seedless - University of Utah

Post on 25-Feb-2022

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Seedless Plants

• Alternation of Generations• Walled spores produced in sporangia• Multicellular gamete-producing organs (gametangia)• Apical meristems


Seedless Plants

Alternation of Generations

Seedless Plants

• Produced in sporangiaWalled Spores

Seedless Plants

• Gametangia• Archegonia - female• Antheridia - male

Multicellular Gamete-Producing Organs

Seedless Plants

Apical meristems

Apical meristem of root

Seedless Plants

Seedless Plants A Step-by-Step Look at Alternation of Generations

AlgaeAlternation of Generations

Alternation of Generations

Alternation of Generations

Alternation of Generations

Alternation of Generations

Alternation of Generations

Alternation of Generations

Alternation of Generations

Alternation of Generations

• Marchantiophyta

• Bryophyta

• Anthocerophyta

Seedless Plants Phyla

• Tracheophyta

Seedless Plants Marchantiophyta

Seedless Plants Bryophyta• Mnium

Seedless Plants Bryophyta• Hypnum

Seedless Plants Bryophyta• Dicranum

Seedless Plants Bryophyta• Polytrichum

Seedless Plants Bryophyta• Sphagnum

Seedless Plants Anthocerophyta• Anthoceros

• True ferns

Seedless Plants Tracheophyta

• Horsetails

Seedless Plants Tracheophyta

• Wisk ferns

Seedless Plants Tracheophyta

Seedless Plants

• Selaginella
