Secure Your Growth EN

Post on 21-Mar-2017

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Secure Your GrowthSecure Your Portfolio

-Business / Team


Michel Cezon – April 2017

Cogiteo ©

« … venture capital is not generally profitable in Europe. Its investment rate of return (IRR) is negative. These funds

have lost 2.5% of their average value between the date of their creation and

the end of 2010 » according to a AFIC study of May 2012

(Association Française des Investisseurs pour la Croissance - )

Facts and figures…

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Additional facts…

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InnovationGrowth driver for the company

AgilitySustainability factor

for the company

Product and entrepreneur,and the missing link…

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There is no ultimate product, there is no perfect team,

there are just teams fittedto their project.

To decide, it is important to have a clear view by evaluating simultaneously : The relevance of the new business model and revenue model

The abilities of the management team to drive the business plan

A multi-dimensional approach

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Company self-assessment Performance Compatibility

How is the company managed?

How does the company mobilize its human resources?

How is the company organized?

How does the company interact with its environment?

How does the company support the value proposition ?

How does the company make money?

How does the company manage the day to day operations?

How does the company handle crises?

How does the company envision the future?

Company self-assessment


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Company self-assessment

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Business Model Analysis

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Managers Profiles Analysis

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Compatibility Analysis

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Overall Compatibility

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A multi-dimension company scanner

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A correct human and economic evaluation is crucial to the financial estimation and the growth of the company.

Company assessment Performance Compatibility

Leadership and vision

Corporate culture

Governance and organisation

Communication and collaboration

Service offering

Business model

Day to day operations

Agility and crisis management

Think out of the box

Orientation dashboard

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To drive a profitable growth means integrating three dynamics taking into account the context and

development strategy.

A diagnosis based on the strengths and weaknesses of the company and the team

A set of recommendations for managerial transformation

An objective assessment of the potential of the company and team

A decrease in risk and uncertainty related to the project

An independent external view with a dual approach

Outcomes and Benefits

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Two experienced and complementary field experts

Roland Pesty, Pollen Innovation, has over 25 years of experience in Management ofInnovation and Entrepreneurship. He supports the creation and development ofstart-ups or dynamic SMEs through a period of accelerated growth. His expertise liesin his ability to combine strategic approaches with the implementation ofoperational activities in multicultural environments. He is strongly connected tomany networks engaged in processes to support innovation in France andSwitzerland.

Michel Cezon, Cogiteo, is a certified professional coach and engineer in ArtificialIntelligence, Robotics and Vision. Combining 30 years of experience in industry,SMEs and research, he created a company in Singapore, one in France, has led aspin-off in the USA, and manages Cogiteo, a company dedicated to the support ofmanagers and leaders of startups and technology companies through consulting,training and coaching. He teaches in industry, and university, and belongs to theFrench network of Business Angels.

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Free assessment at

Are you fitted to your business ?

13/03/2017 Secure Your Growth - Secure Your Portfolio © 16

There is no ultimate product, there is no perfect team,

there are just teams fittedto their project.

The Startup Shaker® toolsetThe 3 pillars of the startup

13/03/2017 Why & How, the Startup Founder Canvas - Cogiteo © 17

Business potential analysis withBusiness Model Canvas®

Team potential analysis withStartup Founder Canvas®

Team / Business compatibility analysis withSecure Your Growth®

Michel Cezon

+33 6 70 90 34 26

Thank you for your attention

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Because the best way to success is a good team more than a good product.