Screenshots for advert

Post on 20-Jan-2017

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Screenshots for advert

By Connor West

What I based my advert on

This is my first draft of the advert that was done on Microsoft Publisher as you can see it is very basic and so I decided to develop it to make it look more professional.

I didn’t think that doing my advert on publisher looked professional which is why I changed to Photoshop as it can make the advert look better and there are a lot more resources to make it look good.

When I changed to Photoshop I thought about getting my own image instead of getting one off the internet and so I changed it and took a picture of something that was very special to Coventry City, hence the picture of the Jimmy Hill statue.

Then I thought instead of having a real institution in the corner I thought to put the logo of my own institution that I created as it shows that it is a documentary made by myself.

I decided to include a type of headline to attract people to the advert as it is big and bold and it is also short and flows well which makes people look at it and be interested by it.

Then I decided to include the TV channel that the documentary is going to be put on and so I put it above my institution logo.

I then thought about the writing in the bottom left hand corner and decided that it needs to stand out more and so I put a black text box behind it so that it stands out more.

The image was a bit dull and so I changed the brightness and contrast of the picture so it looks more effective and the image looks a lot clearer.

I also added a photo filter so it adds that bit more onto the image and so it makes it look a lot better and much more professional.