Seo for Business Made Easy

Post on 14-May-2015

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SEO for Business Made Easy


Consumers are using the internet more than ever. More than 81% of buyers start their search online.

Inbound marketing is the key.

Inbound marketing includes organic search, web direct, social media and web referrals.

Inbound leads are higher quality and they cost 50%-60% less than leads generated by outbound tactics.

To understand SEO, you need to understand how search engines work.

Google is looking out for the consumer.

Search engine web crawlers index keywords from your website using sophisticated algorithms.

Keywords are fundamental to SEO

Look for keywords that:• have a high search volume • are highly relevant• have less competition or

difficulty getting ranked.

Look to Jimdo for easy On-Page SEO

Check the Browser and Homepage Titles

Complete the Page Title, Description and Keywords for each page on your website

Use Alt-Tags whenever possible

Keyword Density should be between 3-5%. Content needs to be fresh and unique

Integrate your keywords into Off-Page SEO activities

Start with the biggest search engine, Google

Submit your site to web directories

Build your links

Share on bookmarking sites

Blogs build SEO

Use Social Media

Measure and analyze

Grade your website