Seeds of Faith May 2013

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Quarterly Church Magazine



A general introduc-

tion to the doctrine of the Holy Spirit

The Holy spirit as a Christian dogma: 1- The Holy Spirit is the third person of the

Holy Trinity.

2- The Holy Spirit is a true God. Three

persons in one nature and one nature in

three persons.

3- Even though the three persons of the

Holy Trinity have the same divine essence

they are different in their particular proper-

ties. God the Father begets is not begotten.

God the Son is begotten and does not beget

or proceed. God the Holy Spirit proceeds

is not begotten nor begets.

4- The three persons of the Holy Trinity

are equal in power and majesty. They are

equally honored and worshiped in the Holy


In the Sacred Scriptures we are provided

with many references where God the Holy

Spirit is referred to as the “Lord God” It is


“‘Ananias,’Peter asked, ‘why has Satan

filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit

and to keep back part of the proceeds of

the land? While it remained unsold, did it

not remain your own? And after it was

sold, were not the proceeds at your dis-

posal? How is it that you have contrived

this deed in your heart? You did not lie to

us*but to God!’” (Acts 5:3-4)

5- The three Qnumeh of the Holy Trinity

have one and the same Divine will.

6- St. Paul, the Apostle to gentiles, has

placed the Holy Spirit in the same order

and position as the Father and the Son. It is


" May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ

and the love of God the Father and the

communion of the Holy Spirit be with

you all" (II Corinthians, 13:13)

The Role of the Holy Spirit in the act

of creation: 1- We have learned from The Sacred

Scriptures that the Holy Spirit has divine

Characteristics and authority to give

form to the creation. It is written:

"The earth was a formless void and dark-

ness covered the face of the deep, while a

wind from God swept over the face of

the" (Genesis, 1:2)

2- God said let us create man in our image

and likeness. Here God speaks in a plural

form. God the Father is asking God the

Son and God the Holy Spirit to create the

first man.

“Then God said, ‘Let us make human-

kind*in our image, according to our like-

ness; and let them have dominion over the

fish of the sea, and over the birds of the

air, and over the cattle, and over all the

wild animals of the earth,* and over every

creeping thing that creeps upon the

earth.’” (Genesis 1: 26) (Conception and

birth of Jesus Christ) (Ezekiel 37:1-17)

The Procession of the Holy Spirit: 1- The Holy Spirit” is not made or created

but proceeds from God the Father.

2- Jesus Christ sent the Holy Spirit upon

the Holy Apostles. It is written:

“And I will ask the Father, and he will give

you another Advocate, to be with you for-

ever.” (John 14:16)

3- The Holy Spirit proceeds from the Fa-

ther. It is written:

“ . . . ‘When the Advocate comes, whom I

will send to you from the Father, the Spirit

of truth who comes from the Father, he

will testify on my behalf” (John 15:26)

On the day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit

descended upon the Holy Apostles. It is


“ . . When the day of Pentecost had come,

they were all together in one place. And

suddenly from heaven there came a sound

like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled

the entire house where they were sitting.

Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared

among them, and a tongue rested on each

of them. All of them were filled with the

Holy Spirit and began to speak in other

languages, as the Spirit gave them abil-

ity.” (Act 2: 1-4)

The Holy Spirit in the Nicene Creed: 1- The eight article of the Nicene Creed.

“And in one Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth;

who proceeds from the Father, the life-

giving spirit;”

2- The Holy Church confesses in the creed

that the Holy Spirit is God. He is the spirit

of truth. He is the life giving Spirit. He

proceeds from the father.

3- The reciting of the creed reminds the

sons and daughters of the Holy Church that

they are united in one faith.

The teaching of the Holy Church re-

garding the Holy Trinity: 1- The Holy Church has not made any

changes regarding the Dogma of the pro-

cession of the Holy Spirit.

2- The Holy Church has kept and main-

tained that the Holy Spirit proceeds from

the Father as it was decreed and dogma-

tized by the 318 fathers in the Council of

Nicaea in the year 325 and, and endorsed

in the Second Ecumenical Council of 381

in Constantinople.

3- Some Churches later in time added to

the original ‘and from the Son’.

4- The Holy Spirit precedes from God the

Father, Who is the source of Divinity, and

is sent by God the Son, Who is the wisdom

and power of the All Mighty God.

……………….Continue on the next page

A Publication of Saint Andrew’s Assyrian Church of the East

Copyright © 2013 by Assyrian Church of the East Page 1

Copyright © 2013 by Assyrian Church of the East Page 2


Continued from page (1)

The Holy Spirit in the Liturgy of the Holy

Church: 1- In the liturgy of the Holy Church the three

persons of the Holy Trinity are equally wor-

shipped. It is written:

“We worship O Lord unto your Godhead and

your Humanity without division, the hidden and

concealed power of your glorified Trinity father

Son and Holy Spirit forever and ever.” Amen

2- Most of the priestly prayers are concluded

with the phrase; “O Lord of all, Father, Son and

Holy Spirit . . . Amen”

3- The Holy Church blesses and seals all the

Sacraments and Sacramental elements in the

name of the most glorified Trinity. It is written:

“. . . . Go therefore and make disciples of all

nations, baptizing them in the name of the Fa-

ther and of the Son and of the Holy

Spirit,” (Matthew 28:19).

4- The Baptismal Rite of The Assyrian Church

of the East teaches us that the newly baptized

receives The Gift of The Holy Spirit on the day

of Baptism. It is written:

“May The earnest of The Holy Spirit which ye

have received, and The Mysteries of Christ

which ye have taken, and His living sign which

ye have received, and The new life which ye

have gained, and the armor of righteousness

which ye have put on, keep you from The evil-

one and his hosts. . . .”

Again it is written:

“. . . He saved us, not because of any works of

righteousness that we had done, but according

to his mercy, through the water of rebirth and

renewal by the Holy Spirit. This Spirit he

poured out on us richly through Jesus Christ our

Savior,” (Titus 3–6) (Acts 2:38) (Acts 8:17)

5- The Holy Spirit came upon our Lord Jesus

Christ in The form of a dove, on the day of His

baptism, It is written:

“. . And when Jesus had been baptized, just as

he came up from the water, suddenly the heav-

ens were opened to him and he saw the Spirit of

God descending like a dove and alighting on

him.” (Matthew 3:16)

6- In the liturgy of the Holly Offering the cele-

brant calls upon the Holy Spirit to come upon

the gifts of the bread and wine and to conse-

crate them into the Body and blood of our Lord

Jesus Christ. It is written:

“ . . and may Your Holy Spirit, O my Lord,

come and rest upon this oblation of Your ser-

vants, and He bless it, and may He hallow it,

and may it be to us, O My Lord, for the pardon

of debtsand for the forgiveness of sins, and the

great hope of the resurrection from the dead,

for new life in the Kingdom of Heaven, with

all those who have been well pleasing unto

You; for all this great and wonderful dispensa-

tion toward us, we give You thanks, and glorify

You without ceasing within Your Church, re-

deemed by the Precious Blood of Your Christ,

with unclosed mouths and unveiled faces.”

7- It is written in the priestly book of the Assyr-

ian church of the East that a priest blesses the

oil of healing by calling upon the grace of God

to be bestowed upon the oil. It is written:

“O true Physician whose word is full of all

helps and healing medicines; do Thou, O my

Lord, bestow Thy grace upon this oil that it

may become our Physician (helper) and healer

for all our sickness and infirmities; and the

reliever of our afflictions; bringing comfort to

our distresses; remedying our pains; cleansing

our wounds, taking away our fevers, may we

find in it all our healing salves and helps

through this salve which Thou hast made for us,

and may we lift to Thy Trinity, which is full of

all good things, glory, honor, and thanksgiving,

now and at all times, O Lord of all, Father, Son

and Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen”

8- In the Liturgy of the Holy Church the Holy

Spirit is called “The Giver of Life”Because

unless a person is born of the water and Holy

Spirit cannot enter into the Kingdom of God. It

is written:

“. . . Jesus answered, ‘Very truly, I tell you no

one can enter the kingdom of God without be-

ing born of water and Spirit.” (John 3:5)

The Holy Spirit and the Prophecies: 1- The Holy Spirit spoke by and through

the prophets. It is recorded in the There

Old Testament that God the Father put His

Spirit upon some chosen people who were

called Prophets. It is written:

“ . . But Moses said to him, ‘Are you jeal-

ous for my sake? Would that all the Lord’s

people were prophets, and that the Lord-

would put his spirit on them!’” (Numbers


2- The New Testament confirms the Doc-

trine that the Holy Spirit of God moved the

Prophets to speak and reveal the Divine

will of God. It is written”

“.. Because no prophecy ever came by

human will, but men and women moved

by the Holy Spirit spoke from God” (II

Peter 1:21)

Again it is written:

“. . . all Scripture is given by inspiration of

God, and is profitable for doctrine, for

reproof, for correction, for instruction in

righteousness . . .” (II Timothy 3:16) (I

Peter 1:12)

3- Jesus declares that the Holy Spirit re-

veals the will of God to noble men. It is

written: “And Jesus answered him,

‘Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah! For

flesh and blood has not revealed this to

you, but my Father in heaven.” (Matthew


4- The Prophet Joel has prophesied that

God will pour out His Spirit upon people

and they will prophesy. It is written:

“. . . Then afterwards I will pour out my

spirit on all flesh; your sons and your

daughters shall prophesy, your old men

shall dream dreams, and your young men

shall see visions. Even on the male and

female slaves, in those days, I will pour

out my spirit.” (Joel 2:28-29).

The Gifts of the Holy Spirit: 1- Saint Luke the Evangelist identifies for

us the chief gifts of The Holy Spirit. It is


“ . . . . The Spirit of The Lord shall rest

upon him, The Spirit of wisdom, and un-

derstanding, The Spirit of counsel and

might, and The Spirit of knowledge and of

The fear of The Lord . . . ” (Isaiah 11:2)

2- Saint Paul the Apostle writes in his

Epistles about the gifts of the Holy Spirit:

It is written:

“Now there are varieties of gifts, but the

same Spirit; and there are varieties of ser-

vices, but the same Lord; and there are

varieties of activities, but it is the same

God who activates all of them in everyone.

To each is given the manifestation of the

Spirit for the common good. To one is

given through the Spirit the (1) utterance

of wisdom, and to another (2) the utterance

of knowledge according to the same Spirit,

to another (3) faith by the same Spirit, to

another gifts of (4)healing by the one

Spirit, to another the (5) working of mira-

cles, to another (6) prophecy, to another

the (7) discernment of spirits, to another

(8) various kinds of tongues, to another the

(9) interpretation of tongues. All these are

activated by one and the same Spirit, who

allots to each one individually just as the

Spirit chooses.” (1Corinthians 12: 4-11,


The Holy Spirit and the secular world: a- The world cannot see the Holy Spirit

and does not know Him. However faithful

believers know the Holy Spirit because He

dwells in them. It is written: (John 14:17)

b- The world regrets the Holy Spirit by not

knowing and accepting Him. (Acts 7:51)

c-We sadden the Holy Spirit by not follow-

ing His instructions. It is written:

(Ephesians 4:30)

………………………….Continue on page 9



Page 3

Walking in Mother’s

Footsteps As a first time expectant mother, there are many thoughts that go

through your mind regarding the growing baby in

your womb. There are so many worries and scenarios

you play in your mind of what can possibly go wrong

or 'what if my baby is born with...' Then, you always

wonder what type of parent you will be. Will you

have the patience it takes to adjust to the child's

needs? Well, at this point, there's no turning back! Or

how about the thought of how you are going to raise

your child in a world in which there is so much evil

and bad things happening more frequently? At least,

that's how we perceive it to be. You want to provide

the best environment for your child, it's only natural.

You want to see them grow up physically, mentally

and spiritually in a healthy manner.

I strive to walk in my mother's footsteps in how she

raised me and my 3 siblings. Growing us up in the

Church was her main formula. Sunday morning was

always going to Mar Gewargis Assyrian Church of

the East, no questions asked. She knew that there was no better

place to learn the ABC's of salvation. There's no greater insur-

ance than the love and mercy of our Healer, Jesus Christ. Without

Him, we are nothing. In this day in age, you have to trust Him

and hold His hand because you will lose your way if you don't.

Our children are getting lost in this material world because they

have not yet established a solid relationship with our Saviour.

The sooner they learn the importance of keeping Jesus in their

hearts permanently, the better their chances of 'surviving' in this

crazy world we live in. When you send your child to school for 7-

8 hours a day, they are exposed to so many evil things and you,

as a parent, cannot be there to monitor all their actions and pro-

tect them. There is a melting pot of students of various disci-

plines, backgrounds, religions and ethnicities. You can't control

how other parents raise their children. Therefore, any

exposure to evil may easily sway your child in that

direction if they've not yet built a solid foundation in

their Christianity. As a parent-to-be, I think the most

worrisome thing to think about is how to protect your

child. It's only instinctive to have this feeling.

We have to trust God and that His plan will always

be perfect. He already provided us our strength and

guidance through His son, Jesus Christ. It's our role

and obligation as parents to provide that love of Jesus

to our children. With a combination of routine

Church-going and building a home-life that strongly

encourages a growing relationship with Jesus Christ

that seems to be one of the best recipes for raising a

child in today's age. As the time draws near, I look

forward to experiencing a mother's love for her child.

And I can't wait to share the love of Jesus with an-

other soul. God truly gave us the best gift; we just

have to open our hearts.

"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son,

that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal

life." John 3:16

By: Meriam Lazar -St.Andrews Church Office-Choir-Bible

study teacher

Saint Andrew’s Committees:

Church Senior Pastor Father George Toma.

Deacons: Norman Israel, Elbron Odisho, Adnan David, Sargon Kesso, Edison Youkhana, George Antar, Yousef Mikhael, Sabir, George Baezo, Thompson Esho,

Alfret Shamoun, Elie Antar.

Committees Chairman (David Arkis).

Building Director/Manager (Interim-David Arkis): Younes Zaia, Namrood Khamis, Louzan Odisho, Rema Shamoun, Elona Bahram, Paul Rehana, Peter Amaden,

Ray Kando, Youkhana Youkhana, Hani Shamoun.

Co-Chairman (Jack Youna).

Secretary (Ban Youna).

Treasurer Chairman (Gilbert Khosrabowdi): Sargon Yosifi , Mariam Lazar, Najla Mikhail, Bushra yalda

Accountant (Julie Kako).

Fundraising Committee (Vacant): Al Puccinelli

Youth President (Narsai Toma).

Ladies Auxiliary Chairwoman (Catrina Khamou): Lucy Sima, Ales Dawood, Shami Audisho, Doreen Haider, Sonia Khammo, Layla Youkhana, Bassima Sorisho,

Magie Zaya, Jane Hana, Jenny, Nada Younan, Mariam.

Choir Chairwoman (Najat Marcos): Saad Yalda, Albert Aessa, Jena Kena.

Education-Jennifer Younan, Deacon Adnan David, Souad Timatyos, Deacon George Antar, Nirona Shino, Ashorina Youana, Dr. Michael, Juliana Thomas, Mike

Micho, Adnan David, Youbert Bahram, Helen Yousif, Nwyia Garmos Aramaic, Bronica Amrahi, Josephine Youhana, Mardin Shinoo, Connie Shakro, Kristy An-

drews, Queen Ishay, Raquel Youkhana, Stephanie Andrews, Claudia Shakro, Neeran Shmoel, Regina Younan.

Youth Choir- Sargon Yalda, Rachel Thomas, Jena Kena.

Sports (Vacant).

Public Relations (Vacant).

Ushers Chairman (Michael Michael): Albert Youel, Youkhana Youkhana, Ramzi Odich, George Danyel, Gilbert Gewargis, Abrahim Lazar.

Visitation Chairman (Edmon Younan): Deacon Norman Israel, Anderious Youkhana.

Special Events Chairperson (Vacant): Nirona Shinoo, Julie Kako, Hewi Adaay, Suzana Yalda, Diala Joseph, Gabi Yawanis, Sargon Yalda, Neeran Shmoel, Aida Jo-

seph, Tanya Khamo, Doreen Haider, Diana Esho.

Maintenance Chairman (Musa Moshy): William Younan, Anderious Youkhana, Manny Yalda (IT), Yalda Kako (IT), Ashor Tamo (IT), Ashor Khoshaba (Sound

System), Tony Atou (Sound System), Mounir Shamoon (Sound System).

Media Chairman (Billy George): Hani Shawel, Robert Thomas, Hewi Adaay, Dani Shamoun, Ramsin George, Amer Kasso, Albert Lazar, Mariam Ebrahimi, Ben-

yamin Odisho.

Copyright © 2013 by Assyrian Church of the East

Page 4

St. Andrew’s Education

Department is growing!

The St. Andrew’s

Church Education Depart-

ment includes several

groups: Friday School,

Sunday School, High

School Youth, College

Youth, Adult Bible Study,

Music, Art, Sports, and

Summer Camp. Each de-

partment within the Educa-

tion Department has a representative that is

capable of answering your questions about

their section of the program. We are proud

to offer a wide range of opportunities for

our members from ages 3 up to adulthood.

Our primary objective is to raise

all of our children in the love of God and

bring them closer to the house of God, also

to teach the Assyrian Language (Aramaic)

our Lord’s own Language, to our Children

and educate them on the importance of

speaking and preserving it. All of our

Church teachings promote the characteris-

tics that every Christian should possess

and demonstrate in their daily lives. We

instruct students on the stories of the bible

so that they may apply those lessons to

their lives today. Beginning in the fall, we

will have the instructional format of pre-

senting “bible basics” on Fridays and

“sermon preparation” on Sundays. Friday

classes will focus on bible stories in a

planned curriculum program that insures

our students will have a strong bible foun-

dation. Sunday classes will preview the

sermon of the week and help students to

identify key words that they may hear and

need to know in Assyrian. Sunday classes

will also work on helping children to

memorize key prayers that they need to

know in order to participate in the service

as adults. Father Toma has helped us to

identify key prayers that we will recite

with children at different age levels as part

of their annual goals. Being a Christian is

a lifelong opportunity to learn about God

and his message for us all! Please be sure

to ask your child about the bible stories

that we teach so that your family may have

an ongoing dialogue at home about God

and his love. Strong families build strong

churches. Strong churches bring glory to

our Lord and Savior!

As a church with a strong cultural

bond, we are developing a progressive

program in the instruction of the Assyrian

language (which is also known as Neo

Aramaic). Our teachers are dedicated to

the promotion of language development in

the areas of reading and writing for our

children to preserve and advance the lan-

guage skills that our forefathers knew.

We are proud to say that we are working

diligently to save the language that the

bible was written thousands of years ago!

We have dedicated volunteers developing

curriculum that is based off of the school

system here in the United States. Curricu-

lum is a framework for teaching that helps

us to identify what academic goals a child

should know at each age level. We will be

using resources that are already developed

AND new resources to help students meet

those academic goals. Our staff will be in

training all summer long to bring our stu-

dents the best program available to meet

these needs. The teachers will also be

working hard this summer to learn new

teaching methods for literacy development

that can further promote reading and writ-


The social ties that our children

form in childhood will carry them into

adulthood. Bonding activities within the

church can be found through music, art,

and sports. Children learn a great deal

about the culture of their heritage through

music and art. This is a creative opportu-

nity for our children to express themselves.

Keep in mind that the creative portions of

the brain have historically been important

in the discovery of new medicines, diplo-

macy, and leadership. Sports help children

to learn to work together to achieve goals

while developing their own skills. Coop-

erative work is the model most often used

in the work force today for advanced posi-

tions. Promoting the success of the group

also promotes the success of the individual

in the eyes of a future employer. Coopera-

tive group competition will be the model

used in our sport department as a prepara-

tion for our children to be successful in the

workplace as adults. As with all educa-

tional areas, participants will be expected

to set personal growth goals and self-

evaluate those goals throughout the time-

frame of participation.

If you are interested in joining

one of our departments, please contact us

or come by the education office to discuss

this in greater detail. New additions are

always welcome! Also, feel free to let us

know of any language materials that you

may have. We will be identifying re-

sources over the summer that we wish to

use in language study next year.

Ask yourself, “Have I kissed a

St. Andrew’s volunteer today?” The

volunteers at St. Andrew are devoted and

faithful members of the church that spend

many hours to support the needs of the

parishioners and the community! Two

cheeks, no waiting!!

By: Jennifer Younan


The mission……….

Glorify and honor God the father, the Son and the Holy Spirit

and make Him known. Preach His word (The Gospel) thru the

Holy Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of the East, estab-

lished by the teachings of our Lord’s Disciples and the

Church’s Saints, preached by the Church Patriarchs, Bishops

and Priests, as the source of the good news.

Teach the Assyrian Language (Aramaic), one of our Lord’s

main Language, to our Children and educate them on the im-

portance of speaking and preserving it. By: Saint Andrew’s Church Committee

Copyright © 2013 by Assyrian Church of the East


Page 5

Seeing the Light By: Mardin Shinoo

Few not so easy to answer ques-

tions have been swirling in my head. Why do

you drive on a parkway and park in a drive-

way? Why do they call them apartments

when they're all stuck together? When two

airplanes almost collide, they call it a near-miss; shouldn't they

call it a near-hit? Too many questions and so many mysteries in

the world that constantly try to cast doubt in our knowledge. It is

part of human nature to doubt everything sometimes, including

our faith. These questions got me thinking that doubting should

not coexist with faith, or should we Christians even doubt?

For many Christians, merely having doubts of any kind

can be scary. It is safe to say that every believer in Christ has had

moments of doubt. Biblically, doubt was part of the New Testa-

ment. The apostle Peter had faith in Jesus when he stepped out of

the boat and began walking on the stormy sea. After he gave into

his fear of drowning, he lost his faith in Jesus and began sinking.

Jesus saved him from drowning and said "You of little faith, why

did you doubt?"(Matthew 14:31).

Building on your faith and strengthening your relation-

ship with God, is something that takes effort, discipline and pa-

tience. Doubt, sometimes is a sign of true faith. It is through

doubt that we realize we are wrong and we come to true certain-

ties about what we believe. The apostle Mark writes, “As he

came down the mountain, Jesus was met by a large crowd of peo-

ple. A father had brought his demon-possessed son to Jesus' dis-

ciples, but they were not able to cast the demon out. In despera-

tion the father appealed to Jesus, "If You can do anything, take

pity on us and help us!" Jesus answered, "If You can! All things

are possible to him who believes." The father responded, "I do

believe; help my unbelief" (Mark 9:14-24). Many people can

identify with the father in the story. As human beings, it’s possi-

ble to have faith and doubt.

In fact the bible teaches to

not to shoo away the

doubts, but rather replace

them with what is good,

true, and pure; God’s love.

But if you are still carrying

the heavy burden of doubt,

I hope that God gives you

an experience of faith that

will convince you of God’s

love, peace and power. If you seek God with all of your heart,

you will find him.


At the center of the Assyrian flag is a golden circle, representing the sun. Symbolically, it gener-

ates heat and light to sustain the earth and all living things. The star surrounding the sun stands for

the land, its light blue color representing tranquility.

The three major rivers of our homeland are represented by the wavy stripes that extend from

the center of the flag to its four corners. The dark blue is for the Euphrates river, which

stands for the Assyrian word peruta meaning abundance. The red stripes symbolize the Ti-

gris river, its crimson color honoring courage, glory, and pride. The white lines between the

two represent Zawa, as tranquility and peace. Many view the three stripes as roads that will

lead the dispersed Assyrian people back to their homeland.

Above the blue star, at the top of the flag, sits the ancient Assyrian God Ashur, who guards the

people the flag represents. It is an ancient symbol.

On top of the flagstaff is the standard of King Sargon I, who established the first Assyrian empire. During the ancient times this in-

signia stood by the king's side to let everyone know his whereabouts.


Copyright © 2013 by Assyrian Church of the East

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Copyright © 2013 by Assyrian Church of the East

Assyrian Wedding Kil-lil-lil-lil-lil. You hear that wonderful sound at

every single Assyrian wedding. Assyrian weddings are

a very important part of our culture. Everything that we

do has a special meaning to it, from the day before the

wedding, to the day of the wedding, and to the day after

the wedding. Every detail means something.

Assyrian weddings emphasize the role of old

traditions a lot; it is an essential part of it. This includes

everything from music, food, dress and more. From the

early morning on the wedding day and to the last min-

ute, and throughout the day, these traditions are at play.

Assyrians have a

tradition that is centuries

old, “Dawoola O’Zorna,”

the flute and drum and

they are often played by

two people. Dawoola

O’Zorna is played at both

the bride and groom’s

house. It is also played

following the official reli-

gious ceremony at the

church. In addition, of

course, at the wedding

banquet hall, throughout

the wedding, especially

at the end. No Assyrian

wedding is complete

without the musical play

of Dawoola O’Zorna It just

puts people in the mood,

and gives the wedding a very special Assyrian taste.

When it comes to dress, Assyrians have to go

back to traditions too. Although not as popular as before

or as is the case in the Middle East, ‘Joole D’Khoomala’

are the most traditional piece of clothing that Assyrians

wear for weddings. Translated, it means ‘The dress of

Fun.’ Together with Dawoola O’Zoorna, Joole D’K-

hoomala can make the difference between a purely As-

syrian wedding and just any wedding.

Food also has a place in Assyrian wedding tradi-

tions and showers. There are many traditional dishes

and deserts, which are served during, before or after the

official wedding ceremony. One such desert is ‘Kadeh

and Kileche’, sweet, nut-laden pastries.

On the day before the wedding, the groom’s

family holds a ‘Khyapta D’Khitna.’ This translates to the

‘Groom’s Shower.’ What happens on this day is when the

groomsmen take the groom and they give him a


The day of the wedding, the bride and groom’s

family all go to the bride’s house and hold a ‘Palata

D’Kalo’ which means ‘Escorting the Bride.’ On this hour,

the families take pictures, sing, and dance and once they

are done, they escort the bride to the limo and then to

the church. One of the bride’s brothers or male cousins

holds the door and doesn’t let her out until someone

from the groom’s family pays him to open it. The

‘Dawoola O’Zoorna’ plays at this time.

Another tradition that Assyrians have at their

weddings are 'Yalikhyate.' These are decorated pieces

of cloths that are in many different colors, and have

beads at the end. So when you move the 'Yalikhta' it

makes a jingling noise.

The families of the bride

and groom wave the

'Yalikhyate' around when

they dance 'Khiga.' They

also have canes,

'Qoopale' decorated with

beads and colors, and

they also dance with the


At the church, the tradi-

tional wedding ceremony

goes on. With the priest

and deacons, they say

some prayers, drink

wine, sign papers, put on

red and white ribbons,

and exchange rings. The

ceremony goes for about

an hour. Now the bride

and groom are officially married.

Now it is time to party. All of the families and

friends of the bride and groom go to a banquet to sing

and dance all day long. The bride and groom welcome

everyone, cut their cake, dance a slow dance, and party

all night long.

From food to music and dress, Assyrian wed-

dings try to relate and emphasize old traditions, as much

as possible. Failing to pay attention to these traditional

details changes a wedding from a purely Assyrian one to

a just a normal wedding. Many Assyrians nowadays are

mixing old traditions with new modern Western tradi-

tions, to appeal to both the old

and the young.

By: Ninorta Kasso


Copyright © 2013 by Assyrian Church of the East

The History of the Church of

the East The Church of the East began

during the missionary activities

which took place in the Apostolic

age. The Assyrian people of upper

Mesopotamia have always been an

important part of the Church of the

East, though historically they were

only one ethnic group among many

others within the Church. Today, the

Assyrian people represent the single

surviving cultural grouping, and they

play a major role in the establishing

of the world’s civilization. The ancient

homeland of the Assyrians is Meso-

potamia, modern

Iraq. The first biblical mention of

these ancient people is found in


10:110-12: "and the beginning of His

kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and

Accad, and Caliah in the land of Si-

nar.” Assyria is estimated to have

been established about 3000 B.C.

from the land of Sinar. Ashur went

forth and built Nineveh, the capital

city of Assyria which was destroyed

in 606 B.C.

The name Syria has been fre-

quently used in the literature of the

Church of the East to denote Assyr-

ians. Today, this name is incorrect,


Syria is an Arab country located

northwest of Iraq. Even though there

is not a country called Assyria there

are almost four million Assyrians liv-

ing all over the world.

The history of the foundation

of the ancient Christian Church of the

East dates back to the life and times

of our Lord Jesus Christ. When He

commanded His disciples saying,

“but above all go to the sheep which

arelost from the House of Is-

rael."(Matthew 10:6). The lost sheep

are the Jews that were led into exile

by Sargon, King of Assyria, in the

year 722 B.C. and also by Nebuchad-

nazzar, king of Babylon, in the year

597 B.C. Furthermore, the Apostles

who worked and established

churches in Assyria and Babylon

were Mar Toma ( St. Thomas) on his

way to India and Mar Addai who went

to Babylon, the capital city of Persia

at that time. In fact, Urhai became the

starting point of the Church of the

East and the center of early Christian

life and literature. The growth and

expansion of the Church of the East

for centuries surpassed that of the

Roman Empire and will always re-

main a remarkable achievement in

Christian history.

The Christian gospel was

more easily understood and ac-

cepted by the Assyrians than by

other people because the Christian

faith is of Semitic origin and revealed

through prophecies in the Aramaic

language that was common to both

the Assyrians and the Jews at the time


Christ, and by the year 90 A.D. this

ancient church already had nineteen

Episcopal Sees from Mesopotamia to

the Caspean Sea and India. (Stewart

1961, 4). Between the end of the first

century and the middle of the second

century, the influence of the Church

of the East extended all the way to


The famous college of

Edessa, which became the center of

extensive knowledge and learning in

all over the world, was founded in the

early part the 3rd century A.D. as a

monastic institution. (Stewart 1961,

6). Great saints and scholars, such as

Mar Aprim and Mar Narsai and the

letter known as the “harp of the

spirit” were products of this college

(Stewart 1961, 6). The names and the

fame of a host of other saints and

scholars, trained in all the knowledge

and science of the day were products

of Edessa, and Nasibin and the other

famous colleges which have now

passed into history.

The Church of the East

teaches that our Lord Jesus Chris is

true God and true Man (Human) per-

fect in His Divinity and perfect in His

Humanity, consubstantial with the

Father and con-substantial with us in

all but sin. His divinity and humanity

are united in one person without con-

fusion or change, without division or

separation. In our Lord Jesus Christ

has been preserved the difference in

the natures of divinity and humanity,

and all their properties, facilities, and

operation. The divinity and humanity

are united in the person of the same

and unique Son of God and Lord Je-

sus Christ, who is the object of a sin-

gle adoration.

The Church of the East

teaches that the humanity of which

the Blessed Virgin Mary gave birth

was always that of the Son of God

Himself. The same God of the word,

begotten of His Father before all

worlds without beginning of His di-

vinity, was born of a mother without

father in the last times according to

His Humanity. The church of the East

always speaks of the Virgin Mary as

the Mother of Christ, our Lord and


By: Hewi S. Arkis

Page 7

Page 8

Did you know we have superpowers? That’s

what I told my Bible Study class at St. An-

drews when we were learning about Matthew

chapter 10. Need a refresher? “The twelve

Jesus sent out and commanded them, say-

ing: ‘Do not go into the way of the Gen-

tiles, and do not enter a city of the Samari-

tans. But rather to the lost sheep of the

house of Israel. And as you go, preach,

saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand.

Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the

dead, cast out demons. Freely you have

received freely give.’”

So we know that the apostles of Christ and

Saints have these divine powers. But are we

not all called to be disciples and even saints?

“And Jesus came and said to them, ‘All

authority in heaven and on earth has been

given to me. Go therefore and make disci-

ples of all nations, baptizing them in the

name of the Father and of the Son and of

the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe

all that I have commanded you. And be-

hold, I am with you always, to the end of

the age.’” Matthew 28: 18-20

So if we are all called to be disciples how do

we use these powers, or know what our pow-

ers even are? Even though I explained to my

class that we have “powers” the bible actu-

ally calls them spiritual gifts, gifts that are

not earthly in nature but are from a divine

authority. The bible tells us how the disci-

ples received their gifts. “So Jesus said to

them again, ‘Peace to you! As the Father

has sent me, I also send you.’ And when he

had said this, he breathed on them, and

said to them, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit. If

you forgive the sins of any, they are for-

given them; if you retain the sins of any,

they are retained.” John 20:21-23.

The disciples at this time received their gifts

of the Holy Spirit. The passage before this

verse stated that Jesus told them not to leave

Jerusalem, until after they received God’s

Promise. Do you think this promise is only to

the disciples? St. Paul will attest to this and

state that we all are promised the Holy Spirit

and the Word of God. St. Paul even tells us

what these gifts are. 1Corinthians 12: 7-11,

and 1Corinthians 13.

1) Wisdom 2) Knowledge 3) Faith 4)

Healing 5) Working of Miracles 6)

Prophecy 7) Discerning of Spirits 8)

Different Kinds of Tongues 9) Interpreta-

tion of Tongues

Jesus sent them after they received their gifts

to bring the Word of God to all four corners

of the world. Even the disciples, in the be-

ginning, thought that they were the only ones

who held these gifts and it actually created a

wide debate within the apostles. It started

with a vision that St. Peter had (Acts 10)

where God told him to “Rise, Peter; kill and

eat.” After Peter debated with this the Lord

said, “What God has cleansed you must

not call common.” Peter was debating with

the fact that the Lord is telling him to eat

meat that was not cleansed according to the

Jewish tradition. He then received a request

from Cornelius the Centurion, a just man

who feared God and had a good reputation

but was a Gentile (a person who is not Jew-


The disciples thought, after Christ’s resurrec-

tion that salvation was only for the Jews. But

the Holy Spirit will show Peter God’s will.

He went to the house of Cornelius and

“while Peter was still speaking these

words, the Holy Spirit fell upon all those

who heard the word…the gift of the Holy

Spirit had been poured out on the Gentiles

also. For they heard them speak with

tongues and magnifying God.’” Acts 10:44

-46. Peter then baptized them with water in

the name of the Lord. It says in Acts chapter

11 that when the other disciples heard about

this, upon Peter’s arrival, many were upset

because they were not Jewish. Peter ex-

plained to them in Acts chapter 11: 16-17 to

remember the words of the Lord Jesus Christ,

“’John indeed baptized with water, but

you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit.’

If therefore God gave them the same gift

as he gave us when we believed on the

Lord Jesus Christ, who was I that I could

withstand God?” So it’s a long explanation

but I am trying to prove that:

We are all called to be disciples of


Because we are disciples we are prom-

ised the gift of the Holy Spirit by


We have the SAME gifts as the disciples

of Christ, to heal the sick, cleanse

the lepers, raise the dead, and cast

out demons!

If you would like to receive the anointing of

the Holy Spirit, and your spiritual gifts, there

are four primary things you need to do. Trust

me, if it can work for me it can work for you.

The Bible has told us the recipe (Cornelius

prayed and fasted, was a just man, and feared

God), Jesus has already taken the barrier of

sin away, so now it’s up to us to answer the

knocking door of Jesus and accept his gifts.

Step 1: Make a declaration of Faith out loud

and read the bible consistently, daily, and

with your whole heart (take notes, read out

loud, attend bible studies at the Assyrian

Church of the East, and meditate)

Step 2: Prayer and Fasting

Step 3: Good Deeds and Acts-Live the life of


Step 4: Patiently wait for your gifts

I am still learning in my faith but

my goal is to let others know that once Jesus

was resurrected he sent down the Holy Spirit

to be among us. Purify your bodies and

souls; let the seed of the spirit fall upon good

and tilled soil so your tree of faith can grow.

Water and feed it with prayer, fasting, and

reading the word of God. The best way to do

this would be participating in bible studies

offered through the church, specifically at St.

Andrews it is on every Tuesday and Friday

evening at 7:30pm. During my spiritual jour-

ney I regularly attended these teachings. It is

a great time to ask the priest or deacon any

questions, and also discuss with others the

meaning of scripture. The more you do this

the more the Holy Spirit will shine upon your

tree in your soul. The more sunlight your

tree has the more opportunities it will have to

grow and bear fruit. Do not be in despair

when the Holy Spirit tells you to cut some-

thing from your life that is not God’s, for

every tree needs to be pruned to stay beauti-

ful and healthy so good fruits can blossom.

The fruit of the spirit , and your tree, are your

gifts. We all have the opportunity to receive

these gifts but you must first answer the

knocking door of Christ in your life and start

the growing process. In the next issue I will

discuss my personal testimony of how by

seeking the Lord and asking for my spiritual

gift/s, I found what I was looking for and it

did MIRACLES in my life and the life of


By: Juliana



Copyright © 2013 by Assyrian Church of the East

ܛ ܦܐܬܐ

Created by Hewi S. Arkis

Crossword Puzzle in Assyrian

ܐ ܒ ܓ ܕ ܗ ܘ ܙ ܚ ܛ

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

ܡܢ ܓܝܢܒܐ ܕܡܢܝܢܐ ܕܓܘ ܠܫܢܐ ܕܐܢܓܠܝܣ، ܡܦܠܚ ܡܢܝܢܐ .1 ܕܠܫܢܐ ܐܬܘܪܝܐ

.ܚܕܐ ܐܬܘܬܐ ܠܐ ܡܬܕܡܝܢܬܐ ܓܘ ܟܠ ܓܪܓܐ ܘܟܠ ܡܪܒܥܐ .2



Copyright © 2013 by Assyrian Church of the East

Created by Hewi S. Arkis

Page 10


Assyrian Church of the East Youth Choir–Illinois Diocese The Assyrian Church of the East-Youth Choir Illinois diocese (ACOE-YC) was established in January of 2009 at Saint Andrews

Church by the music conductor and group director Sargon Yalda. The group consisted of

young men and women selected from among the Church Friday and Sunday schools. The

goal of this establishment was to promote classic Spiritual, Cultural, and Patriotic songs

among our young Assyrian generation and ultimately, become the future members of the

Church Choir.

The group held their first Concert at St Andrews Parish, on Valentine’s Day, February 14,

2009 to celebrate the greatest love mankind experienced that of our Lord Jesus Christ. The

first hit song Khoubit Msheekha (Love of Christ) received a standing ovation in that concert.

ACOE-YC followed up with several performances in the Assyrian Community civic func-

tions, and a tour to Detroit in July 2009, they performed at our sister Church there; St. Mary


The first album, titled Khoubit Msheekha, was released in October of 2009, containing eight (8) songs. Several copies were also dis-

tributed to other ACOE Churches. It was also made available through Assyrian markets, and it can still be purchased at St. An-

drew’s gift shop as well.

In 2011, the group produced the second Album titled “Mawlada” and it contained a collec-

tion of nine (9) traditional Christmas carols sung in the Assyrian language. The second al-

bum was even a bigger success, and the songs were performed in several concerts and an

Operetta depicting the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

“New talent in the Choir is always welcome; there is naturally a screening process for new

applicants to ensure the highest level of excellence. Those who do not fare well in the initial

screening are trained separately and prepared for a second screening” the group director ex-


Mr. Yalda also mentioned…”The minimum age limit is ten (10) years old, and we currently

have about eighteen members ranging between the ages of ten (10) and twenty four (24)”. Although there is no set fee to join the

Choir, parents are asked for donations to cover the Choir uniform, stationary and miscellaneous expenses.

The youth group have recently started performing hymns during Holy Raza Qadeesha, and several people complimented the group’s

performances. Also, the group is currently working on the third Album titled “Shimsha”. The Album’s music is almost completed

and is scheduled to enter the studio for recording in the summer.

"Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 19:14

Interview conducted with the ACOE-YC director Sargon Yalda by David Arkis

Saint Andrew’s Church Consecration Anniversary A blessed one year and Glory to God; the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit for making us able to establish another house of God: Saint Andrew’s Church. A blessed first year anniversary since His Holiness Mar Dinkha IV, Catholicos Patriarch of the Holy Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of the East consecrated the Church Alter in a historical ceremony on Sunday, June 3rd, 2012.

By: Saint Andrew’s Church Committee

Copyright © 2013 by Assyrian Church of the East


Page 11 Copyright © 2013 by Assyrian Church of the East

Saint Andrew’s Church Summer Camp (SASC) marks the seventh year into a very successful pro-

gram that started back in 2006 while the Parish still congregated at Maryville Academy. At that time,

the program had a small group of children supervised by few Friday & Sunday teachers. It went for a

few weeks duration, which included some Assyrian language classes as well as bible study classes

and it was limited to few outdoor activities at the Maryville parks. Throughout the past years, and

due to the unlimited and encouragement of the parents of the

Children and endless support from the Church Pastor and the

committee, the program grew tremendously in size, curriculum

and activities. During the past year, the program had 77 children (ages 4-12) and the length of the

program was extended to 7 weeks, the hours stretched from 10am to 4pm, also, earlier drop off

and late pick up were accommodated as well. While in the camp, the Children, learn and are

exposed to variety of subjects including: Bible Lessons, Assyrian Language, Music, Arts &

Crafts, Assyrian Folklore Dances, Games, Sports, visits to the local park swimming pool, educa-

tional field trips & visits to the local attractions. Also, a friendly

planned visit by the local fire department and the

Assyrian Police Association is appreciated to give some safety and protection tips

and advises to the Children. The program ends its summer camp with a graduation

ceremony attended by H.G. Mar Paulus Benyamin, ACOE Eastern Diocese Bishop,

as well as Father George Toma, senior pastor at Saint Andrew’s Church, also by few

hundreds of the Children families and friends. God willing, keeping with the same

pace, this year SASC is expecting about 100 children.

By: Suzana Yalda-SASC Director

………...Continue from page 2

The Mission of the Holy Spirit: a- The Holy Spirit since the Feast of Pentecost abides in the Holy Church and performs the following ministries: it is written:

“If you love me, you will obey what I command. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you

forever, the Spirit of truth. ……… But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all

things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.” (John 14:15-26)

b- The Holy Spirit never leaves the faithful alone. It is written:

“And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, to be with you forever.” (John 14:16)

“Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you? If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy

that person. For God’s temple is holy, and you are that temple.” (1 Corinthians 3:16-17)

“Behold I am with you to the end of the world.” (Matthew 28: 20)

c- The Holy Spirit constantly reminds the Holy Church of the teachings of Jesus Christ.

d- The Holy Spirit reveals the divine will of God to people. (Ephesians 5:3) (1 Corinthians 2:10-14)

e- The Holy Spirit elevates lay People unto Priesthood. (Acts 20: 28) (1 peter 5:1-4)

f- The Holy Spirit works through the Holy sacraments of the Church and sanctifies the faithful.

g- The Holy Spirit Teaches wisdom to the Church leaders and guides them in all truth. (Luke 12: 11-12)

h- As the life-giving spirit, the Holy Spirit becomes the soul of the Holy Church and keeps the Church alive and Holy.

i- The Holy Spirit keeps the institution of the Holy Church united together as in one body.

j- The Holy Spirit comforts the world. (2 Corinthians 7:6)

k- The Holy Spirit will condemn the world for sin. (John 16:8)

l- The Holy Spirit helps believers to keep their faith. (2 Timothy 1:14)

m- The Holy Spirit strengthens the broken hearts. (Isaiah 57:15)

n- The Holy Spirit bestows peace and tranquility in the hearts and minds of faithful believers. (John 14:22)

o- The Holy Spirit supports believers in the time of persecutions and sufferings.

Saint Andrew’s Summer Camp (SASC)

S t . J o h n ’ s C h u r c h

1 4 2 1 W . L a w re n ce

C h i ca g o , I L 6 0 6 4 0

P h . ( 7 7 3 ) 2 7 1 - 1 1 1 6

F a x ( 7 7 3 ) 2 7 1 - 1 4 8 9

M a r G e w a r g i s C h u r c h

7 2 0 1 N . A sh l a n d

C h i ca g o , I L 6 0 6 2 6

P h . ( 7 7 3 ) 4 6 5 - 4 7 7 7

F a x ( 7 7 3 ) 9 7 3 - 2 3 1 1

S t . A n d r e w ’ s C h u r c h

9 0 1 N . M i l w a u ke e

G l e n v i e w , I L 6 0 0 2 5

P h . ( 8 4 7 ) 4 8 6 - 7 5 2 2

F a x ( 8 4 7 ) 4 8 6 - 7 5 2 8

M a r S a r g i s C h u r c h

1 8 5 0 W . C u y l e r

C h i ca g o , I L 6 0 6 1 3

P h . ( 7 7 3 ) 2 4 8 - 0 0 5 2

F a x ( 7 7 3 ) 2 4 8 - 7 0 9 4

S t . M a r y ’ s C h u r c h

6 6 0 L a rso n L a n e

R o se l l e , I L 6 0 1 7 2

P h . ( 6 3 0 ) 2 9 5 - 5 9 7 7

F a x ( 6 3 0 ) 2 9 5 - 5 9 7 8

Schedule of Liturgical & Fellowship/Special Events.

Sunday, June 9th, Saint Andrews Alter Consecration Anni-

versary breakfast.

Sunday, June 16th, Father Day event.

Sunday, June 23rd, Commemoration of Dokhrana Raban


Sunday, June 23rd, His Holiness blessings to High school &

Collage students.

Monday, June 24th, Summer Camp School begins.

Wednesday, July 3rd, Commemoration of Saint Thomas the

Apostle. Holy Mass at 6:00pm.

Sunday, July 14th, Commemoration of H.B. Mar Youip

Khnanisho. Holy Mass at 9:00am.

Friday, July 19th, Commemoration of Mar Mari the Apos-

tle. Holy Mass at 6:00pm.

Tuesday, August 6th, Feast of Transfiguration of our Lord &

Savior Jesus Christ. Holy Mass at 6:00pm.

Wednesday, August 7th, Commemoration of the Assyrian

Martyrs. Holy Mass at 6:00pm.

Friday August 9th, Commemoration of Mart Shmuni & her

sons. Holy Mass at 6:00pm.

Friday, August 9th, Summer camp Graduation Event.

Thursday August 15th, Commemoration of the Blessed Vir-

gin Mary in 38AD. Holy Mass at 6:00pm.

Friday August 19th, Commemoration of Mar Shimon Bar-

Sabbae. Holy Mass at 6:30pm.

Friday, August 23rd, Carnival/Food Festival.

Friday September 13th, Feast of the Cross. Holy Mass at


Friday, September 13th, Festival of the Cross (Car Raffle).

Saturday, September 14th, Commemoration of Mar Sawa,

Mar Odisho, Mar Bisho, Mar Zaia. Holy Mass at 9:00am.

Published by Saint Andrews Assyrian Church of the East. 901 N. Milwaukee Ave. Glen-view, Illinois.

Articles reflect point of view of writers in a positive encour-aging way.

Produced by: Hewi S. Arkis

Edited by: David Arkis.

Printed by: Niles Express Copy & Printing, 7542 W. Oak-ton, Niles, IL.

For more information, com-ments or suggestions email us at:

Thank you for our sponsors!

Page 12 Copyright © 2013 by Assyrian Church of the East

This edition of Seeds of

faith was sponsored by

Hewi S. Arkis in the mem-

ory of the beloved Father

Mr. Sharbil Aday Yowell

