Scsh Shelter Cymru 3 Years On

Post on 04-Aug-2015

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Nick Bell, Manager Youth Homelessness

Housing (Scotland) Act 2001

Local authorities must produce a homelessness strategy.

Local authorities must make homelessness advice available.

Duty to provide temporary accommodation extended to all homeless applicants.

Duty on RSLs to assist local authorities in providing housing for homeless people.

Anyone over 16 has the right to register on a housing list.

Anyone over 16 can apply for a joint tenancy.

Homelessness (Scotland) Act 2003

o Abolition of the 'priority need' test by 31 December 2012

o Replaces the duty on local authorities to investigate intentionality with a power to do so

o enables the 'local connection' provision to be suspended

o Still need to establish whether homeless or not, of course!

Core Theme

“Everyone has a responsibility to do the right thing for each child and we must all work towards a unified approach, with less bureaucracy and more freedom to get on and respond to children.

  This will mean earlier help and the child getting the right help at the right time packaged for their particular needs.” 

(Scottish Government website)

Supported transitions and sustained opportunities

Adopting a client-focused approach Addressing barriers in a holistic way Providing high quality and ongoing assessment and action

planning Supporting clients through advocacy Offering flexibility in programme duration Focusing on progression Anticipating vulnerability at times of transition Recognising that progression may not always be linear Ensuring high quality and defined aftercare. Engaging employers Demonstrating clear evidence of impact Involvement of young people in service design

More Choices More Chances Section 2: (ii) Post-16

(thankfully more effective than we look...)

(Prof Suzanne Fitzpatrick, University of YorkDevolution and Homelessness, 2009)