Searching for Dollars By: Dara Gramling Heather Hansard Lori Webber Faron Wiseman.

Post on 13-Jan-2016

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Searching for Dollars

By:Dara Gramling

Heather HansardLori Webber

Faron Wiseman

• Johnny’s birthday party is next week and Sarah is going to attend. She needs to buy him a birthday present. Johnny really likes The Dukes of Hazard, so Sarah is going to buy him a General Lee toy car. The car costs $8.95, but with tax it will cost $9.48.

Sarah goes to her room and empties herSarah goes to her room and empties herpiggy bank to get the coins. She counted piggy bank to get the coins. She counted her coins, and she had twenty-eight her coins, and she had twenty-eight quarters, ten dimes, twenty nickels and quarters, ten dimes, twenty nickels and forty-eight pennies. She places money forty-eight pennies. She places money in a bag and takes it to the a bag and takes it to the store.


The clerk tells her that they areshort on dollar bills and have toomany coins. She asks Sarah tocome back with dollar bills insteadof coins. Sarah’s mom does nothave the bills to help Sarah paywith dollars. They go home to seeif dad has bills to trade forSarah’s coins.

Sarah’s dad says she needs to group her coins into one dollar amounts because he doesn’t have time to help her count the coins. Sarah goes into her room and begins to group her coins, but she needs some help. She calls her friend Ginny, and she asks her for some advice. Ginny tells her to put together groups of four quarters.

• How many dollars would she have from her twenty-eight quarters??????

Sarah found that she had seven dollars in


Is Sarah correct???????

• Yes, she is correct because there are seven groups of four quarters, and we know that four quarters equal one dollar. Sarah still needs some help to figure out how to make more one dollar amounts from her coins. She calls Johnny’s best friend Muhammad

and tells him what coins she had left.

Muhammad tells her that tendimes make one dollar. Sarah tells Muhammad thatshe has ten dimes. Are they on the right track????

Yes, they are because ten dimes equalsone dollar. Now Sarah has only nickelsand pennies left. She calls Suzie and tellsher what coins she has left. Suzie tells herthat 15 nickels make one dollar, but whenShe counted her nickels by fives to checkShe only had $.75. How many nickelsdoes it take to make onedollar????

It takes twenty nickels to make one dollar,

so Sarah has one dollar in nickels. If she

adds that dollar to what she already has, she will

have a total of nine dollars. Help Sarah double

check this addition by writing a math equation.



Does your equation look like Sarah’s??

$7.00 + $1.00 + $1.00 = $9.00

Is $9.00 enough for Sarah to buy Johnny’s birthday present? No. She still has pennies, so let’s see if she has enough to buy the car.

Sarah counted forty-eight pennies from her piggy bank. If we put this with the $9.00

that she already has, will she have enough to buy the present??

$9.00 + $0.48 = $9.48


Now that Sarah has grouped all of her coins,she can go to her dad with her nine groupsof one dollar and trade for dollar bills. Shenow has enough money to buy the birthdaypresent for Johnny. She and her mom headback to the store with her nine dollar billsand forty-eight pennies.

Thanks for all of your help!!

Johnny loved his General Lee car and Sarah had a blast at the party.