Sercomtel presentation at IBM Connect 2014

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Sercomtel presentation at IBM Connect 2014 about their Corporate Social Network project


© 2014 IBM Corporation

ECE204: SERCOMTEL Delivers Velocity and Accuracy in Customer Care Services Orlando Miguel Vivan, Sercomtel S.A. Luister Bonzanini, LB2 – IBM Partner


About Sercomtel

Focus on customer care

Tool Purchasing Process

Deployment and on-the-job-training

Tools Comparisons and benefits

Conclusion, Next Steps, and Recommendations


About Sercomtel


Public Telecom Company – HQ located in Londrina – Paraná State, south

of Brazil.

Population of 537,566 (IBGE/2013);

Company’s shareholders: Londrina City Hall and COPEL (55% and 45%).


Sercomtel Operates in 13 cities across Paraná providing

voice and data services;

5 300,000 customers;

Sercomtel and Copel – Partnership


Sercomtel and Copel have an agreement to transport voice and data 13 cities voice/broadband

66 cities COPEL partnership

Sercomtel – Administrative Structure


PRESIDENT Christian Perillier


PARTNERS County: 55% Copel: 45%

Administration Council

Finance Council

VICE-PRESIDENT Eloiza Abi Antoun

DMKS Marketing

DAFI Adm./Finance

DCOM Commercial

DEOP Engineering and


Telecom Scenario in Londrina

Players – Fixed Telephony / Broadband


Players – Mobile


Focus on Customer Care

Focus on Customer Care


Goals – Offer state-of-the-art technology to customers – Customer Care Quality – Price – Explore innovation and opportunities in

Telecom Services

Customer Care through: – Personal treatment to customers:

• Stores • Customer´s home

– Call Center (300 assistents)

What tools were available to us?

Call Center and Stores

– An in-house developed CRM software;

– Sercomtel had a collection of 500 documents about products, plans, services;

• Formats: doc, ppt, xls

– These documents were used to help call center and store assistants;

– Only keywords were associated and used to locate documents;


Tool´s Name: Help On-line Sercomtel used an in-house tool developed in 1999:


Interface – Search for Keyword


Document Retrieved


Decision for a new tool

Need of a new tool: – Indicated by the customer care sector;

Problem in that current software: – Difficulty and long time on finding documents;

Evaluation of three different plataforms, with the following features (year 2011): – Collaborative tool; – Sharing files; – Searching data and information; – Wiki tool; – Social platform; – People Collaborating.



Purchasing Process

Purchasing Process June 2012

Bidding Proceeding - (government) acquisition process;

IBM Connections was the successful bidder in the acquisition process;

IBM Connections showed complete adherence to Sercomtel´s need – Without the need of customization



Deployment and training

Consulting in Document Organization

It happens before the deployment – Library Content Organization

• Crisalida (, organized and enhanced the existing documents;

• It took three months to complete the service;

28 Sercomtel´s employees were in charge of review those previous documents.



After the purchase process, an organization was hired:

– Deployment, on-the-job-training and maintenance:

• LB2 (, an IBM Partner has supplied Sercomtel with those services; • Deployment and on-the-job-training took two months; • In the last 15 months, LB2 has provided Sercomtel the maintenance on the system;

In addition, Sercomtel has licences from IBM to have on-line support.



Tools Comparisons and Statistics


IBM Connections – Sercomtel New Interface


Comparison between Connections and the Old Tool Search by tag (keyword)


Comparison between Connections and the Old Tool Document


Comparison between Connections and the Old Tool Search by Product

Landline telephony Mobile telephony




IBM Connections – Sercomtel Search by Content


IBM Connections - Sercomtel Metrics


Total Incoming Calls in a Month Use of Connections in 70% of the calls


Document´s Search with Connections Time Reduction in 50%


Average Attendance Time Reduced Percentage of Average Reduction on Attendance time: 9%








Annual Ammount of Reduced Hours Estimative


Annual Savings with Time Reduction

6440 hours R$ 100,000.00

US$ 41,670.00

71560 hours


Number of Tags


Wiki Pages


Data Growth (MB)


Conclusion, Next Steps, and Recommendations


Conclusion and Next Steps

Savings were a consequence, not the focus; Focus is on the quality and readiness on information to customers;

Employees are concerned about the information they find on library content;

After IBM Connections, employees started interacting more with each other about document’s content and quality, energizing Life's Work and add value to their daily routines;

Next Steps: – Use of Connections as a Collaborative Tool in order to allow comments and

recommendations by the attendants; – Extend the use of Connections to other sectors of Sercomtel.



Focus on Social Collaboration; it enhances interaction among people in the organization;

The information´s organization is extremely important and it must be done by specialized people;

Keep a team to review and create policies in how to maintain wikis, pages and tags;

Access Connect Online to complete your session surveys using any: – Web or mobile browser – Connect Online kiosk onsite



Acknowledgements and Disclaimers

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2014. All rights reserved.

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LB2 is an IBM Partner and Crisalida is an organization specialized in management of files and documents.

Embratel, GVT, Claro, Vivo, Tim, Oi, and Nextel are Trademarks and Telecommunication Company in Brazil

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All customer examples described are presented as illustrations of how those customers have used IBM products and the results they may have achieved. Actual environmental costs and performance characteristics may vary by customer. Nothing contained in these materials is intended to, nor shall have the effect of, stating or implying that any activities undertaken by you will result in any specific sales, revenue growth or other results.