Securing Livelihoods, eradicating poverty. Background of GDA-Kenya. Poverty is a dehumanizing...

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Global Development Agencies -Kenya

Securing Livelihoods, eradicating poverty

Securing livelihoods,Eradicating poverty

Background of GDA-Kenya. Poverty is a dehumanizing

condition for everyone. It erodes human rights of the affected. Poverty subjects an individual to a state of powerlessness, hopelessness, and lack of self-esteem, confidence, and integrity, leading to a situation of multidimensional vulnerability.

Securing livelihoods,Eradicating poverty

Cont…Youth unemployment is a significant problem

in Kenya Approximately 70% of the entire Kenyan population is under the age of 35.The Kenyan unemployment rate is approximately 50% and an estimated 64% of the unemployed are the youth. This has resulted in extreme poverty among the youth who are left to try their hands on everything to secure livelihood including illegal activities such as robbery, violence, prostitution, drugs and substance abuse among others

Securing livelihoods,Eradicating poverty

Cont…GDA Kenya formerly NICOD was

established in 2006 as a Civil Society organization with a focus on livelihood development and poverty eradication through social entrepreneurship targeting youth living in difficulties.

•The organization also promotes peace building and non-violence in communities where it operate.•HIV/Aids,gender and child protection are mainstreamed throughout the programmes

Securing livelihoods,Eradicating poverty

Mission StatementVISION: GDA-Kenya envisions self reliant youth

contributing positively towards community and national development.

MISSION: GDA-Kenya is committed to poverty reduction

and securing livelihoods and wellbeing for male and female youth living in difficult circumstance.

Securing livelihoods,Eradicating poverty

ObjectivesOVERALL OBJECTIVE The overall objective of the organization is to

secure livelihoods of the poorest of the poor and enhance their wellbeing.

Specific Objectives: To equip young people with entrepreneurship

and business skills.To promote peace and non violence among the

youth.To mainstream gender,HIV/Aids and child

protection in all activities.

Securing livelihoods,Eradicating poverty

Programmes.Livelihood development program.Peace and Non violence programGender, child protection and HIV/Aids

mainstreaming program.

Securing livelihoods,Eradicating poverty


training and business development.

Peace building and non violence promotion

HIV/Aids,child protection and Gender sensitization and awareness creation.

Securing livelihoods,Eradicating poverty

ManagementManagement Board GDA Kenya has a board composed of Seven People drawn

from the private sector,NGOs,Religious bordies,government, youth and women. The secretary of the board is the Chief Executive officer of the organization.

The role of the board is to approve plans,budget,policies of the organization and plays an oversight role and assist in resource mobilization and fundraising. in the organization.

Secretariat The secretariat of the organization is charged with the role

of implementation of the approved plans in accordance to the budget. It is headed by the Chief Executive Officer who is supported by the finance and project managers alongside project officers and other support staff including volunteers and interns.

Securing livelihoods,Eradicating poverty

Impact of our interventions.More than 1500 young people accessed entrepreneurship

training and 100 provided with seed capital to set up businesses.

Training and sensitization on conflict resolution and alternative dispute resolution conducted for 200 people.

Successful peace campaigns held reaching over 3000 people.

More than 5000 young people reached with behavior change messages to avert the spread of HIV/Aids. 20 reproductive health clubs established to promote open dialogue and discussions among the youth.

All direct and indirect beneficiaries sensitized on the rights of the children and the essence of protecting children.

Securing livelihoods,Eradicating poverty

Future Plans.Set up social enterprises for 200 young

people annually.Set up a revolving fund to support young

entrepreneurs by 2013.Establish youth enterprise academy to

promote social entrepreneurship in Kenya by end of 2014.

Conduct peace campaigns and train 250 peace ambassadors ahead of 2013 elections.

Mainstream HIV/Aids ,child protection and Gender in all activities.

Contact Information.Global Development Agencies Kenya (GDA-Kenya)

P.O.Box 51711-00100,Nairobi,Kenya.

Tel: 020-2318713,2142911,0721604606



Securing livelihoods,Eradicating poverty