Sea Level Rise Modeling - Home - Kleinfelder · 2014-02-10 · Title: Sea Level Rise Modeling...

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The Towns of Marshfield, Duxbury, and Scituate, located along the southern coastline of Massachusetts, are prone to recurring storm impacts, particularly storm surge. Recognizing that predicted sea level rise and more frequent extreme events will affect their communities, they engaged Kleinfelder to conduct a climate change vulnerability assessment and economic analysis of varied adaptation action plans.

translating scientific projects into adaptations plans Modeling for the varied coastal aspects of the three towns presented technical challenges. Translating scientific projections of flooding and associated impacts into practical, prioritized adaptation plans required expertise across multiple scientific and engineering disciplines, as well as creativity to devise an original methodology. Engaging stakeholders with competing interests to support a joint adaptation plan involved a collaborative and thoughtful approach.

a realistic model illustrating storm impactsThis study includes high-quality maps and graphics showing the extent and magnitude of sea level rise and storm surge vulnerability, along with recommended adaptation actions. The communities now have a better understanding of their current and future sea level rise and storm surge risks and how resiliency could be built within the system.location:

Marshfield, Duxbury, Scituate, Massachusetts project cost:$30,000

owner:Towns of Marshfield, Duxbury, Scituate

An Employee-Owned Company | © 2013 Kleinfelder. All rights reserved.

3D Visualization of Flooding Impact Possible flooding simulation

project results

The Kleinfelder team created

GIS models to develop

inundation maps for the

25-, 50-, and 75-year time

horizons, using both sea level

rise only and sea level rise

and storm surge combined.

These projections were

combined with existing

GIS data to determine the

most- at-risk assets within

the towns’ jurisdictions.

Recommended adaptation

strategies were developed

based on those results.

sea level rise modeling