Security:Best Practices. GSFC: What we have seen Goddard “Firewall” 1990's: Very Porous...

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Security:Best Practices

GSFC: What we have seen

Goddard “Firewall”

1990's: Very Porous (Non-Existent), Default Allow

High Ports



GSFC Servers

Restricted Ports








2000's: Much Tighter, Default Deny




Smaller attack surface,

increased attack attempts

Two Major Trends

1. Increase in web services offered: GCMD Web API's OGC Catalogue Services for Web (CSW) Other CEOS and GEOSS services

2. Increase in web based attacks: well known COTS or Open Source web vulnerabilities attacks on in-house code social engineering

The WGISS Community Dilemma

We have a responsibility to serve our users We have a responsibility to collaborate The web is the best current mechanism But the use of web services use may decrease our

security posture Solution:

proactive security awareness use of security best practices communicating threats and solutions in our community

COTS/Open Source Software Vulnerabilities

Real World Examples: The AttackSeen in Logs (Decoded): - - [03/Sep/2007:05:56:51 -0400] "GET

=<script>alert("xxx");</script> Hello Admin! Today%2

0You're Being Hacked By Sys!<script>alert("Hacked By Sys");</script><?php include

(""); ?><ahref="<?php require ($files_dir.'/_custom_menu_link.php'); ?

>"><?php require($files_

dir.'/_custom_menu_name.php'); ?></<br><ahref="<?php require($files_dir.'/_custom_menu_name.php'); ?


require($files_dir.'; ?>prova1</a><br><a href="<?php

require($files_dir.'; ?">hacked</a><br><a href=<?php

require($files_dir.'; ?>ha2cked</a><br>< href=page?=

>ha2c3ked</a><br><a href=asd?page= >ha2c3keed</a><br>asd?page=

HTTP/1.1" 200 31477 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows N

T 5.1; it; rv: Gecko/20070725 Firefox/" TCP_MISS:DIRECT

Real World Examples: the Payload Payload at



* Locus7s Modified c100 Shell

* Beta v. 1.0a - Project x2300

* Written by #ophAcker team

* Modified by error & Be_gO

* Re-Modified by #error_maker (15.2.07)


* New Modifications Implemented --

* -Added link to Enumerate to escalate priviledges

* -Added Rootshell.c

* -Added Rootshell.c;auto-compiler

* -Execute Rootshell.c

* -Added Mig-Log Logcleaner

* -Execute Mig-Log Logcleaner

* -milw0rm searcher (Grabs OS and searches milw0rm)

* -Locus7s Style & Image

* -Added w4ck1ng Shell Backdoor Connect and Backdoor

* -Added PHP-Proxy link to hide you

* -Added your ip and server ip with whois capability

* -Added private 0day released by allahaka which utilizes the linux

* sudo bash to execute a stack overflow. (Continued)

Best Practices: COTS/OSS

Wisely choose COTS/OSS Web Applications what is the security record? is the software maintained?

Stay on top of software security patches schedule regular maintenance checks remotely audit for security vulnerabilities

Limit access does this application need to be open to the world? can authentication be used?

Review your Logs

In-House Web Application Software Vulnerabilities

Real World Example: Defacement Defacement

NASA: High value Soft target

Examples: HTML manipulation XSS SQL injection Element




<img src=”http://site/cgi/image-resizer.cgi?”>



Real World Example: Defacement

Best Practices Defense:

Hash Table Flatfile or database Key = 123221 Value = “” URL = http://site/cgi/image-resizer.cgi?url=123221

Encrypted Hash Function Algorithmic “” -> hash function -> ADGCDDARG URL = http://site/cgi/image-resizer.cgi?url=ADGCDDARG

Cross Site Scripting (XSS) Example


Cross Site Scripting Defences

Best Practices: Understand the types of XSS attacks

client side (i.e. javascript vulnerabilities) non-persistent (i.e. error messages) persistent (i.e. bulletin boards)

Validate user Input Utilize software security libraries Limit access

General Best Practices

Best Practice: Perform Regular

Security Audits Examples:

NMAP for network and service audits OS detection service version detection

NESSUS for security scans scans for all network vulnerabilities commercial support available

Nikto for specific web vulnerabilities over 3500 dangerous files/CGIs over 250 web server vulnerabilities

Intrusion Detection System Reporting

Best Practice: Limiting Access Incorporate Authentication Specify Allow/Deny Directives Utilise Firewall Rules Implement Rate limiting

Iptables (Linux) example:

-A SSH -m recent --set --name WEB

-A SSH -m recent --update --seconds 60 --hitcount 600 --rttl --name WEB -j DROP


Best Practice: Understand the

Software Apache: Compile your own

Loaded Modules in Default RedHat 5.1 httpd:

core_module (static) mpm_prefork_module (static) http_module (static) so_module

(static) auth_basic_module (shared) auth_digest_module (shared) authn_file_module

(shared) authn_alias_module (shared) authn_anon_module (shared) authn_dbm_module

(shared) authn_default_module (shared) authz_host_module (shared) authz_user_module

(shared) authz_owner_module (shared) authz_groupfile_module (shared) authz_dbm_module

(shared) authz_default_module (shared) ldap_module (shared) authnz_ldap_module (shared)

include_module (shared) log_config_module (shared) logio_module (shared) env_module (shared)

ext_filter_module (shared) mime_magic_module (shared) expires_module (shared) deflate_module

(shared) headers_module (shared) usertrack_module (shared) setenvif_module (shared) mime_module

(shared) dav_module (shared) status_module (shared) autoindex_module (shared) info_module

(shared) dav_fs_module (shared) vhost_alias_module (shared) negotiation_module (shared)

dir_module (shared) actions_module (shared) speling_module (shared) userdir_module (shared)

alias_module (shared) rewrite_module (shared) proxy_module (shared) proxy_balancer_module

(shared) proxy_ftp_module (shared) proxy_http_module (shared) proxy_connect_module (shared)

cache_module (shared) suexec_module (shared) disk_cache_module (shared) file_cache_module (shared)

mem_cache_module (shared) cgi_module (shared) version_module (shared) proxy_ajp_module (shared)

Manually Compiled server, with rewrite, alias, and proxy added :

core (static) mod_access (static) mod_auth (static) mod_include (static) mod_log_config

(static) mod_env (static) mod_setenvif (static) mod_proxy (static) proxy_connect (static)

proxy_ftp (static) proxy_http (static) prefork (static) http_core (static) mod_mime (static)

mod_status (static) mod_autoindex (static) mod_asis (static) mod_cgi (static) mod_negotiation

(static) mod_dir (static) mod_imap (static) mod_actions (static) mod_userdir (static) mod_alias

(static) mod_rewrite (static) mod_so (static)

Disadvantage: No RedHat RPM Updates

Best Practice: Understand the

Software (cont.)

OpenGIS® Catalogue Services Specification, Page 168 Delete action

The following XML Schema fragment defines a delete action:

<xsd:complexType name="DeleteType" id="DeleteType">


<xsd:element ref="csw:Constraint" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>


<xsd:attribute name="typeName" type="xsd:anyURI" use="optional"/>

<xsd:attribute name="handle" type="xsd:ID" use="optional"/>


The <Delete> element contains a <csw:Constraint> element (see Subclause 10.3.7) that identifies a set of

records that are to be deleted from the catalogue. The <csw:Constraint> element shall be specified in

order to prevent every record in the catalogue from inadvertently being deleted.

The typeName attribute is used to specify the collection name from which records will be deleted.

The handle attribute is described in subclause

Other Best Practices

Security in depth multiple mechanisms for limiting access multiple authentication mechanisms

Understand trust relationships with other projects with other agencies

Focus on data integrity Good, reliable, tested backups Prevent data misuse or misattribution Employ a knowledgeable, dependable staff


The scientific community depends on the quality and accuracy of the data

With the proliferation and interdependence of web services, the assurance that those services are accurate and secure becomes increasingly critical

The introduction of one security flaw into a web services based architecture could have a widespread, international impact