SE|AoC Processes (Project And Roles)

Post on 14-Dec-2014

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SE|AoC Processes (Project And Roles). Eweek example


AoC Processes:

Project Process (A When Problem): Shows various stages of project

over time, and the relationship between various components.


Role Processes (A How Problem):

Shows the steps taken in order to satisfy the responsibilities of an event role.

Entrepreneurs Week example.

Step 1: Create a coordinate system (phases & roles).

- For events, we determine what the purpose & outcomes are, and how we're going to address them (Concept Design). Next is sourcing the resources, followed by execution, and finally reviewing & improving. These phases take varying amounts of time, and this is reflected by their respective lengths.

- Standard too is the roles required to fulfil each event. Traditionally we've broken these down into Project Manager, Operations, Marketing, & Sponsorship. These are plotted running down the side in order to show the individual activities during each phase.

(See example: Next Slide)

Step 2. Plot in the ‘whats’ of the project (critical milestones & deliverable documents). Note: A project is really made up of many small tasks, and is completed when these tasks are done.

- Critical milestones show the triggers that indicate the close of one phase and the beginning of another.

(In the next slide, we see two critical milestones; at sponsorship between resources and execution, and at operations between execution and review. It should be pretty self explanatory as to why these are critical to completion before a phase shift).

- Deliverable documents indicate what physically needs to be completed in order to meet a milestone, to say that one phase is finished and the next is ready to start.

(E.g. Once Operations has completed the ‘concept blueprint’, Marketing the 'target market analysis’, and Sponsorship the 'target sponsors list', we can say the Concept Design milestone has been reached, and we can begin sourcing Resources).

Step 3. Finally, Work Streams. These show the effort required to complete deliverable documents and milestones. Note: While seeing when the deliverables are due is critical to planning, we also need to see what is required to create them.

That's where Work Streams come in: They are the task lists of things to do that each role follows in order to know what to do to get the deliverables done.

(Mapping the work streams completes this detailed timeline so we can see how long a project is going to take. In the case of Entrepreneurs Week: 9 months).

For this year (2009) we used the following Project Plans: Startup Camp, Champagne


Role ProcessFollowing are the steps (detailed) to be completed for the various roles in a project.

– Operations

– Marketing

– Sponsorship

Operations Process:(Just Do It!)

Marketing Process:(Make Noise!)

Sponsorship Process:(Get That Shit!)

Please note; everything in here is meant to be improved

upon. Do so.