SEPTEMBER 16, 2012 Real Life News & ·...

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SEPTEMBER 16, 2012

church of Christ of Grand Junction

Real Life News & Notes

Memory Verse For September: I Peter 2:24 “by His wounds you have been healed”.

2893 Patterson Road Ph: 970-245-4210

Grand Junction, CO 81506 Website:

“She Was Always Doing Good…” First, let me say “thank you” to all of you who called, texted or sent cards to me upon the passing of my mother Alma Cooper. Words often cannot express feelings adequately and this is one of those times. The attention you have given Holly and I and my family is most encouraging and appreciated. The flowers you sent as a church fam-ily to the funeral were beautiful and a loving reminder of your compassion. My father asked me to conduct the graveside service this past Monday. As I thought about my mom I thought of another Godly woman mentioned in the Bible. Let me share some of the thoughts I shared at my mom’s service and encourage you by what is said about Dorcas in Acts 9. Dorcas died and many mourned her passing (39). ( It is okay to mourn the loss of a loved one, “Jesus wept” at Lazarus’ death). We were earlier introduced to Dorcas (or Tabitha) as a “disciple…who was always doing good and helping the poor” (36). What a great statement to sum up one’s life. My father also asked me just yesterday (Tuesday) to think of a epitaph for my mom’s gravestone. I called him a little while ago suggesting the phrase from Acts 9:36- “She was always doing good and helping the poor” because that phrase so well describes my mother. Tabitha and my mom were both disciples of Jesus and it is interesting that when Peter tells the story of Jesus to Cornelius he says of Jesus, “he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with him” (Acts 10:38). We are truly disciples of Jesus when we go about doing good to and for others! Peter raises Tabitha from the dead by the power of Jesus (9:40). One day my mom will be raised from the dead and so will all who believe in Jesus. “We believe that Jesus died and rose again and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him…And so we will be with the Lord forever” (I Thessalonians 4:14, 17). Jesus releases us from the power of Satan and power of death. Praise God for the ultimate victory over the last enemy …death (I Corinthians 15:26). Freed in Christ, John Cooper

Youth Section

When I was fourteen, I went backpacking for eleven days with my boy scout troop at a massive ranch about the size of a national park and used by boy scouts from all over the country. As we trudged up and down dusty mountainsides for more than eighty miles, I kept hearing the same message from the adults we'd meet: Enjoy this. This is the adventure of a lifetime! Then I'd look at my blistered feet and my smelly tentmate and the nasty so-called food that was for lunch and think: Yeah right. College was the same way at first. People told me it would be the most fun I would ever have. Ever. So when it was hard and not all that fun, I felt more discouraged than I otherwise would have. It was very frustrating for other people to be telling me I should be enjoying myself more. If this was the greatest thing ever, then my expectations for life must have been too high. What a disappointing thought! The world is full of promises that lead to disappointment. People expect perfect houses, perfect cars, perfect boyfriends and girl-friends, perfect marriages. But the most humans can do is imitate (poorly) the true perfection shown in Jesus. The message is sim-ple: put your hope in perfection. Anything less will let you down! Huddle tonight: Join us at 6pm at Luke and Natalie Clayton's house for what I'm sure will be delicious food and sweet fellow-ship. Girls bring ice cream! Guys bring root beer! We want to have root beer floats, so don't let us down! The Claytons live at 1521 Lowell Lane here in GJ. Pit on Wednesday: Ryan Fleming did a great job last week! Not sure we can top that, but come anyway this Wednesday at 7pm for dinner and a devo! And maybe a fire?


Prayer Requests

Pray for those who have lost loved ones recently, the families of Alma COOPER and Jack JACKSON. Pray for God to bless them with His peace, comfort and strength and guidance in decision to be made. KYLE BEAVER….Pray for Kyle as he was flown to Denver this week….a serious problem with the colon….and possible surgery. No info at this time..but he needs our prayers as does his family, for healing, comfort and strength. Pray for VERLYN MATHEWS that the treatments in Denver will work and his pain will be relieved . Pray for healing and comfort. STARR MUMMA…(Jan Nelsons, sister in law) she is suffering from diver-ticulitis and peritonitis. She is home from the hospital but has her hus-band GALEN to take care of . Pray for their health care providers to make the right choices for both of them. Pray for comfort , strength and peace for them. He has many health issues resulting from Agent Or-ange. CHYLA CONNELL….Pray for her and her family….as she prepares for surgery during Spring break for her heart condition. Pray for healing and comfort for her. Pray for our MISSIONARIES everywhere and for Christians in those areas where they are being persecuted and even killed . Pray for the church in these areas, for safety, strength and wisdom. Pray for the families of those that have been crucified in Egypt recently. And a prayer of thanksgiving that the minister who has been in prison under a death sentence has been released. RAIN….many areas are still in a drought and the consequences of such, so pray for rain for these areas. MINISTRIES….We have many ministries going, pray for God’s will to be done in each of them and for many to be brought to Him through them. Pray for those working in these to be given God’s guidance, wisdom and strength to carry out His will. Pray for the campus ministry at CMU that many will learn of God through it. Pray for the upcoming Ladies Retreat and for those that attend to be edified and uplifted.

OUR NATION….continue prayers for our nation….for those in places of authority and leadership that they may come to recognize their need of God in their lives and their jobs…may their decisions be based on godly principles that we may live a quiet and peaceable life. ( I Timothy 2:1-8) and pray for leaders around the world. (II Chron 7:14)Pray for the candidates in the upcoming elections. Pray they have the right motives and that they also conduct their lives as God would have them to. Pray for the ones God would have to be elected, and God’s will be done in all. Continue to pray for our MILITARY… all over the world. We have had many killed and injured recently. Pray for their safety, for their physical, mental/emotional and spiritual health. For God’s watch over them and guidance for them. Also pray for comfort for their families. Pray for those serving in our embassies, (especially those in the mid eastern countries) for safety and guidance; and for their families. This is a dan-gerous job to have right now.There are many we need to continue to pray for that have ongoing issues of one kind or another. Please keep them in your daily prayers along with their families. KEN GARRISON…..In rehab at Larchwood PRESTON DIXON….hip replacement DAN SCOTT & PETE SAENZ….both have Gillian Barre Syndrome CHERYL WILKINSON, DEBBIE ZORNS, ROXANNE MORRIS, LEE CHIL-DERS….all dealing with cancer BERNITA WESTLING, HEIDI ELI , both have serious health issues. RAMSEY and family…drug issues. MIDGE DOWNEY, ELLEN FANT.. pray for continued healing for both. RICHARD MOORE….still needs prayers for healing and for peace as he is moved to LaVilla Grande. JOHN AND BECKY, Jan Nelsons friends. Pray for relief from pain for him and strength and rest for her . KIM ZEPEDA….Pray for her as she moves to Boston. Give her strength and peace, as she goes through this transition and all a move entails. Pray for safety for her in it all. ROSE BRANSON and family over the loss of Rose’s son, Daniel York.

Honored to Serve the Lord’s Table in September

Eric Pennal Ted Reaves Ed Riddle

Tim Riddle Craig Roberts

Randy Romkee Bryce Sanburg

David Scheuerman


September—Ron Wilson October-Vince Urbina

November—Curtis F;eming

For the Record Sept. 2, 2012

Attendance 156 Average Attendance, 2nd qtr. 280 Contributions $4,866.00 Budget $6,715.30

Communion Preparation—September

Leesha Kenney/Susan Towles

Song- “Jesus Loves Me”

Children’s Verse—Lucas Matthews Announcements—Ron Wilson

Song Leader: John Cooper

John 20:26, 27 Song # 180- “Jesus Is Lord!”

Hebrews 4:14, 15 Song # 396- “There’s Not A Friend”

I Peter 1:18, 19 Song # 514- “Redeemed!”

Communion- John 14:1-3

Song # 957- “This World Is Not My Home!”


WBS Contribution

Song # 958- “In My Father’s House”


Invitation Song # 903- “Would You Be Free?”

Shepherd’s Moment and closing prayer

Order of Worship


Notes and Items of Interest

Annual Clothing Drive and Giveaway Our annual clothing drive is fast approaching. We will collect clothing October 15—26. The giveaway will be November 1—3. We will need a lot of help to keep this ministry going. We have a lot of contact with outside people and help many families during the giveaway. More details will be given later. Elders Classes The Elders have begun a 13 week course on “What the Bible Says and Doesn't Say about “ on Sunday mornings, at 9 am in the auditorium . This class will include adults of all age groups. All are encouraged to attend. Other classes that will be available at class time for adults are: Ron Wilson teaches in 203, “How to Study The Bible” and Bobby Heath is holding a class in 103 “Practical Chris-tian Living”. Ladies Retreat Notice

Ladies, please make every effort to attend the retreat October 19 & 20 at the Wine Country Inn. Return registration forms by September 19 to church office. If you plan on spending the night, make hotel reservations through the Wine Country Inn by September 21.

Ladies Retreat Second Notice

We are in need of crafty women to attend a fun night of crafting on Tuesday September 18 at 6:30 PM in the fellowship hall. We will be working on projects for the Ladies Retreat. Bring a hot glue gun and scissors. Also, crafty teens are welcome and encouraged to bring your talents.

Address Change Kim Zepeda has moved to Boston, MA. At this time, her address and phone number are un-available. Kim will be working on a project in Boston as a project manager. See you later, Kim, and best wishes


T E A C H : Share Jesus. Become a WBS study helper. Students from every nation on earth are truth-seekers we need your help. Be a caring “pen-pal” with our printed lessons, or an online friend with our email and web courses. G I V E : We are seeking the funds needed to more fully target Americans with the Gospel. We are also motivating and equipping churches to be more evan-gelistic themselves. For $1.00, one soul studies the Bible. God will bless your support to make a real dif-ference with real people. I M P A C T S U N D A Y : WBS teaches two million souls at a time. You can help WBS do more !! The Gospel is for all. But now, more than ever we must advance the cause of Jesus. Will you help this congregation with a generous contribution to this effort? C O N N E C T : W W W .

Small Groups Ministry to be Revamped.

Our Shepherds are revamping the Small Groups Ministry and are looking towards a November start. Stay tuned for More info to come!! Ladies' Bunco Night It's BACK! Friday, September 21, from 6:30 to 9 pm, we'll have a ladies' Bunco night in the fellowship hall. Bring a friend, a card table if you have one, and a snack to share. If you can bring a prize, please let Lesa Brassette know. Contact Lesa with questions!

church of Christ of Grand Junction 2893 Patterson Road Phone: 970-245-4210

Grand Junction, CO 81506 Web:

2893 Patterson Road

Grand Junction, CO 81506

Phone: 970.245.4210

Fax: 970.245.4211

Welcome to the church of Christ of Grand Junction! If you are visiting with us we want you to know how honored we are to have you. It is our

desire to love God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength and to love our neighbors as ourselves (Mark 22:30,31). We are attempting to share His love with others through following Jesus’ words , “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19). If you have any questions about any-thing that you hear taught or see practiced we would be glad to share with you the reasons for the faith we have. Just speak with one of our shepherds or ministers or call 970 -245-4210 and we will gladly assist you! COME WORSHIP WITH US

Sunday Morning Adult Classes—9:00 AM—9:45 AM

Elders Integrated Classes—————————————--Auditorium

Scott Ferguson,—— ——Young Marrieds————–—————202

College/Young Adult—————————————-Traders Coffee

Bobby Heath—-Practical Christian Living——————————103

Ron Wilson——————————————————————--203

Sunday Morning Children’s Classes

Cradle Roll—Birth to 2 ———————————————--Nursery

2 & 3 yr. old——————————————————————-104

Pre KK, Kindergarten——————————————————205

1st & 2nd Grade———————————————————–—209

3rd thru 5th Grade———————————————————--208

Middle School—————————————————————-213

High School——————————————————————-203

Wednesday Evening Adult Classes—7– 8 PM

Bob Heath——————— Book of Acts ————–——Auditorium

Hymn Class-——————————————————————103

Wednesday Evening Children’s Bible Study

2 & 4 yr. old——————————————————————-104

Kindergarten 1st & 2nd—————————————–————205

3rd thru 5th Grade———————————————————--208

All teens meet in————————————————————--203


Sunday morning worship begins at 10:15 AM

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. So do not be ashamed to

testify about our Lord, or ashamed of me, his prisoner. But join with me in suffering for the gospel, by the power of God,

who has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we have done but because of His own purpose

and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time.” 2 Timothy 1: 7—9, NIV

Mesa View Service Schedule, 10 AM Sundays

Date Servant Team Study Text Sept 16 Bill Tidwell, Wes Yeager Matthew 19:16-30 Sept 23 Bob Heath, Sandy Harris Matthew 20:20-28 Sept 30 Mike Hurd, Bud Treu Matthew 22:1-14

Note: If you are not able to serve on the assigned date please trade with another team. Team mem-bers should communicate ahead of time about who will be responsible for songs, communion and the Bible lesson. Remember, family members are also welcome and encouraged to attend.