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Post on 31-May-2015

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All Photos by Gluck

Nature and Culture

(Inouye & Tilman 1995)

Protecting Nature

Game-Ranchingin Southern Africa


Gras Ranch

“If you have a vehicle and a canvas tent, then almost overnight a conservancy can be covering its costs … people see that the wildlife does have value … poaching stops almost overnight … It becomes socially unacceptable”.



Greg Stuart-Hill - WWF Namibia

As local peoples are removed from their lands, or subsist in severely degraded ecosystems, and are absorbed into a market economy in which normally there is little room for traditional subsistence practices and resource use, local ecological knowledge and beliefs and the accumulated wisdom about human-environment relationships begin to lose their relevance to their lives. This phenomenon has been called the ‘extinction of experience’

The Extinction of Experience

(Maffi On Biocultural Diversity - 2001)

South Africa

Cattle to Game Ranch


Greater Species RichnessGreater Species Diversity

Photos & AnalysisBy Ekofocus

SouthernWhite Rhino


Tholo game Preserve

Ecosystem Services

Old and New Modelsof

Natural Resource management

Top-Down Regulation