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Will Googlification of our lives continue? or will new search&find paradigms emerge?


Will Googl iiffiiccaattiioonn of our lives continue?

or will new search&find paradigms emerge on the web?

Eric SievertsMedia, Informatie & Communicatie (Hogeschool van Amsterdam)

ZV26 maart 2011

zoeken = google ?

• search had become a “commodity” – everybody uses search engines for anything, anytime, anywhere– in december 2010: 3 million queries every minute

• everybody expects search possibilities always anywhere– “the ubiquitous search box”

• everybody expects to be able always to find anything– “ambient findability”

• Google has become the "measure of all things"– the usability benchmark? – the “Google experience”

• but will Google remain synonymous with SSeeaarrcchh & & FFiinndd

John Battelle now about searchfrom an interview at SearchEngineLand blog19 march 2010:• "search is not necessarily broken, but falling short of our

particular expectations"

• "I have a need to be fulfilled; the online medium has to fulfill it in some way"

• people don't want a search engine; they expect an answer machine or a decision machine

• "not 1 search engine, but 140,000 apps for different specialised tasks (which may rely on search engines)"

– but how to find the most appropriate app for your requirement?

– but how about Google's business model (if no more user clicks)?

everybody wants to know what the future of search is, because it has become a multi-billion $ / € industry

what Google CEO expects

Is Google trying to infiltrate your brain?

what others report or feel about Google these days

search specialists: • Google doesn't do what I ask it to (it thinks to know better)

SEO specialists:• Google changes the rules of the game without telling us

search engine specialists:• on a multi hundred billion page internet, the info-spam will continue to

dilute the useful information

users:• ranking increasingly spoiled and result lists polluted (by content farms)

• personalised search conflicts with my privacy

I need no textual informationI need to locate people knowledgeable about my interest (people that I trust)

I don't want to formulate a question or a querythe system should just know what I need, here & now

I need no textual informationI need an answer on my question; I must decide now

"Once I was a scuba diver in the sea of words. Now I zip along the surface like a guy on a Jet Ski".

Clay Shirky: "no information overload, but filter failure"

computers will get smarter all the time

the internet will get smarter as well

or rather:

the information on the internet will get smarter

on the "semantic web" the meaning of information will increasingly be known (for computers)

Tim Berners Lee:

1989: "invented" the World Wide Web

2004: proposed the "semantic web"

2006: designed "linked data" as a step towards realisation of the semantic web

the "linked open data cloud" - september 2010 - 24 billion data onlineby standardisation of dataformats and metadata,

computers can "understand" the meaning of these data & use them

example:article from NYTimesanalysed byOpen Calais >>

recognised entitiesget RDF-coded in HTML

I don't want to read all this textual information

I just want it quickly visualised, what it all means

(is Nicholas Carr still right after all ?)


10 top trends

1. specialisation specialised apps vs. general search engine

2. localisation information tailored to your physical location

3. mobilisation everything on your smart phone or tablet

4. personalisation all results tailored to your known interests

5. socialisation all results tuned & ranked by your social network

6. actualisation the real-time internet (twitter, facebook, blogs, ##)

7. recommendation suggestions by (and trust in) your social network

8. autonomous the web knows your interests and preferences

9. semantics internet & search engines know the meaning of it all

10. visualisation easy-to-interpret overviews instead of texts to read