Scrum paris-2013

Post on 19-Aug-2015

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  1. 1. Removing cultural barriers in an Agile Team Luis Castro
  2. 2. Q Q
  3. 3. Photo John & Lisa Merrill/Getty Images
  4. 4. Image Flickr user Qsimple Photo Peter Adams/Getty Images Photo Doug Armand/Getty Images Photo Getty Images Photo Oliver Benn/Getty Images Photo Spike Mafford/Getty Images The way we give logic to the world begins at birth with the gestures, words, tone of voice, noises, colors, smells, and body contact we experience
  5. 5. Information Stereotype Generalization
  6. 6. Individuals and interactions over processes and tools Working software over comprehensive documentation Customer collaboration over contract negotiation Responding to change over following a plan Photo David Madison/Getty Images
  7. 7. Photo Dieter Spannknebel/Getty Images Data source:
  8. 8. Photos Dieter Spannknebel/Getty Images
  9. 9. Photo Thierry Dosogne/Getty Images Snapshot and Clip from Fools Rush In by Columbia Pictures 1997
  10. 10. Team Geographic dispersion Loss of communication richness Coordination breakdown Loss of teamness Cultural differences
  11. 11. The liaison's role is to facilitate the cultural, linguistic, and organizational flow of communication and to bridge cultures, mediate conflicts, and resolve cultural miscommunications. Translate polices and practices. Create awareness of sites cultural differences. Encourage communications and socializing. Facilitate communication. Make sure a common language is used. Photo Martin Barraud/Getty Images
  12. 12. PhotoOliKellett/GettyImages Build trust Create common experiences Avoid excess: cross- cultural fatigue Kick-off meetings Milestone meetings Expensive and time consuming? Yes Worth it? Yes
  13. 13. Photo Ryan McVay/Getty Images
  14. 14. Allows room for the benefit of the doubt Helps to build a common culture Photo Paul Burns/Getty Images
  15. 15. Environment Time Action Communication Space Power Individualism Competitivenes s Structure Thinking Cultural Orientations Indicator (COI)
  16. 16. Photos Dieter Spannknebel/Getty ImagesPhoto Dieter Spannknebel/Getty Images COI for India and Canada taken from The Cultural Navigator
  17. 17. Environment How individuals view and relate to the people, objects, and issues in their sphere of influence Control Harmony PhotoSymphonie/GettyImages
  18. 18. Time How individuals perceive the nature of time and its use Focus Single-focused Multi-Focused How Time is perceived Fixed Fluid Predilection Past Future PhotoSymphonie/GettyImages
  19. 19. Action How individuals view actions and interactions Doing Being PhotoSymphonie/GettyImages
  20. 20. Communication How individuals express themselves Context Low Context High Context Direct Direct Indirect Expressive Style Instrumental Expressive Formality Formal Informal PhotoSymphonie/GettyImages
  21. 21. Space How individuals demarcate their physical and psychological space Private Public PhotoSymphonie/GettyImages
  22. 22. Power How individuals view different power relationships Equality Hierarchy PhotoSymphonie/GettyImages
  23. 23. Individualism How individuals define their identity Individualistic Collectivistic PhotoSymphonie/GettyImages
  24. 24. COMPETITIVENESS How individuals are motivated. This dimension measures what motivates people in regard to others Competitive Cooperative PhotoSymphonie/GettyImages
  25. 25. Structure How individuals approach change, risk, ambiguity, and uncertainty. This dimension ranges from those who like to work within orderly confines, to those who flourish in flexible situations Order Flexibility PhotoSymphonie/GettyImages
  26. 26. Thinking How individuals conceptualize Perception of Ideas Inductive Deductive Problem Solving Linear Systemic PhotoSymphonie/GettyImages
  27. 27. Takeaways Culture plays a big role in geographically dispersed or multicultural teams. Cultural awareness helps the team. Tools we can use: Cultural liaison Site visits Building trust Cultural training Cultural intelligence
  28. 28. THANK YOU! Removing cultural barriers in an Agile Team