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Scouts of St. John: I am mighty glad to be back among you once more. I am glad, too, to hear such good accounts of your scout work and progress. Stick to it and go ahead. I wish you all good camping in the coming season. ROBERT BADEN POWELL.

Camping on St. John River

The Girl Guide movement in New Brunswick has entered on a new era of prosperity and within the last few months new companies have been organized in New Brunswick. The movement is worldwide. The picture to the left shows the 2nd Rothesay com-pany of Girl Guides enjoying life at summer camp. For most of the companies summer camp is a time of good training and healthy recreation and is an annual event that is eagerly anticipated.

Training to Be Girl Guide Leaders

Miss Joyce E. Wolton of London, England, Red Diploma holder, last week concluded a course of instruction here for Girl Guide Leaders, which was attended by students form various parts of the province. The picture was taken in front of the Y.W.C.A. Recreation Centre, where the course was given. Those in front are: Back row: Guide miss Nellie Wilson, St. Stephen; Miss Irene barber, captain St. Paul’s Co., St. John; Miss Edythe Mitchell, lieutenant Knox Co., St. John. Second row: Miss Lawrence, captain First Sackville Co.; Miss DeVoe, brown owl St. Paul’s Pack, St. John; Miss Roth Starr, lieutenant First Rothesay Co.; Miss Elsie Bell, senior patrol leader Trinity CO., St. John; Miss Shirley Magee, tawny owl of St. Paul’s Pack. Third row: Miss Florence Allan, captain St. James’ Co., St. John; Mrs. Arnold Gibbon, captain Knox Co., St. John; Miss Alice Tilley, lieutenant 3rd Rothesay Co.; Miss Jean Angus, lieutenant First Rothesay Co. Front row: Miss Althea Hazen, lieutenant St. Paul’s Co., St. John; miss Marjorie Knight, captain Trinity Co., St. John; Miss Florence Paxton, patrol leader St. James Co., St. John; Miss Joyce E. Wolton, red cord guider, London, England; Miss D. W. Purdy, district commissioner, and captain Second Rothesay; Miss Katherine Peters, patrol leader Third Rothesay Co.; Miss Catherine McAvity, district secretary and captain Third Rothesay; Miss Smith, lieutenant, Sackville; Miss Fifield, brown owl First St. John Pack. Besides those shown in the photograph Mrs. Cook, of Jacquet River, took the course


The wife of Sir Robert Baden-Powell, founder of the Boy Scouts, is the founder and Chief Guide of the Girl Guides’ Association of the World. She lives in Eng-land.


The wife of the Lieutenant-Governor of the Province is the honorary Presi-dent of the Girl Guides in New Brunswick.

Mrs. M. Ma-cLaren

Mrs. MacLaren is president of the St. John District Girl Guides’ Association.

Camping on St. John River

The Girl Guide movement in New Brunswick has en-tered on a new era of prosperity and within the last few months new companies have been organized in New Brunswick. The movement is worldwide. The picture to the left shows the 2nd Rothesay company of Girl Guides enjoying life at summer camp. For most of the companies summer camp is a time of good training and healthy recreation and is an annual event that is eagerly anticipated.

Nov. 25, 1931

Mrs. Murray M’Laren Girl Guides’ Leader

article: Mrs. Murray MacLaren, who has been president of the Saint ohn Girl Guides’ Association since its organization, was re-elected to that office at the annual meeting last night. In Mrs. MacLaren’s absence, Mrs. Hugh MacKay, divisional commisioner, presided. The reports were gratifying and showed 12 companies and four Brownie packs active inthe Girl Guide movement, one new company having been formed and one old company having been reorganized during the year. Miss Margaret Ma-cLaren gave a report on the camps held. A badge committee was formed with Miss Nellie Ellis and Mrs. Brownberg to act in Saint John , and Mrs. W. Arthur I. Anglin to act in Rothesay. Officers were elected as follows: President, Mrs. Mur-ray MacLaren; vice-presidents, first, Mrs. Stewart Skinner; second, Mrs. F. S. Tilton; third, Miss Amelia Haley, and secre-tary-treasurer, Miss Ruth Starr.

November 25, 1931: Mrs. Murray M’Laren Girl Guides’ Leader

Mrs. Murray MacLaren, who has been president of the Saint ohn Girl Guides’ Association since its organization, was re-elected to that office at the annual meeting last night. In Mrs. MacLaren’s absence, Mrs. Hugh MacKay, divisional commisioner, presided. The reports were gratifying and showed 12 companies and four Brownie packs active inthe Girl Guide movement, one new company hav-ing been formed and one old company having been reorganized during the year. Miss Margaret MacLaren gave a report on the camps held. A badge committee was formed with Miss Nellie Ellis and Mrs. Brownberg to act in Saint John , and Mrs. W. Arthur I. Anglin to act in Rothesay. Officers were elected as follows: President, Mrs. Murray MacLar-en; vice-presidents, first, Mrs. Stewart Skinner; second, Mrs. F. S. Tilton; third, Miss Amelia Haley, and secretary-treasurer, Miss Ruth Starr.

November 26, 1932Named President



The annual meeting of the Saint John district Girl Guides Association was held Thursday evening at the residence of Mrs. F. P. Starr with the first vice-president, Mrs. Stewart Skinner, in the chair. The secretary-treasurer, Miss Ruth Starr, gave a full report of activities and financial conditions of the organization. The officers elected for 1932-33 were: President, Mrs. Murray MacLaren; vice-presidents, Mrs. Stewart Skinner, Miss Amelia J. Haley and Mrs. F. S. Tilton; secretary-trea-surer Miss Emma Wilson. Miss Haley moved a vote of thanks to the retiring secretary-treasurer,

Miss Starr, for her faithful services, and welcomed Miss Wilson to office. Miss Sarah Hare, district commis-sioner, spoke briefly on Guiding. The meeting then considered the donations still due the provincial organization for the local share of expenses and decided to call a meeting early in January to discuss ways and means. Work Is Flourishing in N. B.

Throughout the province the association work is flourishing. The provincial commissioner Mrs. Hugh MacKay, and provincial secretary, Miss Dorothy Purdy, recently visited the Guides in Woodstock, Hartland and Plaster Rock and were impressed with the enthusiasm of the girls and their leaders. Miss Margaret Peters and Miss Barbara Miles have returned from McAdam Junction, where they aided the local leaders in giving suggestions about Guiding. The Provincial Association is now occupying new offices in the Board of Trade building, having found the previous headquarters too small for carrying on the expanding work.


Mrs. Hugh Mackay, of Rothesay has been elected natioal director of the Imperial Order, Daughters of the Em-pire, Girl Guides, it was announced at the meeting of the national executive committee in Toronto this week. She succeeds Miss Mary Ogilvie, Toronto, who resigned.

Monday, June 3, 1935


Founder and Chief Scout of the Boy Scout movement throughout the world, Lord Baden-Powell of Gilwell, hero of Mafeking, is pictured here with col. the Hon. Murray MacLaren, C.M.G., V.D., M.D., LL.D., lieutenant-governor of New Brunswick, as they chatter informally yesterday in the library of Government House following the arrival in Saint John of the Chief Scout, Lady Baden- Powell, Chief Guide, and their daughters, Hon. Heather and Hon. Betty Baden-Powell.

June 3, 1935: Girl Guides Win Praise For Spectacular Exercises

This graphic panorama shows the Guides and Brownies ion formation and about to begin their imposing part of Saturday’s jamboree performance before their Chief Guide, Lady Baden-Powell. The two central circles are the Brownies and the other circles to the right and left in the background are the Guides. A group of Guides, who smartly performed a ceremonial march, are in the background, while further back still and bordering the entire performance is a fringe of Guides. Just after this photo was snapped the band started to play signaling the com-mencement of the exercises. Their splendid turnout won high praise both from their chief and from the thou-sands of spectators.

Where British Girl Guides Are Trained

Foxlease, the training head-quarters for the Girl Guides of Great Britain, is shown in the two pictures above. The old 16th century residence built about three sides of a square, the many auxil-iary buildings, including the thatched roof barn where indoor activities are carried on, the beautiful gardens and grounds are the spacious lawns where the Girl Guide camp experience is obtained, are shown in the lower photograph. In the other, the exterior of the barn is shown. Miss Joyce E. Wolton, who is directing a Girl Guide course being held in the Church of England Institute in Saint John this week, is on vacation from Foxleasse and has for the last Where British Girl Guides Are Trained

March 3, 1938: Girl Guide Cabin OpenedThe cabin, pictured above on the Boar’s Head property given by lady Hazen to the No. 1 Division of the New Brunswick Girl Guides yesterday afternoon by the New Brunswick Council Honorary president, Miss Margaret acLaren, daugh-ter of Lieutenant-Governor macaroon, who received the key from the Division Commissioner, Mrs. Cecil F. West. About 50 guides, leaders and friends attended the brief ceremonies and the visitors were taken on an inspection tour and s.erved light refreshments.

October 3, 1938 :GIRL GUIDES’ OBJECTIVE The log cabin pictured int he architects drawing by W. Wallace Alward, shown above is what the Girl Guides of Saint John and Kings County division hope to have constructed on their permanent camp site at Boar’s Head early this season in order that the building may be used in the summer camping hiking season. Mr. Alward has kindly drawn the plans for the bulding and W. Arthur Hazen has offered his services to oversee the construction, which it is expected wukk occupy about three weeks. Some 400$ will be needed to supplement the money on hand in the permanent camp fund and to obtain that sum the Guides are conducting a drawing for a morocca leather suit case with bronze gift fittings.


Representing the Girl Guides from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and the sister organization across the border, in the united States, officials and Guides gathered at Rothesay this week, on the grounds of Rothesay collegiate School, for their Dominion camp. In the above picture, Lieutenant-Governor MacLaren is seen addressing the girls during the Visitors’ Day program on Thursday. The Guides held their final ceremony, the Golden Link ceremony, yesterday afternoon

AT THE GIRL GUIDES’ CORONATION RALLY AT WEMBLEY THE PRINCESS ROYAL WITH A COUNTY COMMISSIONER.On June 5 a Girl Guides’ Coronation Rally was held at Wembley Stadium, Eighty Thousand Guides were present. Lord and Lady Baden-Pow-ell were in the Royal Box with the Princess Royal, who recieved a message of greeting sent by picked signallers. A pageant and camp-fire sing-song were included in the display.


The Lady Baden-Powell, Dame Grand Cross of the British Empire and World chief Guide.


In this welcome to the World Chief Guide, M.R.A.’s wish to pay tribute to the wonderful movement that today has a world membership of 2000000 girls. In Canada the membership is 64000. Saint John is proud of her daughters who stand by the Guide prin-ciples of honor, loyalty, helpfulness, friendli-ness, chivalry, obedience and cheerfulness, Saint John is also proud of the part Girl Guides here are playing in this great world organization under the splendid leadership of the Lady Baden-Powell.

June 22, 1946: 800 Guides, Brownies, Cubs gather At Rally

As the 800 Girl Guides, Brownies and Scouts, Wolf Cubs held their rally in the armouries yesterday honoring the World Chief Guide, the Lady Baden-Powell, G.B.E., Mrs. W. Murray Lawson, Saint John and Kings county Division commissioner presided and is seen addressing the gathering from the reviewing stand. The colors of the 25 companies represented in the gathering are being carried by the color party and a small portion of those taking part in the rally are seen as they broke formation on the request of the Chief Guide and took positions of ease to follow the rally program.June 20, 1946: WORLD CHIEF GUIDE TO OPEN N.B. TOUR HERE THIS MORNINGLady Baden-Powell, G.B.E.., Arriving Today; To Visit Capital, Sussex, MonctonLADY BADEN-POWELL, G.B.E. Arriving in Saint John at 11.45 o’clock this morning to inaugurate a New Brunswick tour, lady Baden-Powell, World Chief Guide, will receive a cordial welcome to the city and province. At noon today she will be the luncheon guest of Mrs. Hugh Mackay, provincial commissioner of Girl Guides, and at 5.30 o’clock this afternoon will be heard in an address over Radio Station CHSJ. This evening Lieutenant-Governor and Mrs. D. L. MacLaren will entertain at dinner at Government House in honor of Lady Baden-Powell and Friday noon she will be the luncheon guest of the Saint John Local Association of Girl Guides at Riverside Golf and Country CLub. Friday afternoon at the Ford Grounds from 5 to 7 o’clock, the chief Guide will attend a rally of the 15 Girl Guide compa-nies of Saint John, five Saint John Brownie packs, Girl Guides of Rothesay, Hampton, St. Andrews and St. Stephen and 17 troops and packs of Saint John Boy Scouts and Cubs. The rally will be open to the public. Following the rally Mrs. Mackay will be hostess at supper at the Admiral Beatty Hotel with all the Guiders invited to attend. Saturday morning lady Baden-Powell will motor to Frederic-ton for her visit there, and Monday, while en route to Moncton will inspect the 1st Sussex Girl Guide Company while her train is stopped at that town. Tuesday morning lady Baden-Powell will leave Moncton for Truro to begin her visit to Nova Scotia.

October 27, 1947: Re-signs Office

Mrs. Hugh Mackay who has tendered her resigna-tion as provincial com-missioner of the New Brunswick Council of Canadian Girl Guide As-sociation. Mrs. Mackay, who has given outstand-ing leadership during the 16 consecutive years she had held office, was pre-sented with a gift of sil-ver candlesticks, suitably engraved. Tribute to her achievements was voiced by several speakers at the provincial meeting held in Moncton on Saturday when her resignation was

Mrs. Frederick H. Brooke [President of Girl Scouts America], Mrs. Hugh Mackay [New Brunswick Commissioner of girl Guides and commandant of the national camp at Rothesay] & Mrs. H.d. War-ren [Chief Commisioner of Girl Guides in Canada] - here for teh Opening at Rothesay Of Dominion Camp.

July 15, 1939


Dominion camp supervi-sor and program director for the national camp at Rothesay. Miss Hardy is also a member of the Dominion executive of the World committee.


General secretary of the Canadian Council, Do-minion headquarters, of the Girl Guides Associa-tion, who is actively par-ticipating in the national camp.

As Guides View ‘Rhine of America’

Among highlights of the program arranged for those attending the national Girl Guides camp at Rothesay was the trip up the beautiful St. John River yesterday to Fredericton, on the motorship D.J. Purdy. Here the Guides are “snapped” as the motorship stopped briefly at Westfield wharf.

Girl Guides Participate in Religious Gatherings

Pictured at the top, in horseshoe formation, are some 250 Girl Guides and their leaders from the second National Girl Guide Camp, at Divine service Sunday Morn-ing on the lower field of Rothesay Collegiate School grounds. In the foreground are Very Rev. Dean S. C. Gray of Fredericton and Rev. C. J. Markham, rector of Rothesay, who conducted the service. At the left are a few members of the band of the 3rd New Brunswick Coast Brigade, R. C. A., which furnished the music.