SEO Fundamentals: Best Practices to Follow on the Search Engines

Post on 15-May-2015

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SEO Fundamentals Best Practices on the Search Engines to Follow

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at end of webinar.

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1 Be Found By the Search Engines Learn how Google discovers, indexes, and ranks web pages

2 Keyword Selection Best Practices SEO tips for keyword mapping and page optimization

3 Optimize Your Marketing Channels Benchmark, Project and Take Action!

4 Measure Results & Success Monitor and improve your SEO results

Webinar Agenda



1 Be Found By the Search Engines Learn how Google discovers, indexes, and ranks web pages

2 Keyword Selection Best Practices SEO tips for keyword mapping and page optimization

3 Optimize Your Marketing Channels Benchmark, Project and Take Action!

4 Measure Results & Success Monitor and improve your SEO results

Webinar Agenda



1 Why Online Marketing Is Important Search engine use is growing rapidly

Currently, there are more

than 3 billion

searches/day on Google

Courtesy: SEOmoz



Source : Jupiter Research, 2010

If you are not on the 1st page, you are invisible to most searchers

1 Can Your Customers Find You?



Search bots identify your site’s theme and relevance to queries

1 Search Spiders Determine Your Visibility

Home Page

Category Level Page

Product Level Page1

Product Level Page2

Data Center



• Crawling:

• Discovering new and updated pages on the web • Daily, weekly, monthly

• Indexing:

• Compiling data from crawls into data centers

• Serving Results:

• Based on relevancy • Over 200 factors considered • Content, keywords, links

Search bots follow links to get from page to page

1 How Do Search Spiders Crawl the Web?



1 Be Found By the Search Engines Learn how Google discovers, indexes, and ranks web pages

2 Keyword Selection Best Practices SEO tips for keyword mapping and page optimization

3 Optimize Your Marketing Channels Benchmark, Project & Take Action!

4 Measure Results & Success Monitor and improve your SEO results

Webinar Agenda



Investigate Google Insights to compare long-term trends:

2 Match Your Business to Current Trends



Select a mix of both “head match” and “long tail” keywords

2 Optimize Your Keyword Selection



• Best Practices

• Have a mix of both generic and “long-tail”


• Do not focus just on search volume

• Google your proposed search terms to

see if the sites ranking on page 1 are

relevant to what your business offers

• Look at search trends for your proposed


• Expand on your keywords by finding


2 Choose the Right Keywords Keyword selection determines the course of your campaign



Develop a “mapping” document that targets 3-5 keywords per page

2 Map Targeted Keywords Page By Page



Best Practices

• Search engines learn what your site is about by reading your content

• Optimal site content will sound natural to readers but also include mentions of targeted


2 Write for Your Keywords How search engines identify your site for result listings



• Best Practices

• Write for your reader, not the writer!

• Establish a natural, engaging tone of voice

• Pay attention to grammar

• Proofread

• Avoid Doing These

• Trick search engines with manipulative tactics

• Use Flash throughout your entire website

• Overuse your keywords: Read it out loud!

Develop naturally written, “non-spammy” content

2 Use Best Online Writing Practices



What We See

2 Allow Google To Recognize Your Keywords What Google Sees



Main Elements Consist of:

1. Page Title

2. Description

3. And sometimes… Keywords

What is it?

2 Meta Content



What is it?

2 Meta Content

Main Elements Consist of:

1. Page Title

2. Description

3. And sometimes… Keywords

Facebook Groups: B2B Lead Gen

Keywords in the First or Second Position of the Page Title Have the Highest Impact!

Include descriptive keywords and phrases in page titles

2 Meta Content



2 Develop Content Silos Consider your site’s thematic structure

• Thematically Group Pages Around


• Link Pages Within The Same

Groups To Further Strengthen

Theme of Website

• Search Engine Spiders Can See a

Theme Across Your Site That

Makes Sense




Other Relevant Internal Pages

Mobile SMB Enterprise



1 Be Found By the Search Engines Learn how Google discovers, indexes, and ranks web pages

2 Keyword Selection Best Practices SEO tips for keyword mapping and page optimization

3 Optimize Your Marketing Channels Benchmark, Project and Take Action!

4 Measure Results & Success Monitor and improve your SEO results

Webinar Agenda



Step 1: Establish Benchmark & Project

3 Find Your Target Customer

Google Analytics

• Traffic Sources

• Referring Sites

• Filter – Containing: Facebook



Step 2: Project & Take Action!

3 Find Your Target Customer

Based on what you get today, project conservative increases:

- Initially, don’t be afraid to project based off what reality!


- Ownership & Responsibility

- Higher-ups know where you are at and signs off on what winning looks like

- You have a target to hit or miss!



1 Be Found By the Search Engines Learn how Google discovers, indexes, and ranks web pages

2 Keyword Selection Best Practices SEO tips for keyword mapping and page optimization

3 Optimize Your Marketing Channels Benchmark, Project and Take Action!

4 Measure Results & Success Monitor and improve your SEO results

Webinar Agenda



Why SEO matters

4 SEO Is Stepping Stone to Success





Lead and







Measured on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis

4 Compare Keyword Rankings



Filter out “branded” traffic

Measures effectiveness of SEO program

4 Watch Organic Search Traffic



Measures effectiveness of SEO program

4 Watch Organic Search Traffic

Goal Tracking: By Conversion Type!



Determine Your ROI Goals:

• Define conversions for your business goals

• Set your goal values

• Analyze which keywords are leading to more

conversions and work to strengthen them in your

links and content

• Consider removing poor-performing keywords from

your campaign

• Observe where visitors abandon the goal path and

analyze the data to determine why

Ties SEO effectiveness to lead and sales flow

4 Set Up Logical Goal Tracking



On-Page Changes

Link Building

Tracking Spider Crawls

Monitoring Visitor Analytic Data

Measuring Improvement in Rankings, Site

Engagement, and Lead Flow

On a monthly basis, on and off-page optimizations need to work in tandem to drive continued success. Rely on analytics to guide decision making.

4 Keep Up



• Begin Optimization Now: Capitalize on your core keywords before the

competition does. Identify your top keywords and who ranks highly for

those terms today.

• SEO Success Takes Time and Resources: Executing SEO correctly

requires full-time resources. Optimizing for a set of keywords requires

relevant content, inbound links, and website structure.

• Use the right marketing channels: Understand the online channels

that are most applicable to your business. Take advantage of the

platforms that will reach your target audience.

• Achieve 2012 Marketing Goals: SEO is the most cost-efficient way to

generate qualified sales and leads. Take advantage of search demand

for your industry and leverage this to achieve your 2012 business plan


Key Takeaways

Thank You!



Contact Us about Qualifying for a Complimentary Analysis

- “Cost of the Problem” Analysis: Discover the cost of not

ranking in the top positions on search engines. How much

revenue is being lost to competitors with the best rankings?

- Competitive Report: Find out where you rank against your top

competitors and what tactics they’re employing

- ROI Tracking: Detailing the keywords and sources that visitors

are using to discover your website and if those visitors are

converting into leads and sales

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