Sec 2 e symbolism and theme

Post on 28-May-2015

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Symbolism and Theme in LiteratureSecondary 2-Enriched English


A symbol is a thing that represents something else.


What can be a symbol?

• Objects

• Pictures

• Words

• Sounds

• Numerals

• Music

• Art

If it has an image or if it produces a feeling, it can be used as a symbol.

Religious Symbols

Mathematical Symbols

International and National Symbols

Maple Leaf: Symbolizes the nature and environment of the country.

Red bars: The Pacific and Atlantic Oceans that border the country.

Colors-Red and White: Red symbolizes the English influences and white symbolizes the French influences.

Color Symbolism

Color Symbolism

Symbolism in Writing

• Symbolism is used to provide meaning to the writing beyond what is actually being described.

• Plot and action are one level in the story; symbolism is another level.

Why create symbols?

Symbols allow writers to suggest layers and layers of meaning-possibilities that a simple, literal statement could never convey.

A symbol is like a pebble cast into a pond:

It sends out ever widening ripples of meaning.

Why don’t writers don’t just come right out and say what they mean?

Symbolism in Writing

The theme is represented on a physical level.

• Example: A storm occurring when there is a conflict or high emotions

• Example: Transition from day to night might = move from goodness to evil

Now you try!Find the symbolism associated with the image I will give you.



What is the theme of a piece of literature?

What makes a story linger in our hearts and minds long after we’ve read it? Often it is the idea on which the story is built—its theme.


Theme—the central idea, or understanding, about life or human behavior that a story reveals.

Living a simple life leads to greater personal freedom.

The deepest loneliness is sometimes felt when we are

among friends.


In most stories, the theme is not stated directly. Instead, it is revealed to us through the characters’ experiences.

Example: Coyotito getting stung by the scorpion what theme could that translate into in The Pearl?

Hint: Think of the songs that Kino plays in his mind.


Different writers from different cultures often express similar themes.

A theme is a generalization about life or human nature.

Certain types of experiences are common to all people everywhere.



• The Grasshopper and the Ant

• Beauty and the Beast

• The Three Little Pigs

• The Ugly Duckling

• The Frog Prince

It pays to work hard and plan ahead.

Appearances can be deceiving.



• The Grasshopper and the Ant

• Beauty and the Beast

• The Three Little Pigs

• The Ugly Duckling

• The Frog Prince

It pays to work hard and plan ahead.

Appearances can be deceiving.