Scottish College Programme 201-2013

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Education programme of the Scottish United Reformed & Congregational College 2012-13. Registered Charity (SCO 4318)




in collaboration with the

United Reformed Church National Synod of Scotland

Open Thursdays are courses with our ordinand

students. All are welcome, however learn about the

subject; contribute to the discussion; widen our

students experience and enhance their learning.

Held in Augustine United, Edinburgh

Term One (October to December) Preaching

Trinity Making Sense of experiences

Term Two (January to March) Seeking God Gender


Managing Meetings Conciliarity

4 Gs: Goodness, Grace, Gladness, Generosity Children and Young People

Term Three (April to June) Spirituality in Ministry

Religion and Science

Difference in Dialogue? Adult Learning

Research Presentations Charities

See the alphabetical list for details















October Page

2 3 Compiling a Church Profile

4 17 Vocations

8 10 Ministry with Older People

18 � 11 Preaching

25 12 Radical Welcome - “Everybody Welcome”

25 7 Love Free or Die—Gene Robinson Film


1 � 8 Making Sense of Experiences

1 � 17 Trinity

6 6 Getting the Most Out of .......

8 16 The Missing Generation

9-10 8 Lay Preachers’ Consultation

11 17 War Requiem

12-15 15 Storytelling

20 3 Companion Ministry for Existing Pastoral Partners

21 13 School Chaplaincy

24 8 Lay Presidency at Communion


1 3 Core Skills for Children’s Ministry


9 � 10 Nordic Noir

10 � 14 Seeking ........

10 6 Gender: Feminisation of the Church

15 3 Companion Training for LLMR Teams

January (cont’d) Page

15 9 Making Space for God

17 6 Gender: Dangerous Church for Boys

17 12 Radical Welcome “Challenging Behaviour”

29 4 Elders’ Consultation




Nordic Noir

7 9 Managing Meetings

7 16 TLS Taster Evening

12 18 Your SHAPE for God’s Service

14 7 A Kiss

19-21 9 Ministers’ Conference: Ageing

21 12 Radical Welcome ”Welcomers”

28 � 1 4 Gs, Goodness, Grace, Gladness, Generosity

28 7 Growing Non-Stipendiary Ministry


6 3 Conducting a Community Survey for Mission

19 1 Art Talk

21 12 Radical Welcome “Telling Who We Are”

25 11 Passover

7 � 2 Children and Young People


3-4 14 Space for You—Ministers Quiet Time after Easter

10 � 13 Re-discovering Mission

To enquire or book

please phone or email the following

Phone 0141 248 5382


113 West Regent Street, Glasgow, G2 2RU

April (cont’d) Page

2 13 Religion and Science

9 4 Difference in Dialogue

16 4 Creating Adult Learning Opportunities

17 11 Not Just Spreading Thinner

16 4 Contextual Bible Study

25 15 Spirituality in Ministry

23 16 To Be The Best ...........


4 G’s 28 February - 21 March 10.30 - 12.30 Augustine United ���� Goodness 28 February - A holy Life, How good have we to be?

Is a good life what it’s about?

���� Grace 7 March Film ���� Generosity 14 March Hymnody and prayer ���� Gladness 21 March Stewardship

Ampleforth Abbey Ampleforth is one of the great religious houses, a place of prayer, set in lovely Yorkshire countryside (and by the way serving great food!). We've an idea of dipping into their short events programme, booking a handful of places and perhaps taking a car down together. The new year's programme is not available yet. If you'd like to know more and might be interested, let Patsi Dickie know and we shall be in touch when we know what's on offer in 2013. 0141 248 5382

Angels Messengers bearing divine greetings. The celestial choir. Unseen guardians. Pretty pictures in scrapbooks. A way of speaking about loss. Angels are part of our imaginative cultural speaking. This is a 'talk' that explores through art, Biblical passages, music, hymnody, poetry and more the topic of Angels. It is suitable for your women's (or men's group), a Bible study or discussion group - or perhaps even a morning or evening service. If you're interested in booking this, please phone or email

Jack Dyce - phone 0141 248 5382

ArtTalk – Elizabeth Gray-King 19

March 10.30 - 15.30 Priesthill URC

Somehow, people can talk about pictures or objects more easily than

they talk about themselves. Words can be hard to find and hard to

share and we are often shy about verbalizing our faith. ArtTalk offers

ways to expose the Christian story and to help us lose embarrassment or worry

about telling our own stories through art and conversation.



ArtTalk is an initiative supported by the URC Mission Department and facilitated

by Revd Elizabeth Gray-King, an artist theologian with classical education in both

art and theology and with long experience of community development.

Whether or not you think of yourself as an artist, this day offers a further

opportunity to explore how art and conversation are tools for sharing our faith

story and our own stories - through creating art, displaying art, enhancing

worship, including people in new ways. The potential for making key links in

communities is huge. Take a look at

Bonhoeffer Date and details to be confirmed.

The legacy of Bonhoeffer remains strong amongst quite different

groups within the Church - his Christocentric theology, his

commitment to social and political justice, his ecumenism and

thinking about 'religionless' Christianity have all held appeal.

This event , offered primarily to ministers, is an opportunity to hear from

colleagues who have taken an interest in aspects of his work and to have

conversation around what his life and letters might still have to offer to us.

Children and Young People Ministry 7, 14 & 21 March Augustine United 13.30 - 15.30

Church has a strong tradition of working with children and

young people and most congregations see it as an important

area of work, but why? What are we trying to achieve? What

benefits are there? What are we hoping will happen?


Work with young people is underpinned by a strong set on values and an extensive

policy framework. Do these values and policies conflict with our Christian

principles or are there opportunities for churches to engage in a whole new areas

of work in partnership with communities?


In this session we will explore a variety of methods of working with children and

young people. Are games just for fun? Is detached work unhinged?


Companion Training ◊ For new Pastoral Partners and Appraisal Partners

contact Jan Adamson for further details

◊ For existing Pastoral Partners and Visitors

20 November Synod Office 10.30 – 15.00

◊ For the 2013 LMMR Teams

15 January Synod Office 10.30 – 15.00

Compiling a Church Profile 2

October Synod Office 10.30 – 15.00

(ideal capacity 10 delegates)

The new Guidelines for Compiling a Church Profile are complete

and more comprehensive than before. This day is particularly

useful for those congregations revising their existing profile or if compiling a

profile for the first time.

Conducting a Community Survey for Mission 6

March Synod Office 10.30 – 15.00

(ideal capacity 10 delegates)

Designed to work through a plan for surveying the community

for mission contains step-by-step ‘what to do and how to do it’

sessions and delegates are given detailed information to take back to their

pastorates. This work has been largely put together by the Church of Scotland

Further Ministries team in Annan and Eskdale (Ruth Harvey)

Core Skills for Children’s Ministry 1

December Synod Office 10.00 – 15.00


Contextual Bible Study 16 May Synod Office 19.00 - 21.00

One of the core aspects of the Church, as in many religions, is

sacred text. The Bible points to eternal and transcendent

things, but also the writings were developed in different and

changing contexts and even in response to events and arguments that were very

current. We need to have some awareness of the original contexts when we read

the Bible. We too look to the Scriptures to help us hear God's Word for today, for

our context and our questions.

This workshop is an opportunity to explore and try an approach that takes the

contexts of then and now seriously.

Creating Adult Learning Opportunities 16 May Augustine United 10.30 - 15.30

Developing informal adult learning within the congregation;

How and why adults learn; Doing Bible differently;

Group facilitation for learning ; Learning for life.

Difference in Dialogue ? 9 May Augustine United 10.30 - 15.30 Whether it be within a denomination or between Churches or

theological alignments or between faith and cultural communi-

ties, the task of meeting, speaking, listening to and learning

about and from one another can be a challenging one.

How can we develop dialogue more effectively?

Elders’ Consultation 29 January Barrhead URC 19.00 - 21.00

Previous consultations have been valued greatly by elders

as opportunities to share experiences and ideas, questions

and challenges. The theme on this occasion is the role of

elders as leaders. We hope that as many as possible will come together to join the

conversation - and the informal conversations too.


Engaged Disciples The informal spirituality group in the synod has been thinking about resourcing

ministers and churches to support members - new and old- around some basic

discipleship issues :

� The Bible

� Prayer

� Space for God

� Speaking about Faith

We assume folk are knowledgeable but perhaps they never

learned some of the fundamentals or they are no longer fresh

for them.

The group hopes to bring out materials for use on Sundays after Pentecost.

Faithstarters � Church Membership

� Assisted Dying

� Children and Communion

� Older People

� Mental Health

� Disability

� Evil and suffering

� Creation in Crisis

� Anger

� Health and Wholeness

� Partnership Working

� Young Carers

� Marriage

� Faith in the Public Square

Available on the Synod website


Gender The Feminization of the Church

10 January 10.30 - 12.30 Augustine United Over the last few years there has been concern raised over the lack of men involved in Church. Some have termed this the "feminization" of the church. Two books in particular, The Church Impotent: the Feminization of the Church by Leon J. Podles and Why Men Hate Going to Church by David Murrow have attempted to address this question, not without controversy. In this session we will explore whether it is accurate that men are staying away from church and, if so, why and what can be done to change that.

Dangerous Church for Boys Most of the things we do in Sunday School and other traditional activities suit girls.

They involve fine motor skills with neat, intricate, quiet work rather than big, loud

and messy stuff that boys love. Is it time to start thinking about making church

more dangerous?

17 January 13.30 - 15.30 Augustine United

Getting the Most Out of ... ◊ Sermons

◊ Hymns

◊ Communion

◊ Prayers

There's no programme note with the worship, like at a

concert. Why have those hymns been chosen? How do we

get the most out of the sermon? What are we doing in

celebrating Communion and why is the liturgy put together

like that?

In a day meeting (or a brief evening whistlestop tour), we get behind some aspects

of what happens in worship with a view to deepening insights and understanding -

and hopefully making worship even more meaningful.

6 November afternoon and evening Synod Office


Growing Non-Stipendiary Ministry 28 February 19.00 - 21.00 Synod Office

We know that patterns of ministry are changing, with

many factors suggesting a need to use more often

non-stipendiary ministry as part of shared ministry

teams. This day is a space for existing ministers and

congregational representatives to discuss how this form

of ministry might be extended and indeed used creatively

and effectively.

What are the lessons from other denominations?

Love Free or Die - Gene Robinson 25 October 19.00 - 21.00 Synod Office

Gene Robinson was the first openly gay bishop in the Anglican

Communion, elected in 2003 in the Diocese of New Hampshire.

This film tells his story, capturing the passion and courage, wit

and humility of this contemporary prophet. It is not just about

Gene but about the people by whom he has been welcomed

and excluded (including the 2008 Lambeth Conference) and

those whom he has encouraged. It tells us about the death threats he lives with.

Most of all it reminds us that God’s love is ‘beyond our wildest imagining’.

The film lasts about 1hr 20m leaving time for some reflection and discussion about

the issues it raises - for us personally as well as in church and society.

A Kiss February 14 19.00 - 21.00 Shawlands URC In celebration of St Valentine's Day, we reflect on the

place of The Kiss - in art and music, film and poetry, but

remembering the part that a kiss played in Jesus' story

(and some early texts suggest the exchange of a kiss with

Mary of Magdala). Love, betrayal, tragedy ... great

dramatic points with a kiss.


Lay Preachers’ Consultation Conforti Institute, Coatbridge ML5 4JS

9 November 17.00 - 10 November 15.00

Lay Presidency at Communion 24 November 10.00 - 15.30 Bathgate URC For those Lay people nominated to preside at communion -

but open to anyone.

Lord Help Us to Pray Prayer is a vital dimension in Christian discipleship. Jesus himself

prayed constantly and taught his disciples to pray. It is the source

of strength and growth for many. Yet we do not necessarily find

it easy to pray. It will not always be easy, perhaps it should not

always be easy and dry spiritual times are common.

The experience of the Church in many traditions however offers

any ideas and resources and practices that can nurture our prayer life and time

centred on God. We plan to offer some time and space in various locations:

details to be circulated. If you are interested, register your interest with the office

and we shall let you know plans directly.

Making Sense of Experiences Doing theological reflection

1 - 29 November

13.30 - 15.30 Augustine United

1 Reflective practice including Journalling

2 - 8 Using models of ministry

3 - 15 Discernment - Where is God in all this?

4 - 22 Where am I in all this?

5 - 29 Learning for a missional Church


Making Space for God 15 January 10.30 - 15.30 Venue to be determined

Training workshop for ministers on organising prayer and

spiritual events .

Managing Meetings 7 February 10.30 - 15.30 Augustine United

In churches, we spend much time in meetings.

Are there other ways of working together?

Are our meetings indeed spiritual events, led by the Spirit in

obedience to Christ?

How can they be more efficient and effective?

What is the place of leadership in our meetings?

If your meetings - church, eldership, committees - need a fresh look ...

Then this day course may help.


◊ Chairing

◊ In the name of Christ, Under the Spirit's leading

◊ Decisions into doing

Ministers’ Conference: Ageing Conforti Institute, Coatbridge ML5 4JS

19 - 21 February

(from the afternoon on day 1 to lunch on day 3)

This year's conference concerns an issue of widespread and

growing significance for ministers and churches as well as wider society - an ageing


TOPICS include:

� An ageing society

� An ageing church

� Pastoral care of older people

� Worship with people with dementia

� Reminiscence work

� Social provision with older people

� Grey power

� Ageing and health


Ministry with Older People 8 October

Ministry to People with Dementia. Training for people providing

worship services in Care Homes with special attention to serving

those suffering from Dementia.

If you are interested, as a congregation or personally, in any

aspect of ministry with older people, including worship or pastoral care, please

contact The Revd Fran Ruthven, College Tutor and minister with responsibility for

ministry with older people on

Nordic Noir 9, 16, 30 January & 6 February Edinburgh: 13.30 - 15.30 Augustine United

Glasgow : 19.00 - 21.00 Synod Office

Wallander, The Killing, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy, Jo Nesbø's

thrillers ... seem to have captured the British/Scottish imaginations. Maybe the

Nordic melancholy chimes with our Scots' attachment to the dreich in weather

and personality.

Our course will look at such issues as "Getting on with the nation next door",

"What kind of society are we/want to be?", "Living with difference" and

"Darkness and redemption". We'll read, watch and discuss some pieces of current

Scandinavian crime fiction to see what parallels emerge between those countries

and our own.

Some suggested books/DVDs will be suggested but participants are encouraged

to bring their own choice of reading to the conversation. Register as early as pos-

sible to see suggestions.


Not Just Spreading Thinner ... Ministers and leaders in congregations have a growing

awareness that ministerial deployment patterns are

changing significantly: the single minister to single

congregation very much the exception. But what does that

mean for ministers - spreading thinner? off-loading traditional responsibilities?

adopting a radically different role? finding new ways of working?

And congregations too face adjustments in their leadership, in being served

perhaps by teams of ministers, in having different expectations. How will patterns

of congregational life and work change? Change is inevitable but will we

determine the new shape of things?

17 May 10.00 for 10.30 - 15. 30 East Mains URC

Passover The Passover is an episode of significance for Jewish and

Christian communities. We explore the central

affirmation of deliverance and liberation, share in

storytelling and questioning and close with celebrating a

common and symbolic meal of memory and hopefulness.

25 March 14.00 with a meal together from 17.00 until 19.30 Shawlands URC

Preaching 1 Models of preaching

2 Sermon construction

3 Delivery

4 The sermon in the context of worship

18 & 25 October 10.30 - 15.30 Augustine United


Radical Welcome Many churches are actively looking at and working on

making their welcome more effective and deeper. Our

programme offers a number of supportive events.

"Everybody Welcome"

This is a set of published course materials around helping

churches to think about welcome, hospitality and visibility in the community. A

number of our churches have used these materials and found them helpful.

This evening is about introducing the materials and giving space to talk and think

about how best to use them. If you'd like a taste, you can find an excerpt of the

course DVD through a search on YouTube.

25 October 19.00 - 21.00 Synod Office

"Challenging behaviour"

We declare in song or policy that "all are welcome in this place". Some who are

part of our church community or who come to us will behave in ways that can be

difficult for us. Sometimes the behaviours are acute, sometimes continual. We

can end up feeling guilty at not handling people sensitively, well, appropriately

and for the good of the person and the congregation. This evening course will

seek to deepen our understanding of what lies behind the behaviour and to

reflect on effective approaches for responding.

17 January 19.00 - 21.00 Synod Office


The people who greet at the front door on Sunday are absolutely key to your

welcome. They are your frontline folk. Those first few moments can influence

visitors' readiness and desire to come back. This evening's training is about

equipping people to do this important work effectively for us all.

21 February 19.00 - 21.00 Synod Office

"Telling Who We Are"

We can be as welcoming as we might be, but people need to know who we are,

what we are about and why they might like to join with us. This evening meeting

is about looking at some of the issues: What lies at the heart of our shared

identity? Is our marketing outreach solely local or is there a shared dimension?

Does promoting ourselves sit uncomfortably with ecumenical partnership? How

do we support our members in speaking the faith?

21 March 19.00 - 21.00 Synod Office


Re-discovering Mission –

what that means for the church (ideal capacity 24)

This is a two day (over 2 Wednesdays) exploring current

missional thinking for the 21st


It covers five session:

Changing World, changing church

Re-imagining church: community

Re-imagining church: worship

Re-imagining church: discipleship and leadership

What this can mean for us.

10 & 17 April 10.30 - 15.00 Venue TBA

Religion and Science 2 May 10.30 - 15.30 Augustine United

We look at the relation of religion and science. Are they

compatible fields of endeavour? How can congregations engage with

contemporary science? Where do religious ethics and scientific thinking meet?

We are joined for this day by a theological educator with a science PhD, an expert

in socio-ethical issues and those who have encouraged congregations to engage

with scientific questions.

School Chaplaincy

21 November 10.00 for 10.30 - 15.30 Rutherglen URC

School chaplaincies are an important point of contact between ministers and

children & young people and indeed wider communities. More than ever, life

issues and the place of faith communities are on the educational agenda. At our

last general chaplaincy day, there was expressed a demand for a further day to

look at the challenges faced by educational chaplains, not least in a time of

changing curriculum. We hope that you'll come along to this day if you're a

chaplain or are thinking about it.


Seeking ... Many argue that a strong motive for people to participate in

Church life is that they are seekers, looking for God, for

meaning and for community. In this course, we share our own

seeking and reflect on how the Church and its ministers can

best nurture and supporting that seeking after.

10, 17 & 24 January 10.30 - 12.30 Augustine United

Skype for Meeting and Learning 1 November 19.00 - 21.00 Synod Office

6 November 10.30 for 11.00 - 15.00 Scottish Episcopal Church Office

If you or your organisation or committee use (or are planning to

use) SKYPE or a similar programme to share conversations in

meetings or seminars, this workshop will be of help to you.

* Getting online

* Creating conversations

* Accessibility issues

* Online environments.

This will be supported by online resource material.

Space for You -

Ministers’ Quiet Time after Easter The Bield at Blackruthven, Tibbermore

Low Week 3 - 4 April

Starts with coffee at 10.00 on day 1 to afternoon

tea 15.00 on day 2.

For many ministers, Lent, Holy Week and even Easter itself are very demanding,

spiritually as well as physically - so we've planned a couple of days of spiritual

space in a very spiritual space. The Bield at Blackruthen, just outside Perth, is an

ideal place for relaxation and refreshment : good food and comfortable

accommodation, swimming pool, walled garden and labyrinth, grounds for

walking, a delightful chapel ... Add in a very light introduction to the day and

closing prayers and you've lots of time for yourself. The Bield is compact, so

reserve your place as early as possible.

Spirituality in Ministry 25 April 10.30 - 15.30 Augustine United

How do we nurture our own spirituality in ministry?

Spiritual direction and soul friendship maintaining a

Rule of life

* resources for spiritual development

* creating space.

Storytelling 12 - 15 November

The Windermere Centre

Residential course

Bookings through the Windermere Centre

All kinds of story

Topics include

� Some skills for storytelling

� Biblical storytelling

� Stories that heal community

� Stories for change

� Reminiscence work and life story

� Intergenerational story

� Story creation and review in pastoral care Narrative preaching

Supervision Skills Details to be confirmed.

For those who support students in their learning,

e.g. ordinands, TLS students or those from other

educational institutions

� Competence and capacity

� Constructive conversations

� Formational feedback

� Re-imagination


The Missing Generation 8

November 19.00 - 21.00 Synod Office

There is a massive gap in church membership between 20

and 50 years old. Why is it that the church has failed to

engage this missing generation, our children and

grandchildren? And what can we do about it?

TLS Taster Evening 7 February 19.00 - 21.00 Synod Office

Training for learning and serving

“For me the TLS experience has been amazing, opening up

gateways into my faith which have deepened and enriched my understanding of

that faith, which has grown and matured allowing me to articulate my personal

beliefs more easily through the knowledge gained.”

TLS is the URC's programme of adult education and is hugely appreciated by its

students over the years. It is studied through local discussion groups, using well-

written materials, with some residential weekends and opportunities for local

service experience There is a two-year foundation course which is an introduction

to Biblical and theological ideas and ways of thinking. This can be followed by a

one-year course in a specific area, such as worship or pastoral care. For those

interested in accreditation as a lay preacher by General Assembly, this is the most

common route for preparation.

If you are curious, do come along to our taster evening to find out more.

To Be the Best 23 April 10.00 - 15.30 Rutherglen URC

Every congregation has stories to tell of what has worked for

them - but we can all be helped through learning from others'

stories. We're inviting congregations and ministers to come together, not only to

share their experiences but to work on using other people's experiences and ideas

to inform their own potential developments. What other people have found to

work for them might have something to say to you and your situation.

All you need for this day is your stories and open minds!

What does 'best' mean for you?

Focusing on what's important

Learning from one another


Trinity 1 November - 29 November 10.30 - 12.30 Augustine United

Some cherish the idea of Trinity as a deep truth about the

divine; others find it baffling or even not well-supported by

Scripture. Some ministers find reason not to be preaching on

Trinity Sunday! This course encourages us to engage with The

Trinity through different lens - as a model of community; in

pictorial and iconographic imagery; in preaching and

sacraments; theologically, spiritually and imaginatively.

Vocations 4 October Synod Office

We begin with a light meal at 17.30

and start the programme at 18.30 , finishing by 21.00

Information, activities and conversation to help you in

exploring your calling and/or taking forward your ideas.

War Requiem 11 November 14.00 - 16.00 Morningside United

"My subject is war and the pity of war"

Benjamin Britten's "War Requiem", using the traditional Latin

texts and the First World War poetry of Wilfred Owen. We are

introduced to the words of the requiem, rooted in the WW1

war poets, and listen to this wonderful work.


Your SHAPE for God’s Service 12 February 10.30 – 15.00 Synod Office (ideal capacity 8 delegates)

Designed for members who are not confident about having

anything spiritual to offer.

It aims to cover:

� Your spiritual Gifts (God’s unique gifts to you)

� What motivates and excites

� One’s abilities, knowledge and skills etc.

� Your character, personal qualities and strengths

� Life experiences and what has been gained from them

Can be used as a ‘One-off’ but is more effective when followed up by a few deeper

sessions – although the desire for this, can be established with those that sign up

for the initial one day ‘taster’.

Youth & Children’s Work Training Day 9


Aberdeen Details TBA

Contact Stewart Cutler



Augustine United Reformed Church, George IV Bridge, Edinburgh, EH1 1EL

George IV Bridge runs off the High Street in Edinburgh, parallel with North/South Bridges,

and just before Chambers Street. It is only a few minutes walk from Waverley railway

station (though a bit of a climb) or from Princes Street.

Barrhead United Reformed Church, Arthurlie Street, Barrhead, G78 2RB

By train: to Barrhead Station By bus: Arriva 103 (Glasgow to Auckenback) stops at the

top of Arthurlie Road. (only until 6.00 p.m.) Stagecoach bus X44B (Glasgow to Irvine)

stops at Main Street by Arthurlie Street, Barrhead,. This is service is infrequent. (There is

no service at night and very limited on Sunday’s)

Bathgate United Reformed Church, Marjoribanks Street, Bathgate EH48 1AT

By train to Bathgate Station (Waverley to Helensburgh and Milngavie line via Queen

Street Low Level) Leave station carpark, cross main road and turn left. Take first right

(Gordon Avenue). At top of Gordon Avenue turn left. You are now on Marjoribanks Street.

Keep going until you see the United Reformed Church on your right. If you need a lift from

the station let me know! (home 01506 656662, mob. 078 8075 5378)


By car from Edinburgh (via M8) leave at Junction 3A. At first roundabout take first exit. At

second roundabout take second exit, at third roundabout take third exit - for Torphichen

and Linlithgow. This road becomes Marjoribanks Street and after about 3/4 mile you come

to the United Reformed Church.

By car from Glasgow, leave M8 at junction 3A. At first roundabout take first exit, at second

roundabout third exit and at third roundabout take third exit for Torphichen and

Linlithgow. See above.

By car from Stirling direction, leave M9 at junction 4 and follow A801 for Livingston and

Lanark. Once across the bridge in the Avon gorge, turn immediately left up the hill and left

again for Linlithgow. At first junction turn right for Torphichen. Go through Torphichen and

once in Bathgate take the first exit from the big roundabout. At the end of the street turn

right and then left again into Marjoribanks Street.

By car from the south, use the A706 through Whitburn and then the A7006 as far as the

Boghall roundabout at the fire station. Take first exit and then at the next roudnabout take

third exit for Torphichen and Linlithgow (see above)

There is a local bus service which passes the church but is not much use to those coming

from outwith the town.

Conforti Institute,Calder Avenue, Coatbridge, ML5 4JS

Telephone: 01236 607120/707900 Web Site:

East Mains United Reformed Church, 11 Old Coach Road, East Kilbride G74 4DS

By rail: Half hourly train service from Glasgow Central, then 5 minute walk

By Bus: No’s 18, 21, 66 to bus from Glasgow city centre to East Kilbride Town Centre then

10-15 minute walk or take a taxi.

Morningside United Church, Chamberlain Road, Edinburgh EH10 4DJ

The church is on Holy Corner and can be reached by Lothian buses from the city centre—

11, 15, 16 and 17 from Princes Street and 23 on The Mound.

Priesthill URC, The Hall, 160 Peat Road (off Hartstone Road) G53 6DE

Buses from city centre: First X8 is quickest (15mins). Leaves from Buchanan bus station,

you can catch it on Union Street before it heads for the M8. It terminates at the back of

Silverburn shopping centre so you then need to walk up Peat Road (5-10 mins). You can

also get off at the bottom of Peat Road just after the bus has turned left at the Peat Road

roundabout and just before it turns into Silverburn. First 56 from Bath St/Renfield St/

Union St. It goes into Silverburn and out again (as a 57) up Peat Road (2nd stop after

Silverburn, opp the Hall) takes about 40 minutes. There is also on site parking.

Rutherglen United Reformed Church, 69 Johnstone Drive, Rutherglen, G73 2QA

By train: There are four trains from Glasgow Central low level station leaving 08,18,38,48.

Journey time is approximately 10 minutes. From the station the Church is 10 minutes


walk. Exit the station and follow signs to Main Street. Once on Main Street turn right and

walk along to the main traffic light junction with Mill Street (dual carriageway). Turn left up

the hill and continue until you see the church on the corner of Mill Street and Johnstone


By Bus: A 267 brings you from Buchanan Bus Station to the Main Street, Follow directions

as above. A 18 will bring you from Glasgow city centre to Stonelaw Road. Ask to get off at

Rutherglen Health Centre and then walk along Johnstone Drive to the Church. A 21 will

bring you from Glasgow City Centre to Mill Street. There is a stop just before the Church.

Shawlands United Reformed Church 111 Moss-side Road, Glasgow G41 3TP

Buses 23, 38A, 45 and 57 amongst others run from the city centre (Union St) to Shawlands


Synod Offices, 113 West Regent Street, Glasgow G2 2RU

Windermere Centre, Windermere

Windermere is easily accessible from the motorway system. It is 20 minutes from Junction

36 of the M6. Try us on Multimap. Local trains run regularly from Windermere station to

connect with the main Euston/West Coast line at Oxenholme. Information about train

times is available from National Rail Enquiries.

Other information

£ Many of the events in this booklet are free of charge.

For the Thursday day-time programme, there is a charge of £7.50 per half day.

Where there is a residential element, prices will relate to the cost of

accommodation and will be advised on request. Day retreats and events (other

than Thursday) have no charge but donations are welcomed. Where there is a

cost, College Friends whether individuals or congregations, are entitled to a


Ministers of the United Reformed Church in active service may apply for an

Education for Ministry 3 grant for their costs which can include travel. Clergy of

other denominations are encouraged to check whether or not they are eligible for

continuing education support from their own churches.

The college does require to generate income in order to meet its core costs.

However, it is anxious that no-one should be excluded from a learning opportunity

on financial grounds. If there is a course fee which you do not feel able to meet,

we would encourage you to contact the Principal.


The College strives to make its provision as accessible as it reasonably can. If

you have a mobility issue, then it is helpful if you can contact us in advance so that

we can take whatever action we can to meet your needs. Specific infor-

mation on each place can be obtained by contacting us on 0141 248 5382. If you

have needs that relate to learning and participation such as a hearing or visual

impairment or a specific learning need such as dyslexia, please let us know.

� Unfortunately, but for your sake as well as ours, it is necessary to register in

advance for any event in the programme. Please let us know as early as you

can. Sometimes it proves necessary to cancel courses through under-enrolment

and we have to do that quite early in order to try to avoid cancellation charges.

It’s really sad when we have to cancel and then discover that some people had

intended to come.

� Where there is catering provision as part of a course or event, please do let us

know in advance if you have any dietary requirements, such as a vegetarian option

or the avoidance of allergies etc..

� While it is our intention to run all of the events planned in this programme, we

cannot guarantee this and some descriptors may be subject to modification

between printing of the booklet and the course or event itself.


The College makes library provision for ordinands through the International

Christian College in Glasgow (about 15 minutes walk from our offices) . The ICC

library is however open for consultation to members of the public and borrowing

rights can be acquired on payment of a £30 annual fee.

For further information, see


The College greatly appreciates the support it receives from churches and

individuals who have become Friends of the College. We will be glad to let you

have further information on the Friends, on request. Membership brings benefits

such as information on events, a newsletter and reductions in fees for courses or

the price of publications. Secretary: Margaret Fairgrieve


Check the Synod of Scotland e-news for details also

of courses and event run by our ecumenical partners.


COLLEGE STAFF The Revd Dr Jack Dyce is Principal of the College. Ordained in 1976, he served in

pastorates in Port Glasgow, Paisley and Greenock. For many years, he worked in

local authority adult education and held the post of Regional Adult Education

Officer at Strathclyde regional council headquarters. His first degree was in

organisational behaviour followed by an LLB. He has a postgraduate MA and MSc

in education together with professional qualifications in adult education and

educational management. He holds a PhD in adult education for research on the

application of Danish adult education thinking to Scottish lay theological

education and an MLitt in Scandinavian Studies . He is a Chartered Fellow of the

Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. In church life, he served the

Congregational Union of Scotland as its final Chairman and previously as

Ecumenical Secretary. His professional interests include adult educational

methods, the varied uses of storytelling and the relationship of people of faith to

civic society.

The Revd Fran Ruthven is College Tutor specialising in ministry with older people.

She received her BA in Religion from the University of Georgia, her M.Div from

Harvard Divinity School and an MTh from Columbia Theological Seminary.

Ordained in 1985. She has served in Massachusetts, Georgia and North Carolina.

She is currently URC Special Category Minister at Morningside United Church.

College Tutor:

The Revd John Young is College Tutor with particular responsibility for the

Thursday programme. He holds BA and BD degrees. He is a retired minister who

served in Greenock West United Reformed Church, previously Nelson Street.

Associate Tutors:

The Revd Jan Adamson is URC Synod of Scotland Field Officer for Local Mission

and Development. She holds a BA on contextual theology from Manchester. For

many years she worked in management and has served as minister at Dunfermline

and Coaltown of Balgonie United Reformed Churches.

Stewart Cutler is URC Synod of Scotland Children and Youth Development Officer.

A BA in community education , he has recently completed an MSc.

Former appointments include National Adviser in Adult Education and Youth De-

velopment Officer with the Church of Scotland.




The College’s core purpose is educating people for ministry in the United

Reformed and Congregationalist traditions. Ordinands are admitted only

on the recommendation of their denomination and the college levies ap-

propriate fees for this work.

Through a reciprocal agreement with the United Reformed Church Synod of

Scotland, the College provides a broader programme to support learning of

the whole people of God for their ministry in the church and the world.

♦ The college has specialist interest in story, storytelling and

narrative approaches in worship, education, pastoral care

♦ community work and the development of churches and other


♦ adult learning approaches, methods and theory

♦ philosophical inquiry as a means of exploring the big questions

♦ appreciative inquiry and other tools for helping organisations to build

on their success and develop their life

♦ ministry with older people

♦ Christianity and engagement in civic society

♦ community education.

The College officers are

Chairperson: Miss Myra Rose Dip. Primary Education

Secretary: Mr David Rice

Treasurer: Mr Mark Kirkbride BSc FCIBS



The college community is a wide one – the staff and ordinands

and those who govern the college are but part of that

community. But the community is wider still — those who share

in the Thursday programme or attend day courses and events or

retreats or residential gatherings; ministers and lay preachers

who receive grants for continuing education; committees that

draw on the educational expertise of the college… Indeed the

whole synod with whom we are in educational partnership

shares in the life of the college.

Of course, we don’t all gather together in one place that often.

Wanting to find ways in which we can express that sense of

community, we invite those who belong in whatever way to the

college fellowship to join with us in regular prayer. On

Thursdays, those who come together for those classes will

worship at 12.30pm on those days. You can see where we are

from the programme – you’re welcome to join us if you are able.

To include as many as possible, however, we invite you to join

with us wherever you are for a few moments. Offer this short

college prayer and remember those that we particularly pray for

in that month.



Gracious God,

Creator of humanity in the divine image

Teacher of what is loving and just and peaceful

Fountain of all truth and wisdom and grace;

Holy Trinity, expressing deepest community,

Grant your blessing to our College

Prosper us in our search for knowledge and wisdom

Nurture all who gather to share in learning together

Fill each and all with a longing to be true disciples

That the world to whom we are sent may know the abundant life

To which we are called. Amen.

Cycle of prayer

October The ordinands and all who attend college courses and gatherings

November The staff of the college

December Northern College, Manchester, Westminster College,

Cambridge and the Windermere Centre – our fellow

resource centres for learning

January The universities of Scotland and all other places of learning

within the nation

February The United Reformed Church and in particular its synod of

Scotland with whom we are in educational partnership, and its

Northern Synod, the moderator of synod, the synod officers and

members of the development team, ministers, elders and


March The Congregational Federation and Congregational churches

April The Scottish Episcopal Church and the Methodist Church in

Scotland with whom we are in collaborative fellowship through

the Episcopal, Methodist and United Reformed partnership

May The College Management committee, the college officers and

the trustees of the Baxter Trust

June The work of vocations

113 West Regent Street, Glasgow G2 2RU

0141 248 5382

Scottish Charity SC004318

To enquire

or book

Phone 0141 248 5382
