SEO: What Web Devs Need To Know

Post on 17-Jan-2015

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Web Developers often have to deal with their client's expectations of how their new or improved website will perform in the search engines AND occasionally do the hands on work. This presentation gives a general understanding of the issues related to SEO and how to determine if an SEO job is simple or requires outside help.


The 4 Quadrants of SEO (that every web dev needs to


Basics -Why People Search Online:

The Pain Point

People want solutions to problems. Now.

Consumer searches don't fit yellow page categories. This is the challenge of creating great content and succeeding in SEO.

If your client’s online presence (content/design/function/testimonials/reviews) makes visitors confident that your client can solve their problem, they will give them their money.

Understanding Search & Visitor


Google is 70%+ of the search market. In most cases, when I refer to search engines, I mean Google.

Mobile devices have fundamentally changed search. 10 years ago < 10% of search was local. Current percentages given are between 20 - 40%.

50% of local mobile searches end with the searcher at the business location in less than 1 day.

The 4 Quadrants of


Onsite vs. Offsite

Local vs. Competing with everybody else on the Internet - Everywhere Search

On-site SEO Vs. Off-site SEO

On-site SEO are the changes you can make to a website. Content, page titles and descriptions, image tags, site speed, recency of changes, etc. There are estimated to be over 200 “signals” that Google uses to determine search engine result placement (SERP).

Off-site is any site other than your own that either links or refers to you in some way. Review sites, business listings, articles, blog post mentions, etc. These are also referred to as citations. And yes, social media counts (somewhat).

Onsite SEO - How Search Engines Know What A Website Is About

Each page needs a unique title that explains what the page is about in less than 65 characters, preferably using keywords.

Each page needs a description that explains what is on the page in a low-key but “sales” style since this is what is shown on the search results page.

Each page should be unique (no duplicate content), complete and work within the context of all other pages. This is known as the website “Taxonomy”. Search engines want to see as complete of a taxonomy as possible.

Keywords, Categories &


You or your client control your website’s content, so it’s the best place to start in SEO.

Rule # 1: Be Consistent. For the website as a whole and on each individual page. Each should be about something. Something that is part of a logical, consistent whole, which is the website.

If your pool supply website suddenly has information on “dog training”, how can Google consider you an authority on “pool supply”?

What Are Your Customers Looking For?

Rule #2: People are looking for your client’s products and services right now. Your SEO’s job is to tell Google that your website is the best place to send them to.

That means you need to know what people are searching for (keywords), create content for those keywords and give Google all the clues they need to know what your site content is about.

This is one of several places that a blog is helpful for SEO. It allows creation of content to round out the site’s taxonomy, keep the site fresh, etc.

Leaving Clues for Google

The content of the page and the site as a whole.

MetaTags: Title, description and “keywords”. Keywords are not used by the search engines, but should be the framework for other SEO work on the page.

Title, descriptions are important. Description used in Google results so use it to sell your site. This should be both descriptive and sales copy.

An updated website is a loved website. Another reason to have a blog.

It’s harder to get links, reviews and mentions on other websites, which is why they have real value.

Reviews are currently one of the most important signals in Local Search results.

Reviews can also remove the “risk” of doing business and move site visitors further down the buying cycle.

The best way to create a link strategy is to look at who is linking to your competitors.

Offsite SEO - Respect Your


Say Where You’re At - Local Search

20%+ of Google Searches are for local businesses. Local is Google’s future. Google is verrry interested in where a business is located.

Include their city name, neighborhood, state and region names in your metatags and content. Address information should be formatted in a “schema”.

Example Description: “Our Concord, CA customers get delivery to their door in less than 30 minutes.”

Getting on the front page for local search (7 box) is far easier than for organic search.

Or why it’s easier to get on the front page of Google than you think...

The Lion Joke

Top 7 businesses to show based on: claimed and optimized G+ Local page, reviews & citations (7Box).

Citations are listings for your business.

Reviews are people who have reviewed you on either the G+ Local page or elsewhere.

Local 7 UP

Building A Referral / Review Machine

The best way to generate referrals is to ask. Duh.

Ask for “shares” in social media and “reviews” on review sites. Their friends may be your next customers (Local Reach).

Email followup with clients after the work is done for feedback. This is a good time to get them referring / reviewing.

Getting the most bang requires controlling review site and social media accounts. This is the best reason for most small businesses to use social media. Top 3 review sites are Google My Business Pages, Yelp and Facebook.

It’s Alive!

Why Review Sites Matter

They serve two purposes: positive testimonials and positive votes for your client’s Google My Business page in the Search Engines through Name, Address and Phone (NAP).

How many here have decided to skip or go to a business based on a review?

Review sites appear in search engines. AND review sites influence placement in the search engines.

Reviews = Sales

According to a Harvard study, 1/2 star on a Yelp review translates into 9% more business and for restaurants, a 30% greater chance they will sell out evening seating.

72% of consumers surveyed said they trusted online reviews as much as personal recommendations. 70% say they trust businesses more with >6 reviews.

Recent reviews are trusted more than older reviews.

Social Media: The Local Angle

Yelp is the info data source for Siri on the iPhone, which will push it’s importance up (Reviews).

FourSquare is free and offers a lot of promotional tools to businesses.

Facebook will eventually decide what it wants to do with local.

Twitter can be a great local tool to broadcast specials, end-of-day deals, etc.

What You Need To Do ASAP To Be Found In Google (Local Search)

Claim and optimize Google My Business webpage.

Add a description that includes keywords for your business. Pay close attention to your categories.

Add at least 5 images and videos and make the header attractive.

Start asking for reviews on Google My Business page and other review sites.

When you want to be found everywhere, you compete with everyone who wants your search term. Including national retailers, brands and internet companies with dedicated SEO staffs.

Winners are often determined by who makes the least mistakes.

Analyzing Everywhere sites requires specialized tools and usually requires someone with a background in SEO.

Everywhere Search: The Thunderdome of


Succeeding & Surviving In the Thunderdome of SEO

Your client must do well in organic search to succeed.

Organic search results is primarily determined by the amount and quality of content, on-site SEO and the authority of a website.

Authority is primarily determined by the quality & number of citations. Almost all authority sites have thousands of citations from quality websites.

Did I mention that an Everywhere search site really needs to have an outside SEO consultant?

Q & A For 4 Quadrants of SEO

I want this to be a “No Riddle” zone.

Thank you for your time today

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