Self defense training gurgaon

Post on 23-Feb-2017

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Young India Martial Art India+91-9953297683/9211656329

KarateJudoWushuKick-BoxingTaeKwondoTaichiMuay Thai

Self Defence Techniques

Karate A method developed in Japan of defending oneself without the use of weapons by striking sensitive areas on an attacker's body with the hands, elbows, knees, or feet.

Judo is a martial art that was born in Japan, and it is now known around the world as an Olympic sport. Judo was established in 1882 by combining jujitsu, a form of wrestling, with mental discipline.

Wushu which is also referred to as kung-fu, is the collective term for the martial art practices which originated and developed in China, and wushu is the well-spring of all Asian martial practices.

Kickboxing the origins of Full Contact Kickboxing can be found in Thailand in the 2,000 year old discipline of Muay Thai fighting. Thai boxing was devised, initially, for self-defence. It only developed into a sport when unarmed combat in warfare became less and less effective.

Taekwondo the name Taekwondo is derived from the Korean word "Tae" meaning foot, "Kwon" meaning fist and "Do" meaning way of. So, literally Taekwondo means "the way of the foot and fist". The name Taekwondo, however, has only been used since 1955 while the arts' roots began 2,300 years ago in Korea.
