SendGrid documentation & open source projects

Post on 13-Jan-2015

481 views 5 download





Brandon West

Who am I ?

SendGrid Manager, Developer Relations


SendGridDocumentation& Open Source Projects

Copyright © KOZO KEIKAKU ENGINEERING Inc. All Rights Reserved

Why Documentation API Survey Results

Copyright © KOZO KEIKAKU ENGINEERING Inc. All Rights Reserved

What Documentation Does

Reduce Support Tickets

Developers Self Serve

Establishes Credibility

Copyright © KOZO KEIKAKU ENGINEERING Inc. All Rights Reserved

API Workshop

Test the API from browser. No code. !New version coming soon!

Copyright © KOZO KEIKAKU ENGINEERING Inc. All Rights Reserved

Documentation Is Not Easy

• We are on our third version of documentation. The first 2 were bad.

• It’s a big job. We’re now hiring a person to manage it full time.

• Things are constantly changing

Copyright © KOZO KEIKAKU ENGINEERING Inc. All Rights Reserved

What Makes Sustainable Documentation?

• Change tracking / version control

• Ease of deploying changes

• Maintainability of platform

• Smart constraints

• Smart defaults

• Ease of editing content

• Defined structure

• These are a lot of the same things that make code sustainable.



Copyright © KOZO KEIKAKU ENGINEERING Inc. All Rights Reserved

Open Source Libraries

PHP Node.js Perl Python

C# Obj-C Go Java

Copyright © KOZO KEIKAKU ENGINEERING Inc. All Rights Reserved

Most Popular Libraries

PHP C# Python Node.js

Based on views on Github over the last 2 weeks

Copyright © KOZO KEIKAKU ENGINEERING Inc. All Rights Reserved

Why Have Open Source Libraries?

• Reduce the amount of work it takes for new users to get started

• Developers like package managers such as npm, nuget, rubygems

• Provides example implementations even if devs don’t use them

• Lets us provide smart defaults — e.g. Web API instead of SMTP

• If we don’t build them, someone will. But we get the questions!

• It’s fun 😊

Copyright © KOZO KEIKAKU ENGINEERING Inc. All Rights Reserved

Not Just API Wrappers

• Our documentation is open source!

• New newsletter subscription widget is also open source

• We’re trying to open source more projects as well

Thank you !!