September 2012

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The Patter is a monthly newsletter for All Saints' Episcopal Church in Carmel-by-the-Sea


All SAintS’ EpiScopAl pAriShNinth & Dolores, Carmel-by-the-Sea







September 2012 Disciples

Glorifying Christ & Serving Others

ContentsourRector’s Message .................1

ourWorship ..............................4

ourCommunity ........................5

ourDiscipleship ........................6

ourStewardship .......................7

ourOutreach ..........................10

ourYouth Ministry .................12

theBusiness of the Vestry ......13

ourUpcoming Events ..............13

ourMission and Vision ..........16

Looking back over the past one hundred years, we see that much of the first half of our history was focused on getting established. During the first fifty years we built the original church building, obtained parish status, expanded the original building, purchased new property, and built the current church building. All of this was accomplished despite the Great Depression and World War II.

By 1951 we were enjoying our permanent home at Ninth and Dolores, and even as we settled into our new home, we began to look beyond Carmel in a spirit of mission. The Rev. Al Seccombe called the newly ordained David Hill to serve part time as curate of All Saints’ and part time at our new mission in Seaside. We established St. Matthias in 1953, and when Al Seccombe resigned in 1954, David Hill became its first full-time priest. Our mission orientation continued under the tenure of the Rev. Angus Dun as we established St. Dunstan’s in 1955.

The mission spirit intensified when that first missionary curate, David Hill,

returned in 1958 to serve as rector. The following year he and members of All Saints’ helped found York School. That same year we began a mission in Big Sur by offering services at the Big Sur Grange Hall. Two years later, in 1961, property along the Big Sur River was purchased, and the following year the first service was held at our current property. In 1961 we also started the mission school now known as All Saints’ Day School. (We even sent two teachers to Gonzalez to begin a school at Trinity, but that school did not take root.) Our mission orientation continued when we established Epiphany Lutheran & Episcopal Church in 1996, and soon after that our mission vicar, the Rev. Jon Perez, started an Episcopal campus ministry at CSUMB. Throughout the years we have also enjoyed relationships with congregations in Africa, India, and now Haiti.

When we look at the sweep of our history, we perceive that one of God’s purposes for All Saints’ is to extend our boundaries by establishing and supporting missions. We are a mission-oriented congregation! It has

Continued on page 2

ourRector’s Message

Page 2 September 2012 thePatter

become one of the distinguishing and unique features of All Saints’ that we are a church congregation located in Carmel-by-the-Sea, but also a parish with missions in several locations.

We no longer oversee St. Matthias; we bequeathed it to the newly-formed Diocese of El Camino Real to provide office space for the bishop and staff. (In fact, St. Matthias has now become San Pablo.) Some time ago St. Dunstan’s became an independent congregation, but the other missions remain part of this great All Saints’ Parish.

This year, on our one hundredth anniversary, we begin a new mission, but one that does not have a separate location. The Center for Christian Transformation involves the internet, so it is by definition universal. This center does host festivals of Christian spirituality, the first of which will take place on the campus of our church this month.

The six entities that make up this parish are All Saints’ Episcopal Church, All Saints’ Episcopal Day School, CSUMB Episcopal Campus Ministry, the Center for Christian Transformation, Epiphany Lutheran & Episcopal Church, and Santa

Lucia Chapel and Campgrounds. As a means for coordinating the ministries of our several missions, we are creating a Parish Mission Council, made up of representatives of the church and its missions. The council will not function as a governing body, but will provide a means for sharing ministries and resources. Each member body of the parish has a different amount of independence, with the school enjoying the most autonomy. However, the vestry and rector of All Saints’ Church bear responsibilities for each of these missions in varying degrees.

So when you hear or read about All Saints’ Church, think about the congregation that was established one hundred years ago in Carmel. On the other hand, when you hear about All Saints’ Parish, think about the congregation and its five missions. You might imagine the parish as an umbrella, with the rector and vestry on top, providing spiritual direction, and the church and its five missions underneath. Together we glorify Christ and serve God’s people.

In Christ,

Fr. Rick

Continued from cover

Regular Sunday Schedule

8:00 a.m. Eucharist, Rite I9:00 a.m. – noon Nursery9:30 a.m. Adult Education10:30 a.m. Eucharist10:30 a.m. Godly Play and Nursery5:30 p.m. Eucharist (Evensong on the first Sunday of the month)

Zumba at All Saints'

A series of seven Zumba® sessions will run on Wednesday nights starting on August 29 at All Saints’ Seccombe Hall. The sessions begin at 5:30 p.m. and cost $5/session or $25 for six sessions. Call Alex Collard on her phone if you have questions 804-517-1550.

Duo Papillion Concert

On Friday, September 7 at 8:00 p.m., Duo Pappillion will present a free concert of piano music. Barbara Ruzicka and her good friend, Kumi Uyeda are presenting this concert for their students and the community.

In Awe of God and Respect of One Another

Rosh Chodesh Elul begins with the sound of the Shofar and marks the Days of Awe. The local Independent Minyan invites you to join them while as they will be celebrating the traditional High Holiday services, the Jewish New Year and Yom Kipper, in the chapel at All Saints' on September 16, 17 and 25-26. For more information contact Ellen Saxby by phone 831-659-3106.

thePatter September 2012 Page 3

Centennial Thank You

Susan and Don Britton, thank you for your tireless work and for the generous donation of your construction crew workers and materials. The restoration of the baptistery, the new lighting, the repairs to the outside wall and windows of the baptistery, and the new floor tiles in Seccombe Hall all look wonderful.

Chris Winfield, friend of the parish and gallery owner, thank you for suggesting to the estate of Mark Adams that they donate the Resurrection Tapestry to All Saints’. Thank you, also, for organizing a second gift of a rose window by Mr. Adams.

Rodney Warren, thank you for designing the all-weather banner that warmly welcomes people and boldly lists the times of our Sunday services.

Robin Mills, thank you for sanding and painting the benches in the upper courtyard. They look fresh and inviting.

Claudia Ward and Remy Ryan, thank you for an excellent job in coordinating the celebration luncheon. You worked

hard to make this party a great success, and we all appreciate you.

Wendy Fincke and Charlyne Brown, thank you for decorating the tables for our centennial party. The red roses and other decorations were elegantly and thoughtfully done.

Paula Beckman, thank you for shopping for and preparing such a tasty meal. You made the centennial birthday party truly special.

Rusty Ward, thank you for selecting and transporting the wines for this party. Good choices!

The Rev. Carl Hansen, the Rev. Chuck Stacy, and the Rev. Alan Wolter,

we thank you for bringing our history alive by celebrating with us.

We thank all of our guests who attended this celebration, including our speakers: Jim Rodda, Elizabeth Barratt, Alan McEwen, Heidi Zamzow, and Ed Fincke.

We have the opportunity to open our homes to those attending the Festival of Christian Spirituality, September 28 to 30. Not only would you be practicing the

Christian virtue of hospitality, but you would be further supporting this new ministry. Many years ago, when the Carmel Bach Festival was first starting, residents opened their homes, and we can do the same. Please contact Robin Reyes at "Robin Michel Reyes" <>, or by calling the church office.

A Stunning Birthday Present

One of the legacies we have received from the post-WWII generation of All Saints’ is the beautiful church building we enjoy every week. The building, beautiful in and of itself, is adorned with many works of art. One of the Carmel-original works of art is the baptistery created by Mark Adams in the 1960s. The most recent heritage work of art (pictured above) is the Resurrection Tapestry, also by Mr. Adams. What a stunning birthday gift we now care for and pass on to future generations!

Page 4 September 2012 thePatter

our Worship

Sermon Series

We will offer a sermon series on the Great Thanksgiving or Eucharistic Prayer used during our Holy Communion. We hear and participate in the texts of these prayers every week, but we seldom have the opportunity to reflect on their power and depth. This three-week series, running from September 9 to 23, will provide this opportunity.

Evensong, September 2

A candlelit service of Evensong will be presented on Sunday, September 2, at 5:30 p.m. The Evensong Choir, conducted by Dr. Todd Samra, will sing works by Henry Purcell, Todd Samra, and Orlando Gilbbons. A light reception will follow in Seccombe Hall.

Chancel Choir

Regular weekly choir rehearsals begin for the Chancel Choir on September 6, 2012, starting at 7:00 p.m. in the music room. Thursday rehearsals will be from 7:00 until 8:15 or 8:30 p.m. each week. September 9 will be the first Sunday that the Chancel Choir returns to sing at the 10:30 a.m. service for the season. New members are welcome, no auditions are required.

Palestrina Ensemble

Our new Palestrina Ensemble will present music for the first time on September 16 at the 5:30 p.m. service. This choir is only open through an audition. If you are interested auditioning, please contact Dr. Todd Samra at Spread the word among your musically inclined friends – this group is open to all from our community.

All Saints’ Singers Return!

Beginning September 6, 2012, the All Saints’ Singers will begin rehearsals at All Saints’ Church on Thursdays from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 in the music room. The Singers will sing for church for the first time this season on October 7, 2012, with rehearsal beginning at 9:45 a.m.

We are pleased to introduce a new team-member for the All Saints' Singers: Kathy Kirkwood. Kathy is a member of the church, and she regularly sings in the choir and plays flute. She is also an accomplished pianist, teacher, and choir director. Kathy will be joining us as our new assistant director and accompanist.

The All Saints’ Singers children’s choir is open to all children from grade two through middle school. No auditions are needed, and this program is open to anyone from the church or our community. Please help spread the word!

Summer Worship at Santa Lucia

Thanks to the generous help of Father John Burk, Mother Cynthia Spencer, and numerous parish musicians, we were able to once again offer weekly summer services at our outdoor chapel. The size of the congregations varied from two to eighteen people. A few residents from Big Sur, a number of campers, and members from Carmel gathered each week to celebrate the Eucharist among the trees.

Episcopal School Sunday

Our annual Episcopal School Sunday celebration will be observed on October 14, 2012 at All Saints’ Church. Choirs from All Saints’ Day School and York High School will be in attendance to share music.

Worship: We glorify Christ by enacting liturgies steeped in beauty,

mystery, and creativity that refresh like

springs of living water.

thePatter September 2012 Page 5

our Community

Another Side of Our Music Director: Music at All Saints’ presents Todd Samra

We’ve watched him conduct the choir and heard him play hymns. We know he can riff on Taizé songs on Sunday morning, intone the Lucernarium at Evensong, croon popular classics at a parish dinner, and even don a powdered wig to impersonate J. S. Bach. But on September 29, Todd Samra will perform a variety of arias and art songs from the eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth centuries. Todd will be accompanied by Lucy Faridany, a diplomate of the Royal Academy of Music in London and the granddaughter of the late Nancy Morrow, a longtime All Saints’ parishioner.

The concert will begin with four arias by Johann Sebastian Bach, all presented with a musical perspective from 1760, shortly after Bach's death. Accompanied by piano rather than organ, the arias will feature ornamentation and interpretive details that disappeared by the end of the eighteenth century. The "Agnus Dei" from the Mass in B Minor, usually performed by an alto or counter-tenor, will be presented with the additional warmth and resonance of Todd’s baritone voice.

Chansons by Gabriel Fauré, Claude Debussy, and Reynaldo Hahn will comprise the second set, featuring lyrical performances of several 'big hits' from the Impressionist era. The third set will include English art-songs by Frederick Delius and Ralph Vaughan Williams, and the concert will conclude with a pair of popular songs by American great George Gershwin. 

Don’t miss this chance to get acquainted with another musical side of our own Todd Samra! There will be a reception immediately following the concert in Seccombe Hall. Tickets for the 8:00 p.m. concert are available in the office and on the web at

Camping at Santa Lucia

Remember that Paul’s Meadow is reserved for All Saints’ parishioners. As you would do when reserving the main camp area, contact Izzi Shillinglaw. Because Paul’s Meadow is set aside for the exclusive use of

church and parish members, it is likely to be available even at the last minute.

The 2012 Bach to the Future team.

The 2012 program, a Summer day-camp for kids, was a great success this year! We had over thirty kids the first week, and over fifteen for the second. Numerous kids from the church, community, and the Bach Festival enjoyed wonderful sessions filled with music, art, dancing, photography, learning, and fun!

We would like to extend special thanks to Carteena Robohm, director, for her wonderful gifts in leading this program. Also to Kathy Kirkwood, who served as the accompanist for both of the week-long sessions. Other volunteers who helped assist with the kids were Grace Swearingen, Mark Hiles, Sabina (from Germany), Trisha Anderson, and several parents from the Bach Festival. “Bach’s Lunch” volunteers include Mila Murphy, Remy Ryan, Claudia Ward, Nancy Jones, Marcia McCleary, Todd Samra, and Grace Sizemore. Without the help of these volunteers, the program would not have been a success. Many thanks again!!

Book Club

For September, the All Saints’ Book club is reading A Stroke of Insight: A Brain Scientist’s Personal Journey by Jill Bolte Taylor, Ph.D. Taylor is a neuroanatomist who specializes in the postmortem investigation of the human brain. Due to a massive stroke, she observed her own mind completely deteriorate to the point where she couldn’t walk, talk, read, write or recall any of her life all within the space of four hours.

Community: We rejoice as a

community that drinks from the chalice

of Christ’s love.

Continued on page 11

Page 6 September 2012 thePatter

our DisCipleship

CSUMB Campus Ministry

If you are interested in working with college students, or if you might like to serve on a support team for this campus ministry, please contact Fr. Rick. We are opening up opportunities to serve and finding ways of strengthening this ministry. Fr. John Perez will continue serving as official chaplain of the university, and there is plenty of room for helpers.

Godly Play Resumes September 9

Tracy Haack and other volunteers will be leading our younger children through Bible stories again this year. The room was painted and materials sorted over the summer, and a new rug will arrive later in the fall. Children ages four through grade two are welcome to attend from 10:30 to approximately 11:15, when they may join the congregation for Holy Communion.

Tracy invites you to join her on the rotating team of Godly Play teachers. Please call or e-mail the office to learn more.

Gathering of the women at Santa Lucia Chapel in Big Sur

On Saturday August 11, 2012 twenty three women gathered on the banks of the Big Sur River at our beautiful nine acre campground to attend a day of fellowship, silence and companionship. Mother Cynthia Spencer, retired associate priest at All Saints, presented thirteen women each of the women exemplified one of the attributes in Nancy Wood’s poem “A Woman’s Lesson”. There were three presentations each followed by an hour of quiet time which the participants spent reading, journaling, walking along the river or sitting on the beach. Lunch was shared in the Meadow. The retreat was preceded by an optional service of Morning Prayer and at the end by Holy Eucharist.

Marriage Encounter

Marriage Encounter is a forty-four hour experience where married couples can get away from jobs, kids, chores, and phones - and focus on loving and learning more about each other. If you'd like greater depth,

growth, and enrichment in your relationship, you'll like the difference an Episcopal Marriage Encounter weekend can make!

The next local weekend is October 12-14. You may register for the weekend online at, and select “Bay Area”. For more information, please contact: Curt & Arlene McClelland, 408-371-5581, or

Registration is limited so a quick response is encouraged.

Spiritual Growth and Christian Living

Fr. Rick will begin a new series of classes on Monday evenings. These classes will blend four traditional spiritual practices from our tradition: centering prayer, conversatio, study, and a rule of life. In the section on study we will read passages from a seventh-century mystical writer named Isaac the Syrian, sometimes known as Isaac of Nineveh.

The class runs from September 10 to November 12; you will not need to purchase a book. Feel free to contact Fr. Rick for more information.

Discipleship: We follow Jesus Christ and lead

others into the deep waters of faith.

thePatter September 2012 Page 7

our steWarDship

Carrying Forth our Sacred Heritage

Parishioners sometimes ask how they can express their gratitude for the wonderful experiences and many blessings they’ve received because All Saints’ has been so much a part of their lives. Here is an answer to their question.

You can show your appreciation by providing financial support for All Saints’ future. A major gift or planned gift will carry forward our sacred heritage, celebrate our love of All Saints’, and glorify Christ. Your gift will help to insure that we continue to love and serve our members, missions, and the community well into the next century.

Many members and friends contribute regularly to the church’s annual budget and periodic special appeals. To meet our future needs, we also need to think in the longer term, considering major gifts for capital or current needs, or planned gifts in a will or living trust. Some members have already included All Saints’ in their estate plans.

Gifts may be designated to the Foundation Trust Fund or to the general investment fund. You may also designate a gift to support one of our areas of ministry or missions, or to a fund a specific need, such as caring for our buildings or grounds.

Contact Fr. Rick, Ed Fincke, Nan Walker, or Al Alvarez (FTF board president) for further information.

Opportunities to Serve

Are you looking for a way to express your talents, build new friendships, and serve others? Consider joining a ministry team or perhaps leading one. Here are some opportunities:

Festival Hospitality Team - Would you be willing to house a guest or two for the upcoming Festival of Christian Spirituality, September 28–30? Please contact Robin Reyes via email at or Greg Troxell through the parish office or via email

Altar Guild - Prepare the church altar for communion and tidy up afterward. The schedule is flexible. Contact Valerie Warren through the

church office.

Welcoming Team - The team is in need of a new team leader as Bonnie Bufkin will be resuming her work with the Discipleship Commission. Lead the team that welcomes visitors and members on Sunday morning. Provide information about the upcoming events and help introduce people to other members and leaders after the services. Contact the office to learn more.

All Saints' Gardens

There remain opportunities for those who want to help plan projects related to continual design, improvement, maintenance of the gardens. Interested members should contact Greg Troxell or Fr. Rick by calling the church office.

New Leadership for the Santa Lucia Commission

After many years of heading this ministry group, Jim Shillinglaw is passing the leadership mantle to a new member. Happily for the ministry at Santa Lucia, Jim will continue to serve on the commission. We are pleased to welcome Susan Sonnthal as our new chairperson.

Centennial Luncheon Party

A joyful congregation celebrated our anniversary on August 26. Reservations for the luncheon were fully booked, and we regretted turning away a few people. The hall was filled with individuals whose history with the parish varied from less than two to more than fifty years. The speakers walked us through the decades, starting in 1912,

Stewardship: We offer our all so that

Christ may change water into wine.

Continued on page 11

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LITURGICAL READINGS Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20 21 22

23 24 25 26 27 28 29

September 214th Sunday after the Epiphany

Deuteronomy 4:1-2, 6-9 Psalm 15James 1:17-27 Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23

EvensongPsalm 115Revelation 5:1-14Matthew 5:1-12

8:00am Holy Communion (Rite I)9:00am Nursery Care9:30am Adult Education10:30am Holy Communion10:30am Sunday School4:15pm Evensong Rehearsal5:30pm Choral Evensong &


Labor Day | Church Offi ce Closed

10:00am Outreach Commission Meeting

4:00pm Strategic Planning Committee

1:00pm Music at All Saints’ Planning Meeting

4:00pm Center for Christian Transformation

5:00pm Conversatio

10:30am Bible Study

3:00pm Liturgy Planning Meeting

5:30pm Zumba

3:30pm All Saints’ Singers Rehearsal

7:00pm Choir Rehearsal

10:00am Strategic Planning All-Day Meeting

4:00pm Liturgy Planning

September 915th Sunday after the Epiphany

Isaiah 35:4-7a Psalm 146James 2:1-10, (11-13), 14-17 Mark 7:24-37

8:00am Holy Communion (Rite I)9:00am Nursery Care9:00am Music Rehearsal9:30am Adult Education10:30am Holy Communion10:30am Sunday School11:45am Drama Rehearsal

12:00pm Choir Rehearsal

10:00am Buildings & Grounds Committee

4:00pm Center for Christian Transformation

5:00pm Conversatio

6:00pm Book Club

10:30am Bible Study

4:00pm The Friends of St. Benedict

5:30pm Zumba

3:30pm All Saints’ Singers Rehearsal

7:00pm Choir Rehearsal

10:00pm Clergy Leadership Book Study

12:00pm Discipleship Commission

10:00am Deanery Meeting

4:00pm Liturgy Planning

September 1616th Sunday after the Epiphany

Isaiah 50:4-9a Psalm 116:1-8James 3:1-12 Mark 8:27-38

8:00am Holy Communion (Rite I)9:00am Nursery Care9:00am Music Rehearsal9:30am Adult Education10:30am Sunday School10:30am Holy Communion11:30am Youth Group

4:00pm Palestrina Ensemble

5:30pm Holy Communion

4:00pm Strategic Planning Committee

4:00pm Center for Christian Transformation

5:00pm Conversatio

5:00pm Finance Committee Meeting

10:30am Bible Study

3:00pm Liturgy Planning Meeting

5:30pm Zumba

3:30pm All Saints’ Singers Rehearsal

7:00pm Choir Rehearsal

10:00pm Church Sta� Team Day

7:00pm Choir Rehearsal

9:30am Vestry Visitation Debrief Meeting

4:00pm Liturgy Planning

9:00am Alumnae Family Reunion at ASDS

September 2317th Sunday after the Epiphany

Jeremiah 11:18-20 Psalm 54 James 3:13-4:3, 7-8a Mark 9:30-37

8:00am Holy Communion (Rite I)

9:00am Nursery Care9:00am Music Rehearsal9:30am Adult Education10:30am Sunday School10:30am Holy Communion

12:00pm Choir Rehearsal

5:30pm Holy Communion

4:00pm Center for Christian Transformation

5:00pm Conversatio

10:30am Bible Study

3:00pm Liturgy Planning Meeting

5:30pm Zumba

7:00pm Vestry Meeting


3:30pm All Saints’ Singers Rehearsal

7:00pm Choir Rehearsal


4:00pm I-Help


4:00pm Liturgy Planning

8:00pm Music at All Saints’ Concert featuring: Todd Samra

September 3018th Sunday after the Epiphany

Numbers 11:4-6, 10-16, 24-29 Psalm 19:7-14James 5:13-20 Mark 9:38-50


8:00am Holy Communion (Rite I)

9:00am Nursery Care9:00am Music Rehearsal9:30am Adult Education

10:30am Sunday School10:30am Holy Communion

12:00pm Choir Rehearsal

5:30pm Holy Communion

• Events and Classes

• Meetings


thePatter September 2012 Page 9


LITURGICAL READINGS Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20 21 22

23 24 25 26 27 28 29

September 214th Sunday after the Epiphany

Deuteronomy 4:1-2, 6-9 Psalm 15James 1:17-27 Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23

EvensongPsalm 115Revelation 5:1-14Matthew 5:1-12

8:00am Holy Communion (Rite I)9:00am Nursery Care9:30am Adult Education10:30am Holy Communion10:30am Sunday School4:15pm Evensong Rehearsal5:30pm Choral Evensong &


Labor Day | Church Offi ce Closed

10:00am Outreach Commission Meeting

4:00pm Strategic Planning Committee

1:00pm Music at All Saints’ Planning Meeting

4:00pm Center for Christian Transformation

5:00pm Conversatio

10:30am Bible Study

3:00pm Liturgy Planning Meeting

5:30pm Zumba

3:30pm All Saints’ Singers Rehearsal

7:00pm Choir Rehearsal

10:00am Strategic Planning All-Day Meeting

4:00pm Liturgy Planning

September 915th Sunday after the Epiphany

Isaiah 35:4-7a Psalm 146James 2:1-10, (11-13), 14-17 Mark 7:24-37

8:00am Holy Communion (Rite I)9:00am Nursery Care9:00am Music Rehearsal9:30am Adult Education10:30am Holy Communion10:30am Sunday School11:45am Drama Rehearsal

12:00pm Choir Rehearsal

10:00am Buildings & Grounds Committee

4:00pm Center for Christian Transformation

5:00pm Conversatio

6:00pm Book Club

10:30am Bible Study

4:00pm The Friends of St. Benedict

5:30pm Zumba

3:30pm All Saints’ Singers Rehearsal

7:00pm Choir Rehearsal

10:00pm Clergy Leadership Book Study

12:00pm Discipleship Commission

10:00am Deanery Meeting

4:00pm Liturgy Planning

September 1616th Sunday after the Epiphany

Isaiah 50:4-9a Psalm 116:1-8James 3:1-12 Mark 8:27-38

8:00am Holy Communion (Rite I)9:00am Nursery Care9:00am Music Rehearsal9:30am Adult Education10:30am Sunday School10:30am Holy Communion11:30am Youth Group

4:00pm Palestrina Ensemble

5:30pm Holy Communion

4:00pm Strategic Planning Committee

4:00pm Center for Christian Transformation

5:00pm Conversatio

5:00pm Finance Committee Meeting

10:30am Bible Study

3:00pm Liturgy Planning Meeting

5:30pm Zumba

3:30pm All Saints’ Singers Rehearsal

7:00pm Choir Rehearsal

10:00pm Church Sta� Team Day

7:00pm Choir Rehearsal

9:30am Vestry Visitation Debrief Meeting

4:00pm Liturgy Planning

9:00am Alumnae Family Reunion at ASDS

September 2317th Sunday after the Epiphany

Jeremiah 11:18-20 Psalm 54 James 3:13-4:3, 7-8a Mark 9:30-37

8:00am Holy Communion (Rite I)

9:00am Nursery Care9:00am Music Rehearsal9:30am Adult Education10:30am Sunday School10:30am Holy Communion

12:00pm Choir Rehearsal

5:30pm Holy Communion

4:00pm Center for Christian Transformation

5:00pm Conversatio

10:30am Bible Study

3:00pm Liturgy Planning Meeting

5:30pm Zumba

7:00pm Vestry Meeting


3:30pm All Saints’ Singers Rehearsal

7:00pm Choir Rehearsal


4:00pm I-Help


4:00pm Liturgy Planning

8:00pm Music at All Saints’ Concert featuring: Todd Samra

September 3018th Sunday after the Epiphany

Numbers 11:4-6, 10-16, 24-29 Psalm 19:7-14James 5:13-20 Mark 9:38-50


8:00am Holy Communion (Rite I)

9:00am Nursery Care9:00am Music Rehearsal9:30am Adult Education

10:30am Sunday School10:30am Holy Communion

12:00pm Choir Rehearsal

5:30pm Holy Communion

• Events and Classes

• Meetings

30Please find current updates to calendar events online at

Page 10 September 2012 thePatter

our outreaCh

All Saints' Food Pantry

The food pantry is running smoothly.

Hans Lehmann is making preparations for the loading and distribution of about one hundred food boxes before Christmas. You can help if you can coordinate the donation of 100-150 matching boxes that are no more than 1-1.5 c.f. in size. Please speak to Hans if you have a source. His number is 831-624-0540.

In June we provided food bags to twenty-seven households, helping seventy-nine people in total (twenty-eight children and ten seniors). Another twenty-six men were provided hospitality and lodging via our support of I-HELP.

The Sierra Service Project

Three youth from All Saints’, and the youth director went to McDermitt, Nevada for a week with the diocesan middle school mission trip at the end of July. There were eight from the diocese who joined a group of thirty other youth from all over California and Washington, at the Sierra Service Project site on the Paiute Shoshone Reservation in McDermitt.

The youth and chaperones worked on home repair projects: building wheel chair ramps, stairs, and painting. They got to use power tools, and they learned a lot about teamwork, construction, and helping others. They also learned something about the culture and tradition on the Paiute Shoshone Reservation, and got to participate in a circle dance, which is a sign of friendship.

The youth, chaperones, and staff members formed an intentional Christian Community at SSP. It was a community where everyone accepted and respected each other and were committed to teamwork, participation, and building each other up. The youth fasted from

electronics, caffeine and sugar in order to be healthy and available to participate in community life. Though they found it challenging, the youth agreed at the end of the week that the lack of electronics helped them to connect with each other and build meaningful friendships in a short period of time.

Now that the mission trip is over, the team that went is excited to continue to engage in service work at home, and to continue to live those values of intentional Christian community in the All Saints’ youth group.

Outreach: We serve others with

the compassion of Christ by offering

sustenance to those in need.

thePatter September 2012 Page 11

Community - Continued from Page 7

and we ended with a look into the future. The meal, beverages, and cake were delicious and the decorations were lovely, but the friendships and sweet memories were the best of all.

In the Footsteps of Marco Polo

Some people dream big dreams. Only a few bold adventurers live them. Meet author, explorer and filmmaker Denis Belliveau on Wednesday September 19 at 7:00 PM in Coast Hall at All Saints’ Day School. Following the presentation of his Emmy nominated PBS documentary, “In the Footsteps of Marco Polo,” Denis will host a Q &  A session.

Equal parts travelogue, adventure story, history trek and buddy movie, the film chronicles Belliveau and fellow explorer Francis O’Donnell’s two year odyssey retracing Marco Polo’s entire 25,000 mile, land-and-sea route from Venice to China and back.  Relive the highs and lows as they venture on foot, horseback, camelback, in jeeps and trucks and boats and trains, surviving deadly firefights and capture in Afghanistan, the forbidding sands of the Taklamakan Desert and numerous interrogations from authorities threatening to derail their plans.

Listen as Marco Polo’s world comes to life through ancient lands and cultures, from the timeless camel caravans on the famed Silk Road to the expert horsemen of Mongolia

and the tattooed tribes of Indonesia.

Brimming with adventure, history, art, and no small amount of humor, IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF MARCO POLO is a unique cinematic, live talkback and book signing experience that audiences will not soon forget.

BOOK CLUB (Continued)

This book shares her unique perspective on the brain and its capacity for recovery.

Taylor shares her recommendation for recovery and the insight she gained into the unique functions of the right and left halves of her brain. Not only does the book help others to rebuild their brains from trauma but helps those of us with normal brains better understand how we can “tend the garden of our minds” to maximize our quality of life.

Through Taylor’s example, she teaches us how

we might more readily exercise our own right hemispheric circuitry with the intention of helping all human beings become more humane. She believes the more time spent running our deep ‘inner peace’ circuitry, the more peace we will project into the world—and ultimately the more peace we’ll have on this planet.

The All Saints’ Book Club regularly meets in the church library the second Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. The review leader/presenter brings lettuce for a salad, and the other participants bring something to add to the salad or food to share.

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All Saints’ is launching a bigger and better youth program, starting October 6! We will be having a weekly bible study for youth grades 6-12 at 9:15 a.m. on Sunday mornings. We will then have an activity and discussion based program for Junior High youth every Sunday 12:00 to 2:00 p.m. and a program for High School youth which meets on a weekday. Families with youth will receive a packet of information in the mail in September.

To learn more about our youth ministry or any of the opportunities below, please contact Robin Denney at or 805-835-8538.

Upcoming Youth Events

Youth Group: September 2, September 16, October: every Sunday.

Whale Watching! Youth grades 6 through 12 October 13, 3:30 - 6:00 p.m. Cost: Free! RSVP to Robin:

Youth Diocesan Camping Trip: October 19-21. We will leave after school on October 19th. Invite your friends! RSVP to Robin:

Hunger Games Event! November 8-9. Youth from the Day School, the community, and the Diocese are invited to join us! RSVP to Robin:

Youth and Family Service Day

On August 18, ten youth and adults from All Saints’ participated in the Youth and Family Service Day at Dorothy’s Kitchen, Salinas. We cooked and served a spaghetti lunch for about 150 people. Most of the participants had done a service day at Dorothy’s Kitchen before, and were excited to be back. It is a blessing, a challenge, and an opportunity to learn and grow in faith, each time we step out beyond our comfort zone to both serve and get to know the hungry people in our communities.

A special thank you to all the participants, and to those who bought groceries!

The service day for September will be helping out with the Festival of Christian Spirituality at All Saints’, September 27-30. If you are interested in helping, contact Robin Reyes:

In October, the service day has been replaced by the diocesan youth camping trip October 19-21, in Big Sur.

South Sudan Mission Trip

Robin Denney, our youth leader and former missionary to South Sudan, will be traveling to South Sudan in September for three weeks. She will be visiting several dioceses in Western Equatoria State, and putting on an agriculture workshop with pastors in the Ezo diocese who have recently returned to their land after four years of displacement from attacks by the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA). Robin would appreciate your prayers for a safe and fruitful journey, and for the people of Sudan and South Sudan.

All Saints' Youth Ministry News Robin Denney

thePatter September 2012 Page 13

the Business of the VestryAt the August vestry meeting we approved establishing a Parish Mission Council for the purpose of coordinating and mutually supporting the ministries of our church and five missions. The conversations held at the council might also help us share resources, as well as clarify God’s purpose for our different organizations. This decision recognizes that we have been serving as both a church located in Carmel-by-the-Sea and a parish with several missions in various locations. The council is a ministry board, and not a governing entity.

The vestry also received a thorough report by the Buildings and Grounds Committee on their process of receiving bids and refining the scope and work needed to repair the balcony and make it safer. This balcony, on the south side of the church building, leaks into the storage room below, is constructed of aging wood, and has a rail height that does not meet current safety standards. With the strong recommendation of the Buildings and Grounds Committee, the

vestry approved this project at a fixed price contract of $94,560. Recognizing that we recently held a successful capital fund drive for the kitchen and earlier this year solicited funds to fully fund our ministries, the vestry decided to allocate funds for this balcony project from the vestry designated funds.

The vestry voted to receive another gift from the estate of Mark Adams. This proposed gift is a rose window, and will need to be installed in the chapel (although it is significantly larger than the current north window in the chapel), or somewhere else. If, in the future, we build a new hall opening into the courtyard outside the church, the rose window could enhance its beauty. Chris Winfield, a local gallery owner who is representing the estate of Mark Adams, says that it is a gift to have both the baptistery and Resurrection tapestry in Carmel, and it would be even more significant to our city to have all three works of art by Mr. Adams at All Saints’. The rose window will be stored on campus.

the Vestry of all saints'Vestry Liaisons

• Worship: Harrison Shields• Community: Bill Mattmiller• Discipleship: Mike Carter• Stewardship: Allan Groves• Outreach: Nancy Jones• Buildings and Grounds: Mike Carter and Ed Childs• Strategic Planning: Ed Fincke• Finances: Nan Walker (chair), Ed Fincke, and Dave McClendon

Officers of the Church

• Fr. Rick Matters, Rector• Jackie Graham, Treasurer• Marcia Jeiroudi, Clerk of the Vestry• Ed Fincke, Senior Warden• Nan Walker, Junior Warden

Nan WalkerEd Finke Nancy Jones Allan Groves

Michael Carter

Jackie Graham

Harrison Shields

Ed Childs

Bill Mattmiller

Dave McClendon

Marcia Jeiroudi

Fr. Rick Matters

Page 14 September 2012 thePatter

The Gift of Poverty and Abundance

When we separate the one divine gift of poverty and abundance, our life is fragmented and we become distracted and anxious. When we lose touch with the simplicity and satisfaction of true poverty and true abundance, we find it difficult to respond to the needs of others. Jesus is the perfect example of the reconciliation and integration of poverty and abundance. He possessed everything, but owned only one coat. With the poverty of a few loaves he fed many, and in the poverty of his broken body he continues to feed the world.

All Saints’ Artists Unite!

There are many artists in our community actively working in every medium from poetry to music to dance to painting. And we are beginning to work together for fellowship as well as mutual support and encouragement, and the sharing new ideas.

Join with other artists and help shape this All Saints’ artist community with your creativity and dreams. To get involved or to ask questions, contact Marcia Jeiroudi at

Friday, September 7 from 6:00 – 9:00 p.m.

Learn more:

thePatter September 2012 Page 15

PARISH LEADERSHIPClergyRectoR The Rev. RichaRd MaTTeRs

Deacon The Rev. JaMes BooTh

MissioneR The Rev. Jon PeRez, ePiPhany

Deacon The Rev. Joan andeRson, ePiPhany

assisting PRiests The Rev. holly hudson-louis

The Rev. cynThia sPenceR

Parish Staff gaRDeneR PedRo caBReRa

sexton Raul GaRcia

Youth LeaDeR RoBin denney

nuRseRY MaRia Medina

DiRectoR of Music dR. Todd saMRa

PaRish aDMinistRatoR GReG TRoxell

oRganist RichaRd Wilson

PaRish office VoLunteeRs

MaRcia JeiRoudi JiM & izzi shillinGlaW dave Mcclendon

VestrysenioR WaRDen ed Fincke (2013)

JunioR WaRDen nan WalkeR (2013)

allan GRoves (2012)

nancy Jones (2012)

Mike caRTeR (2013)

dave Mcclendon (2015)

ed childs (2013)

Bill MaTTMilleR (2015)

haRRison shields (2015)

tReasuReR Jackie GRahaM

cLeRk MaRcia JeiRoudi

coMMittees of the VestRY, Liaisons

BuiLDings & gRounDs Mike caRTeR

finance nan WalkeR

huMan ResouRces dave Mcclendon

stRategic PLanning ed Fincke

inVestMent coMMittee / ftf al alvaRez

Parish ContraCtors

BookkeePeR lin sPonsleR

caMPgRounD caRetakeR duane Fissell

Commission Chairs and Ministry LeadersWorshiP

aLtaR fLoWeRs Mila MuRPhy

aLtaR guiLD valeRie WaRRen

acoLYtes RoBin denney

BanD dR. Todd saMRa

DRaMa tRouPe nancy BeRnhaRd

usheRs Bill MaTTMilleR & Mike RaGGeTT

WeDDing cooRDinatoRs diane ellis & elaine sTanTon


caRing MinistRies RoBin Reyes

PRaYeR teaM izzi shillinGlaW

euchaRistic VisitoRs The Rev. Rick MaTTeRs

WeLcoMing & neWcoMeRs Bonnie BuFkin

MeMoRiaL teas GWynn RoMano

Book cLuB kaThy nielsen


the fRienDs of st. BeneDict Bill Reed

goDLY PLaY TRacy haack

LiBRaRY claudia WaRd

festiVaL of chRistian sPiRituaLitY The Rev. Rick MaTTeRs

WeDnesDaY BiBLe stuDY

GReG TRoxell

sunDaY MoRning aDuLt eDucation The Rev. Rick MaTTeRs

steWarDshiP MinistRY DisceRnMent GReG TRoxell

2012 PLeDge teaM nan WalkeR

enDoWMent MinistRY allan GRoves


fooD PantRY RoseMaRy sMiTh

i-heLP hans lehMann aliceon Jones

santa Lucia caMPgRounD susan sonThal & izzi shillinGlaW

st. PatRick’s, haiti RoseMaRy sMiTh

ePiPhanY chuRch, MaRina The Rev. Joan andeRson

aLL saints’ DaY schooL TBd

All Saints’ Episcopal Church

Ninth and Dolores

PO Box 1296

Carmel, CA 93921

Phone: 831-624-3883 Fax: 831-624-1459

All Saints’ Episcopal Day School

8060 Carmel Valley Road

Carmel, CA 93923

Phone: 831-624-9171

Epiphany Lutheran & Episcopal Church

425 Carmel Avenue

Marina, CA 93933

Phone: 831-384-6323

Santa Lucia Chapel & Campground, Big Sur

PO Box 1296

Carmel, CA 93921

Phone: 831-624-3883

All Saints’ Episcopal Parish

Office Hours: Monday—Thursday 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. and Friday 9:00 a.m. – noon



All Saints’ Mission:Disciples Glorifying Christ and Serving Others

All Saints’ Vision:By God’s grace and mandate, our

future honors and carries forward the sacred heritage of All Saints’ Parish.

We are called to be a diverse community filled with vitality and enthusiasm that

celebrates together around the wellspring of Holy Communion, in order to be refreshed

and equipped by the Holy Spirit.

Living God’s future today, we attract more and more people of all ages into our

fellowship of love and Christian formation. From this place we send forth members and establish missions that glorify Christ, serve others, and offer God’s hope to the world.

Phone: 831-624-3883 |

Rector, Wardens, and Vestrymen of

All Saints’ ParishDolores and Ninth–PO Box 1296Carmel, CA 93921

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