Scope & Concerns of Public Health

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  • 7/28/2019 Scope & Concerns of Public Health


    About Fundamentals of Public Health Core course 3 credit hours Evening: Mon & Tue 5 to 6:30 pm 1.5 hr session Morning: Fri 9am to 12 pm-3 hr session

    Outline: : This course reviews the scope and historicalbackground of Public Health in developed and developingcountries, principles, development and organization ofhealth care system in Pakistan, primary health care,leadership in health care, health care economics, health

    education and health information system, public healthemergencies and disease of public health importance, andpublic health surveillance.

    Books: 1. Oxford textbook of Public Health 2. Public Health and Preventive Medicine by Maxcy-

    Rosenau Last Dr Saadiyah Rao - School of Public Health, DUHS 1

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    Dr Saadiyah RaoSenior LecturerSchool of Public HealthDow University of Health sciences

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    Learning ObjectivesTo understand:


    the definition of Public Health difference between public health professionals &


    services & function of Public Health

    and to enlist achievements of Public Health

    Dr Saadiyah Rao - School of Public Health, DUHS 3

  • 7/28/2019 Scope & Concerns of Public Health


    Concept of Health The word health is derived from old English word hal:

    sound, whole

    Prior to the period of the Hippocrates (around 5BCE), health was perceived as a divine gift.

    He theorized that what we currently regard as health.

    Dr Saadiyah Rao - School of Public Health, DUHS 4

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    Concept of Health The word health means different things to different


    The most widely quoted definition of health wascreated by WHO in 1946...... over half a century ago

    health is a state ofcomplete physical, mental, socialwell being and not merely the absence of disease and


    Dr Saadiyah Rao - School of Public Health, DUHS 5

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    Concept of Health cont Conference of Health promotion: WHO, 1986, the

    concept of health was amplified:

    To reach a state ofcomplete physical, mental, socialwell being, an individual or group must be able toidentify aspirations, to satisfy needs, & to change orcope with environment. Health is a resource for

    everyday living; it is a positive concept, emphasizingsocial & personal resources as well as physicalcapabilities

    Dr Saadiyah Rao - School of Public Health, DUHS 6

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    Concept of Health cont More recently WHO has also indicated that health is

    a cumulative state, to be promoted throughout life inorder to ensure that the full benefits are enjoyed inlater years

    Good health is vital for maintaining an acceptablequality of life

    Dr Saadiyah Rao - School of Public Health, DUHS 7

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    Concept of Health cont Critics argue that the WHO definition of health is

    idealist, inflexible, and unrealistic, and that includingthe word complete in the definition makes it highly

    unlikely that anyone would be healthy for a reasonableperiod of time Others have defined health as a dynamic condition of

    the human organism that is multidimensional in

    nature i.e physical, emotional, social, intellectual,spiritual and occupational, a resource for living andresults from persons interactions with and adaptationsto his/her environment.

    Dr Saadiyah Rao - School of Public Health, DUHS 8

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    Concept of Health cont So, health can exist in varying degrees and is specific to each

    individual and his or her situation

    Example: a quadriplegic can be healthy in the sense that

    his/her mental and social well being are high and physicalhealth is as good as it can be

    Or this athlete?

    Dr Saadiyah Rao - School of Public Health, DUHS 9

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    Concept of Health cont Several other generally accepted definitions of the

    health: Saracchi in his paper The World Health Organization

    needs to reconsider its definition of Health. BMJ 1997defines health as a condition of well being, free ofdisease or infirmity, and a basic and universal humanright

    Bircher (Towards a dynamic definition of health and

    disease. 2005) defines health as a dynamic state ofwell-being characterized by a physical and mentalpotential, which satisfies the demands of lifecommensurate with age, culture, and personalresponsibility.

    Dr Saadiyah Rao - School of Public Health, DUHS 10

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    Concept of Health cont Health status is determined by interaction of five

    domains:1-Genetic make up

    2-Social circumstances such as education, employment,income, housing, crime

    3-Enviornmental conditions where people live & work i.etoxic agents, microbes, structural hazards

    4- Behavioural choices such as diet, physical activity,substance abuse

    5-Availabilty of medical care

    Dr Saadiyah Rao - School of Public Health, DUHS 11

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    Concept of Health cont Health fate of each of us is determined by factors not

    acting in isolation but are interconnected

    Gene expression can be determined by environmentalexposures & behavioural patterns

    Nature & consequences of behavioural choices areaffected by social circumstances

    Our genetic predispositions affect the health care weneed

    And our social circumstances affects the health carewe receive

    Dr Saadiyah Rao - School of Public Health, DUHS 12

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    Terms Community Health

    Public Health

    Population Health

    These terms are used interchangeablyby bothlaypeople & professionals

    Most people are referring to the collective health ofthose in society and actions/activities taken to obtainor maintain that health

    Dr Saadiyah Rao - School of Public Health, DUHS 13

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    Community Health Refers to health status of a defined group of people &

    the action, conditions to promote, protect andpreserve their health


    People living in Essa nagri (slum area)

    Punjabis living in London (ethnicity)

    Dr Saadiyah Rao - School of Public Health, DUHS 14

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    Public Health Of the three terms Public Health is most inclusive C.E.A. Winslow, 1923 (pioneer in the development of this

    discipline) characterized public health practice as the scienceand art of

    disease prevention, prolonging life, and promoting health and well-being through organized community

    effort for the sanitation of the environment, the control of communicable infections,

    education of the individual in personal hygiene the organization of medical and nursing services for the early

    diagnosis and prevention of disease the development of the social machinery to assure everyone a

    standard of living adequate for the maintenance or improvement

    of health. Dr Saadiyah Rao - School of Public Health, DUHS 15

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    Public Health: More contemporary

    definitions Report on Higher Education for Public Health 1976

    efforts organized by society to protect, promote and

    restore other peoples health. The programs, services &institutions involved emphasize the prevention ofdisease & health needs of the change with changingtechnology & social values but the goals remain thesame: to reduce the amount of disease, prematuredeath & disease-produced discomfort & disability

    Dr Saadiyah Rao - School of Public Health, DUHS 16

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    Public Health: More contemporary

    definitions The Institute of Medicine-USA(IOM) defined public

    health in 1988in its landmark report the future ofpublic health as:

    the fulfilment of societys interest in assuring theconditions in which people can be healthy andorganized community efforts aimed at the preventionof disease & promotion of health. What we, as asociety, do collectively to assure the conditions in

    which people can be healthy. It links many disciplines& rests upon the scientific core of epidemiology

    Dr Saadiyah Rao - School of Public Health, DUHS 17

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    Public Health: More contemporary

    definitionsAcheson Report UK, Committee of Inquiry, 1988the

    science and art of preventing disease, prolonging lifeand promoting health through the organized efforts ofsociety

    The fundamental maxim of public health is that thehealth of the individual is best ensured by maintainingthe improving the heath of the community (DavidSatcher, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,Emerging Infections: Getting Ahead of the Curve1995)

    Dr Saadiyah Rao - School of Public Health, DUHS 18

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    The process of mobilizing local, state/provincial,national and international resources to assure theconditions in which all people can be healthy(Breslow/Detels, 1997)

    Public health does not guarantee optimal health,but creates the conditions under which it can beachieved by society

    Dr Saadiyah Rao - School of Public Health, DUHS 19

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    Public Health System Organizational framework of Public Health

    encompasses activities undertaken within formalstructure of government and the associated efforts ofprivate & voluntary organizations and individuals,

    Even with such formal definitions, public Healthactivities are still considered as efforts only originatingin federal, state and local governmental healthdepartments

    Dr Saadiyah Rao - School of Public Health, DUHS 20

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    Population Health This term has emerged recently

    It is similar to community health

    Primary difference is the degree of organization oridentity of people

    Refers to health status of people who are not organizedand have no identity as a group or locality and actions

    & conditions to promote, protect and preserve theirhealth

    Example: Men younger than 50years, adolescents,prisoners, white-collar workers

    Dr Saadiyah Rao - School of Public Health, DUHS 21

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    Public health Vs Medical Care "Health care matters to all of us some of the time, public

    health matters to all of us all of the time"(C. Everett Koop)

    In medicine the patient is the individual; in public health,the patient is the community

    Public health diagnoses the health of the communityusing public health sciences

    Treatment of the community involves new policies andinterventions

    Goal of medicine is cure; goal of public health isprevention of disease and disability

    Dr Saadiyah Rao - School of Public Health, DUHS 22

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    Public health Vs Medical Care

    Focus on individuals

    Diagnosis & treatment

    Clinical interventions

    Well-established profession,standardized education &certification

    Clinical sciences integral;social sciences less emphasized

    Experimental studies withcontrol groups: RCTs.

    Focus on populations

    Prevention & healthpromotion

    Environment & humanbehavior interventions

    Diverse workforce, variableeducation & certifications

    Social sciences integral;clinical sciences peripheralto education

    Observational studies: casecontrol & cohort studies

    Medicine Public HealthMedicine Public Health

    Focus on individuals Focus on populations

    Diagnosis & treatment Prevention & health promotion

    Clinical interventions Environment & human behaviorinterventions

    Well-established profession,

    standardized education & certification

    Diverse workforce, variable education &


    Clinical sciences integral; socialsciences less emphasized

    Social sciences integral; clinical sciencesperipheral to education

    Experimental studies with controlrou s: RCTs Observational studies: case control &cohort studiesDr Saadiyah Rao - School of Public Health, DUHS 23

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    Vision of Public HealthHealthy people in healthy Communities !

    The Goal of Public HealthThe biologic, physical and mental well-being ofall members of the global society, regardless of

    ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation,country or political views. (Detels, 2003)

    Dr Saadiyah Rao - School of Public Health, DUHS 24

    Th S f P bli H lth

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    The Scope of Public Health

    Source: http://www.ewashtenaw.orgDr Saadiyah Rao - School of Public Health, DUHS 25

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    The Scope of Public Health Infectious diseases Chronic diseases

    Heart disease, metabolic disorders, cancer, etc. Mental health

    Nutrition disorders Health of the vulnerable e.g. poor, children, women, elderly, etc.

    Substance abusers: drugs, alcohol, tobacco

    Accidents/violence/injuries Occupational health Environmental healthAccess to health care Quality of health careWar Dr Saadiyah Rao - School of Public Health, DUHS 26

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    Five Public Health Responsibilitie1. Prevention of epidemics & spread of disease

    2. Protection of people against environmental Hazards &prevention of injuries

    3. Promotion & encouragement of healthy behavior changes

    4. Quick response to the disaster & to assist the communities inrecovery phase

    5. To assure quality, accessible, and affordable comprehensivehealth care services

    Dr Saadiyah Rao - School of Public Health, DUHS 27

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    Public Health


    Problem Response

    Surveillance:Whatis the


    Risk FactorIdentification:What is the




    Implementation:How do you

    do it?

    Courtesy :Glyn G. CaldwellDr Saadiyah Rao - School of Public Health, DUHS 28

  • 7/28/2019 Scope & Concerns of Public Health


    Core public health functions Were outlined in the 1988 by Institute of Medicine report - The

    Future of Public Health. In recent years there has been a growing sense that public

    health as a profession, as a governmental activity, and as acommitment of society is neither clearly defined, adequatelysupported, nor fully understood. ..current capabilities foreffective public health action are inadequate.

    So, Assessment Policy development Assurance

    Dr Saadiyah Rao - School of Public Health, DUHS 29

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    How to achieve these function? Essential Public Health Services

    The Core Public Health Functions Steering Committee

    developed the framework for the Essential Services in1994.

    The Essential Services provide a working definition ofpublic health and a guiding framework for the

    responsibilities of local public health systems.

    Dr Saadiyah Rao - School of Public Health, DUHS 30

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    10 Essential Services of Public Health

    Public Health Functions Project, U.S. Dept. of Health and Human ServicesDr Saadiyah Rao - School of Public Health, DUHS 31

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    Monitor health status to identify community healthproblems

    Diagnose and investigate health problems and healthhazards in the community

    Research for new insights and innovative solutions to

    health problems

    Dr Saadiyah Rao - School of Public Health, DUHS 32

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    Policy Development

    Inform, educate, and empower people about healthissues

    Mobilize community partnerships to identify and solvehealth problems

    Develop policies and plans that support individual and

    community health efforts

    Dr Saadiyah Rao - School of Public Health, DUHS 33

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    Enforce laws and regulations that protect health andensure safety.

    Link people to needed personal health services andassure the provision of health care

    Assure a competent public health and personal health

    care workforce Evaluate effectiveness, accessibility, and quality of

    personal and population-based health services

    Dr Saadiyah Rao - School of Public Health, DUHS 34

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    1.Monitor Health Status to Identify Community

    Health Problems

    Accurate, periodic assessment of the communitys healthstatus, including: Identification of health risks and determination of health

    service needs.Attention to vital statistics and disparities Health status of groups that are at higher risk than the total

    population Identifications of assets and resources

    Utilization of methods and technology to interpret andcommunicate data

    Population health registries

    Dr Saadiyah Rao - School of Public Health, DUHS 35

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    2 .Diagnose and Investigate Health Problems

    and Health Hazards in the Community Timely identification and investigation of health threats such

    as disease outbreaks and patterns of infectious and chronicdiseases and injuries, environmental hazards

    Active infectious disease epidemiology programsAvailability of diagnostic services, including laboratory

    capacity of conducting rapid screening & high volume testing

    Population-based screening, case finding, investigation, and

    the scientific analysis of health problems Response plans to address major health threats

    Dr Saadiyah Rao - School of Public Health, DUHS 36

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    3.Inform, Educate and Empower People about

    Health Issues Health information, health education, and health promotion

    activities designed to reduce health risk and promote betterhealth

    Initiatives using health education and communication

    sciences to: Build knowledge and shape attitudes Inform decision-making choice Develop skills and behaviors for healthy living

    Health communication plans and activities such as mediaadvocacy and social marketing. Health education and health promotion program partnerships

    with schools, faith communities, work sites, personal careproviders, and others to implement and reinforce health

    promotion programs and messages.Dr Saadiyah Rao - School of Public Health, DUHS 37

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    4.Mobilize Community Partnerships to Identify

    and Solve Health Problems

    Community development and identification of systempartners and stakeholders

    Coalition development

    Convening and facilitating partnerships among groups andassociations (including those not typically considered to behealth-related) in undertaking defined health improvement

    projects, including preventive, screening, rehabilitation, andsupport programs.

    Dr Saadiyah Rao - School of Public Health, DUHS 38

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    5.Develop Policies and Plans that Support

    Individual and Community Health Efforts

    Systematic health planning that relies on appropriate data,develops and tracks measurable health objectives, andestablishes strategies and actions to guide community health

    improvement at the state and local levels. Development of legislation, codes, rules, regulations,

    ordinances and other policies to enable performance of theEssential Public Health Services, supporting individual,

    community, and state health efforts.

    Dr Saadiyah Rao - School of Public Health, DUHS 39

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    6.Enforce Laws and Regulations that Protect

    Health and Ensure Safety

    The review, evaluation, and revision of laws and regulationsdesigned to protect health and safety to assure that theyreflect current scientific knowledge and best practices for

    achieving compliance. Education of persons and entities obligated to obey or to

    enforce laws and regulations designed to protect health andsafety in order to encourage compliance.

    Dr Saadiyah Rao - School of Public Health, DUHS 40

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    Enforcement activities include, but not limited to theprotection of drinking water; enforcement of clean airstandards; regulation of care provided in health care facilities

    and programs; re-inspection of workplaces following safetyviolations; review of new drug, biologic, and medical deviceapplications; enforcement of laws governing such as the seatbelt usage and childhood immunizations.

    Dr Saadiyah Rao - School of Public Health, DUHS 41

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    7.Link People to Needed Personal Health


    Identifying personal health service needs of populations withlimited access, to a coordinated system of clinical care.

    Assuring the linkage of people to appropriate personal healthservices through coordination of provider services and

    development of interventions that address barriers to care(e.g., culturally and linguistically appropriate staff andmaterials, transportation services).

    Partnership with public, private, and voluntary sectors to

    provide populations with a coordinated system of healthcare.

    Dr Saadiyah Rao - School of Public Health, DUHS 42

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    8.Assure a Competent Public and Personal

    Health Care Workforce

    Assessment of workforce (including volunteers and other laycommunity health workers) to meet community needs forpublic and personal health services.

    Maintaining public health workforce standards, includingefficient processes for licensure/credentialing of professionaland incorporation of core public health competenciesneeded to provide the Essential Public Health Services intopersonnel systems.

    Dr Saadiyah Rao - School of Public Health, DUHS 43

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    Education, training, development, and assessment of healthprofessional - including partners, volunteers and other laycommunity health workers - to meet statewide needs for

    public and personal health services.

    Dr Saadiyah Rao - School of Public Health, DUHS 44

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    9.Evaluate Effectiveness, Accessibility, and

    Quality of Personal and Population-Based

    Health Services

    Assessing the accessibility and quality of services deliveredand the effectiveness of personal and population-based

    programs provided. Evaluation answers

    Are we doing things right?

    Are we doing the right things?

    Evaluation must be ongoing and should examine: Personal health services

    Population based services

    The public health systemDr Saadiyah Rao - School of Public Health, DUHS 45

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    Evaluation should drive resource allocation and programimprovement

    Evaluation and critical review of health program, based onanalyses of health status and service utilization data, areconducted to determine program effectiveness and to provideinformation necessary for allocating resources and reshapingprograms for improved efficiency, effectiveness, and quality

    Dr Saadiyah Rao - School of Public Health, DUHS 46

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    10.Research for New Insights and Innovative

    Solutions to Health Problems

    Identification and monitoring of innovative solutions andcutting-edge research to advance public health

    Linkages between public health practice and academic /research settings

    Epidemiological studies, health policy analyses and healthsystems research.

    Dr Saadiyah Rao - School of Public Health, DUHS 47

  • 7/28/2019 Scope & Concerns of Public Health


    Achievements of Public

    Health The dramatic achievements of Public Health in the

    20th century have improved our quality of life:

    an increase in life expectancy,

    world wide reduction in infant and child mortality,

    the elimination or reduction of many communicablediseases.

    Dr Saadiyah Rao - School of Public Health, DUHS 48

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    Achievements of Public

    HealthVaccination & Control of infectious diseases:Immunizations have virtually eliminated:Smallpox



    Dr Saadiyah Rao - School of Public Health, DUHS 49

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    Achievements of Public

    Health Motor-vehicle safety

    Decreased death toll

    Increased seat belt use

    Vehicle safety improvements Traffic safety regulation

    and enforcement Improved streets and highways

    Dr Saadiyah Rao - School of Public Health, DUHS 50

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    Achievements of Public

    Health Safer and healthier foods Safe and healthier foods are now common place

    because of:

    Hand washing Sanitation



    Pest control Healthier animal care, feeding,

    and processing

    Improved food supply safety

    Dr Saadiyah Rao - School of Public Health, DUHS 51

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    Achievements of Public

    Health Safer workplaces

    Mining safety

    Industrial safety

    Indoor air quality


    Dr Saadiyah Rao - School of Public Health, DUHS 52

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    Achievements of Public

    Health Decline in deaths from coronary heart diseaseand stroke

    The leading cause of death in the U.S. despite a 60%

    decrease in death rates since 1950. Recognition of tobacco as a health hazard Smoking, once socially acceptable, is on the decline among U.S. adults.

    % of population who smoke 196542.4% 199724.7%

    Dr Saadiyah Rao - School of Public Health, DUHS 53

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    Achievements of Public

    Health Healthier mothers and babies

    Maternal mortality rates down 99%

    Infant mortality rates down 90% Improved standards of living

    Technological advances in medicine

    Greater access to maternal and well-baby care

    Family planning

    Desired birth spacing and family size

    Dr Saadiyah Rao - School of Public Health, DUHS 54

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    TaskApply the core functions i.e:Assessment

    Policy developmentAssurance

    to a public health problem

    Dr Saadiyah Rao - School of Public Health, DUHS 55

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    References Foundations of community health. Jones & Bartlett

    Bulletin of the World Health Organization: Re-defining Health Article: stn & Jakob. 2005;83:802

    CDC National Public Health Performance StandardsProgram