Selfhelp Online class internet basic 040914 for Seniors

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Internet Basic - Google Chrome - Search Engine - Google Maps


Computer Basic Online ClassInternet Basic

Wednesday, Apr. 9th, 2014

3:00pm to 4:00pm

Internet Basic

(1) Browser Basic

(2) Search Engines and Strategies

Computer Online ClassInternet Basics

Yukiko Sato’s: : Class Rule : :

* Eyes on Slides

* Lips Closed

* Ears Listening

* Respect Class

Your Screen should display like this!

CHATType in a box


↑Mouse Over to See

Function Icons

Click on YUKIKOTo freeze Slide Screen

Your Screen should display like this!

CHATType in a box


↑Mouse Over to See

Function Icons

Click on YUKIKOTo freeze Slide Screen

Mute Microphone Leave Class

Turn Off Camera


Screen Share (Teacher)

Google Effects

Take Screenshot

YouTube Video Share(Teacher)

Make text bigger Zoom +

Computer Online ClassEmail Basics 101 Review

Computer Basic Online ClassEmail Basics

Computer Online ClassIntenet Basics 101


Internet Explorer:


Computer Online ClassIntenet Basics 101

Omni Box ( combined address bar & Search Box)

Computer Online ClassInternet Basics 101

Address bar

Browsers have an address bar that shows the web address (also called a URL) of the page you are on. To go to a different page, you can type an address in the address bar and then press Enter (or Return).

Computer Online ClassInternet Basics 101


A link may lead to another webpage, video, or any other type of file. If you're not sure if something's a link, hover the mouse over it. The pointer should change to a hand symbol.

Computer Online ClassInternet Basics 101

Navigation buttons

Sometimes after you click on a link, you might want to go back to the previous page. You can do this using your browser's Back button. Once you've pressed the Back button, you can press the Forward button to follow the link again.

Computer Online ClassInternet Basics 101

Refresh buttons

The Refresh   button will reload the current page. If a website stops working, try using the Refresh button. If a webpage doesn't load correctly, it will temporarily become the Stop button  . Click this button to stop a webpage from loading.

Computer Online ClassInternet Basics 101

Using the search bar

Computer Online ClassInternet Basics 101

Assessing the search results

You could improve your search results by searching for shoe polish. However, this still may return a variety of websites, including:

* Stores that sell shoe polish

* Guides on how to polish shoes

* The history of shoe polish

To get the best results, ask yourself, "What exactly am I looking for?" Specific terms usually return better results.

Computer Basic Online ClassInternet Basic

Let’s search

Shoe Polish

via Google Chrome

Computer Basic Online ClassInternet Basic

•Improving your searchesSpecialized searches

Computer Basic Online ClassInternet Basic

Google Map

Computer Basic Online ClassInternet Basic

Let’s search


via Google Maps

Computer Basic Online ClassInternet Basic

Adding bookmarks (favorites)

Computer Online ClassInternet Basics

To Open new window on a tab:

1.Click the Chrome menu in the top-right corner of the browser and then select New window. Alternatively, press Ctrl+N on your keyboard.

Computer Basic Online ClassEmail Basic

Computer Basic Online ClassInternet Basic

How to highlight text using your keyboard


If you want to highlight all text press the shortcut key Ctrl + A.

Computer Basic Online ClassEmail Basic

Let’s move to

Live Screen Share

Computer Online ClassInternet Basics

1. Search Engine & Bookmarking

2. Google Maps

3. Short Cut keys (Ctrl) function

4. Skype basic

5. How to navigate online library

6. How to find old movies

Computer Online ClassEmail Basics Review

