Selecting seo services

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Selecting SEO Services

Roger Stewart roger@internetconsulting

Many search engine optimization (seo) companies claim they can rank a site. But if you listen carefully they never promise ranking but instead they promise activity by backlinking and article writing etc…. That’s not results driven.

So you pay and don’t get promised anything. In my opinion this is not the best business model and to make matters worse no one can promise ranking.

What’s a business to do, you are stuck between a rock and a hard place because anyone promising to rank your site for any keyword is making a promise they can’t necessarily keep and anyone willing to take your money without a promise is not necessarily going to accomplish your goals.

You are paying in advance for something that can’t really be promised. You could end up getting ranked 38th for a keyword and spending a lot of money to get that and we all know that getting ranked on the 3rd page for any keyword is a waste of time.

Also if you did a google search you would find all manner of tutorials about seo and ranking. If it was that easy…..then anyone could do it and we all know that ranking is more difficult than that and can't be solved with a google search. This is what you find online.

Don’t even get me started on the companies over in many 3rd world nations that operate seo companies from an internet café’s because they learned seo via a Google / YouTube search .

Everyone is saying, “ we can rank your business, we can drive traffic to your site.” In my experience, that has never been true

And let me explain that ranking for a keyword that gets no traffic is easy, but ranking for a keyword that is competitive is what people are looking for when they want to get their business ranked.

New Top Level Domain : .CO Have you researched the .co domains?

Now it’s important to understand that many .co's were purchased almost immediately when the extension was released and the reason why is because the .co extension is similar to the .com extension and is more respected than the .net, .org, .me. etc.... I mean more respected by Google.

Internet users have accepted dot co.

More and more people are domains for site building. More and more companies as their main sites or to make a defensive registration. When you check alexa ranking, more and sites enter the top 1 million and when you check Google trends, more and more terms about .co are searched.

So ranking is easier with .co and these extensions are three times more expensive than .com's.

What we as Internet Consultants Do As an internet consultant we are different

because our approach is directly tied to this analogy :

It’s important to understand the correlations between the real estate market and the online market.

In the real estate market it’s all about location , location , location, correct?

Well , online that statement is correct as well. In the real estate market you want your store on the street with the most traffic.

Online a KEYWORD is the street and the number of searches a keyword gets is the street traffic.

Why would you brand your company online with a keyword that does not get any traffic? Well that’s exactly what most companies do. We consider this the first mistake.

What we do is simply put your store on one of the busiest streets that gets significant amounts of traffic. This can be done within 3months but we’d recommend 6months to allow for saturation.

Here's the thing, we have something that most companies promise but can't achieve and that's ranking , traffic and sales results.

TRUST Have you considered your trust level

online ? Trust only comes from other sources.

TRUST CAN NOT COME FROM YOU. Social Media is Big these days. We

understand that the marketing message has to consistent. We understand that online you have to be everywhere all the time. You have to be an octupus, but you aren't an octupus. To succeed online , you have to be , there is no other way to do it. We know how to be everywhere all the time. We know how to make you into an octupus, how to put you everywhere all the time.

TEST and More TEST We’ve always known how to rank our

sites. So because we knew , we figured all of these other seo companies understand many of the basic principles I just outlined in this article.

Because of the number of domains that we own, we don’t have time to rank all of our sites.

So I got a wild idea to just pay for a company to rank out sites. Easy right ? We figured it was fairly easy to just pay a company and they would rank us because we’ve done it for ourselves. LOL. I've never been more wrong in my life.

We signed up for about 7 different services to do it. Not a one succeeded.

Really we thought everyone knew what we knew. I wanted to focus on domains and the art I produce, ranking a site and doing all the keyword research and statistics and all of that is not something I wanted to do as an artist.

So after spending a great deal of money trying to buy a solution that I figured was easy I was stunned to realize but ... No one else I've met was able to do what we've done in such a short period of time and not by doing something blackhat or spammy. So my partner and I are only recently waking up to realize that we have this advantage in the market place. We can do something not many others can and that is to put a site on a busy street quickly.

Who We Are We are artist and online marketers that

offers an online marketing and internet consulting service that is extremely beneficial to most any business online. It doesn’t matter if you sell shoestrings , we can help you understand basic concepts that the market place has no idea of how to implement.

My company was ranked 8th after 45 days and ranked #1 60 days after we published the site. We can’t divulge all of our sites but because I’m a photographer and artist please, understand that is my flagship site. We get about 20 sales a day on Wall Décor and will soon be marketing other artist prints.

Currently all the artwork was produced by me. Our online marketing process has worked every time. We would never promise to rank your site nor would we charge for a promise. When we are done , you will say , I can rank my site and I know exactly how to go about doing it. I will know how to set up an online marketing system that will virtually ensure my success in ranking and driving targeted traffic. We won’t make you any promises….. You will.

Roger Stewart roger@internetconsulting 877-776-7530 301-385-5833