Section B 3 6 UNIT Smith and Luis To master the reading skill To understand the text To practice the...

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Section B


6 War and peaceUNIT

Smith and Luis

Smith and Luis

To master the reading skill

To understand the text

To practice the phrases and patterns

To learn about writing a book report



Reading Skills

Text Study

Comparative Study


Unit Project

Smith and LuisSection B



Background Information

Smith and LuisSection B

Video Watching

1. Why did soldiers argue with each other?Tips


2. If you were Captain, what would you do?


3. Can we say war is nothing but cruel?


Because Captain just let the Germany prisoner

go by himself, who might get thrown back into

circulation with Germany enemy.


1. Why did soldiers argue with each other?

I might do the same as he did. Though my

comrade was crudely killed in war against

Germany enemy, it does not mean we should

blame any Germany people or simply revenge by

killing another Germany soldier. Instead, we

should cherish human life and show respect to

every average person.

2. If you were Captain, what would you do?


Maybe not. Most of time, people are involved in

war for the purpose of peace, which they cherish

most. Unsatisfied with poor living situation, people

may have to fight for freedom and equality, the result

of which often leads to human advancement in

cultural civilization and industrial modernization. More

importantly, many valuable human qualities such as

the subconscious of humanity and respect can be

reflected more vividly during the war.

3. Can we say war is nothing but cruel?


1. Where is Normandy?

2. How much do you know about the Battle of Normandy?



1. Where is Normandy?


Normandy is a geographical region in the far

northwest of France. The continental territory covers

30,627 km2 and forms the preponderant ( 最重要的 )

part of Normandy and roughly 5% of the territory of

France. It is divided into two regions for

administrative purposes: Lower Normandy and

Upper Normandy.

During World War II, the D-Day landings of June 6,

1944, on the beaches of Normandy, under the code

name Operation Overlord ( 霸 王 行 动 ), started the

lengthy Battle of Normandy which resulted in the

liberation of Paris, the restoration of the French

Republic, and was a significant turning point in

World War II.

2. How much do you know about the Battle of Normandy?


Reading Skills

Presentation of the Skill

Reading Skill Practice

Smith and LuisSection B

Finding main ideas in paragraphs plays a critical

role in our understanding of a reading passage.

Here we will introduce a new method to find

main ideas, which is especially suitable for

narrations. We all know that who, what, where

and when are four important elements in

narrative writing. If we can find the four elements

for each paragraph, then we can have the main

idea of each paragraph.

Reading for Main Ideas in Paragraphs

Example and ExplanationI’m hiking with my sister beside a wagon. It’s a simple ladder wagon, lined with hay, and high up on the hay, on a cotton sheet, rests my grandfather. He cannot move; he is paralyzed, another casualty of a landmine. When an air raid begins, the entire group dives into ditches; only my grandfather remains on the deserted road. He sees the airplanes flying at him, sees them violently dip and aim, sees the fire of ammunition, hears the roar of the engines passing over his head. When the planes disappear, we return to the wagon and my mother wipes the sweat from my grandfather’s flushed face. Sometimes, there are air raids several times a day. After each one, sweat pours from my grandfather’s tired face. (Para. 4 , Text A)

Who: my grandfather

Where: on the wagon

When: in air raids, on the way to seeking refuge

What: being attacked by airplanes

Main idea: My grandfather is attacked by airplanes

in air raids on the way to seeking refuge.

Example and Explanation

Read the following paragraph taken

from Text B and find out the main idea

by identifying the details of the four


Reading for Main Ideas in Paragraphs


After the war ended, Smith took a multitude of trips returning to France looking for Luis. But try as he might, the familiar landmarks were gone. France was a country torn apart by the bombs of the war and then pieced back together again. Each day Smith would grieve. Yet, he remained dogged in his search for Luis. Smith knew in his heart that Luis was still alive and waiting, but he simply could not find any remnant of the boy he had come to love like a son. He combed through phone books and even hired a private investigator. His repeated failures haunted him as he repeatedly asked himself punishing questions: Why have I failed Luis? What could I have done differently? (Para. 17, Text B)

Reading for Main Ideas in Paragraphs





Main idea:


Reading for Main Ideas in Paragraphs

Ronald Smith

in France

after the war ended

trying hard to find Luis but always failed

After the war ended, Ronald Smith tried hard in his search for Luis in France, but he always failed to find him.

Text Study

Text Comprehension

Language Focus

Critical Thinking

Smith and LuisSection B

1. What can we learn from paragraph 1? (Para. 1)

2. What is Ronald Smith? (Para.3)

3. How did Smith and Luis become friends? (Paras. 5-13)

4. Why did Smith and Luis part? (Para. 15)

5. What had Smith promised to do when he left Luis?

(Para. 16)

6. Did Smith keep his promise to find Luis after the war

ended? (Paras. 17-19)

1. What can we learn from paragraph 1? (Para. 1)



Ever since the arrival of the American military, Luis was quite curious about the military camp established below his home.

Find main idea of paragraph 1 by identifying the four elements:Who: Luis DutarteWhere: at his homeWhen: ever since the arrival of the American militaryWhat: being curious about the military camp

He is a lieutenant in the Seabees, the US Navy’s Construction Battalion.

2. Listen to Para.3 and answer the following question.

Q: What is Ronald Smith?


When Smith saw Luis in the tall grass on the

hill, he _____. With a moment of __________, Luis

waved back and ________________. After a short

conversation, Smith invited Luis to have _______ as

well as dinner. Henceforth, they ate together _____

_______. When Smith oversaw construction

projects in the camp, Luis ___________. If Smith

left the camp, Luis waited in the ________ for his

return. Finally they became close friends.

3. How did Smith and Luis become friends? (Paras. 5-13)


waved hesitation

made his way down


all of

the timetagged along


原句:This little guy looked like he could use a good meal, and the camp had more than enough food. In his halting French, Smith invited Luis to have lunch. ( Para.8, L1 )解释 : It seemed that the little guy needed a good meal and the camp had a lot more food than was needed. In his broken French, Smith invited Luis to have lunch.译文:这个小家伙看起来可以在这儿饱餐一顿,营



Because Smith received orders to leave France and his petition to adopt Luis was firmly rejected by the local authorities.

received orders to / petition to

4. Listen to Para. 15 and answer the following question.

Q: Why did Smith and Luis part?

5. What had Smith promised to do when he left Luis? (Para. 16)

TipsChoose the best answer to the question.

A. Return for him.

B. Adopt him.

C. Take him back to America.

D. Bring him a lot of food.

原句:The two had grown so close amongst the trials of war, and Smith knew he would never forget the boy. (Para.16, L2)

解释 : They had gone through the hardships and sufferings of war together and became very close to each other. Smith knew that he would never forget Luis.



Yes, Smith took a multitude of trips

returning to France looking for Luis. But try

as he might, he failed all the time. Even at

his death, he wouldn’t accept the fact that

he may never find Luis..

6. Did Smith keep his promise to find Luis after the war

ended? (Paras. 17-19)


原句:His repeated failures haunted him as he repeatedly asked himself punishing questions: Why have I failed Luis? What could I have done differently? (Para. 17, L11)解释 : As he continued to fail to find Luis, which upset him a lot, he repeatedly asked himself the difficult question: Why had he disappointed Luis and what could he have done differently to keep his promise?译文:他一次次地失败, 他不停地问一直在折磨着自己

的问题:为什么我会让路易斯失望呢 ? 我当时如果做了不同的选择又会怎样?



The arrival of the American military changed

Luis Dutarte’s world. For a seven-year-old

______, it was ___________ a dream come to

life. Ronald Smith, a __________ of US Navy’s

Construction Battalion, had been ________ for

Normandy for more than a year and missed his

wife and sons so much. One day, when he saw

Luis in the tall grass on the hill, he waved and

invited him to have lunch. He treated Luis as his

own son in the military camp and ate with him

_________. Finally,


in essence



Smith and Luis

all the time

they became close friends. When Smith received

orders to leave France in mid-October of 1944, he

___________ adopt Luis but was rejected firmly

by the local authorities. Notwithstanding the

regulations, Smith ___________ return for Luis

later. After the war, he took a multitude of trips

returning to France looking for Luis. But

_____________, he failed all the time. As he grew

older, he ________ more and more on his one

broken promise and lifelong regret. In his final will,

he instructed his children to continue where he

had left off, _____________ them to find Luis.

petitioned to

promised to

try as he might


pleading with

Practical Phrases Specific Meanings1. spring to life 突然活跃 ( 活动,工作 ) 起来2. in essence 本质上;基本上3. come to life (仿佛活着)开始动起来4. check sth. off 清点;登记5. tear sth. apart 损毁;摧毁6. dwell on / upon 老是想着,唠叨(令人不快的

事)7. leave off 中断,放弃(活动)8. plead with sb. (to do sth.) 恳求某人(做某事)

突然活跃 ( 活动,工作 ) 起来

(musket and cannon fire / seemed so real / eyes)

The musket and cannon fire seemed so real, making

history spring to life before my eyes.

spring to life短语逆译

短语应用子弹飞梭 , 炮火冲天,犹如真实再现,生动地把历史展现在我眼前。意群提示

本质上;基本上 in essence短语逆译

(history textbook / a tool for / attitude toward)

A history textbook is not only a tool for teaching. In

essence, it reflects the author’s and perhaps even

his country’s attitude toward history.



(the warm weather / long days return)

Flowers, trees and wildlife come to life in the spring when the warm weather and long days return.

come to life短语逆译



(on the list / permit sb. to do)

The teacher checked off the students’ names on the list, and permitted them to enter the classroom.

check sth. off短语逆译



(get out from / look ready to)

Both drivers got out from their vehicles and looked ready to tear each other apart.

tear sth. apart短语逆译




(It does not do any good to/ forget to live)

It does not do any good to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

dwell on/upon短语逆译




(continue with )

“Okay,” said the teacher, “let’s continue with our analysis of the Second World War where we left off when the bell rang yesterday.”

leave off短语逆译

短语应用“ 好的,”老师说,“我们接着从昨天下课时中断的地方继续对第二次世界大战进行分析。”意群提示


(on the issue of / not to soft-pedal)

On the issue of industrial pollution, the environmental activist plead with the government not to soft-pedal.

plead with sb. (to do sth.)短语逆译



Functional Patterns Functions & Usages

1. It has been … since … 用于表达“自从……以来已经有一段时间了”。

2. What sb. could never have imagined was that …


3. Try as sb. might, … As引导的倒装句,用于表达“做某事虽然尽了最大努力,仍无法做到”。





It had been more than a year since he’d been deployed and last seen them. (Para. 4, L3 )

It has been … since …




(the Silk Road/ porcelain)

It has been more than thousands of years since the Silk Road traded Chinese silk, tea, and porcelain to the Western World.





逆译练习What Smith could never have imagined was that he would never see Luis again. (Para. 16, L3 )


What sb. could never have imagined was that …




(declare candidacy for / the Democratic nomination)

What he could never have imagined was that he would declare his candidacy for the Democratic nomination for the presidency.



尽管他竭尽全力 ,熟悉的标志却都消失了。


逆译练习But try as he might, the familiar landmarks were gone. (Para.17, L2 )


Try as sb. might, …



As引导的倒装句 , 用于表达“做某事虽然尽了最大努力,仍无法做到”。


(justify/ inevitably inflict)

Try as I might, I still can’t understand what we could have done to justify all the suffering war inevitably inflicts.



1.咆哮着沿路而上 roar up the road

2.士兵们来回奔忙 men scramble about

3. 把他背到背上 lift him onto his hip

4. 快步向帐篷走去 walk briskly toward the tent

5.堆得高高的两盘烤肉 pile two plates high with roast beef

6.撒着糖的苹果派 apple pie sprinkled with sugar

7. 前往那个帐篷 head for the tent

8. 看不见了 out of sight

9.跟着…走 tag along

10.翻遍了电话簿 comb through phone books

a. He yawned as the scent of

crisp bacon, eggs, coffee, and

the smell of toast came from

the kitchen tent. He tilted his

small head back, breathing in

the fragrance. His stomach

moaned. (para.2, L2)



b. After lunch, Smith held

Luis’ hand, and they walked

into the June sunlight. He

knelt beside the boy and

explained that he had to go

back to work. (para.10, L1)




c. Notwithstanding the

regulations, Smith enclosed

Luis in a hug and promised to

return for him later. (para.16,


1. If you were Luis, would you blame Smith for not keeping his promise?

2. Suppose the story happened today, can you give Smith and his family some advice to help them find Luis?

3. How do you understand the remark by François Fénelon: “All wars are civil wars, because all men are brothers”?




If I were Luis, I would blame Smith for not keeping

his promise and wait for him to come back every day

before I grew old enough to know the difficulty of

finding a person in a foreign country. At last, I would

forgive him and cherish the days spent with Smith all

my life, which at least was a dream come to life when I

was at the age of seven.

1. If you were Luis, would you blame Smith for not keeping his promise?


Maybe they can make use of internet. Some

new chatting tools, such as MSN, Chatting room,

WeChat, may provide a platform and help them

collect more useful information. Besides, asking for

help from mass media is another good choice. As

accumulative number of people would like to watch

TV or read newspaper, the news of searching for a

person can be spread out quickly.

2. Suppose the story happened today, can you give Smith and his family some advice to help them find Luis?


All wars, whether they break out between

nations or within a nation, will bring sufferings to

human beings and can do great harm to the only

home we humans rely on. We are sisters and

brothers because we live on the same earth. All

humans should live in harmony and seek common



3 How do you understand the remark by François Fénelon: “All wars are civil wars, because all men are brothers”?

Talk about World War II

1. Can you give a general introduction of World War


2. What are the major influences of World War II?



The following four elements may help you provide a comprehensive answer.






1. Can you give a general introduction of World War II?


1. Can you give a general introduction of World War II?

World War II was a global war that lasted from 1939 to 1945. It involved the vast majority of the world’s nations and more than 100 million people from over 30 countries, so it was considered as the most widespread war in history. The two opposing military alliances were formed in the war: the Allies (the Republic of China, the United States, the Soviet Union and the United Kingdom) and the Axis (Germany, Italy and Japan). The war ended by the announcement of unconditional surrender from Japan and Germany in 1945.

World War II altered the political alignment and

social structure of the world. The victorious great

powers—the United States, the Soviet Union, China,

the United Kingdom, and France—became the

permanent members of the United Nations Security

Council. The Soviet Union and the United States

emerged as rival superpowers, setting the stage for the

Cold War, which lasted for the next 46 years.

2. What are the major influences of World War II?


Thematic study

Comparative Study

Thematic Study

Language Features Analysis

Smith and LuisSection B

2. As far as you are concerned, what is the more severe damage that people suffer when a war breaks out, physical injury or psychological trauma ( 心理创伤 )?

1. Compare the damage war does to people in Text A and Text B.



1. Compare the damage war does to people in Text A and Text B.

War and peace in Text A

1. Emotional intensity in mind 2. Innumerable helplessly

wandering people3. Paralyzed casualties 4. Appalling landscape and

burned-out houses5. Decomposing corpses due

to massacre

War and peace in Text B

1. Lack of food and nutrition2. Abandoned orphans in the

society3. Homesickness of soldiers4. Permanent departure with

friends or family members5. Country torn apart

Psychological trauma is the most severe damage people suffer in a war. Physical wounds may heal, but it takes a long time for people to recover from psychological trauma such as the death of a beloved family member. Veterans who went through long-term separation from family members may wake up in the middle of a dream, even decades after the war, for the fear of losing their family as they had in the war.


2. As far as you are concerned, what is the more severe damage that people suffer when a war breaks out, physical injury or psychological trauma ( 心理创伤 )?

I think physical injury is more terrible than psychological trauma. On the one hand, some physical injuries can cause intolerable pains and make you completely paralyzed. On the other hand, physical injuries themselves can be an important source of psychological problems. In a word, physical injuries always bring people much more sufferings.


2. As far as you are concerned, what is the more severe damage that people suffer when a war breaks out, physical injury or psychological trauma ( 心理创伤 )?

Based on your study of

the two texts, compare

the writing styles of the

two texts in terms of their

typical language features.

1. What are the typical language features of the two texts?

2. List more examples from the text to support your ideas.



Text B is a narration. Some short dialogs between Smith and Luis have been inserted in the reading, making the story more attractive and interesting.

1. What are the typical language features of the two texts?


Text A is written in the “narrative present” with short and powerful sentences which create a sense of unease and anxiety.

2. List more examples from the text to support your ideas.


Text A Short and powerful sentences:

1. Where to, I don’t know.

2. We mustn’t get lost, my mother warns.

Unit Project

Group Discussion


Writing a Book Report

Smith and LuisSection B

2. What do you think is the worst damage war does to people?(open)

What is the worst damage of war?

1. Burned-down cities can be rebuilt, but can the psychological trauma be treated, or cured? (open)

Work in groups and carry out a mini-survey to find answers to the two questions:

Group Discussion

Is war a constructive way to resolve conflicts? Why or why not?


Background: Some people propose that war is the most direct solution to resolve conflicts between countries, as the issue of sovereignty is not a negotiable issue. While others argue that solution to the disputed territory by war may cause a devastating world war, which must result in a large number of innocent casualties and homeless orphans. As far as you see, which idea is more reasonable?

Writing a Book Report

You may include three main parts:

background information about the author and his time

a summary of the book

comments on it

Letter Writing

Based on the unit theme, you are expected to write a book report concerning war.

Please follow the steps listed below to finish the task:

1. Work in groups of four and decide on a war novel you

all like to read.

2. Discuss the outline of the book report:

• the author of the novel

• the year in which it was published

• the summary of the novel – an analysis of plots and

characters of the story

• your comments on the novel

3. Prepare your book report and present it to the class.

Letter Writing

The End

Smith and LuisSection B