September 2015 Wellspring

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The Wellspring September 2015Fuquay-Varina

United Methodist Church

Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. — James 1:22

As you know, we are living in a very challenging, shifting and changing culture like we have never seen before. We are facing and witnessing issues and circumstances we never dreamed possible, and each new day brings with it unforeseen situations.

We watch daily the senseless killings and violence on streets, extreme poverty in our communities, people feeling marginalized and abandoned, and a world in chaos.

The truth of the matter is that every generation has faced challenges, trials and persecutions of one kind or another. The question for the followers of Jesus Christ is how to live out our faith in the midst of this disorder. What does faith look like in this most perilous atmosphere?

The good news is the writer of

the Book of James addresses these and similar issues in his letter to the followers of Christ in the first century.

It was a time of great persecution for the church, and this letter was written to encourage Christians to rise to the challenge of faith — faith not lived in a vacuum or in isolation but a faith birthed in patience, wisdom and a deep trust in God.

Our new message series which begins on September 13 is called, “James: A Faith That Works.” In his letter, James asks, “What will last, what is permanent?” His answer is clear: God and His Word!

I hope you make it a point to be in worship each Sunday during this series and invite and encourage your friends to join you. We are all looking for a “faith that works” in today’s culture.

To expand on the concepts from our sermon series, our new Growth Groups will review the messages each week. Digging a little deeper in the Book of James will help us as we seek to be “disciples of Jesus Christ” who are able to stand in the perilous times. If you have not connected to a Growth Group, sign up today and let’s walk through this together.

Here is what I know: though the seasons of life and the world around us may change, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and will walk with us through every season.

God bless you and your family, and I look forward to seeing you in worship on Sunday mornings!

Gene Tyson Lead

As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead. — James 2:26

Hospitality Lessons: What I Learned on My Summer Vacation — Pastor Valerie Tyson

After attending the early worship service at a United Methodist church in one of my favorite eastern North Carolina towns, Gene & I were really looking forward to having brunch at a newly-discovered restaurant in the historic village.

On two previous occasions, we had eaten dinner at the restaurant, and both experiences had been exceptional! The atmosphere was beautiful and restful. The wait staff was attentive. The food was really, really good. Our expectations were pretty high as we parked the car and walked the brick path to the recently-painted French doors.

I wanted to sit outside on the patio and experience a rare opportunity to relax on Sunday and enjoy our late morning feast. However, the waitress said, “Let me tell you that the flies are terrible! They are just horrible out there. It’s not a very good place to eat your food with flies buzzing around, but I’ll seat you out there if you want.”

While we appreciated the “heads up,” it was the way she communicated the situation to us. It went downhill from there. She informed us that the coffee pot was broken, and the one they were using only brewed three cups at a time so we should expect a wait! The replacement coffee maker had been ordered but was taking forever to arrive.

Throughout our meal, she continually shared with us everything that was wrong……in detail!

We began looking around to see what else might be wrong! Our dining experience would have been much better if she had not shared those things with us.

While our experience at the restaurant wasn’t a major event, it was a good reminder about the power of the words that come out of our mouths and the effect thereof! Our new sermon series and many of our growth groups are soon to engage in a study on the Book of James. James has quite a bit to say about the power of tongue. Quoting form the epistle, “from the same mouth come both blessing and cursing. My brethren, it ought not to be this way.” (James 3:10)

How does all of this apply to hospitality and life at FVUMC? I think it is a good reminder to make us just a little more aware that there is a time and a place to address the important things that need some work and attention. However, there is a better time for those discussions other than Sunday morning worship. It’s better to focus on the things that are right rather than the things that need a little work. Stepping into a peaceful, welcoming setting helps us to enter into worship more fully than if we have been previously distracted with negative conversation.

That’s my summer vacation tidbit! Hope you have a wonderful worship experience on Sunday!

Blessings, Valerie Tyson, vtyson@fvumc.orgPastor of Welcoming & Congregational Care

Starting Point: Find Out About FVUMCOur Starting Point gatherings are an introduction to the church, pastors, staff and leaders of

our ministries. We’d love to help you connect with the small groups, ministries, and activities that resonate with your life and interests. The Starting Point gatherings are open to anyone, whether you’re new to FVUMC or have been attending for a while. Come when it works for your schedule - no registration necessary! Children’s Sunday School and Nursery available for all sessions. For questions, please call the church office at 919-552-4331 or email

• September 13 at 9:30am in room 125 or at 11:00am in room 117 on the Adult Wing.

• November 1 at 9:30am in room 125 or at 11:00am in room 117 on the Adult Wing. 2

That We Might Be One: A Prayer for All“I ask not only on behalf of these, but also on behalf of those who will believe in me through their word, that they may all be one. As you, Father, are in me and I am in you, may they also be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me.” John 17:20–21

Have you ever thought about Jesus’ prayer in John 17:11-26? In this prayer, Jesus prays that we might be one as he is one with his Father. He prays this prayer for all who will come after him and believe in his message.

So this prayer is for us. It’s a prayer that has extended through all of time, from generation to generation of new believers.

Think about it, Jesus prayed for you and for me to become one with each other like Jesus is one with the Father.

As we marvel at that thought, Jesus goes on to say in that same prayer that by becoming one with each other and one with God the world will know that God’s message of salvation is true. Our togetherness proclaims to the world the reality of God’s message of salvation. What a powerful prayer!

Because of this powerful prayer, we are mindful of how we are unified at FVUMC.

One way this can be seen in our Growth Groups. As we go into the fall semester of Growth Groups, the majority of the groups will study the same thing.

For the next ten weeks, they will follow a sermon-based curriculum. So, what’s talked about on Sunday morning in the sermon will be further discussed in each small group. All of these different groups, meeting at different times and in different places, talking about the same thing!

This is only one of the ways we show that we are unified. There are many others such as taking communion, celebrating baptism, serving together, and affirming the same faith together.

But most importantly, we are made one by the Holy Spirit who lives and moves in us, guiding us toward a life that proclaims the gospel to the world.

Matt Seaton, Pastor of Christian Formation & Missional Outreach

In Our Thoughts and Prayers

We offer our sympathy and prayers to:Pam Mitchell, on the death of her father

Carole Drake, on the death of her brother

Susan Greer, on the death of her son-in-law

In our prayers:

Margaret Kissel, Larry Rose & family, Anderson Ward, the family of Virginia Jones, Vikki Casanave & family, Caroline Jackson & family, the family of André Carson, Doug Bennett & family, Joy Sarles, Fran Sykes, Robert Parrott, Mike Tucker, Joan Lesher, Nancy Patrone, Jim Cleary, Bob Pavone, Ron Richardson, Bob Sheets, PJ Ramsey, Bernard McLeod, Dan Sass, Mary-Anne Hatch, Koyla Knox, Bonnie Green, Judy Dolan, Cornelia Coble, Vicky Croft, Tom Myatt, Carol Chambers, Lois & David Stuart, Jakob Kish, Mario Marchese, Rob Matney, Iris Brown, Logan Thomas, Dee Chisenhall, Jeff Fox, Emily Ashworth, Craig Judd, Clay King, Jill Zatyko, Sue Simkiss, Bill Young, Bob & Katharine Kinton, Howard Hanmann, Fran Applegarth

Group Life

Now Is the Time to Learn More About the ColumbariumWe are very close to having the necessary funding to start construction on Phase 1 of the Columbarium and Prayer Garden! The price of each two-person niche remains at $3,000 until construction begins, at which time the price increases to $3,500. A multi-year installment plan is available. Now is the time to purchase a niche before prices increase. Learn more at 3

Offering Hospitality to Families Who Have

Hit a Hard Time Wake Interfaith Hospitality Network is coming to FVUMC the week of Thanksgiving. Help us welcome the WIHN families as they make our church their home.

Please consider whether you, your family, or your small group might help with evening hosting, meal slots, and overnight hosting and/or driving the van to the WIHN day center in Raleigh.

Personal Care Items NeededDid you know that we put together welcome bags for each WIHN family and bags for the kids? Another way you can support WIHN is to donate items on our wish list.

Keep all items small because the families are moving to a different church each week. There is a container in the lobby for donations. If you have questions contact Debbie Corr 919-557-7437 or

Must-haves for welcome bags• Deodorant• Shampoo• Toothpaste & toothbrushes• Soap

Nice to have items for adults are: • Disposable razors• Combs• Toothbrush or

soap holders• Dental floss• Baby powder• Band-aids• Shower caps

• Travel baby wipes• Travel sewing kits• Pencils, pens, and

small notepads• Feminine products• (We have plenty of

hand lotion)

Kids package: • Coloring books & stickers• Crayons or colored pencils• Pencils, pens, rulers, erasers• Kids scissors & handheld pencil sharpeners• Composition notebooks & notebook paper• Small toys (paddle ball, jump rope, yo-yo,

matchbook cars, small stuffed animals)

Mission Quilt Sale on October 16-17Our church quilting group, the "Quilting with Faith" quilters, are having a sale to raise money for missions of the church on Friday, October 16, from 7:00-9:00 PM and Saturday, October 17 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM in rooms 117-119 in the adult wing of the church.

There will be over 75 hand-pieced quilts, table runners, and other quilted items for sale, and the total cost of each item will be donated to a mission of the church selected by the buyer.

Quilts of all sizes, colors and designs will be available. Items sell quickly, so do not procrastinate; come Friday evening for the best selection. This is a perfect opportunity to do some Christmas shopping, so be sure to mark the date on your calendar.

Donate Coupons for Military FamiliesPlease donate your unused coupons to help support our deployed troops. These coupons are given to Military Missions in Action (MMIA) in F-V and mailed to military bases overseas. Only donate “manufacturer” coupons – we cannot use store or restaurant coupons. The coupons must be current or have expired less than two months ago. Please sort clipped coupons into “Food” and “Non-Food” piles and put each pile into a labeled baggie or envelope. (However, clipping and sorting are NOT required—we have a team of volunteers who can do it.) Please put coupons in plastic tub that’s labeled “Coupons for Troops” located in the lobby's Welcome Center. For questions, contact Tanya Page at 919-662-5565 or

Book Club Meets September 18 to Discuss Wearing GodWearing God: Clothing, Laughter, Fire, and Other Overlooked Ways of Meeting God by Lauren Winner

“Around five years ago, I began to realize that my pictures of God were old. This intersected, not coincidentally, with my newfound wakefulness to the scriptures, and it led me on a search: what pictures, what images and metaphors, does the Bible give us for who God is, and what ways of being

with God might those pictures invite? One of the invitations of this book—and, I think, of the Bible—is this: you can discover things about God by looking around your ordinary, everyday life. There is a method here, and it is Jesus’s method. Jesus, after all, specialized in asking people to steep themselves in the words of the scriptures and then to look around their ordinary Tuesdays to see what they could see about holiness and life with God. This is not merely entertaining wordplay to

give overactive minds something pious to do. It is the Bible’s way of making us aware of God and of the world in which we meet God.” So begins a wise and lyrical journey as scholar and Episcopal priest Lauren Winner tries on overlooked metaphors for how we meet and experience God.

The book club meets in hosts’ homes. To join the dinner and discussion on Friday, September 18 at 6:30pm, contact Suzanne Jones or Matilda Storm at

Why We Need Women’s Retreats It’s hard to hear God’s voice above the noise of everyday life. When is the last time you sat before God without a To Do list on your mind, a pile of laundry the size of Texas Stadium in the background, or family members pressing in on all sides? If you can’t remember, you need to attend a retreat!

“To retreat” means to leave our normally occupied positions and go to a place of safety, quiet, and seclusion. By going to a retreat, we physically remove ourselves from life’s distractions, the call of chores, and the demands of people in order to make space for God. Do you struggle to give Him time and to hear His voice? Take some time away and be encouraged. Even Jesus recognized the value and need to get away.

“Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up,

left the house, and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.” Mark 1:35

Standing side-by-side with our sisters in Christ, and worshiping, praying, and learning about our precious Savior makes us stronger.

When we join a group of women singing songs to God, we experience a taste of what Heaven’s going to be like when we’re gathered around his throne. When we sit with our sisters and open God’s Word, the insights we gain as we study together add weight and credence to its truth. When we pray for others, and they pray for us, we know we are not alone, no matter how heavy our burden might be. Together we bear each other’s burdens.

Sign up today for the FVUMC Women’s Retreat, October 23 – 24, 2015 at Camp Rockfish. Daytime and overnight options available. Register online using the link at or in the church office by Sunday, September 13.

Stay in Touch with FVUMC News & EventsIn addition to signing up for our church-wide emails (by contacting the office or visiting, you can always check up on the latest news online at The News page includes current articles and links to the online versions of the Wellspring newsletter, the weekly bulletin and sermon recordings. If you have news to share, please email and/or The submission deadline for the bulletin is Tuesdays at noon and for the newsletter is the 20th of the month prior. 5

Senior CelebrationThe Senior Celebration dinner is set for Saturday, Sept. 12 at 5:30pm. All seniors (60+) are invited! Please RSVP by 9/7 to the church office at 919-552-4331 or in the lobby on Sunday morning.

Can You Help?To make this a divine happening, we need table decorators, kitchen servers, cleaners, a photographer, and food servers. This is a wonderful way to show our love and gratitude to many of those who are the foundation of our church. Make this a family project and come and help make this event possible! If you can help, please call Lynne Sorrels at 919-557-1568 or email her at

Guest Chorus Helping Lead Worship on 9/20Mark your calendars for Sunday, September 20! FVUMC is hosting the Rockingham Male Chorus from the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. The chorus will help lead worship at the 8:00 and 11:00 services. Set your alarms a bit early so you can be sure to enjoy 15 minutes of pre-gathering music before each service.

The chorus is a group of volunteer musicians from a variety of backgrounds, careers and denominations who welcome the opportunity to travel and sing the gospel of Christ. “The Singing Men” as they are known, travel hundreds of miles on an annual basis giving 20-30 concerts covering an area from Pennsylvania to Florida.

The members of the Rockingham Male Chorus enjoy good fellowship and a strong camaraderie as well as a common sense of mission. They love to share the Word in their music and welcome the opportunity to greet and fellowship in Christ’s name.

It’s Almost Pumpkin Time!

Get’s that time again. Pumpkins will be arriving on Sunday, Sept.27 at 3:00pm. Please come help unload the truck. A time sheet will be available soon to sign up for times to help run the patch and raise funds for a F-VUMC ministry.

PrimeTimers (50+) Upcoming EventsAdults 50+ get together a couple of times each month to visit museums, go to concerts, hear speakers, and have fun. Upcoming events include:

• Flu Shots and talk from a Pharmacist- Tuesday September 15. Flu shots from 9:00-10:00am. Pharmacist talk starts at 10:15am.

• Northwood Temple Dinner Theater- Saturday October 3. We will go to Fayetteville to see the 28th annual play and dinner. The original play this year is “On the Bench.” We will leave from the church at 11:00am for the matinee. Great food and a play for $22 per person.

• Get to know Pastor Matt on Oct. 20 at 10am.

Main Street Kitchen Is Saturday, September 19One way we serve and share God is through the meal preparation and delivery of our Main Street Kitchen ministry. The third Saturday of the month, FVUMC folks come together to prepare meals for people in the community. Cooking skills NOT required! Preparations start at 10am and continue through the early afternoon. Volunteers are welcome to help with tasks including setup, delivery preparation, cooking & cleaning. Food donations are welcome. Help to replenish the MSK supplies by donating pasta, biscuit or cake mix, frosting, large cans of fruits or vegetables, and brown paper bags with handles. Contact Paula Cade at 919-753-8168 for more information.

Fuquay-Varina Food Pantry

Requests: Granola/snack bars, rice, and

toothpaste - no glass jars, please

Lifeline Youth Group

Sundays - Starting 9/20All 6th-12th grade students are invited to join us each Sunday

night for Lifeline! We meet together to hang out, worship God, and hear a message that makes a difference in our lives.

NOTE: For the Sept. 20 Kick-Off event, all ages

are gathering from 5:30-7pm for a cookout and fun.

New Lifeline Schedule:4:30-5:30pm ALIVE Middle School teaching time

(6th-8th graders)

5:30-6pm Worship time for ALL students

6:14-7pm THRIVE High School teaching time (9th-12th



Youth Music

For details, see page 10Youth Praise Choir

Rebellations Bell ChoirPulse Praise Team

Instruments of Praise

Questions?Bobby Rackley

Director of Youth & Family Ministries 919-552-4331, ext. 106

Youth & Family

MinistriesRegister students for all

FVUMC youth programming using the link at

Lifeline Youth Group

Sundays - Starting 9/20All 6th-12th grade students are invited to join us each Sunday

night for Lifeline! We meet together to hang out, worship God, and hear a message that makes a difference in our lives.

NOTE: For the Sept. 20 Kick-Off event, all ages

are gathering from 5:30-7pm for a cookout and fun.

New Lifeline Schedule:4:30-5:30pm ALIVE Middle School teaching time

(6th-8th graders)

5:30-6pm Worship time for ALL students

6:14-7pm THRIVE High School teaching time (9th-12th


Confirmation Winter/Spring 2016

Confirmation is being planned for Winter/Spring of 2016. This year, we are shifting Confirmation by two years so

that it now starts with 8th graders and includes high school students.

Life Groups

Wednesdays 6:30-8:00pm Starting 9/16

Life Groups are put together by age (middle school or high school) and gender. They are places to belong and find deep

community and growth in our walks with God.

In addition to supporting one another and studying God’s word, our Life Groups also grow together through completing

service projects throughout the school year.

We are blessed with a dedicated team of adult leaders who facilitate these small groups.

All 6th-12th graders are welcome to join a Life Group, even if they have

never come before!


Get Involved in Children’s Ministry!Are you looking for ways to get involved in our children’s ministry? We would love to have you join our team! Volunteer to:

• Teach Sunday school. There are opportunities at 9:30 or 11:00. Materials are provided for you, and you may choose to teach 1-4 times a month depending on your schedule.

• Be a parent helper. Sign up for one Sunday a quarter to volunteer in your child’s Sunday school class. This is an easy and exciting way to be a part of your child’s Sunday worship experience.

• Be an administrative volunteer. If working directly with children isn’t for you, but you love organizing and other administrative tasks, there’s a weekly need for help. Examples include restocking craft supplies, entering attendance data, making copies, etc.

• Be a buddy. We are looking to pilot our first buddy program in September through which buddies are paired with children who have unique needs to ensure their success in our Sunday school and Kids NPraise classes.

• Be a Sunday School Superintendent: Help us monitor our hallways, greet and direct visitors, and provide extra support to teachers on Sunday mornings.

• Help with evening activities. Provide extra support for FaithWeavers (2nd-3rd graders) or Kids for Christ (4th-5th graders) programs that meet on Sundays from 4:30-6:00pm.

• Help with special events. Volunteer to help plan and execute special events such as 3rd Grade Bible Retreat, Fall Festival, Birthday Party for Jesus, Palm Sunday, VBS, and more!

Please contact Amanda Rackley ( or 919-552-4331 ext. 113) for more details or to volunteer!

Promotion Sunday Is 9/13It’s that time of year again! Promotion Sunday is September 13, and this is the day that all children and youth are promoted to their next grade/age level Sunday school class.

It also officially marks the kick-off of our fall programming on Sunday afternoons: Faith Weaver Friends and Kids for Christ (KFC).

Sept. 13 is also the day that our 3rd graders receive their Bibles in worship!

For Sunday school registration, you can fill out a printed form and drop it off in the church office, or fill out the registration form available at

Parents, save some time on September 13 and pre-register for Sunday school!

Attention 3rd Graders!• Bible Presentation Sunday:

Sunday, September 13 is Bible Presentation Sunday for 3rd graders. If you have a child in 3rd grade for the 2015-2016 academic year, please contact Amanda Rackley at or at (919) 552-4331, ext. 113, to ensure that we have a Bible for your child.

• 3rd Grade Bible Exploration Retreat: All 3rd graders are invited to an overnight retreat here at the church on October 2-3 where they will learn about the Bible, how it’s arranged, and practice using their new Bibles in interactive and fun ways! The fun begins at 5:30pm on Friday, October 2 and goes until Saturday, October 3 at 2:00pm. Use the link at to sign up.


Upcoming Dates:Sept. 9 Kids NPraise Starts

Sept. 13 In Worship: Promotion Sunday 3rd Grade Bible Presentations

4:30-6pm Faith Weaver Friends (2nd & 3rd graders) and Kids For Christ (4th & 5th Graders) Resume Meetings

Oct. 2-3 3rd Grade Bible Retreat

Oct. 25 Fall Festival

Did You Get a Quay Kids Calendar?Hopefully by now you have had a chance to pick up one of our Quay Kids event calendars for the year. These have the dates of everything from Promotion Sunday 2015 to VBS 2016! We hope this helps you plan ahead and stay up-to-date on what is going on in our children’s ministry this year.

Special “THANK YOU” to Heidi Coon for designing the calendars for us! They look amazing, Heidi, and we are so appreciative of you sharing your time and talents in this way!!

Everest VBS… Keeps on Giving!We continue to celebrate the generosity of our church during Vacation Bible School this summer. After cleaning up the icy Everest remnants, we had a few leftover items (about 10-12 CDs, Bible buddies & fun gizmos) that we donated to some of my former colleagues at a church in Goldsboro.

This church had decided to do a “VBS T0-Go” as a mission project this year following their annual VBS. They had their usual VBS in July. Then, they saved some of their materials, packed everything up, and did an all-day VBS for a community church about an hour away who would not have otherwise been able to put together a VBS. The church from Goldsboro supplied the materials and the volunteers - it was a "mission trip!"

With the items FVUMC donated, each family at the VBS To-Go received a CD of the music. What an awesome way to "serve and share" in ministry with one another!

Amanda Rackley arackley@fvumc.orgDirector of Children & Family Ministries

Covenant Kids - Sundays at 9:30Covenant Kids is a Sunday school class that is designed for Kindergarten through 2nd graders who want to attend worship at 9:30 and also have the option of Sunday school.

In this class, children go to worship with their families at 9:30 and then exit with the Covenant Kids teacher before the sermon.

When in their classroom, the children do lessons, activities, and crafts that have the same topic and focus as the sermon.

Worshiping together as a family is important, and this is just another way that FVUMC gives you options to choose what best fits your family!

Seeds of Faith PreschoolWe had a busy summer with summer camp and children’s wing updates: Mr. Warren, our Facilities Manager has been building new play structures for all our children on the play ground & they are fabulous! We also had a church team come together & clean up the playground & add new mulch & sand. And have you seen our vibrant new walls on the children’s wing? Preschool is back in session with over 200 children, and we know it will be a great year!

Blessings, Ms. Lynne9

Youth Music OpportunitiesCheck out these opportunities for youth to participate in the music and worship of FVUMC, and register at Questions: contact Jennifer Harrenstein, Director of Music Ministries, at or 919-552-4331 ext. 105.

Youth Praise Choir• For 6th–12th grade youth• Meets 6:45–8:00pm Thursdays• 1st rehearsal September 10• No experience required

Rebellations Bell Choir• For 6th–12th grade youth• Meets 7:00–7:30pm

on Sundays• 1st rehearsal September 20• No experience required

Kids NPraise• Open to 6th grade youth• Meets 4:30–6pm Wednesdays• 1st rehearsal September 9• No experience required

Pulse Youth Praise Band• For 8th–12th grade youth• Meets 3:30-4:30pm Sundays• 1st rehearsal September 20• Audition required–see

registration link for more information

Instruments of Praise• Open to all 6th-12th graders

with at least 2 years experience

• Meets 6:30-7:15pm Wednesdays

• Plays regularly for 11:00 worship

Cantata Retreat Registration Ends on 9/6Thinking about joining the choir for the 2015 Christmas Cantata? Consider attending the Annual Cantata Choir Retreat, held this year on Saturday, September 19, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm. Retreat attendees will leave from FVUMC at 8:00 am to travel together to Camp Agape for a day of cantata rehearsals as well as fun and fellowship!

Retreat cost is $10 per person (includes lunch) and is open to ALL – new members are welcome! Retreat attendance is not required for cantata participation, but it’s a great way to get a jump start on the music and to know your fellow choir members! Register online to attend at

Contact Jennifer Harrenstein (, 919-552-4331 ext. 105) for more information.

Kids NPraise Children’s Music Starts September 9

• Online registration now available at

• Meets Wednesdays at 4:30 pm beginning September 9

• Open to 3 year olds through 6th grade

• Includes choir, rhythm instruments, handbells, handchimes, creative movement, drama, Bible lessons, games and more!

• Church and community members are welcome!

Questions? Contact Jennifer Harrenstein, Director of Music Ministries, at or 919-552-4331 ext. 105.

Christmas Cantata Choir Is Open to All

The Christmas Cantata Choir is open to all (even if you don’t regularly sing with the choir!) and registration is now open!

Cantata rehearsals will begin on Wednesday, September 23, 8:15 – 8:45 pm and Thursday, September 24, 7:00 – 7:20 pm (attend on Wednesday OR Thursday night according to what fits best with your schedule!)

In addition to weekly Wednesday or Thursday night rehearsals, there will be three Saturday morning rehearsals (Oct. 17, Nov. 21 & Dec. 12) leading up to the cantata performance on Sunday, December 13 at 9:30 & 11:00 am.

All are welcome and previous experience is not required – this is a great short-term way to try singing with a FVUMC choir! Register to participate at

Contact Jennifer Harrenstein (, 919-552-4331 ext. 105) for more information.


You’re Invited to Come and SingGod calls each of us to serve in unique ways, and for some that calling is to serve in the choir! Choir membership is not only a great way to offer back to God from the gifts He has blessed you with, but also proves to be a source of abundant blessing through fellowship with the body of Christ.

Praise Choir• Rehearses weekly on

Thursdays, 7:00–8:00pm in the Choir Room

• Sings weekly on Sundays during the 9:30am service

• No previous experience required

• Join anytime with no registration – just show up!

Worship Choir• Rehearses weekly on

Wednesdays, 7:15–8:45pm in the Choir Room

• Sings weekly on Sundays during 11:00am service

• No previous experience required

• Join anytime; no registration

For more information about any of our music ministries, contact Jennifer Harrenstein, Director of Music Ministries, at or 919-552-4331 ext. 105 or Ashley Kotz, Director of Traditional Music, at or 919-552-4331, ext. 115.

Praise Choir Open HouseJoin us for a Praise Choir Open House on Thursday, September 17, 7:00 pm in the Choir Room. This is an opportunity to check out what it's like to sing for 9:30 worship with the Praise Choir, with no strings attached.

The Thursday night atmosphere is casual with good fellowship and good music... previous experience is not required! Just show up and enjoy singing with us! For more information, contact Jennifer Harrenstein (, 919-552-4331 ext. 105).

Instrumentalists Wanted!The Instruments of Praise is FVUMC’s orchestral ensemble which plays in the 11:00 worship service. Additional instrumentalists are needed! The group includes woodwinds, brass, strings and percussion, and is open to adults and youth with at least 2 years playing experience.

We rehearse on Wednesdays from 6:30–7:15pm in the centrum. All are welcome – please come and check it out, or contact Ashley Kotz at or 919-552-4331, ext. 115 for more information.

Handbell Choir Openings

The FVUMC Handbell Program has openings for both beginning (no experience) and intermediate (some experience and/or music reader) ringers. Rehearsals are on Sunday afternoons during the school year (starting in September). Anyone interested in ringing should contact Jennifer Harrenstein, Director of Music Ministries, at or 552-4331 ext. 105. Don’t wait: space is limited!

Beginner Handbell Class

Starts 9/13FVUMC Handbell Ministries will offer a Beginner Class on Sundays, 3:30 – 4:30 pm beginning September 13 in the Choir Room. This free class will meet on September 13, 20, 27 and October 4 and is open to any adult interested in learning to ring handbells. No prior experience is needed—this is truly a class for beginners, and we will teach you everything you need to know. No performances required—simply come and learn! Space for participation is limited, so register today at or contact Jennifer Harrenstein ( or 919-552-4331 ext. 105) or Ashley Kotz ( or 919-552-4331 ext. 115) for more information.


Help Boy Scouts Replace Their VansFor safety reasons, the Boy Scouts of America has banned any 15-passenger van older than 2005 from being used for scouting events.

Unfortunately, this affects all of our Boy Scout Troop vans. The Troop recently formed a committee to assess ongoing needs and alternative solutions. Thanks to a generous donation, our Troop has already replaced one van, and needs to replace two other vans.

If you are interested in helping our Boy Scout Troop through connecting them with good, used, van replacements, or helping our Troop with a donation toward the purchase of replacement vans, please contact Chris Kempin at 919.740.1396 or or Tim Brady at 919-345-7019 or

2015 Budget SummaryDetailed monthly financial reports are always available

in the church office for your review.

Total Annual Budget $ 1,514,405.35Budget needed YTD - 8/30/15 $ 892,339.90Received YTD - 8/30/15 $ 897,090.71 Difference $ 4,750.81

Building Fund Restricted Account - 7/31/15 $ 68,283.56Building (Brick & Mortar Expenses Only) Restricted Account $ 20,000.00 Total - 7/31/15 $ 88,283.56

YTD Budget Expenditures as of 7/31/2015 $ 781,497.70

Sunday Worship AttendanceAug


9Aug 16

Aug 23

Aug 30

Monthly Average

2015 Average

8:00am 87 80 75 76 77 79 789:30am 356 308 380 345 427 363 37911:00am 269 236 203 256 249 242 282Total 712 624 658 677 753 684 739

Support Boy Scout Troop 320’s Philmont Crew Applebee's Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser• Saturday, September 19, 2015

• 7:30-10 AM

• Fuquay Applebees

• Tickets cost $7 each and can be bought at the door or pre-purchased by e-mailing

Come to Applebees and help send Boy Scout Troop 320’s High Adventure Crew to Philmont - a high adventure ranch in New Mexico run by the Boy Scouts of America.

Troop 320's high adventure crew will be completing a 12-day hike in July 2016. This is a trip of lifetime for these older scouts, and they are working diligently now to prepare for backpacking miles of rugged, rocky trails.

We are a Christ-Centered Community that Loves God, Learns God, Serves God and Shares God.

100 S. Judd Parkway SE Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526

phone: 919-552-4331 fax: 919-557-7458 web:

Office Hours:

Monday-Thursday: 8:30-5:00pm, Friday: 8:30-1:00pm

Lead Pastor Gene Tyson

Pastor of Welcoming & Congregational CareValerie Tyson

Pastor of Christian Formation & Missional OutreachMatt Seaton

Fuquay-VarinaUnited Methodist Church