Secrets to Growing Your Auto Repair Business With Direct Mail

Post on 08-Aug-2015

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Why Direct Mail Marketing?

Direct mail marketing can be especially effective when you want to:

Sell more to existing customers

Reactivate non-active customers

Reach all of your customers

Generate new leads

Secrets to Growing Your Auto Repair Business with Direct Mail Direct mail marketing can be a very successful mar-

keting tactic for auto repair shops. This special Insid-

ers Report gives auto repair show owners the inside

scoop on how to create direct mail marketing pieces

that get results!

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This Special Insiders Report is brought to you by automotive repair shop market-

ing experts:

Wendy Kenney, President, 23 Kazoos,


Doug Dickson, President, Print Source One,

(602) 254-5451

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Are You Missing Out on Marketing to 70% of Your Customers?

Let’s say that your busi-

ness has a database of

3,000 customers. Of

those, you have the email

addresses of 2,000 of

them and you email mar-

keting offers to them on a

regular basis.

However, of the 2,000

customers that you are

emailing, only 33% (or

600) customers open

your emails. That means

that you are missing out

on marketing to 2400 (or

approximately 70%) of

your 3000 customers!

That’s where direct mail

marketing can be the

most effective!

17 Essential Elements of a Successful Direct Mail Marketing Campaign “Direct mail marketing doesn’t work!!” “Direct mail

marketing is expensive!”

Chances are that you’ve said or heard the above

statements regarding direct mail marketing many

times. But the fact is that direct mail marketing does

work and can be an inexpensive way to gain new


Why use Direct Mail Marketing?

Direct mail marketing can be es-

pecially effective when you want


Sell more to existing cus-


Reactivate non-active cus-


Reach all of your customers

I asked business owners all over the United States to weigh in

on direct mail marketing and the result is 17 Essential Elements

of a Successful Direct Mail Marketing Campaign. I think

you will find these tips helpful.

1. GOAL:

Generally there are two types of goals in direct mail marketing;

to sell something right now; or to generate leads so you can sell

something later. Your direct mail marketing copy should be

written with your goal in mind. For an auto repair shop the goal

is usually to sell something right now to either existing custom-

ers or new customers.

INSIDERS TIP: Mailing oversized postcards, such as a 6” x 11”, will help you

stand out above the rest of the mail and get higher response rates.


17 Essential Elements of a Successful Direct Mail Mar-keting Campaign (cont’d)


Have a clear understanding of who the customer is that you want to attract and

tailor all aspects of the direct mail piece toward them.

3. LIST:

Your customer database is a veritable goldmine and yet too many auto repair

shops fail to mine it! This database can be the starting point for hundreds, thou-

sands, tens of thousands, even millions of dollars in sales because the people in

your database already know you and trust you! When was the last time you

mailed an offer to your whole database?

INSIDERS TIP: Clean up your mailing lists by using a 4” x 6” postcard once a year. The postage is only slightly more than Stand Mail rates and will return any undeliverable mail.

4. WIIFM (What’s in it for me?):

According to Dan Kennedy, author of No BS Direct Marketing- Second Ed.,

“People are most easily and quickly interested in

information that directly related to what inter-

ests them. Especially information that promises

fascinating secrets, solutions to problems, pro-

tection from “dire threats” promises of seductive

benefits or timely breaking news.”

Make sure your direct mail marketing piece

clearly communicates what’s in it for them.

INSIDERS TIP: Make sure that the WIIFM is what

your prospects want! In the auto repair industry this

usually equates to a really great deal!


This might sound like a no-brainer but it’s

something that many direct mail marketers for-

get! According to Direct Mail Marketing Expert

Doug Dickson, owner of Print Source One in Phoenix, Arizona, “When the reader

examines a piece of direct mail, they are focused on answering two questions: 1)

who is this from; and 2) what is it about? “ Make sure you tell your prospects

who you are. Include your phone number, address, website, etc.

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Your headline can make or break the success of your direct mail piece. Dickson

says, “It is absolutely critical to grab and keep your prospect's atten-

tion. Because the headline is the very first thing your prospect will see, your

first 15 words are more important than the next 500. Some advertising copy-

writers make a habit of writing a minimum of 50 possible headlines before se-

riously considering which one works best. Spend time considering which head-

line will grab the attention of your prospect.”


The most successful message tells a story and appeals to the “what’s in it for

me” nature. Your copy should tell a story that emotionally connects with your

customers and clearly illustrates what the benefits will be to them if they heed

your call to action.

INSIDERS TIP: Write conversationally as if you were talking to a friend. And don ’t be

afraid to be bold in your claims; but just remember to back up your claims with examples.


The offer is the bait that gets your prospects to do what you want them to do

so you can reach your goal. Typical offers include freebies such as “Free Ad-

mission” or discounts such as “Save 50%.” Just remember to do what Dan

Kennedy advises and “Match Bait to Critter” and make it “an offer they can’t

refuse.” The offer is all about what’s in it for them and has to be something

that the prospective customer really wants.

INSIDERS TIP: Specific numbers are more credible and increase sales more than

general numbers. For example. If you are giving customers a freebie (such as free inspec-

tion) make sure you tell them the value of the service ($89 value). Lastly, don’t forget to

provide context so your customer can determine if your offer really is a good deal or not.

For example, f you are offering half price oil changes, make sure you give them the normal

rates for oil changes (i.e. “regularly $39.99”).


The most successful direct mail marketing pieces give customers a clear call to

action. Don’t assume you’re your prospect will do what you want. Tell them

what you want them to do. For example, if you want them to call, say “Call

Now!” or “Call me today.” Also give customers two or three different ways

that they can easily respond. For example, they could call a phone number,

email, or go to your website and fill out a form.



You know how you suddenly accom-

plish more in a day just before you go

on vacation, than you would any other

day? The deadline of your upcoming

vacation gives you a sense of urgen-

cy. I suggest that the thought of a

looming deadline increases your

adrenaline, giving you the push you

need to accomplish more in less time.

You want to give the readers of your

direct mail a sense of urgency so that

they will be spurred to get off of their

backsides and take action. There are

many ways to instill a sense of urgen-

cy in your readers. You can do this by

giving them a deadline to respond to

your offer before it goes away. The

trick on deadlines is to not make them too far out that people forget to re-

spond or too close that they don’t have time to respond. We have found that

30 days is a good deadline for direct mailers.

Another option is to indicate that there is a limited supply. The key here is

that if the “limited supply number” is too low, the customer won’t even try to

respond because they don’t think they will have a chance. An example of this

is “The first 50 people who respond will get…..”


Personalization can have a dramatic impact on your direct mail marketing

campaign. Because the one thing that people are most interested in is them-

selves, many will respond favorably when they see their name all over the

mailing piece. However, personalization can backfire if you spell their name

wrong. Personalization is especially effective when marketing to your own

customer database. We love to use personalization to reactivate nonactive

customers! It works like a charm!

INSIDERS TIP: Instead of asking for a specific paper, use your printer ’s “house sheet”. This is their preferred paper and it is usually ordered in large quantities providing you the very best price.

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If you’re mailing to a mailing list of cold

prospects you should include some credi-

bility elements on your direct mail piece

to help them trust you. In the auto repair

industry good credibility elements include

images of you and your shop, testimoni-

als, awards won, press received, and as-

sociations belonged to.


Don’t do the cookie cutter direct mail

marketing that is common in the auto re-

pair industry. In a sea of sameness you’ve

got to stand out!! Don’t be afraid to do

direct mail marketing differently than

your competitors. Use cartoons, humor,

photos of you and or/your family and



According to marketing expert Mike Capuzzi, author of High Impact Marketing

Manifesto, “Timing is a funny thing. On one hand it can be an almost exact

science and on the other, luck has a huge part to play in it.” Timing is critical

to the success of your direct mail marketing campaign. You want to mail your

piece when your prospects will most likely respond.

INSIDERS TIP: Every community seems to have a day when all the coupons arrive in the mail (in Phoenix it’s Wednesday). Try to avoid mailing to arrive on that day because the more junk mail ar-rives in the mail with your piece, the more likely it will get discarded..


Direct mail expert Doug Dickson says “Postage is the most costly element of

any direct mail campaign. Most campaigns can benefit by being mailed as

standard mail, saving about .10¢ over the first-class rate.

INSIDERS TIP: I f you are mailing prospects in a specific area around

your business, you might consider the US Post Office’s EDDM (Every Door Di-

rect Mail) program. This rate reduces postage to as low as .174¢ per piece

and eliminates the cost of a mailing list, but requires that you mail to everyone

within the carrier route.”



Another important element of a successful direct mail campaign is tracking.

After all, how will you know how successful your campaign is if you don’t track

it? Don’t rely on manual tracking systems run by your employees because al-

most without fail, your employees are going to mess it up. Instead, automate

your direct mail marketing tracking using a call tracking phone number.

A call tracking phone number can be purchased from a variety of vendors

such as or for as little as $50 a month. Use a

call tracking system that records the phone calls as well as reports number of

calls so that you can tell how well your employees are selling or setting ap-

pointments. Use separate landing pages on your website that are in align-

ment with your direct mail piece’s message. You’ve got to track your results.


I used to sell life insurance and I knew that when I was looking to attract new

customers it often took 7-10 communication points before a person decided to

buy. It’s the same in the auto repair industry. Follow up can greatly increase

the conversion rates of your direct mail campaign and can be done in a varie-

ty of ways including additional direct mail, phone calls, emails, and in person

visits. It all depends on who your customer is and the best way to reach

them. But if you want to increase your return on investment, one of the best

things you can do is follow up.


Direct mail marketing can be a very profitable marketing tactic when done

correctly. However, there’s one thing to keep in mind. Dickson says, you need

to “have a long term perspective. Direct mail should not be viewed as a "one

and done" project; instead, it should be created as a campaign. Prospects

need to hear the message not once, not twice, but several times (up to six

even) before they buy. Be patient and give your prospects time to understand

and accept your offer.”

About the Author: Wendy Kenney owns 23 Kazoos, a marketing and

PR firm that specializes in auto repair shop marketing. She is the best

-selling author of “How to Build Buzz for Your Biz” and has been quot-

ed in USA Today, Newsday, and The New York Times. Contact Wendy


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Direct Mail Marketing Planning Worksheet

Courtesy of 23 Kazoos

Samples of

Successful Direct Mail Marketing Campaigns


Samples of

Successful Direct Mail Marketing Campaigns

End of year Thank you Check mailer to top customers

Courtesy of 23Kazoos

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Samples of

Successful Direct Mail Marketing Campaigns


Samples of

Successful Direct Mail Marketing Campaigns

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Case Studies -Direct Mail Campaign

Courtesy of Ben Landers

Blue Corona

Samples of

Successful Direct Mail Marketing Campaigns


Samples of

Successful Direct Mail Marketing Campaigns

Sun Valley Imports Direct Mail Campaign Courtesy of

Wendy Kenney

23 Kazoos

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