SEO Fundamentals - A Look Under The Hood of Google SERPs in 2014

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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A presentation I did on the fundamentals of SEO in 2014 (so far). This presentation takes a look under the hood of Google and the positioning of its organic search results. What Google search used to be, what it is today and where Google are heading in the future. If you're after an overview of SEO in 2014, or even just a high level overview of the basics of SEO in general, then this presentation is a pretty good place to start. Hope you enjoy.


SEO FundamentalsGoogle, SERPs, & all the fun stuff

Introduction to Next Digital

Offices in Sydney, Melbourne, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Manilla and Shanghai

Full service digital strategy & execution

180 employees

Integrated marketing solution experts

Dedicated search marketing team

A little bit about Google

The Google of Yesterday

The Google of Today

The Google of Tomorrow

Let’s talk SEO

SEO Pillars

Effective SEO can be broken down into 4 key elements

Technical Content

Offsite / Promotion Search Ecosystem


Technical SEO aims to ensure your site has a solid foundation that allows for optimal crawling and user interaction.

There are many signals search engines use relating to your site, including but not limited to :

DomainHostingTaggingInternal linkingBroken links and errorsDuplicate contentXML sitemapsSub-domainsSSL and secure configALT tags

Robots.txt fileJavaScript integrationRich SnippetsSchema mark-upSite speedHeader configURL structureMeta RobotsAccessibilityMobile accessibility

Analytics Tag managementWidgets and PluginsImage linksBacklink profileTitlesGeo-TargetingImage optimisationCanonical TagsRedirects

Provide Answers

Titles & headlines

Conversational content

Utilise audience voice and intent

Overall domain authority for the topic

Sub headings that address specifics

“Google is an answers engine. SEO is about finding what questions are being asked, and providing a better answer than anyone else”

Research & Targeting

Internal searches

Trending conversations


Have an idea? Google it first.

Google Keyword Planner

“Locate opportunities from your data and your competitors”

Titles & Meta

56 characters for Page Titles (incl spaces)160 characters for Meta description (incl spaces)

Meta Keywords is a dead field

“Old school fundamentals are still important for SEO”


Image file names

ALT text

Title tags

Surrounding content

Original imagery

Avoid Stock Imagery

“Images are the 2nd most popular search results. Capitalise on this audience”



Influence & authority




“Authorship is expected to play a key role in the direction of search in the future”

Video Integration

Verify YouTube page

Optimise YouTube Channel

Tagging of videos

In depth descriptions on YouTube

Video Sitemaps on site

Encourage comments

Engage with comments & on videos

“Integrating video into search increases CTR/conversion by 160%”

Evergreen Content

Make content work harder for longer

• Catering historical content to trends• Re-promote when relevant• Refer to older articles when relevant

“Updating older content can reinvigorate conversations and sharing”


Major updates have major impacts on the internet

“Algorithm updates occur almost daily, following the rules is vital forlong term success. ”

The Don’t Do’s of SEO

Spam or create irrelevant press releasesUse article submission software or servicesPop-ups, pop-under’s and malwareJump on every social networkCreate nonsense contentOverdo exact match anchor textSpammy title tags

Buy linksKeyword stuffTry to game the algorithmBuy editorialCloak functionalityCreate gateway sitesDuplicate / clone contentSpam commentsParticipate in link exchangesHide text

“Whatever you do online, do it for readers – not robots. ”

Editorial vs Advertorial

“Please be wary if someone approaches you and wants to pay you for links or "advertorial" pages on your site that pass PageRank. Selling links (or entire advertorial pages with embedded links) that pass PageRank violates our quality guidelines, and Google does take action on such violations.”

Google Feb 2013

“Un-cited paid advertorial will now result in penalties. ”

Linking“Outbound links are the greyest area of SEO at present. NoFollowing isthe safest bet for outgoing links”

User Generated Content

Add user voice

Increase freshness

Increase relevance

Increase engagement

“User generated content can have massive benefits for sites, as longAs implementation is correct”

Social Sharing

Direct influence Indirect influence

“Encouraging sharing and conversation via search has both direct and indirect benefits to SEO”

Google“Google is increasing providing their own answers to questions, optimisingwith and for their services is vital or search engine survival”