Second try with full seaice adjoint 7 days integration from 2009/1/1 Difference from 1 st try:

Post on 04-Feb-2016

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Second try with full seaice adjoint 7 days integration from 2009/1/1 Difference from 1 st try: no OCCA climatology (to isolate sieaice alone) Note: 1) seaice dynamics ON in forward but OFF in adjoint 2) uniform uncertainty to calculate cost of misfit of model/obs seaice area - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Second try with full seaice adjoint7 days integration from 2009/1/1

Difference from 1st try:no OCCA climatology (to isolate sieaice alone)

Note:1) seaice dynamics ON in forward but OFF in adjoint2) uniform uncertainty to calculate cost of misfit of model/obs seaice area3) atmos controls are {'atemp','aqh','uwind','vwind','precip','swdown'}

adjusted every 2-day

Looking at cost and associated sensitivityand comapring with 1st try1) cost: SMR_area: 2.8457e+05 same, no OCCA2) adj sensitivity of atmos fields look unstable at some regions

Cost of model/obs seaice area (7 days accumulated)

Surface ADJtheta (7days prior )

adxx_atemp (7days prior )

adxx_aqh (7days prior )

adxx_uwind (7days prior )

adxx_vwind (7days prior )

adxx_precip (7days prior )

adxx_swdown (7days prior )

Time series ofextreme valueADJtheta (k=1)

Time series ofextreme valueADJtheta (k=1)from 1-monthadjoint run(w/ OCCAand ARGO)

Surface ADJtheta (31days prior )

adxx_atemp (31days prior )