Seed That Changed My Life

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Seed that Changed My LifeA Gate way to Secret of Nature

Einstein said "Look deep into Nature,

and then you will understand

everything better".  Nature is a cradle of 

information. It is said Newton's world was

constructed on simple observation of anapple falling and Einstein's world on a

spider moving on a globe. I was fortunate

to be working with life. It helped to build a

Living Vision of Nature that eventually

accounts all the conceptual developments in

physical science and goes to evolve it further to visualize Truth of Nature 

and its existence in time sensibly and in simplicity. I did share these ideasand thoughts with you all in "Canada Daily" under an articles Titled "Origin

of Gravity - A New Perception and Key to Understand Nature " and " A

Thought on Einstein's E=mc2". Root of these thought were accidental and

dates back to 1983-84 when I was working as a bio-technologist, to clone

few highly difficult but very commercially important plants. I thought, I

should share this simple accidental discovery that profoundly changed my

thinking and which can come handy as a wonder tool to investigate many

aspects. A bio-technologist spends huge amount of money/energy in the lab

to strike a correct combination of macro and micro nutrients and hormones

[ratio of cytokinins and auxins that influence shoot and root growth] to get

going with cells/tissues culture for a chosen species. As a biotechnologist

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observing life in test tube, I felt that the response of the cells and tissues in

culture was a struggle to survive. I was only

helping it with conditions that can facilitate the

struggle to survive. Once in my village my

eyes stood to observe a "cashew seed"

germinating. The vigor of growth surprised

me. In my curiosity, I cut the shoot apex and

root apex of the geminating seed and kept

them in moist plastic bags to see how its

struggles to survive. I just wanted to know

what the system will do. To my surprise within

days large number of shoot appeared in

cotyledonary axis and a ring of root appeared

at the cut end of hypocotyl. See Fig. My curiosity made me to take it to lab

for a deeper study.

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The cotyledon is understood as a modified first leaf holding nutrients for

seeds growth. A leaf normally has axillary bud, that give rise to new

branches. My observation of Cotyledon axis showed no such buds. The tissue

in the axis was dedifferentiating and differentiating to give rise to many new

shoots. Same was true for roots. Closer observation showed that theyappear initially as "embroids" [Name given to embryos formed without the

union of male and female information] before they suppress their

individualization instinct to cohere with Mother explant thus supporting it.

This dedifferentiation and differentiation is the basic goal a tissue culturist

strives in his lab. This surprised me.

My curiosity grew further. I tilted the seed such that the edge of the seed

axis escaped the gravitational axis of the plant. See Fig. My instinct was

right I could isolate a complete plant with shoot and root [See Fig] and

transfer them to soil to gain complete plants. I could cut and root them in

test tubes and directly in soil and thus produce many plants from one seed.

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Later I conducted many other curious experiments with it. But the key point

is that it brought a vision of "Physics of whole life". Some salient

observations are

1] It was noted that the number of roots and shoots appearing on the left

and right axils of the system were never equal and there appeared a

relationship with the shoot and root formation in opposite way. That is, if the

shoots formation was good in the left axis then the root formation is good in

the right side of the cut end of the hypocotyl suggesting a balancing

aspect going on in the system. Later this observation also turned true in

root and shoot distributionl in all branching plants.

2] When the axis of the seed model was tilted in relation the gravitational

axis force the tendency to form a ring of roots appeared be disrupted and it

split up and the shoots began to fuse as if a spiral wave force exist in the

central column. See Fig above

3] I started to visualize two spiral waves, expanding into space-time

field and material world [Earth], mutually supporting and moving in

opposite direction originating from the center one being dominant the other

being recessive. At first, I thought anti-gravity is dominant and one toward

gravity is recessive. Very quickly from Nature I realized that they exist in

two phases;

  in one phase anti-gravitational force exist as dominant and the gravity

as the recessive.

  In next phase gravity exist as dominant and anti-gravity as recessive.

They seem to support each other.

  This change in phase relates to day and night cycle and the

environment in which it exist. I saw an opposing relationship between

life and Nature.

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Very important note- We are now seeing a world separating the space-

time or environment containing energy and information and material Earth.

This mean a plant system is opposing the gravity force and its tendency to

collapse to a point. We are seeing a second world or parallel world thatoppose the world that Newton, Einstein and all those who fallowed them are

investigating with huge labor of mind power. The fallowing figure explains


Action of force on Plant system from Environment - Notethe force need to be visualized as spiral one here

Limit of 



GravityAnti-gravity Force of 

shoot supported byroot

Anti- Gravity force of 

Root supported by


Sun Light - Unwinding


Black Hole

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The key points to observed are

1] When shoot and leaves are exposed to light/heat from Nature, it

experiences it as unwinding force. They react to it by winding - it absorbs


2] This winding stress is transformed into root facilitating it to unwind and

grow into Earth.

3] When environment makes phase change and goes into darkness and

Earth unwinds, then roots seem to wind helping the shoot to unwind and

grow. This is supported by the fact that much of shoot growth occurs in

darkness. Anyone who cares to observe will note flowers and seeds unfold in

night or early morning period [ There are many aspect involved here but all

of them can be deduced down to unwinding and winding force] .

These observation invariably meant there is physical process that

precedes all the chemical process that build the biological mass and

sustain the O2 to CO2 ratio of the environment for all other life to

flourish. We all know plants form the base of pyramid of food chain.

This thought persisted in me and became seed thought, that flowered once I

revolted and left "Plato's Chair", Seeking answers to many fundamental

questions that modern science left behind, such as

Why triplet code?

Why DNA is double helical?

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Why pairs of chromosomes?

Why dominant and gravity is weak force?

Why speed of light is the maximum speed?

Why ratio of acceleration of two interacting bodies is always 3?

Why gravitational and inertial mass?

Why wave particle duality?

What is life?

What dies?

What takes birth? And so on.

In my quest, free in Nature, I tried to enter the Great minds of modern

science trying to understand their concepts in relation to what the Seed and

Nature was revealing. Nature began to expose the simplicity behind

complexity. Nature began to reveal many simple techniques in place of 

complex approaches we taking. My attempts to reach out to temples of 

science to discuss these budding thoughts repeatedly failed. So my mind

pursed bigger and bigger question. Eventually it ended in one point, how

the universe came into existence and exist in time? My mind

contemplated on this subject for years. These years were like a dog trying

to catch its tail. I was going round and round, when I connect one patch of 

the circle it breaks somewhere else. Eventually in a "Retreat Center",

where I went as an observer but ended up participating. Here I surrendered

unconditionally and accepted death to "Higher Force" governing us. In few

moments here all my thought collapsed into order, revealing the secret.

The seed as a path to Secret of Nature

In the model above we are perceiving both physics and life. In the

above figure, it is natural that any mind seeking Truth now concentrates on

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the "black hole" in the "center" and tries to figure out the process

happening in it.

It was clear something is transforming "gravity force" into "anti-gravity

force" in the center of life in the above figure. From this center the

development of Ultimate Theory of Living Universe was a few logical

steps helped by Grace.

Observing life showed that

  Life strives to sustain certain symmetry or equilibrium with constant

expenditure of energy. In contrast to this, gravity force of the material

world is built on the assumption of non equilibrium.

  Between matter [Earth] and the space-time field manifesting

into environment containing energy and information, life

seemed to exist as factor opposing gravitational collapse.

[Nearly two decades back, I wrote this idea and shared it with many

temples of science. I wrote that even one single cell can stop

gravitational collapse. All of them overlooked]

  This means at the center of life there is some matter that has

equilibrium or symmetry in space and it is trying to protect its

equilibrium through constant intake of gravity force and transforming

into anti-gravity

  This central matter not only has the capacity to transform the force

but also has the capacity of creativity and ability to expand in to space

time utilizing the matter. In short, it creates a biological mass that

resist the collapse of the system under gravity.

Next logical step of thought was that -

1] since gravity manifest through space-time net which forms the back

bone binding matter and since gravity is centripetal force winding and

directed to center. Ther should be a "second space-time net" binding all

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forms of life that is unwinding and expanding into space thus balancing teh


2] The above model was giving the existecne to two parallel worlds that

are opposing and yet one. In addition there was symmetry that is

chareterized by a left and right. This design seem to exist in animals and

humans with some baic differnece. Unlike in plant where male and female

exist as one, in animals we have male and female as diffent systems. Within

the system there is inner world and outer world; Brain being the center of 

the outer world and heart being the center of the inner world.

3] A breakthrough link between life and material world emerged when I

observed Earth and its energy cycle. Earth we note has dual world design.

When one part of Earth opens to light and heat and unwinds another world

simultaneously goes into darkness and winds. When the light in one world

peaks the dark cycle emerges from within, simultaneously opposite happens

in other world. Very Cleary it is instantaneously communicated and a from

information exchange is occurring. This phase change occurs in 12 hour

cycle. This cycle exist in bigger cycle of 12 month forming the climatic cycle

with similar process. Now I began to see a parallel between life and Earth.

When a living system breaths, it strives to sustain certain balance between

the inner and outer space. It is opening up to communicate with outer space

to strike a balance. A second level of communication occurs in life, when the

cells goes into mitotic division to renew its information. This could be

compared to climatic cycle where Earth is renewed. Now I could see Why

DNA is double helical? Why gene exist as dominant and recessive? Why pairs

of chromosomes. There are different levels of response to change in external


  The first level of information change is handled by gene pairs at double

helical level.

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  The second level of information exchange is managed by pairs of 

chromosomes coming together to exchange not only information butrecreate its own images to

grow.[Mitotic division and growth]. Now we have two parallels between life

and Earth. The breathing of life can be compared with day and night cycle

and climatic cycle can be compared with mitotic division and growth- My

attention now got concentrated to "centromere" where pairs of 

chromosomes come together. 

Note - At the system level we focused our mind at "black hole" for

investigation. Now we have corned a "black hole" in a cell. The "cetromere"

where two chromosomes come together before it creates the wave of 

creation to create of two cells

from one. It seems to hold

some secret.

Note - From the beginning I

carried a notion that humans

play an important role in

Nature. This became clear

when I began to introduce

plant, animals and humans

into the energy cycle of 

Nature manifesting as day and night cycle and climatic cycle. I found earth's

energy cycle a "self-sustaining Gaia" as Noble Laureate James Lovelock

proved. However, when I introduced adult humans into the energy cycle, I

suddenly began to see a time direction to gravitational collapse. There

are two basic perception of the world; modern scientific that thinks it is

material and ancient spiritualist which views universe as Living and

Conscious being. In both case time direction is inevitable. Thus origin

and end and new beginning is a reality that needs to be understood.

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4] All life we note has a life cycle, that has four distinct phases; Birth and

Early Childhood, Early Adulthood, Late Adulthood and Old Age leading to

death, that can be grouped into two phases; up and down. The first two

phase is up phase and last two phase is down phase. One can divide and put

it in 1:2:1 ratio. It is important now to note that the ancient Vedic scriptures

and even our modern science speak of "Universal Cycle of Time". Which

means the Earth and the whole universe has beginning and end. The Vedas

of the ancient east divided this "Universal Time Cycle" in to four portions,

where Truth and Justice deteriorates.

Note - The critical Juncture where modern science as well as spiritualist fail,

is when it comes explain how the universe came into existence and how it is

perpetuated in time. Einstein's Theory of gravity extended leads us to BIG

BANG origin, where all the laws of physics fail. This theory is not

comprehensible to common sense and is devoid of cause for origin and

fall. The question how universe conquers time and initializes is left

unanswered . This ignorance is the key to all ignorance. Under

the cover of this ignorance religious people exploit humans, modern

intellectuals exploit Nature. They form the "Twin Ignorance" that is

endangering Earth and humanity. The twin ignorance are;

  Lack of "Truth of Nature and its functioning" and the

  Lack of "Truth of God and His Functioning"

The former is manifesting as violent climatic peak and falls leading the world

to huge destruction. The latter is turning more destructive. In the absence of "Truth of God" religions are polarizing humans and they are taking self 

destructive path with all the weapons of mass destruction in hand.

The solution to the first problem exist in understanding the "Principle and

Design" on which Earth functions to sustain certain energy to matter ratio

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and thus heat of system. This is discussed in the following article. "Climate

Change and Solution to it From a New Perspective" published in "Canada


The solution to the second problem is to "Reinvent the Big Bang

Creation" in sensible manner involving life. To Reinvent Big Bang all we

need is to extend our thoughts further. 

5] The key question of origin and existence can only be approached by

visualizing universe as "Living conscious and intelligent being" as

Eastern philosophies taught the world. It is a sensible approach because life

is bestowed with the capacity to conquer time and initialize. We already

noted that life is intermediate between the space-time web that carries

energy and information and material Earth towards which all the gravity of 

the material world seems to point. This means collapse is directed to life and

living world.

Life conquers time when the "Spirit of the Male" leaves it body enters the

recessive world and goes into recreation and restoration phase. We need to

invent this phase in the Universal Time Cycle. This phase should manifest

before death strikes the universal being. A "Grand Plan" should exist in the

universe by which it is lifted from near death back to Life. This invention

would create break through for our

Journey back to Golden Age or

Kingdom of God. It would take us

from "Darkness to Light",

Imminent "Death to Life"

This is explored in the article

"Reinventing Big Bang". and

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PPT presentation "God's thought - Reveled by Grace"

These article point that universe originates from the "inner space" of a

"Absolute Soul" and "Absolute Life". The "inner space" of this Soul

carries all the information and capacity to transform the "Gravity Force" of 

the universe to lift it from "0" or gravitational collapse to back to "1". The

"Absolute Soul", is the product of "two parallel worlds". It was formed

when the "Spirit" or information from the dominant male world enters the

"feminine and recessive world" to "Create New Soul" and "New Life"

that is Absolute. The absolute life "arrest the time" and unfolds its "inner

space" lifting everything to the initial state. Universe is the "consciousness

and intelligence" of the Creator unfolding and enfolding to sustain life. It

says that we humans are "self centered" and "material centered" and is

the cause for time direction to disorder, destruction and death or

"gravitational collapse" , The "Good News" is that this death exist

conquered. The "Life force" or "Information" is unfolding to lead us to

Truth and Freedom. The fabric of the universe is stable what creates and

sustains it is the "Spirit" or "Information" that unfolds and enfolds. We

are edging to gravitational collapse by our ignorance. We cannot survive

unless we "Awaken to Light" and "Information being Unfolded"

We are in that phase where the Creator is recreating to restore us back to

the glorious period or the Golden Age. The misery we are witnessing around

the world is Birth Pang.

Note - Theoretical scientist have discovered parallel worlds. Three scientists

Neil Turok of Perimeter Institute of Theoretical Physics, Paul Steinhardt of 

Princeton University and Burt Ovrut of Pennsylvania university have come

out with a solution to concept of time and singularity by suggesting that

at singularity one world pierces and emerges on the opposite. I am not sure

how they came to this thought and how they perceive the universe from

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their thought. But it makes sense from biological point. The universe is

static, the Life to it is given and sustained by a "Spiritual Entity". In its

Creation Phase it is "Absolute Love" But in Created state it works to uphold

"Truth and Justice" balancing the system.

What is at the center of the seed we visualized, is what is at the center of 

"centromere" and is explored in the PPT presentation "God's Thought --

Reveled by Grace"

In conclusionIn conclusion life is not a chemical soup, it is not gene and DNA. It has a

spiritual field reality and material reality. The DNA and Genes are built

around this spiritual core. This core of life is the back bone of life. The living

universe similarly has back bone of spiritual core to which we are related.

Our "self" is an illusion. We are in phase where "consciousness and

intelligence of God the Creator is unfolding from within with free will to

human souls. There is a spiritual awakening but this happening within the

frame works religion is turning to be most dangerous to humanity. I see

people flooding this field with material intent. This would be much more

catastrophic than modern science that gave technological tool into the hands

a pathologically criminal and self centered people without first

comprehending the whole "Truth of Nature and its functioning" - We

have come to an end. We cannot advance the way we have been. We cannot

survive unless we first bring a Paradigm shift in our thinking and

"Awaken to Truth" - Life can give simple solutions to complex problems we

have created in every field of human interest, energy, health, food, socail. I

have been approached for technologies, but none has given a hand to

spread the Truth. Einstein said

  "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when

we created them". 

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  " Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more

violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the

opposite direction."  

Returning to the seed -- Exploring its Applied Potential

I saw immense possibilities to use this seed model as a wonder tool for

many research. They all remained dream, as I stood with my consciousness

as I quit the "Plato's Chair" and lost a lab to work on. Seed model can

1] Give a sensitive tool to check the influence of chemicals on plant life.

2] It can lead us to invent new plant hormones.

3] I am against genetic engineering, yet in special cases where it is usefuland where it is not against Nature, this can hasten introduction of new genes

or traits into plants.

4] Very importantly it gave new visions to manipulate plant life to

human advantage manipulating the external environment to

influencing the internal environment to develop new information's or

amplify the quality and strength of genes. 

Note - This research and thoughts dates back 80's. This work was used to

gain huge grant for "Tissue culture of cashew". These plants were claimed

as "World's First Tissue Cultured Plants" in media. It then came on front

page of text books, produced PhD's. I revolted against a system where most

people strive to flow with the tide against once own consciousness. They

thrive to amass wealth, name, fame by false means. The revolt was violent

because the lab where I worked belonged to a Priest. It became more

painful because he spoke about Einstein, Mendel and so on to rope me in, to

work in his lab that was not recognized by the university and none was

willing to work. Against odds I struggled day and night with some of the

tough problems all alone and made immense progress. The lab became

recognized at national level. But at this point I was reduced to a lab

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assistant. In a quest to take Doctorate Degree and enter academic line to

explore these fundamental thoughts, I had to bow my head, I even gave up

my job with multinational company and over looked an offer to lead

commercial ventures with big private companies. After 7 years into my

research career, on the eve of submission of doctoral thesis, I quit science

than surrendering my consciousness for the sake of Doctoral Degree and

position in academic line. I write this because our system kills many a minds

and resist evolution into new thinking. We cannot survive unless we evolve

and bring Paradigm shift in our Thinking. Evolution calls breaking the

boundaries of self. I see million ideas in internet that goes unnoticed and

unsupported just because they fail to twist it down to one or other schools

of thought that dominate. A great wealth of knowledge lies hidden in Eastern

and ancient cultures simply because it is not compatible with modern

western thinking that is erroneous. Unfortunately the whole world looks to

west and Big Temples for answer. It is nearly three decades, I struggle

against to find a intellectual circle to discuss it. I am convinced that the

Creator is in control, I keep struggling against odds because it is a "inner

call" that I cannot throw out, especially when I see millions suffer due to

failure of intellectuals governing us.

Max Planck said " A scientific Truth does not triumph by convincing its

opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its

opponents eventually die and a new generation grows up that is familiar 

with it ."

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The only way to approach it is to look at universe as "Living and Consciousand Intelligent being".

1] Gravity is a centripetal force in three dimensional space directed to a

center. This mean it should be a spiral force. Anything that is spiral cannotmove one bit unless it moves something else in opposite direction. Thus light

particle striking Earth bring heat should be taking some other matter out of it. We know light/heat displaces Cold.

3] Uncertainty theory also breaks down the idea of force as moving in

staright line. Thus it led me to visualize particle of light as ratio with designin the form of 8 with a 4:3 ratio that is capable of quantum dancing betweentwo state 4:3 and 3:4 creating spin and spiral motion a pair in space in time-

their union forming systems or atoms in space- See article-

4] By virtue of non equilibrium the light particle can creates a "inner space"

that can open and interact with external space. This inner takes space insystem that have symmetry in three dimensional space [example - Inert


2] Newton's gravity is a field where an instantaneous communication takesplace. Einstein's gravity field is a net where communication takes place in

time. These field form the back bone linking the material objects. But bothby second law of thermodynamic have force directed to center. Newton

perceived an instantaneous force that bind the system. Einstein perceivedthe physical force that communicates and bind the system in time.

3] By virtue of second law of thermodynamics these fields have a centripetalforces and directed to a center. In the above seed we can perceive it being

directed to the seed center.

4] But looking at the seed and life, I began to perceive a inner space wherethis field force and its gravity and it is converted back into anti-gravity force.

Thus I began to visualize gravity field as double net; in one the forces is

acting towards the center in the other it is going away from the center.what is coming is appeared instantaneous and what goes out is time bound


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5] Then came the perception that what Newton and Einstein perceives

coexist in Human Llife. Life has instantaneous communication as well as timebound communication. Much of the internal vital objects are controlled by

instantaneous communication. The brain and its wiring a thing thatcommunicates in time.

The next logical conclusion was simple - the universe is a Living being and

the Big Bang is created from a single cell and is beyond it in from singleSoul.

visualize the four quantum mechanical steps in the system before theobserved quantum action action takes place. 

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It started beginning point of my search to explore the dynamics of individualliving system as whole and community. It opened the possibilities of using

whole system to manipulate its gene, its traits, it characteristic as paralleland simple Nature compatible methods in place of highly unpredictable

genetic engineering and expensive cell and tissue culture technologies toclone plants. As a alternative I even went ahead to develop a concept called

eco-culture, where environmental changes was used to control the auxin and

cytokinin production of the plant to initiate axillary bud multiplication toobtain complete cloned plants. This was successfully done with cashew andCoffee plants

I started to visualize two spiral waves moving in opposite directionone being dominant the other being recessive. At first I thought

anti-gravity is dominant and gravity as recessive. Very quickly fromNature I realized that they exist in two phase, in one phase anti-

gravitational force exist as dominant and the gravity as therecessive. In next phase gravity exist as dominant and anti-gravity

as recessive. This change in phase relates to day and night cycle and

form the basics on which the system survive against time. Againsttime direction of Nature, the system is always anti-gravitational and

here lies the secret of information building.

These fundamental physical vision of forces I perceived, influenced me tovisualize action of force in material world as spiral one and eventually

develop new picture of the universe involving life [read article - - publishedin Canada Daily]

a path Nature revealed to my questioning process. During the initial periodof my research career when I was trying to clone some highly difficult

commercial plants. I had failed to elicit any results and I was totallyfrustrated. I had no body to fallback for support and guidance. I found my

guide wanting. Just when I was about give up, Mother Nature called me. Ideveloped a strange form of communication with Nature that led me to

reviewing everything I am doing. Looking back on my work, I found that

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what I am trying to do in the lab is to find the internal secrets of plants

system. They dedifferentiate and differentiate information periodicallyagainst time cycle. My interest in Time Cycle began here. The perquisite to

my success lies in developing a media and microenvironment that supportsthe plant system in hand. In Nature, I could clearly sense an instinct

among living system to survive. I realized that I am trying to exploit thissurvival instinct.

Once in my farm, my searching senses landed on a germinating Cashew

seed and I was astonished at the rate of growth it produces once thegermination was induced. I also noted the immense power in it to handle the

stress force. This is related to stored food and hormones in the system to

facilitate growth. This led me to conduct a curious experiment.

I cut off the shoot and root meristems in germinating seed of cashew, andmaintained it in a moist environment. My argument was that since theplants are toti-potent, the circumstances should lead to a situation wheresome cells with in the system should regenerate, shoot or root meristem or

dedifferentiate to form embryoid which in turn would give rise to shoot androot meristem. My argument turned right. Within in few days large number

of shoots emerged from the axil of the cotyledons and a ring of rootsappeared at the cut end. See fig.

It is known that leafs are the primary source of production of hormones andcytokinins and Auxins. The auxins produced in the leaf move towards the

Earth to the root tip and cytokinins move against it to the shoot tip. So

naturally my second childish question was, can the shoots produce its ownroot, I tilted the glass so that the axis of the shoot stand apart from the axisof the mother seed. I was expecting the plants in the corner of the axis to

produce roots at its base. My thinking turned correct and I could isolatemany plants from the seed and transfer them to soil. Later it was found that

these shoots could be easily rooted in the in the lab or can be made toroot directly in soil in a controlled glass house conditions.

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This is the beginin point of serch to explore the dynamics of individual living

system and community as whole and changed my vision of life

1] It was noted that the number of roots and shoots appearing on the left

and right axils of the system were never equal and there appeared arelationship with the shoot and root formation in opposite way. That is if the

shoots formation was good in the left axis then the root formation is good inthe right side of the cut end of the hypocotyls end suggesting a balancingaspect going on in the system. Finer observation showed that this is true in

root and shoot distribution and its branching pattern in space in the plantsystems Nature.

2] In the above seed model when I tilted the axis against the axis of thegravitational force the tendency to form a ring of roots appeared disruptedand it split up and the shoots began to fuse as if a spiral wave force exist

in the column. Thus this seed began give me physical vision of biologicalsystem and force. This is the foundation which later made me propose that

force in Nature is spiral not directed entity and thus it should exist in fourpairs. This intern led me visualize the quantum mechanical process that

proceeded in the system before the observed action takes place.  

Note - this picture arose form large number of experimentations. The wave

dynamics of the system is sensitive and influenced by many factors. Readerwould understand this statement when we understand the life and its

functioning discovered from the system point of view 

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Most of these experiments were conducted out side the laboratory. Later Ishifted the model as a tool to evaluate the influence of various chemicals on

the system, so that I could develop an appropriate medium for tissue cultureof the plant. The observation was elaborate, from a birds eye view of it, they

also begin to speak some tendency - a definite non linear phenomenonwithin life. 

3] Use of hormone reduced the tendency to form roots at the hypocotyl andthe tendency to form embryoid and independent plants increased. In other

words the chemical were showing the physical phenomenon that resulted incomplete plant - the distancing of the axis of the mother plant induces the

newly differentiating cells to go the independent way of embryoid


In short my observation led me to discover two principal forces that control

the plant system. One is against gravity [anti-gravity] and the other withgravity . See fig 

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Reality" began to take root in me. This was supported by observation

in Nature, where I was seeing spirality every where. It was suggesting somefundamental double spirality guiding the whole phenomena of Nature. I

began to visualize dedifferentiation which, I was attempting in order toclone plants as simply a process of compression of the system to certain

near critical state and holding it there giving the system time to react andsurvive [ differentiation] 

The traditional tissue culturists speak of a unique medium arrived at by

permutation and combination as the secret way to differentiate a system.From the random design approach I adopted to clone coconut later adopted

for all tissue culture work , I realized there are different paths [combination

of medium] to the same goal. Everything in the end becomes deducible toappropriate stress. This meant that the whole process of dedifferentiation

and differentiation can be induced by many other mechanical means thantotal dependence of hormones. Everything should in end should transform

and translate into some winding force. 

Back tracking my experimental tool [the seed] to its root stage[embryo] and beyond it. I began visualize some particle behind life

whose motion is producing the spiral wave around which the systemis growing. This particle probably is working as a drill displacing

matter and force to the opposite. It was stupid thinking in this way -

but my search to know the Truth of Nature slowly began to upholdthe vision. 

This thus became the starting point for the System Design , UnificationTheory and Biophysical Reality that Nature revealed to me. A flurry of applied possibilities which centered around handling the whole system at the

seed level and various other levels to increase productivity and resistance tothe pest etc came up, but I had to over look them in order to seek the


The human mind in me saw many possibilities to exploit theabove observation

1] As a model to study the mechanical force at work in biological system.

2] As a model to study the effect of various chemicals on particular system,

such that time taken to determine suitable medium and hormones for

particular system could be drastically reduced.

3] As a model to invent new chemicals that produces auxin and cytokinineffect in plant system.

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4] A model to develop stress resistant variety very quickly – The Modern

built of patrician knowledge and complexity lack the simple Truth on whichNature and life is founded. Thus it is moving from simplicity to complexity

and taking knowledge of life away from common man. The intellectualsexisting in the temples of science are inherently aware of it. But they survive

by creating more complexity. The world and every individual of thedemocratic world is giving a price for it. 

The dedifferentiation and differentiation of information is means by which life

conquers stress and develops means. The plants are totipotent, becausethey have both male and female element. Their first choice is to mix the

information. The male part opens first and when its pollen dissipates the

female opens. But in situation where it is not possible they do mix theyfertilize within to form seed to survive against time.

Now in the above experiment we saw a dedifferentiation and differentiationof information in the most natural and food and hormone that the plantdeveloped. Now we can turn this seed model to develop stress resistant

plant quickly, saving, huge resources spent on complex approaches beingused now in biotechnology.

5] As model to develop quickly and safely genetically altered plants. Modernworld spends billions to successfully introduce particular isolated genes into

a cell in tissue culture and develop a plant with that gene. It necessitates thedevelopment of species specific standard techniques. The technique itself is

beyond control because innumerable factors near and far affect it. The

above seed gives us model to quickly and safely introduce genes. The theoryis simple. When the system is stressed, it is already looking form solutions.When the solution is provided it quickly incorporates to survive

[Way back, a small project written about it submitted to US National ScienceFoundation Resulted in invitation to join a US University. I could not submit

my thesis it meant I should join the university as a under graduate. Oneexperience of being exploited led me to resist the invitation. Importantly the

call of the fundamentals was too strong for me to deviate into a small branchand sacrifice the freedom of search]

6] To promote the growth of embryoids, which differentiated in the tissue

culture but are failing to grow in the medium?

7] To develop hybrid embryos when the seed fails to support its growth and

so on

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The plants obtained in the above manner out side a tissue culture lab

were successfully transferred to the soil. It formed the basis for obtaining a huge funding to the lab from the government and getting

recognition to the Lab. After I left the lab, I saw the human greed for fame name manifesting to its highest level both cheating oneself 

and the whole world. I witnessed my work presented to public by acabinet minister. The national media carried the picture of cabinet 

minister transferring the plant obtained in the above manner to thefield, it was claimed as worlds first cloned plant of cashew. The real  potential of the work remained with me for want of out lets toexplore. Being preoccupied with Unification Theory I could not divert 

my attention to it. ] 

Nature provideds such simple clues to complex problems. The common man

and his mind become fascinated by picture of cells being manipulated in testtube plants growing test tube and so on. The funding bodies quickly fall to

the potential projected in paper. But the result we get is wanting and inmany cases against the intended goals. Huge funds are being lost and the

common man whose money instead of benefiting him is being wasted, insome case out of ignorance, in most cases being consciously aware of the
