Screenshots Of Music Magazine Project

Post on 26-May-2015

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Screenshots of music magazine

projectBy Gemma Whitehead

Front Cover screenshots Firstly I erased most of the

models hair because I didn’t want that to show behind the dolls head. Then I added a brush tool which I downloaded from and placed it ontop of her head so that a bit of blood showed in the top of the dolls head however this effect wasn’t achieved very well.

Then so that the text would fit on the side I made her body thinner. I also changed the brightness and contrast on her body so it was more striking against the background.

I added another blood splatter to add texture to the background.

I added a skyline.

I added a barcode.

I cut out the dolls head using the magnetic lasso tool.

I made a new layer and then pasted the doll’s head onto the model’s head.

Contents page screenshots

Screenshots of double page spread