Sculpture Curriculum

Post on 26-Jun-2015

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Sculpture Curriculum

Learn to think in three dimensions!


Wire Sculpture

Deborah Butterfield, 1995, Found Steel

Deborah Butterfield

Look at this work, and think about your Wire Sculpture.

Some wires could be twisted together to create thick lines.

Some wires could be left as single wires to create delicate lines.

Wire Sculpture

Gesture Drawing

You will create a wire sculpture of a person.

You will create gesture drawings and use them as your guide for your sculpture.

These drawings should be very fluid and full of movement.



Wire Sculpture

Plaster Animal

Beeswax and Plaster

You will be creating a plaster sculpture of an animal.

The animal should look as realistic as possible.

Paper Mache Architecture

You will be creating a paper mache building.

Your building will be a recreation of a famous piece of architecture that is already in existance.

Frank Gehry

Sydney Opera House

Weisman Museum of Art

Minneapolis, Minnesota

Clay Environment

Student Work

Student Work

You will be creating an environment out of clay.

Your environment should convey a mood.

Linear Sculpture

You will be choose an insect that you would like to create.

You will break down the insect of your choice into lines.

Then you will create the insect out of wicker reed, and paper.

Linear Sculpture

Student Work

Louise Nevelson

relief sculpture

You will create an original design and then transform it into a relief sculpture.

Landscape Relief SculptureBerthe Morisot

You will be creating a 3-D landscape painting by layering poster board, and paint.

J.M.W. Turner

Notre Dame de Paris

Bas Relief

You will be creating a bas relief sculpture using plaster.

You will be basing this sculpture off of at least two different types of plants.