Sera Aquarium Guide 3

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Sera Aquarium Guide 3 - Sera Biotope11244_sera_Like_A_Dream_2012-11_US


Relax with



For natural aquariums

The world of aquariumswith sera Biotop Cubeswith sera Biotop Cubes

Like a dream

Aquarienbroschüre US.indd 17 06.11.2012 13:16:07


Small aquariums can also benefi t very much from a beautifully designed artifi cial background. The aquarium will resemble a natural environment if you repeat the background design ele-ments, roots in this case, in other places inside the aquarium. A setup with many plants that remain small provides plenty of

swimming space for the fi sh and allows for unique insights in the shoaling behavior of the Espe’s Rasboras kept here. The wonderful coloration of the Variatus Platies becomes particu-larly well visible in this aquarium.

sera Biotop Nano Cube 60 (No. 1)

Espe’s Rasbora (Trigonostigma espei) 15

High Fin Variatus Platy (Xiphophorus variatus) 10

1 Stone with Spiky moss 3

2 Rorippa aquatica 2

3 Aponogeton longiplumulosus 1

4 Echinodorus horemanii “Red” 1

Plants, Decoration No. Fish No.






Aquarienbroschüre US.indd 2 06.11.2012 13:15:20

A miniature garden in the aquarium? Why not! You can eas-ily create a small path in the aquarium with a rock boundary or with different bottom materials. A root will make an excellent tree, and small leaved plants provide a beautiful plant thicket.

You can provide the fi sh a mixture of hideaways and free areas this way. The natural behavior of the fi sh can be excellently ob-served. This little underwater garden will delight you over and over again.


sera Biotop Nano Cube 60 (No. 2)

Plants No. Fish No.

Ember Tetra (Hyphessobrycon amandae) 10

Panda Cory (Corydoras panda) 6

Endler’s Guppy (Poecilia wingei)


1 Microsorium pteropus 1

2 Alternanthera reineckii 1

3 Cryptocoryne nevillii 1

4 Bacopa caroliniana 1

5 Lilaeopsis novae zealandiae 3

6 Cryptocoryne sp. “Green Gecko” 1

7 Echinodorus x “Red October” 1

8 Rotala indica 1









Aquarienbroschüre US.indd 3 06.11.2012 13:15:22


Due to its most prominent inhabitants, two Shell Dwelling Cich-lid pairs, this tank is set up like a habitat from Lake Tanganyika in Africa. If you wish to watch the special behavior of the Shell Dwelling Cichlids you should by all means put some empty snail shells into the aquarium. The fi sh immediately move into

suitable snail shells, and with a little luck you can even watch them raising fry. The colorful Platies and Mollies provide some color in the aquarium and live together with the Shell Dwelling Cichlids peacefully.

sera Biotop Nano Cube 60 (No. 3)

Shell Dwelling Cichlid (Neolamprologus ocellatus)


Golden Tuxedo Comet Platy (Xiphophorus maculatus) 5

Red Diamond Molly (Poecilia latipinna) 10

1 Bolbitis heudelotii 1

2 Stone with Anubias barteri var. nana 2

3 Stone with Taxiphyllum spec. 1

4 Cryptocoryne wendtii 5

Plants, Decoration No. Fish No.2




4 4 4 4 4

Aquarienbroschüre US.indd 4 06.11.2012 13:15:24


Very densely planted aquariums, so-called Dutch style planted aquariums, are excellently suitable for people with a green thumb. Different plant colors and leaf shapes provide contrast.

The selection of calm and sociable fi sh – such as Serpae Tetras, Rainbowfi sh and Dwarf Gouramis – support the natural calm appearance of this aquarium.

sera Biotop Nano Cube 60 (No. 4)

Serpae Tetra (Hyphessobrycon eques) 10

Neon Rainbowfi sh (Melanotaenia praecox) 6

Midget Sucker Catfi sh (Otocinclus affi nis) 5

Dwarf Gourami, cobalt blue (Colisa lalia)


1 Microsorium pteropus 1

2 Ludwigia spec. “Burgundy Red” 1

3 Hygrophila difformis 1

4 Cryptocoryne lucens 1

5 Lobelia cardinalis 1

6 Nymphaea lotus “Red” 1

7 Lilaeopsis novae zealandiae 4

Plants No. Fish No.

7 7

7 7

12 3



Aquarienbroschüre US.indd 5 06.11.2012 13:15:26


A beautifully structured aquarium such as this one provides the correct living environment for every inhabitant. While Guppies mainly dwell in the upper tank regions and require suffi cient space there, Silver-Tipped Tetras prefer planted edges they

can retreat into if they wish to. The Dainty Corydoras can be observed particularly well while searching for food in free bottom areas, e.g. on the chipped shale zone in this case. All species kept in this tank prefer clean water rich in oxygen.

sera Biotop Nano Cube 60 (No. 5)

Leopard Redtail Guppy (Poecilia reticulata) 10

Dainty Corydoras (Corydoras habrosus) 5

Silver-Tipped Tetra (Hasemania nana) 10

1 Bacopa caroliniana 1

2 Echinodorus latifolius 3

3 Root with Vesicularia dubyana 1

4 Hemianthus callitrichoides 5

Plants, Decoration No. Fish No.



22 4



Aquarienbroschüre US.indd 6 06.11.2012 13:15:27

The livebearing Guppies are among the most popular orna-mental fi sh due to their active swimming behavior and their splendid colors. Their special trait of giving birth to live babies

makes this aquarium very exciting also for children. The added Amano shrimps are grateful scavengers and also take care of undesirable algae.


sera Biotop Nano Cube 60 (No. 6)

Celebes Rainbowfi sh (Telmatherina ladigesi) 10

Amano Shrimp (Caridina japonica) 5

Neon Blue Guppy (Poecilia reticulata) 5

Metallic Flame Guppy (Poecilia reticulata) 5

1 Lobelia cardinalis 2

2 Cabomba spec. “Silver Green” 2

3 Lilaeopsis novae zealandiae 2

4 Cryptocoryne lucens 2

5 Eleocharis parva 2

Plants No. Fish No.

2 2


5 544



Aquarienbroschüre US.indd 7 06.11.2012 13:15:29

This small aquarium also profi ts very much from a beautifully designed background. Using background design elements such as, in this case, stones and roots also in the remaining tank setup will make the tank appear as if cut out of nature. South American Butterfl y Cichlids and African Killi fi sh live to-gether in this aquarium. Although these fi sh originate from dif-

ferent regions they have the same requirements concerning their environment. Both species prefer an aquarium set up with stones, roots and plants that allow hiding. Both species also require free space for swimming. The water should be rather soft (total hardness lower than 10°dH) for keeping these two species.

sera Biotop Nano Cube 60 (No. 7)


Butterfl y Cichlid (Microgeophagus ramirezi) 2

Cape Lopez Lyretail/Killifi sh (Aphyosemion australe) 6

1 Vallisneria spiralis 2

2 Root with Vesicularia dubyana 1

3 Stone with Riccia fl uitans 1

4 Echinodorus ozelot 1

5 Cryptocoryne parva 5

Plants, Decoration No. Fish No.1 1

4 3

2 5

5 5


Aquarienbroschüre US.indd 8 06.11.2012 13:15:34

A terraced setup is easy to create in an aquarium and pro-vides it with an impression of depth. Therefore, plants should be arranged in a way that small species are planted in the fore-ground and tall ones in the background. Rocks and/or roots can ideally be added to this plant arrangement. Fish with

intense colors, such as the Platies in this case, make an at-tractive contrast in aquariums exclusively planted with green plants. Dark bottom gravel as well as a black background ide-ally enhance the colors of the bluish, shimmering Blue Emperor Tetras.

sera Biotop Nano Cube 60 (No. 8)


Dwarf Gourami (Colisa lalia)


Golden Tuxedo Platy (Xiphophorus maculatus) 5

Blue Emperor Tetra (Inpaichthys kerri) 10

Red Mickey Mouse Platy (Xiphophorus maculatus) 5

1 Ceratophyllum demersum 1

2 Lilaeopsis novae zealandiae 4

3 Echinodorus bolivianus 3

Plants No. Fish No.







Aquarienbroschüre US.indd 9 06.11.2012 13:15:36

The orange bottom gravel is in this case a color highlight. Less colorful fi sh such as Dawn Tetras from Paraguay, which shim-mer with many facets, have been selected for enhancing the

color effects. This fi sh is particularly impressive when kept in a beautiful shoal. Dawn Tetras may even breed in an aquarium, proper maintenance provided.

sera Biotop Nano Cube 60 (No. 9)


Agassiz’s Dwarf Cichlid (Apistogramma agassizii)


Dawn Tetra (Aphyocharax paraguayensis) 15

Neon Rainbowfi sh (Melanotaenia praecox)


1 Rotala indica 1

2 Root with Spiky moss 1

3 Hemianthus callitrichoides 2

4 Crinum calamistratum 1

5 Cryptocoryne wendtii 1

6 Eleocharis parva 5

Plants, Decoration No. Fish No.1


3 3


64 6


6 6

Aquarienbroschüre US.indd 10 06.11.2012 13:15:38

You will have great, unobstructed view at your fi sh. This can be achieved by mainly doing without tall growing plants. Structural elements such as a beautiful root provide optical balance. This root will have a very lively and enlivening appearance if it is planted. Watching the fi sh and their splendid coloration is now

particularly enjoyable. Livebearing orange Platies, colorful Rainbowfish, a shoal of bright red Serpae Tetras and the Gouramis with their individual character will provide you new experiences again and again.

sera Biotop Cube 130 XXL (No. 1)


1 Ceratophyllum demersum 1

2 Micranthemum umbrosum 1

3 Root with Anubias barteri “Bonsai“ 1

4 Lilaeopsis brasiliensis 7

Plants, Decoration No.

Lake Ajamaru Rainbowfi sh (Melanotaenia boesemani)


Blue Gourami (Trichogaster trichopterus)


Fish No.

Agassiz’s Dwarf Cichlid (Apistogramma agassizii)


Midget Sucker Catfi sh (Otocinclus affi nis) 10

Serpae Tetra (Hyphessobrycon eques) 15

Fish No.








Aquarienbroschüre US.indd 11 06.11.2012 13:15:39

Correct plant selection allows you to create unbelievable depth effect with the sera Biotop Cube 130 XXL, which will lead to new discoveries again and again. When choosing the animals we made sure that a fi sh or shrimp species is added for every water zone (surface, middle layers, bottom). The tank will be evenly inhabited this way, and there will be no fi ghting among

the animals. This aquarium setup will provide you with an impressing, fascinating underwater world.

sera Biotop Cube 130 XXL (No. 2)


Bleeding Heart Tetra (Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma) 15

Silver Molly (Poecilia sphenops)


Yellow Tuxedo Helleri (Xiphophorus helleri)


Fish No.

Red Lyra Molly (Poecilia sphenops “Lyra Red”)


Amano Shrimp (Caridina japonica) 15

Butterfl y Cichlid (Microgeophagus ramirezi) 2

Fish No.

1 Root with Microsorium pteropus 1

2 Heteranthera zosterifolia 1

3 Limnophila aquatica 1

4 Echinodorus x “Red Devil” 1

5Echinodorus x “Regine Hildebrandt”


6 Rorippa aquatica 1

7 Echinodorus latifolius 1

8 Eleocharis acicularis 2

9 Micranthemum umbrosum 1

10 Pogostemon helferi 2

11 Eleocharis parva 5

Plants, Decoration No.


8 8








11 11 11 11


Aquarienbroschüre US.indd 12 06.11.2012 13:15:42

Goldfi sh aquariums have a special appeal due to the large, beautiful and actively swimming goldfi sh. Unfortunately, these aquariums got a bad reputation due to inappropriate keeping conditions in so-called Goldfi sh bowls. The sera Biotop Cube 130 XXL now fi nally allows keeping these interesting and fast companion according to their requirements. Goldfi sh develop

their own personality like no other fi sh species, convincing everybody with their charming personality. Different breeding forms ensure a large selection of very beautiful fi sh. Goldfi sh are considered very easy-to-keep pets and belong to the coldwater fi sh. They therefore do not require a heater in their aquarium.

sera Biotop Cube 130 XXL (No. 3)


Fancy Goldfi sh that remain small (e.g. Ryukin, Red Cap) 6 1 Root with

Vesicularia dubyana 1

2 Lilaeopsis brasiliensis 3

3 Rotala indica 1

4 Sagittaria pusilla 2

5 Nymphaea lotus 1

6 Cryptocoryne nevillii 1

7 Alternanthera reineckii 2

Fish No. Plants, Decoration No.1







4 5


Aquarienbroschüre US.indd 13 06.11.2012 13:15:43

sera siporax Professional is the highly effective fully biological fi lter medium for all internal, external and trickle fi lters in freshwater and marine aquariums as well as for pond fi lters.

The structure of sera siporax Professional is open pored, three di-mensional and functional. This structure allows the formation of very powerful biofi lms that grow into the pores and cover their walls. The pores provide the ideal size for ensuring water currents and bacteria being supplied in the long run. The biofi lm even breaks down nitrate (denitrifi cation) in the deep zones of the pore structure where oxygen levels are lower.

Not only nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria grow within the biofi lm of sera siporax Professional, but also those that break down organic matter. Dying bacteria therefore do not clog the pores but are bro-ken down biologically. The biofi lm grows and shrinks according to water pollution, and so adapts to the requirements. sera siporax Professional is therefore the only fi lter material that cleans itself biologically.

Due to the special pore structure, sera siporax Professional devel-ops its own ideal water current. This allows using it in fast fl ow, slow fl ow and trickle fi lters.

sera � lter biostartsera filter biostart immedi-ately accelerates the biologi-cal filter performance. Sludge and unpleasant odors will no longer occur. The enzymes break down organic material (uneaten food, fish waste) into smaller fragments. These are then broken down further by the highly active micro orga-nisms in the filter.

sera siporax mini Professional130 g (4.5 oz.) 270 g (9.5 oz.)

sera siporax Professional 500 ml (145 g/5.1 oz.),1,000 ml (290 g/10.2 oz.), 10 l (2.9 kg/6.4 lb.),50 l (14.5 kg/32 lb.)

sera siporax – for crystal clear water in freshwater and marine aquariums as well as in pond � lters

Pore structure on the surface Pore structure on the inside Inner surface settled by bacteria fi lms

Three dimensional tunnel structure

sera siporax

NO- 3

NO- 2





Aquarienbroschüre US.indd 14 06.11.2012 13:15:52

Best water quality with seraIt is essential for fi sh that an effi cient fi lter system keeps the water in the aquarium clean and balanced. The water condi-tioner maintains water parameters in the aquarium suitable for fi sh, and an effective protectant removes chlorine, nitrite and ammonia.

sera toxivec: Less water changessera toxivec immediately eliminates chlorine, chloramines, ammonium, ammonia, nitrite, and it prevents nitrate formation. Treatment remainders are broken down. sera toxivec with the innovative QuickClean Formula thus removes all dangerous pollutants from the aquarium water.

Advantages:• Immediately added fi sh are protected• Less algae growth• Less water changes

sera aquatan: Fish friendly, crystal clear water in freshwater and marine aquariumssera aquatan with the new sera Bio-Protect Formula imme-diately conditions tap water to fi sh friendly fresh and marine water. The fi sh feel visibly better in the healthy, clear water according to their natural requirements. Aquarium maintenance thus requires less efforts, and the hobby is more enjoyable.

Advantages:• Trouble-free fi sh transport due to the pH neutral sera For-

mula• Splendid colors and liveliness due to iodine• Mucous membrane and gill protection due to skin protect-

ing colloids• Enzyme activation by magnesium for healthy

fi sh growth• Less stress and nerve system support due

to vitamin B• Does not change the pH value, even in

case of overdosing • Heavy metals are immediately bound• Immediate removal of aggressive chlorine

sera bio nitrivec: Biologically healthy aquarium watersera bio nitrivec, a sera biotechnology product, breaks down ammonium and nitrite due to the included purification bacteria. The added mineral volcanic rock removes pollutants, effectively binds cloudiness and provides settling space for the purification bacteria. Calcium, potassium and magne-sium are deposited in the volcanic rock – indispensable minerals that are constantly consumed in an aquarium. For healthy, clear and biologically active water.


• Enzyme activation by magnesium for healthy

sera toxivec competitor 1 competitor 2

zero chlorinewith sera toxivec




l (m


time (min.)0





40 80 120 160 200



m le

vel (



quick ammonium bindingwith sera toxivec

time (min.)0





40 80 120 160 200

pH value neutrality at KH 06,8






5,60 normal



Copper removal

after 5 minutes







sera aquatan competitor 1 competitor 2

sera toxivec 50 ml (1.7 fl .oz.), 100 ml (3.38 fl .oz.), 250 ml (8.45 fl .oz.), 500 ml (16.9 fl .oz.), 2,500 ml (2.5 US qt.), 5,000 ml (1.3 US gal.)

sera bio nitrivec50 ml (1.7 fl .oz.), 100 ml (3.38 fl .oz.), 250 ml (8.45 fl .oz.), 500 ml (16.9 fl .oz.), 2,500 ml (2.5 US qt.), 5,000 ml (1.3 US gal.)

sera aquatan50 ml (1.7 fl .oz.), 100 ml (3.38 fl .oz.), 250 ml (8.45 fl .oz.), 500 ml (16.9 fl .oz.), 2,500 ml (2.5 US qt.), 5,000 ml (1.3 US gal.)

Aquarienbroschüre US.indd 15 06.11.2012 13:15:57

Dive into an exotic underwater world! Enjoy a little adventure at home and forget the dull routine of every-day life!

sera makes it as convenient as possible for you: The integrated technology and good advice make everything very easy: it never before required such little effort to maintain an aquarium.

Aquariums have to perform from the beginning!

This is one of our guiding principles, and we have indeed worked intensely on this concept. Not only on our Cube aquariums – be it with newest LED

illumination technology or with fl uorescent tubes!

Our Nano Cube aquarium is “bigger” because it ex-ceeds the requirements outlined in an animal protection expertise of the German Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection.

Be it 60 liters (16 US gal.) or 130 liters (34 US gal.): The sera Cubes provide more space for real small biotopes. In cooperation with ornamental fish wholesaler and breeder Peter Merz from Heinsberg/Germany, the sera research department has developed 12 different bio-topes: recommended animals were chosen according to the aquarium sizes. There will be no stress, since not all species harmonize with each other! The quantities the selection of fi sh and plant species is well balanced. This supports a natural equilibrium and stable conditions in the aquarium.

Low-maintenance fi shkeeping is fun!Biotope Aquariums by sera.

Relax with 7 Biotope aquarium!



7 GmbH • D 52518 Heinsberg • Germany

Printed in Germany

The world of aquariumswith sera Biotop Cubes

Like a dream

Aquarienbroschüre US.indd 16 06.11.2012 13:16:02