerodaktyli CREST : calcinosis, Raynaud's phenomenon,...

Post on 31-Mar-2015

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Scleromalasi (perforans) ved RA


CREST : calcinosis, Raynaud's phenomenon, "eosophageal" dysmotility , sclerodactyly, and telangectasia

Scleroderma species - potetrøyksopp


”Slapped cheek" disease, a.k.a. fifth disease due to B19 parvovirus Other clinical syndromes include arthritis (especially in young women) and aplastic crisis in chronic hemolytic anemia

Rheumatoide noduli (knuter)

CCLE: kronisk kutan LE (=DLE) - etterlater arr !

Hypergammaglobulimeniske purpura ved prim Sjøgren (cf Waldenstrøm)




Septisk artritt

Staphylococcus aureus septic arthritis of the left hip. The patient presented with left hip pain and fever.

(a) The initial film was normal

(b) 6 weeks later there is periarticular osteoporosis and cortical destruction of the femoral head.

Wegener’s granulomatosis

Saddle nose : trauma / polykondritt / Wegener’s granuolomatosis/ syfilis/ kokaine misbruk

Hand artrosisheberdense – bouchardse knuter

Hand chondrocalcinosis

Livedo reticularis

Primaer Raynaud prevalens 5-10% , ANA neg, Norm kapillaroskopi

DIP ledds artritt ved psoriasis (25% of cases)

Positiv ANA immunofluoresence technique


Erythema nodosum

Stage 3 sarcoidosis

Erytema migrans

Cutan urinesyre ansamling = Tophi

Subakutt kutan lupus

Hydrops/synovia-hyperplasi i kneledd (UL)

Rheumatoid arthritis with hyperplastic synovial villi eroding and replacing cartilage at the joint margin

classic "bamboo" spine

Pølsefingre-tåer (dactylitt) ved PsA


Lupus Erythematosus - Malar eminences and nose - Malar erythema and atrophy.

Kapillæroskopi - scleroderma

Nailfold capillaroscopy in patients with systemic sclerosis showing changes from

normal (top left): irregular vessels, loss of some, dilation of others

Positive C-ANCA

TA skalp nekrosis

Keratoderma blenorrhagicum (reaktiv artritt)

Purpura (vaskulitt/ITP/fulminans)

RA vaskulitt

AMYLOIDOSISMacroglossi kutane nedslag

Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis, ( DISH /Forestier disease)

Uveitt (JRA/SpA)

Retina vaskulitt

Neuropathic (Charcot) arthropathy

Libman Sacks endokarditt (SLE)

Aktivert human T-lymphocyte