Secrets To Becoming Wealthy

Post on 01-Sep-2014

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Secrets To Becoming Wealthy is a book written for individuals who want to learn how to win forever in all aspects of life so they can work less, produce more, and enjoy a better life.

transcript 1

Billionaire Belief presents:

Secrets To Becoming Wealthy

3 Easy To Use Steps To Keep The Billionaire Within You Free And Dreaming BIG

Dhane D.S. Crowley

This document is copyrighted and protected by all applicable laws. Reproduction of this document is strictly forbidden unless permission is given by the author prior to reproduction.

© 2011 (Billionaire Belief Publishing) 2

“I command you – be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

~Joshua 1:9 3

This book is dedicated to my Mom who told I could do ANYTHING I put my

mind to. 4

Introduction If I could show you 3 simple steps that gave you the ability to overcome your fears of the unknown so you could win forever in life, would that be of any interest to you? More than likely, know one has every taught you what I am going to share with you today. More than likely you’ve been taught to believe in a time that doesn’t exist anymore. Or even worst, you haven’t been taught anything at all about being a winner. More than likely, as a kid, you were taught THE DREAM: to go to school, be good, and get good grades so you could go to a good college, and when you graduated, you’d have a good job, working for a good company that would give you good medical benefits and a nice pension. Oh yea, and lets not forget, paid holidays and sick days, along with a 2 week paid vacation (and that’s if you’re lucky). Unfortunately, those days no longer exist anymore. And if you have pursued “THE DREAM” I described earlier that means you’ve been ill equipped for life. Like my Mom always says, you’ve been forced out into the “real world” without a full deck of cards. So today, my goal is to provide you with some of the cards that you may be missing. The cards I will be providing you with are the 3 Steps to Succeeding At Anything. With these cards, as long as you play them, I guarantee that you will win forever and be prosperous and successful in ALL aspects of life. So listen up, pay attention, and be patient, because this will be one of the most valuable lessons you will ever learn. Let’s dive in… 5

Step 1. Get the Knowledge. We are all born champions. We are all born rich. Unfortunately, the only people who realize this are the ones who commit themselves to life-long learning. These individuals read the books, listen to the audio recording, attend the workshops and conferences, and consume any and every kind a media they can to increase their knowledge and develop their mental faculties. This is what gives them the proverbial “competitive edge.” On the other hand, those who don’t come to the realization that they are champions are those who graduated from high school and/or college, and never read another book, never listen to audio recordings and never attend workshops and conferences because reading Cosmo or Sports Illustrated was the priority. Listening to the new Jay-Z, Lil Wayne, Kanye West, U2, or Christina Aguilera was more important. Or planting their assets in front of the TV or going to the Beyonce concert was more important. I don’t say this to mean that these publications, musicians, and events are bad. But if they are the priority in your life, then you will spend the better part of your life wishing and wanting. You’ll spend countless hours idolizing those who have committed themselves to life-long of learning, assuming they just woke up one day with the skills that they have. The fact of the matter is that you only have one life to live. You were born a champion and you were born rich. You already have the tools you need to succeed in life; you just have to learn how to use them. Everyone should have at least one mentor that has the knowledge and wisdom you’re seeking. So before you go out to find a job, start a business, or trying something new, be sure to find a mentor first. 6

Step 2. Believe the Knowledge. I’m no expert on the Bible, but there is a bit of scripture in it that goes a little something like this:

“Faith without works is dead.” That’s a pretty profound statement. It took me a while to understand it, but once I did, everything in my life finally started to make sense. The meaning the author was conveying in this bit of scripture was that you can get all the knowledge and wisdom you want, but if you never believe in it – have faith in it – then it’s useless. As King Solomon would say, you’re just chasing the wind. Some of you were taught, “knowledge is power.” However, if that were the case, then all the librarians and professors around the world would be the most powerful individuals. But we all know that’s not the case. So if “knowledge isn’t power”, then what is? The truth of the matter is that the “application of knowledge is powerful.” There are many sources available to get the knowledge you need to learn how to tap into your greatness, one being the Internet. And I’m willing to go out on a limb and say that most of you have gigabytes worth of knowledge stored on your hard drives. But if there’s layers of cyber dust caked on top of it, then it’s obvious that it’s in the wrong place and you really don’t believe in it. 7

So, I challenge you to consume one piece of knowledge you already have – information on your hard drive, a book that’s holding your door open, or an audio recording that some wise person gave you that you’re using as a book end – and become a master at it. Read the books, watch the videos, and listen to the audio programs over and over again just like you listen to track 3 on Kanye West’s latest album. And quite frankly, the only way you will become a master at the knowledge you’re consuming is if you first believe in it, and then apply the last step. 8

Step 3. Use the Knowledge You’ve gotten to knowledge. You believe in the knowledge. Now it’s time to finally use the knowledge. When I was a kid, I hated to read anything that had more words than pictures. I really didn’t see the point. However, it wasn’t until I got to college that I developed a passion for reading, and the book that helped me do it was Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad Poor Dad. After completing that book, I couldn’t help but buy book after book to increase my financial education. But one day, I had an epiphany. I was rereading Rich Dad Poor Dad and realized I now had the knowledge, I believed in the knowledge, but I was still broke. That really didn’t add up to me. It was then that I realized that I was more enthused to learn than to actually apply what I had learned. So from that point on, I made a commitment to myself to make a conscious effort to not only learn new things, but also actually apply them to my daily walk in life. And I encourage you to do the same. It’s very important that you understand that when you learn new things that require you stretch outside of your comfort zone, in the beginning you will be scary and fearful of the future that lye ahead of you. But always remember that the answers to all the problems and issue you face in life will always be found outside of your comfort zone. 9

Conclusion Let’s recap what I’ve just shared with you today. If you intend to win forever and be prosperous and successful in all aspects of life, there are only 3 things you need to do:

1. Get the knowledge 2. Believe the knowledge 3. Use the knowledge

As long as you follow those 3 Steps, I guarantee you will be able to work less, produce more, and enjoy a better future. Great luck! As always, comments are welcomed and encouraged. Feel free to invite your family and friends to join the Billionaire Belief conversation. Make it a great day! To Your Abundant Success,

Dhane D.S. Crowley Founder, Billionaire Belief talktome[at] 310-893-0844 10

P.S. If you have any questions, comments, or just want to talk about how you can live your best life now, I didn’t include my eMail and phone number for now reason. Feel free to give me a call. I’m human, and I have a life to, so if you call and I don’t answer, leave a message. Thanks again! P.P.S. Get a FREE copy of "Your Life Blueprint Workbook" When You Subscribe To My Mailing List, Plus Get Incredible Tips & Tricks To Help You Overcome Fear, Avoid Distractions And Stop Procrastination Dead In Its Tracks So You Can Take Back Your Mind, Escape The Rat Race, And Run Your Own Business Empire! CLICK HERE 11

“Ability is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.” ~Lou Holtz 12

Are You Struggling To Find A Proven Way To Escape The Rat Race?

If your answer is a resounding YES, then listen up!

There’s a Billionaire within that’s being held hostage by THE DREAM – go to school, and get a job so you can get benefits and enjoy life. If you don’t pay the ransom to free the Billionaire within you so you can work less, produce more, and enjoy a better future, THE DREAM will kill it off. What this means for you is that you’ll never have the ability to overcome fear, avoid distractions, and stop procrastination so you can dream BIG. If you don’t have the ransom to free the Billionaire within you, don’t worry. I’ve got your back. Learn how to beat THE DREAM and set the Billionaire within you free by ending all the confusion and feelings of hopelessness you’ve been dealing with in your life so you can have a clear picture of what you need to do to work less, produce more, and enjoy a better future. To help you out, I have simplified the process and created a proven system you can use that will help you overcome fear, avoid distractions, and stop procrastination dead in its tracks so you can take back your mind, escape the rat race, and run your own business empire! I call it “Your Life Blueprint Workbook.” You can download a FREE copy to take back your life…

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